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Breaking Down the Numbers With Benji-Sales | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 122

Over on social media -- on Twitter, specifically -- you may have encountered a gentleman named Benji-Sales. He's an interesting cat: An 'everyday retail worker' with a very sharp mind who deeply analyzes the gaming industry's sales trends and data to great effect. He and I (Colin!) have struck up an online friendship, and I've really enjoyed reading and listening to what he has to say. So obviously, I just had to invite him to Sacred Symbols+. On this episode, we delve into the Big Three: Nintendo, Microsoft, and of course Sony. What is each doing right and wrong, and what can we expect from them in the future? New games, acquisitions, and so much more. This is a really fun episode for industry nerds. Please enjoy. Follow Benji-Sales on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenjiSales Check out his YouTube channel: @Benji-Sales


John Pliskin

Expect a larger acquisition especially in the wake of Sony securing timed deals. Microsoft is a different class of entity, why would take two be off the table when Microsoft has tried to make acquisitions that were double their size lol. Stop thinking small.


Such an amazing episode and very interesting! I think the blue point acquisition is still in the works.

Walker Simmons

The thing that annoys me most about Xbox is that I feel like for at least 5 years the message has been "the game are coming" and we are still waiting. I really hope this generation they actually have some quality exclusives and new IP

Caleb Greer

Excellent discussion, always love your insight, Colin. And Benji seems like a treasure of a human being. Per your guys’ discussion on Xbox on other platforms potentially and who wants or would do what—Phil already talked about it this year. Essentially Phil said Sony and Nintendo aren’t interested right now because apparently Game Pass would be disruptive to those platforms’ strategies, so Phil is open to discussions in the future but is just focusing on open platforms for now (PC, mobile, desktop, etc.). So yeah, looks like he asked them already. Last couple paragraphs of the article if interested. https://www.gamesradar.com/amp/xbox-everywhere-phil-spencer-wants-an-xbox-app-on-as-many-devices-as-possible/

Napoleon in Rags

Great episode!! I love hearing more about the business side of gaming. Any thought to bringing Benji into the LSM family? He would really bring a unique, valuable insight in the gaming industry that would be right at home here. 🤞🏼


“They still haven’t delivered the goods yet.” Psychonauts 2 is my GOTY and Deathloop is one of the best games I’ve recently played. Flight simulator was a 90+ critically and Forza Horizon 5 is very likely to score similarly. Age of Empires 4 and Halo Infinite are still slated for this year, too. Xbox is delivering on quantity, quality and diversity of genre.


I don't know about that; we already have a lot of mouths to feed. But we'll certainly collaborate again.


In no way, shape, or form am I going to let Microsoft take credit for Psychonauts 2 or Deathloop, neither of which they had anything to do with.


Psychonauts 2 has been in development under Xbox for over two years, Deathloop six months. Keep moving those goalposts, Colin.

Brian Salazar

I think the switch’s success isn’t all that surprising when you think of it as a Nintendo handheld

Parker Petrov

DoubleFine has said that the verison of Psychonauts 2 we have today wouldn't exist without Microsoft. It was the funding they provided that allowed them to add features like boss battles back into the game. Microsoft fundamentally made Psychonauts 2 better. Deathloop is what it is. Microsoft provided some of the funding to finish the game but at the end of the day. Its like being on practice squad of a Superbowl champion. You still get the ring. At the end of the day deathloop is a Microsoft title. Were they instrumental in its creation no. But they did pay the staff for almost a year. They paid the benefits, 401k contributions and gave arkane one of the most valuable assets which is time. They allowed them to delay a title to make it better and paid for it. When tehy could have just said release it in its current state to complete the contract and move on to something for us.

David P

Not giving MS credit for Psychonauts 2 is very disingenuous. I won't repeat what others replied to you with but Double Fine has been very public with how being under Microsoft helped shape the game.


This was a fascinating discussion, really enjoyed this one guys.

Michael Miller

So awesome that you guys got Benji on! Excellent episode.