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On Sacred Symbols, we love to get into the nitty-gritty by talking about as many games as possible. It's easy to get excited about the plethora of releases, but what about analyzing the overall strategy? From leadership to how they interact with their audience, Sony has completely shifted their overall dynamics since the PlayStation 4 generation. I (Dustin) brought on PlayStation-centric YouTuber MBG to discuss Sony and PlayStation's overall strategy thus far, and to speculate on what's next. Enjoy!

Follow MBG on Twitter: https://twitter.com/xMBGx 

Check out MBG on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MuscleBoundGamer 



Brandon Breeland

Hoping the next PlayStation centric YouTuber brought on for an episode is Mystic (Ryan). Should be fun to check this one out, and I'm loving the new personalities coming in for episodes!

Ryan Harvey

Hell yea! I was wondering when you would bring him on! Will have to have him on again once Abandoned is revealed 😃


This is pretty awesome , I've been a fan of MBG for about 2 years now and a subscriber . Like Brandon above me said , you guys should get Mystic on as well he's another huge Playstation specific YouTuber .

Luis Sanchez

Nice, love MBG!!! It was only a matter of time before a collab.

Lee Bull

Such an awesome collaboration 👏


I've reached out to Mystic twice. The first time, he said he was too busy. The second time, he didn't answer. That's the last time I'll be asking, with respect. <3 -Colin

D'Ante Almo

Bring on Ryan please.

james o halloran

Christ almighty mbg. Really dislike his content on YouTube, click bait, fan boy rants. I followed sacred symbols to get away from this kind of take on gaming.


Wow yippeeee! I am really interested in the topic. PlayStation nowadays is such a farcry from the previous generation. It's sad really.

Dr Stump

Hell yeah! Can't wait to listen on my 45 minute commute home. I was hoping you'd get MBG on at some point especially considering he's big into the Abandoned thing


Yikes! MBG? I guess you can do worst but I get it. There’s not many respectable PlayStation content creators out there. Content aside he’s a nice guy and appreciate his hustle.

Matthew Two T's

Spotify doesn't stop you from buying music. Netflix doesn't stop you from buying shows. Game Pass doesn't stop you from buying games. The only thing Game Pass does is lower the floor for entry and gets more eyes on your game than you would've had at $60. In fact you can look at shows like Game of Thrones that were entirely built with the HBO subscription structure. Quality doesn't have to lack. PlayStations best selling games only have 10-15% attach rates. A subscription model could easily introduce that other 80%.

Piston Pants

Why is this guy surprised about people thinking he is a bandwagon jumper when he switched over from xbox content at a time when they had nothing going on to the ps4 when it was red hot? I'm not saying his reasons are fraudulent but optically you have to admit it doesn't seem like a stretch.

Steve hamilton

Spotify and Netflix have absolutely stopped me from buying music and tv shows.


I'd much rather hear colin on his own than have playstation fanboys jump on these podcasts


I’m surprised MarlonGamingNation isn’t on the list. He’s a PS fanboy, but he’ll highlight Sony BS with no remorse. And he’s hilarious.


Just saying there has to be better choices for PS content creators. Mystic is right up there with you guys with the PS content he makes.


Yeah I agree - interesting choice to spotlight MBG. He’s full-on fanboy and has carved a name for himself by recently switching from Xbox to PlayStation. He’s brash and stokes the console war flames. He’s loud and regurgitates content, from what I’ve seen. To each their own, though!


Could I download this podcast as an audio file? I am still new to Patreon.

Parker Petrov

MBG really? i don't mind seeing other creators but maybe highlight creators who doesn't stoke fanboy plastic wars and doesn't spin everything PlayStation does to lollipops and sunshine.


Haha holy shit “MGB”! (Lol Dustin) Been following MBG for years. So cool to see both of my favorite PlayStation YouTubers / podcasters converge.


It seems people don't like Dustin's friends

Hose A Contra Razz

Just to be honest did not finish the podcast did not enjoy it, I don’t know why I was just meh.

Mike Po

For me, it felt like the section in the middle of the podcast discussing TLOU Part 2 and YouTube in general was the weak part. It just got a little off topic there, and not in an interesting way. Just some constructive criticism!


A small, vocal group of people saying just about anything in no way represent the greater whole, good or bad. We'll continue to have on a wide array of guests. -Colin


It’s cool to see Dustin hosting more shows.


Y'all so negative damn. Podcast was cool. Maybe you could ask RobinGaming he'd be a great guest.

James Good

What a baffling choice for a guest and an episode. The entire episode was spent by MBG complaining about how he hates being called labelled as a fanboy and a shill while admitting that he would play ball with Sony PR for exclusive access. This guy isn't just a playstation crerator, he makes low quality clickbait content designed to stoke silly fanboy wars.


Dude this interview was terrible, MBG had Soooo many terrible takes and Dustin never had the balls to call them out. Smh 🤦🏾‍♂️


Howso? I don't get some of these comments. I never heard of the guy before and, to me, this was a highly interesting conversation to listen to. What was wrong with it/him?

Craig Mcguire

I tried with this episode (I said I would Dustin) but unfortunately MBG just isn't my cup of tea. Was nice to see Dustin do his thing though and I would like to see this format continue, I'm not sure MBG was a good fit, not for me anyway. I just think theres other content creators with deeper insight and knowledge of PS and frankly just more interesting personalities, Brokengames, Robin, Brian from PS5 trophies to name a few. I think a discussion on ND with Robin would be very interesting. Excited to see where this goes but obviously not every guest will appeal to everyone.


Yea I’m not a fan of MBG either. No personal issue with him, I just think he comes off like a fanboy at best or dishonest at worst. Just my two cents.

Christian Longo

Great episode, don’t get why people are crying so much


Damn, I thought it was going to be MysticRyan. Edit: Seems like that ship might have sailed. Oh well. Edit 2: Guess I gotta do a lil' bit of research on Mr. MBG because I don't know the guy and I'm wondering why he's disliked. Very interesting. Edit 3: Just finished the episode and all negative shit aside. No mention of Nintendo? That's wild.


Great! Episode dustin! Don’t let the negative comments about mbg stop you from bringing him in again! Really enjoyed this episode.


I'm confused... Isn't the PS5 8k capable? It says 8k on the box. Why would they need a newer console for 8k content? Maybe I missed something

james o halloran

Hey it's 8k capable but really can't pump out graphically intensive games at that resolution. I think the only game that can do that is the tourist a small indoor game. So in order to pump out The last of us 2 at 8k more power would be required and hence the need for a new model. Hope that helps🙂

Shawn Yorn

Overall was a better episode that I expected! Still kinda :\ on having MBG on though. I tend to come to SS to get away from the fanboyism. Love SS. <3


Love MBG, been a listener of his for years. Cool to see him on.


MBG seems like a nice guy but things he says come across like a console war fanboy. Understand he has his fanbase, had never heard of him before this so I had no preconceived notions but understand the comments here after listening. regardless, I do like these style videos and hope LSM keeps bringing on guests we might not expect! Turns into some of my favorite content, like the PIxel art episode. Also - again, will continue to hope we DON'T have a mid-gen refresh. Just PS5 and Xbox Series X for the next 7-8 years then new consoles.

Daniel Meegan

I love these SS+ episodes where it’s just general PlayStation talk. Great work guys!

The Eclectic Gamer

Returnal, Ratchet & Clank, Chicory, and now Deathloop, with Kena coming next week. Console exclusives FTW!!!

The Eclectic Gamer

Anyone playing on Xbox is “neu gamrr” type, and likely in their 20s…can’t support that machine

Joey Burgos

Great episode..love MBG

Douglas Morreale

Abandoned content = instant skip on any podcast. Shit's dumb on all fronts.


Oof. This guy? This one's not for me. See y'all on the next one


You and me both! I took off work and stayed up for three days just to get my PS5. Really not looking forward to a repeat of that for a “PS5 Pro” or whatever they call it lmao


This was a great show!!! Thank you Dustin!

Paul Andrew

Love Dustin's slide into depression. He's kind of got a joker arc going and I dig it


Loved this episode Dustin & MBG works well.


Agree with most of the comments. Though Dustin was great and would like to see him do more interviews. But the guest came across as so much of a fanboy that I couldn't finish the episode. Fingers crossed for the next one!

ender wiggin

Please dont bring this guy back.

Kevin Cooper

I think it's worth noting that a lot of the MBG hate comments on here are from people who never liked his content even before listening to this episode.


While I understand this podcast might not have been for me, this episode was of a noticeably lower quality than what LSM normally puts out.

David P

Enjoyed the episode well enough. Clearly MBG has his preferences and biases (which isn't a bad thing, he just wears it on his sleeve) but having zero context for the guy he's fine here. I do want to agree with what he said about the xbox community, I see a lot of comments that boil down to not being interested if it isn't on gamepass. These people were probably never all that interested in the game to begin with, I have to imagine. I would never want to buy a game like edith finch even though I enjoyed it, but alas, there it was for a good rental. Gamepass supplements how I enjoy games, sometimes that's buying and sometimes it will be renting, or using it to preview things. I'll always bounce in and out of the service.


Really disliked this episode. I don’t wanna sound like a hater because i’m happy sacred symbols+ has a wide array of guests and voices, but this was probably the worst guest that has ever been on the show. This is not a knock on dustin btw; i like when interviewers let the guests talk. Just not vibing with MBG at all. No disrespect to that guy, just wanted to throw my feedback out there. Keep up the great work though in getting lots of guests! I did want Mystic to be on the show too. I hope he eventually reaches out.

Greg Hommel

I agree it seems that God Of War is not going to be a significant upgrade, but who cares. Call Of Duty: Ghosts on a technical level, should have been the upgrade that Modern Warfare was. Look at all the engine exploitation that took place in between. With the sales of Call Of Duty every year, no one should begrudge Sony Santa Monica one title that bridges generations that isn’t a crazy improvement. Especially when the first iteration was amazing.

The Gaming Worker

Listening to this episode at the moment: PSX was mentioned. I know that we all miss PSX, but I wonder if any of you have truly thought about what PSX would actually look like now. Would you really want PSX now that Gio Corsi, Shawn Layden, Adam Boyes, etc., are gone? You may not like everyone on this list, but these were the fun, public-facing execs who accelerated PSX in the first place. Who is there to cheer for now? Jim Ryan? Herman Hulst? Are you going to clap when these dry bones come out on stage? Don’t get me started on Sid Shuman. I don’t want to see these dudes. Team Xbox has a much better roster when it comes to public-facing execs—just saying!