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Halo Infinite has sent fans on quite the roller coaster with its up and down marketing cycle. At the heart of it lies a very encouraging yet tiny slice experienced from the technical preview. Beyond that, we are see core features delayed as 343 leans into the excuse making familiar with service titles. Topping it off with a major adjustment to progression via the battle pass challenges as well as a campaign requiring polish for previews despite its upcoming launch and it's time for a gutcheck. Where does the fanbase sit? Is it time for concern as 343 steers this ship through the best time to release a Halo game given the anniversary celebrations?




Haven't listened yet, but I want to point out a few of the positives we now know about the campaign: 1) The art style (not talking about graphics here) is ridiculously on point. One of the biggest issues hardcore Halo fans had with Halo 5 was the art direction. 2) The core gameplay is going to be great based on what we've seen in that infamous demo and the technical preview. 3) The Banished will be the main enemies instead of the Prometheans. Hell, we haven't seen a single Promethean weapon yet. A huge let down in Halo 4 and 5 was that these robot guys were never as fun as fighting the squishy aliens. Also, keep in mind that the Banished will include both Brutes and Elites so we avoid Halo 3's problem where there were no enemy Elites. Finally, Halo Wars 2 fans know Atriox makes a very good "big bad". 4) Halo Infinite will have very open environments. Both Halo 2 and 4 suffered because they funneled you into too many corridors. 5) 60 frames per second baby.

Nathan R

Still listening, but I think the Halo team said you can change challenges. ie: if you have a sniper challenge you can change it out for a different one. I am not sure if that is random or not. That being said I still hate this progression model. In COD I don’t do the challenges and I still move in the battle pass due to its match points. Like y’all are saying. This will change how people play and I hate loosing in Halo. It’s not in my blood, lol.


I can easily see 343 setting challenge progression up as the default method to gain XP for the free to play component, but giving game pass subscribers or those who own the game access to the larger suite of Ranked Slayer and more options and access to XP gain. Not assuming this is what they’re doing, but I can’t help but feel like there’s going to be a difference between free to play and paid multiplayer.

Phil Walker

Great episode guys. Im wondering how you would have felt about Halo 2 if, at the time, you would have had any insight into the hell that the game went through. We know now that the game, campaign especially, is a shell in terms of content and visuals compared to what was planned. But it was still critically lauded at launch. These days we know so much about what goes on behind the curtain that I feel it sets our biases unfairly vs just getting a game and playing it. I agree though however, that the game is coming in hot, and if the campaign is still sub-par after the delays and cuts, 343 have a really big issue on their hands


Cognito keep being you brotha. Don’t let them comment boys get on you!


Thanks Matty for pointing out my comment regarding "feature creep" in Halo!

Andy T

Is it just me, or am I the only one who reckons this isn’t just “red flags” but a total disaster? Cog and Matty didn’t say it, but honestly- as a massive halo fan- I’m really, really worried.

Stephen Forgione

I wouldn’t worry about time skip tokens being a thing. The battle passes don’t expire, there would be no point for skip tokens if there’s no fear of missing out

Brian Anthony Seals

If either of you ever start to doubt yourselves because of blowback, please don't. If you catch yourselves thinking you should censor your honest feelings about Halo or any other game, please voice them anyway. Integrity is so important and you add to your own value as commentators, by keeping it honest with the audience. Real talk: I think the loudest voices raised against the critics are more concerned than the critics are. Excellent show guys. Thank you.


I’m a Halo dick rider but im supeeeeer concern at least on the campaign side, the technical preview was awesome imo. No footage of the campaign at gamescom, then they said it was because they didn’t want to take time from the game itself to make a demo since it takes a lot of resources? This thing is coming in HOT!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Long time Halo player, I've logged countless hours on all the games except for Halo 4. Well over 100k kills in each game, level 50 in all games (and Champion Halo 5) and have played competitively for MLG tournaments in the past. I'm super worried about Infinite. I want this game to succeed but all the news of things missing and learning this close to launch has me doubtful. Multiplayer matters most to me especially competitive. No Forge at launch could be the nail in the coffin for the competitive scene. I'd rather another delay, it's been 6 years and I can wait longer.


I have a question for people here. I never play games with a battle pass nor do I really buy micro trans that often. While I’m listening to the feedback and concerns about halo I look at something’s like achievements and past Microsoft micros trans with other games. So something like gears 5 was talked about like it was the end of the world but something like state of decay and sea of thieves I don’t really hear anything about. Are they still bad and are the money you pay better in the other 2 games? The achievements argument I bring up is that we already have a system built into the core gameplay to play in ways that aren’t conducive to gameplay. If the battle pass gonna work in conjunction with some of these achievements? Will you have 2 achievement lists? I have a few questions.

Matthew Two T's

Battlepass isn't like an achievement list tied to the game. It's within the game. Normally it's filled with cosmetics. Weapons, Characters, and stuff like emotes. Each level will reward something in game or like an in game currency.


The achievement comparison was talking about changing the way you play more then a direct comparison. A lot of achievements will get a lot of do x unlock. Especially in multiplayer some of these force you to use stuff that you don’t normally do. This was in talks about daily challenges

Matthew Two T's

My concern is less with the actual game and more with the leadership in position for it. How on Earth they wanted to release this game a year ago when now a year later it's still missing features is behind me. Xbox needs to take a hard look at the individuals in charge of this project and 343i. Their time management seems nonexistent.


when do you guys think they will announce the game is golden? Mid November right?

jacob custard

This game is in dire straights. There's just no way to look at the info they keep putting out and view it as the game being in a positive state. 3 months to launch and they've already ruled out campaign co-op, and forge, those are still 6-9 months out (from today). They've said they can't spare anybody to make a trailer, why? There are 750 employees at 343i, are you telling me the game is so fucked up that you can't spare 3-5 of those people for like a day or two to make a trailer??? How many bugs does this game have? Does campaign even run at this point?? I have basically no hope for the game. I still remember when CDPR refused to show Cyberpunk and we all found out why. 343i is now refusing to show Halo campaign 3 months from launch. Not good.


“After Launch” Like guys your game was delayed for a year. What are you doing.

jacob custard

Yea man, even if this game manages to squeak out, they've got to look at the leadership. Something is clearly wrong at that studio.

Samuel Zamora

Why does mp Halo need a xp progression system or battle pass ? I don’t see why a game like Halo needs something like that.

David P

Because it's free and needs a revenue source hence the battle pass and xp. If you don't care about it, you can ignore it completely.

Samuel Zamora

I guess I should’ve added more to my post. I don’t see how the progression system can be implemented when every weapon is usually a drop weapon on the map, same for power ups (or whatever they are called). The core of mp Halo (I’m thinking 1-3 /ODST / Reach, I haven’t played 4 outside of the first level & haven’t touched Guardians) was everything on the map was at your disposal. It was a test of whose the better player, not how can I make my character look ridiculous. I can’t see the xp progression system benefiting gameplay in anyway, like you unlock the Needler at level 5? There isn’t enough weapons in the lore to have or the option to retrofit guns like other have the gunsmith option to make sense of the BP system. I guess it would be beneficial maybe for skins / cosmetics like cheetah print Haybusa armor or whatever but what Halo is, I can’t see the need? Maybe my thought is outdated (I’m sure it is as I haven’t been hyped for the series since Reach). I feel like the Halo gameplay is stale and old (I’m basing this off of recently playing Halo 4 first campaign level last Thursday). But you’re entirely right, if it’s not my cup of tea I don’t need to partake. Which I wasn’t going to partake in the MP anyways. I guess I was writing the post to see if someone could convey as to why it’s needed/a good thing to have or any insight from someone who is enamored with the franchise. But just because it’s free and needs a revenue source doesn’t make it worth putting in the game. Or that it makes sense to do. Appreciate the response and you have a better than mediocre day.

Marvin Ginyard

Dear Dukes. Although I don't agree with the Halo challenges being tied to the Battle Pass. I do think that with the way their BP is implemented there is no rush to do it since there is no time gate for rewards. Their BP has no expiration unlike the rest of the industry. Challenges will unlock more organically instead of feeling like your forced to do it. Have a slightly above average day.

Greg Hommel

How did this thread end up on Halo? I thought this was a good interview. I think Philip is still a little hesitant to fully admit the absolute truth, which in my view is that he compromised on something he knew to be wrong because he got swept up in a wave. It’s a shame that somebody that caught all the breaks ended up squandering it, as there are so many talented and hard working people out there, toiling away each day with no luck at all. Thanks Colin for all that IDGAF it took to put this out there.