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Three summers ago, an IGN Editor named Filip Miucin was caught in games media's biggest plagiarism scandal, likely ever. It was a mess from virtually every angle, but for industry observers, there was never a truly satisfying conclusion. That's because we never heard from Filip himself outside of some half-baked apology videos... at least until right now. Here, you'll hear very little of me (Colin) and a whole lot of my guest as he walks you through his short-lived gaming career, the catastrophic errors in judgment he made along the way, and how it all unraveled for him just when he was on the cusp of 'making it.' As always, what you take away from what Filip has to say for himself is entirely up to you.




Jesus that was 3 years ago?


Holy shit the madman got him


Now THIS is the JUICY, JUICY content. Yummy, yummy in my tum-tum.

Joey Gondhalekar

Oh Lord, Colin providing us with some actual journalism. Becoming the Barbara Walters of video games

Lou & Rei Loper

Holy shit! I can't believe this one happened, that's pretty amazing!


Well I'll be damned, didn't expect to see this on my feed. How on earth did you manage to convince him to appear?


Yo I'm shook right now. Can't wait to listen to this one!

Dave Ramos

This came out of nowhere. Excited to listen to this one soon!

Remington James

This is the content we need but don’t deserve

Cole Barker

Colin, you’ve really been providing excellent content lately. Proud of the progress LSM has made.

Andy T

This is why I’m a paying subscriber. No other games related outlet does anything like this. Actually having a dialogue, talking through issues. It’s awesome.

Quintin Propes

Really looking forward to listening to this. Thank you for tackling the subjects others wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole. This is why I pay for your content.


I don’t believe him? I remember in high school learning about it in English honors in like 11th grade, then learning about it in college again. There’s no way man. It’s not like I hate him or anything but I just don’t believe him. I’m a teacher too, I know when and why people cheat lol

Conor Wilson

Am I misinterpreting Philip at around 49 minutes in or he seems to indicate he was pressured to give doom 2016 (on switch) a better score? 😮

Michael Ferrari

I have to agree. I honestly think I learned about it in middle school. I think there was a bit of a Freudian slip early on too where it seems like he knew what he was doing.

Sam Torstenbo

Awesome to see Colin delivering on his promises to tell both sides and let everyone get their message out


Youre brilliant Colin. I love how you approach this with no bias, just wanting the facts and story like an actual journalost. Something thats severely lacking in games media. I mean what he did is stupid as hell, but i get being under pressure to be the best and stand out. Still a dumb ass, but yeah


I just wanted to be as fair and neutral as possible, and let him tell his 'side' as it were.

Hose A Contra Razz

When Colin said start from the beginning, wow not that far back, also Biden plagiarized and became President


The ignorance he’s claiming is bonkers to me


I think it's important for society to have these stories where someone fucked up, but they're not tossed aside forever, they can learn and find new paths. That said, I think he still has some healing to do.

Greg Mocha

Well, in a previous post I said all the additional podcasts were muddling my enjoyment of the podcasts. Well, that comment was short sighted and wrong. I reacted to the one thing I didn't appreciate instead of enjoying the top notch posts and content. This podcast was great and insightful. I couldn't see this interview being done by any other podcast. Cheers folks

Justin Robinson

I feel bad for him. This is what happens when you lie though. The lies just go deeper and deeper until they catch up to you, they always catch up to you. Hope he can heal from this.

Jeff Caseres

If I'm being honest I don't believe him when he says he didn't know what he was doing. If you went to school at all you know what plagiarism is period. With that said though, I am glad that he seems to have managed to bounce back and has a job and it not a homeless drug addict or something. He 100% does deserve to be heard. A cautionary tale indeed.

Anthony J Sanchez

I'm a Marketing Major. And I had to complete basic English courses which clearly stated what Plagiarism is. This is mind boggling to me. In any case, this was an amazing interview!


Yes, it's an important lesson. My parents taught me that early. If you lie to cover other lies, you are in way over your head.


That's fair. I don't know if I totally believe it, either, but I don't think confrontation makes for a fruitful interview. I'll let everyone make their own decision.


This interview feels uncomfortable to me but I still welcome it. Thank you Colin.


I am glad that he is pulling his life together. Everyone makes mistakes, and he deserves the chance to move on. This was a fantastic interview.


Would’ve respected him a lot more if he just came out and said “I thought I could get away with it, but I got caught.” Instead of this “I didn’t know what plagiarism was” excuse


Man this was a fantastic/ uncomfortable listen . I feel for Phillip everyone makes mistakes I agree with Colin where he shouldn’t work in the gaming industry anymore and that might be the best for his mental health but he should definitely be allowed to earn a living thru honest employment to provide for his family. But if it wasn’t for the whole dead cells fiasco I would of never came across Alex from boomstick gaming who is one of my favorite gaming YouTube personalities. Would be nice if Colin had him on to give his take on the whole situation and for general gaming convo


Thank YOU for making this happen Colin, what an incredible work of journalism and an incredible interview. I know this will not be popular in larger gaming media, but I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Filip’s side of the story. Hopefully this will open the door for more hard hitting interviews in the future!

Kevin Jay

You know I think in this age of cancerous cancel culture that it’s even more important that we forgive people where we can and move on with our lives and let them move on as well.

Jeremy Craves

Just finished it. Well done! I wonder what, if any controversy will come from this. Maybe someones word against another to boost the Doom score, him painting a picture someone could sympathize with, some will call him a liar about all of it and want him to suffer forever. Cautionary tale was perfect way to put it. Much more to say but I’m glad to hear the story from his side.


I can kinda see where he comes from when it comes to his explanation of what he thought plagiarism was. I’m 20 now but throughout most of my primary education and college, not once has anybody really told me what plagiarism was besides copying others work in a like for like manner. Now, with all that said, he definitely knew what he was doing was wrong.

Josef Barker

That was a super interesting interview Colin. I'm so glad you give people like this a platform his voice despite his actions deserves to be heard.

Joshua Brown

His story is crazy and sad at the same time he had all this gumption to get what he wanted and with luck and timing he pulled it off. In some areas he faked it until he made it and when he got what he wanted he couldn’t go straight and do it properly. Ripoff the formats, the structures but just give YOUR opinions.


i hope their will be more interviews like this. This is top notch content. Keep it up man

Quintin Propes

Colin this was amazing sir. Just finished listening. I would love more topics like this that tackle that uncomfortable situation with someone. Any way we could get you to moderate a presidential debate one day lol. Great content as always sir!


He knew he was doing something wrong. Real talk, we all know when we do. He kept lying about it, that alone shows he knew. From the way he is talking about it to this day, he still needs a lot of work, he clearly is still obfuscating facts. His “I didn’t know what plagiarism was” is clearly BS. I was really hoping he would man up and own up to it. How he still manages to inject parts of him being the victim is, to put it Chris-ly, baffling. This was like listening to a murderer that realized he could avoid the death penalty by pleading insanity. His dodging skills are putting Neo to shame😂

Johnny Lamotte

great episode and I appreciate you giving him a platform to explain himself. Though, I do feel he still doesn’t get it. That’s just the feeling I got, nonetheless I wish him well and enjoyed the episode. Thanks for all the hard work Colin.


Does anybody know who the two people fired from IGN that Colin talks about were?


No hate towards the guy but judging from the way he speaks about the whole situation, it implied to me that he is somewhat self-centered. Even during the segment in which he discusses going through the process of submitting and releasing the Dead Cells review, he went out of his way to make it sound like he put a tonne of effort in. But the whole time I'm just thinking "dude, you stole that work". If what he said about not understanding the concept of plagiarism is true, then (without sounding mean) he comes across as having a lack of intelligence. If it weren't for that dead cells review, he could have still been at large for all we know. Thanks for the episode Colin

Matthew Major

This is incredible your so amazing Colin! I have always felt people deserve to explain themselves and you providing people with LSM to speak is very commendable. Thank you for always being so inviting and respectful to everyone it’s very much appreciated.


This is the quality content that this (frankly) lame industry avoids. I’m so glad Last Stand is tackling interesting people and topics like this. Keep it up!

Michael Buffill

Great job Colin, this truly is what puts your platform head shoulders and belly above the rest! As for Filip it does make sense about his insecurities and personal issues because he was terrible on NVC. He never looked really comfortable or into it so much so that hes the reason I stopped watching that podcast. I just dont understand how someone doesnt understand what plagiarism is that is college educated. More so plagiarism in reviews is much worst in my mind because they are supposed to be your own unique opinions and thoughts. Nonetheless I'm happy that he has seemingly made it through and got help with therapy opposed to doing something that would hurt him and his family.

Derek Alcott

Damn this was good.

Kenneth Oms

great conversation. Those pages for authors are done for SEO. Google not has gotten to the point where it can recognize authors writing styles as well as names across the web. It’s done for what google calls EAT (expertise authority and trustworthiness).

Alex Gould

He says he didn’t quite understand what plagiarism was but then described how he knew something was wrong as comments were coming into the YouTube channel, even going as far as deleting them to cover his tracks. Maybe there is some truth there, but he definitely knew that he was doing something wrong. I remain confused by his actions. In my profession (mechanical engineering, not writing) I feel uncomfortable receiving 100% credit for completing a project when I know I received help from others. I go out of my way to give credit where it is due.

Piston Pants

I really enjoyed this show. Might I suggest Marty Sliva as someone to try to get. I have always wondered what the hell happened with him and IGN.


Great interview all the best to flip in the rest of his life everyone makes mistakes in life no one is perfect he will pay for this mistake for the rest of his life but glad to see things are turning out okay for him

Card Captor Corey

Yeah he still seems very self-centered. I was hoping to hear someone who was extremely apologetic but that didn't happen. I still believe he knew it was plagiarism at the time and it's still lying to himself. I'm glad he has a job though and is living a life afterwards.

Travis B

Great interview

Daddy Dilkers

I am glad he has a new job and his family is taken care of.


I haven’t listened yet, but I am really happy and grateful you did this, Colin.

Michael Size

I get the feeling that this man has social developmental problems. He comes across as emotionally immature, like a child who was coddled their whole life to the point where it became detrimental. He is still not taking responsibility for his actions as he tries to beat around the bush with regards to his plagiarism. He mentioned early on that he had a brother with severe autism. I can see how that maybe played a role in his upbringing, maybe his parents over protected him, then when he went out into the world he couldn't handle himself. This is how he comes across to me anyway. He basically hasn't grown up yet. This is why you can't understand why he did what he did Colin. He can't give you an explanation because he still isn't taking responsibility for himself. He should never have been hired by IGN to begin with. He is the perfect example of what happens when you don't allow your children to experience failure and adversity when they are young. They can't handle adversity in the real world on their own. A good example of this is when he mentioned how surprised and upset he was when the IGN editor was critiquing his work. This is not to be rude or say he's a bad person, he just needs to grow. That and more therapy probably. This is also very telling of the society we are in and why we see the behaviours we see on social media and among those radical youtube creators.


I agree with you. I liked hearing from him, but it seems he knew his own guilt beforehand.


Great job Colin, you killed it. Filip still seems suspect and seems to avoid responsibility, but no one else would be willing to do this. So thanks!


Great episode Colin .. 🤓👍🏽


Alright, I've listened a 2nd time and here's where I'm at: Filip may have his "reasons" for being a plagiarist whether it be pressure of work, lack of confidence, but ultimately his core flaw is that he's inherently dishonest and disingenuous. His story is filled with examples of him just "saying what he thought others wanted to hear." It makes it hard to discern when he's being genuine or when he's just lip servicing. I don't think anyone buys his excuse of not knowing it was plagiarism. He wouldn't go through great lengths to "transform" someone else's work and keep it to himself. The guilt he felt when he was discovered was not over what he did, but that got caught. He mentions a couple regrets he has that are more to do with how he dealt with the situation vs. Being regretful for plagiarizing in the first place. He comes off as very ignorant to the fact that his voice and name are forever tarnished by his own doing. Maybe he's still realizing that. Glad he found a job, he doesn't deserve to suffer but he definitely doesn't deserve respect as a gaming commentator. Let this be a lesson to everyone who tries to get by doing minimal work and taking shortcuts. You're only shooting yourself in the foot and withholding any meaningful growth in a skill set.

Khyle Claeys

Not to fan the flames of any aggression/controversy, but as a recent graduate with a bachelors in journalism, I have a VERY hard time believing that at no point in Filip's collegiate career, majoring in mass media no less, that he wasn't explicitly told what encompasses plagiarism. In all of my classes, along with a couple mass media courses I had to take myself, plagiarism was always discussed within the syllabus, along with what was indicative of plagiarism, down to the minutiae of even so much as copying another person's thoughts.... regardless if done so verbatim or in general concept. This was an awesome episode, and as always, I applaud you for asking the tough questions, Colin.


Very interesting interview Colin, thank you. A lot to unpack in this one, for sure. Along with a good many, including I assume yourself, I don't really believe Filip when he claims he didn't know what he was doing. But I absolutely believe that he was in way over his head, and made a terrible decision that likely cost him any future in the industry. I do hope he manages to continue to push forward and succeed elsewhere, I don't think his credibility for this sort of thing could ever truly recover. However, I have seen his work, and he's undeniably gifted at production and editing. So I certainly believe he deserves another chance in that field, just not in the gaming industry nor one where he's writing something. And without a doubt, I think IGN has to shoulder some blame here. It seems pretty obvious when the position opened, instead of letting interested parties come to them and picking from the best there, they tried to poach talent and convince them to jump ship. And they clearly didn't do their due diligence on the background abilities and talents, as by his own admission, this really was not his strong suit. He would have made a far better video producer or something for them, as opposed to a lead editor. And when they tend to go to Twitter looking to convince help to come aboard, it doesn't appear they've learned much. Not long ago, the EIC, Tina, posted they were looking to fill a position (although I forget what), and specifically requested women or POC, instead of people who had a background or qualifications in the position. Certainly, a woman or POC COULD have those credentials, but that seemed as though it were less important than merely getting a candidate of an under-represented group to fill the spot. Which would likely just create the same problem all over again.


Hey Colin, enjoyed this. People often forget there’s 3 sides to a coin (one side, the other, and the edge) and I think you did a great job in helping people see that third side today. It kind of reminded me of how in uni/college when you’re writing an assignment and you don’t really know what you’re doing, you regurgitate paragraphs from other sources/research and put your own spin on things (but with a reference) to try get a better grade. It seems like he was just defaulting to that, in a way, but without the reference to boomstick! Nevertheless, we all make mistakes and I’m glad Filip has been able to get his life back on track. I’m sure all parties will be better off for this experience in the long run. Thanks again big C 👍

Michael Hobbs

Wow, incredible interview. Took a lot of guts to come on the show and talk to Colin. I hope this guy keeps turning it around and finds some peace. Keep the great content coming, LSM!


I think I can sum this up, despite how complicated it actually is. He gained fame really fast on YouTube, and then gained opportunity to Nintendo really fast, then gained opportunity at IGN really fast, and he was in no way ready. And he brought a lot of the YouTube culture to a very large gaming site. (I say YouTube culture because if you think there's not plagiarism on YouTube constantly, even with big names, in a transformative way that he did, there is. And they get caught up with that. And it sticks. A bad habit to kick that you don't know just how bad it is for media.) Which led him to a place he shouldn't have accepted yet. It was too fast for him and he didn't stop himself. And as Colin said this is definitely a cautionary tale for others. But he has served his dues more so than I believe is necessary(especially after these past years of news on Covid, Epstein, Afghanistan, and well everything else.) That he made a mistake, that he worked at a place he wasn't ready for. And with his insecurities on his writing, it was an inevitability. He doesn't deserve to live a life of complete shame and judgement over a gaming article (and more) that he has taken complete responsibility for now. Losing his job and not working in that industry ever again is enough. That's understandable. Burning him at that stake, for this, that's not reasonable. He didn't lie to the world about covid (like China has), he didn't rape underage girls, he didn't botch Afghanistan like 2 (or more depending on your views) presidents have with American and allied deaths. And yet (aside from Epstein being assassinated) these others are living much better fruitful, financial, and emotional lives. So as grave as it is to plagiarize in the writing world, and it shouldn't happen. It's over. It's been over. Any more is absolutely ridiculous and reminiscent of a child(or adult) stealing a piece of bread, getting caught, but then eventually leads to a hand being cut off. It goes too far after a point. That's the internet world we live in now. And it's wrong. And I hope that people understand that mistakes are made constantly, because we all do, and he paid the price already fully. Any more paying the price is unethical.

Victor Elmo

One of the bests, so far!

memo magana

I had this episode running in the background during a moving process. First off, it's dope to see some legitimate journalism taking place, kudos to you guys at LSM! I feel there were multiple occasions where you presented him with a question / opportunity to come clean. Unfortunately, Filip elected to not take accountability with for his actions every chance he had. I do feel bad for him, but it's up to him to finally come to grips with what he's done.

Jack Doheny

Great interview Colin, I agree with what you said to him I don’t think he can work in the games industry again but I wish him all the best and I’m glad he found a job.

Jack Sibert

My stance on this was and still is- he committed plagiarism at a journalism outlet and for that it's totally reasonable that he lost his job. With that said- I think it is time that people start opening their hearts and minds to the idea of him at least being able to enter the "games media business" through the YouTube side Manifest the world you wish to live in. I want to live I'm a world where redemption can exist. It's not like he murdered or raped someone.

Raymond keys

I commend you Last Stand Media for doing this. I honestly feel bad for him. I understand the imposter syndrome, that he may have gone through. I think many creatives suffer from this. Some worse then others. It’s unfortunate that he made such a huge mistake for that industry. He should have just been honest. But I understand he probably felt the pressure to deliver. I wish him well and ai hope he’s learned his lesson and will bounce back better!

Jack Sibert

Some "official" definitions of plagiarism are worded such that literally anything is plagiarism. After all, how often is what you think and say 100% original? We very regularly repeat what others say as if we said it ourself. What is the source URL of the last meme you posted and the first and last name of the person who created it? I get it- the difference in this case is that he was published on a website where he's supposed to attribute his sources. And a couple of the instances in which he attempted to "reframe" what was said in the original source were laughably low effort I think it's appropriate he lost his job, but I think the disdain he's received from the public at large is largely overblown

Zachary T Eldridge

He messed up. He messed up again with half hearted apologies. He suffered for it and still does. Now he’s apologized the correct way by admitting what he did truthfully. So, I hope he’s forgiven himself and can move on. I wish him happiness.


I don’t say this to be mean to him. But from his description of not knowing how to frame a game review… he was an actual imposter.


I think that in accepting it is what it is, it'll be better for him in the long run. You can't come back from that in a parallel industry.


He definitely faked it until he made it. In some way, I wonder if he wonders if he could have gotten away with it if not for Dead Cells. Because he was copying other videos and not necessarily articles, he could float by. It was only when people delved in did they find all of the instances.


I agree with you that I typically knew in life when I was in the wrong. But it's not always the case, in my experience. I don't know that I've come anywhere close to what he's talking about, of course, but I look back at some things I've said and done and think... I just wasn't wise or learned. But about plagiarism? That's a big leap.


Yeah, it's hard to know if and when he is playing a role. I don't know him; I don't know who he really is, or how to even gauge that.


It's funny, because I am to this day so concerned that I will accidentally say something I heard someone say that it's a major reason why I've never listened to gaming podcasts or videos. I don't even want a subconscious slip.


Whether he comes back on YouTube or not is up to him, and then up to the audience. He has to initiate.


Interesting interview. That is all.


Great work Colin, loved this and good on you for giving him a chance to explain himself. I appreciate that you were honest with him too. Also go islanders

Adam carruth

Philip, having just unburdened myself of a past wrongdoing myself, albeit not on the same scale, I hope that you feel a similar sense of relief that I felt from mine. Good luck.


Can’t wait to listen. Always felt like he got way more hate than deserved. Probably because people love dunking on ign. We all screw up just sucks that his was so public. Wish him the best.

Sam Strajack

This is the kind of interview you just do not see ANY of in the rest of games media, and a big reason I am a Patron. No one else would have given this guy the time of day. That said...I can't help but sense disingenuousness in his answers. I can quite put my finger on it but there's something off about this guy.

Eric S

Well as much as I want to say okay he apologized and owned up to it. I still feel like what he need to say was a little more. Maybe it’s just me but I think you know when you are copying someone else’s work. For him to say he didn’t know surprises me. I am not calling him a liar it is just difficult for me to believe. I think he needed to say I moved up in the industry to fast and past where my skill set was at the time and I cheated and did the wrong thing. Own up and own up completely. I have a hard time with the feign ignorance part of it but I respect him for coming on here and airing it out.

Greg Mocha

Totally agree. Listened to it again and he sounds regretful. Not sorry. If he would have said, "yeah, I copied someone else's work. I knew it was wrong. I fucked up." We all probably know people who have done worse things. So I was very ready for him to get closure and move on. Just didn't feel like closure.


Well, people love an easy target. He was definitely an easy target. He did himself no favors.

Matthew Cooper

Great interview. I don't really understand why this is controversial, everyone has a right to present their side of a story.

JP Morris

Really interesting to listen to, great work Colin! Also curious to see which “game journalists” are going to come after you for doing this interview lol


Downloading this while I have reception. Hurricane Ida did a number on Houma, La.


Awesome episode Colin, regardless of how people feel it's great to hear from the other side. You can never really know the truth and must interpret the information you are given. Hearing his back story paints quite the picture and I personally think it's pretty easy to understand why he did what he did. Looking forward to hearing more from the other side.


Hard to listen to this throughout. The guy just seems to not get things. He mentioned looking at previews to see if they agreed with his thoughts after he had already played code, and then still copied them. You even said it yourself like giving your own thoughts on a game isn’t hard. I can get the pressure of deadlines and such but when he mentioned that he didn’t even have to finish the games, I was like oh come on man. That just shows laziness. Even if you don’t understand plagiarism, I’m sure you understand references. I don’t even know what year of general schooling I knew that. But this isn’t a war you weren’t around for, this is just giving an opinion on a game. Props to you for doing the interview Colin but frustrating to listen to. I don’t think the guy gets it still. I don’t trust his character.


thanks for bringing us the opportunity to hear his side. I still don't really have much sympathy though despite his "imposter syndrome" and anxiety. one of the first things you learn in a middle school journalism class is to not plagiarize other people's work.


Hey Colin! Interesting interview to listen to, as always. Appreciated your honest comments and frank questions. Would definitely be interested to hear your take later on. Keep up the awesome work!

Douglas Coffin

What he did was fucked up, but I’m not gonna hold it over the mans head until the day he dies

Antonio Pereira

I respect that you brought him on the podcast. It was definitely interesting to hear his perspective but honestly, I barely believed a word he said when it comes to what he did. Colin, you hit the nail on the head with saying that he shouldn’t be allowed to work in gaming again. But I’m glad he seems to be doing alright now. Don’t wish ill on him.

John Fazio

I really enjoyed this conversation. He definitely did wrong and his cautionary tale needs to be told but all these comments that are just ripping him apart are a little harsh. I feel he got his punishment and I can’t imagine living the rest of my life defined by one plagiarized dead cell reviews. Three years later people are so passionate about this although it really doesn’t effect their everyday life. Call me cynical but I wish people could just forgive and forget.

Arquimedes Quintero II

Once again SS+ proves it’s the best show in town. I think this is the main LSM product. The interviews are quite informative and insightful. About the interview itself, I feel sorry for the guy but if I think about doing what he did and how deliberate it was, I feel disgusted. Get some else’s words and change the wording just enough. It’s so deliberate and, as Colin says, harder than writing your own. If you don’t know that’s wrong then you need a diagnosis (and that’s not an insult). I can move on and I’m glad he says he’s happy and found work. I think he got worse than he deserved but it’s only been 3 years. Let’s see what the future brings.

Michael Ferrari

Man, most of the time I comment on stuff on this channel now it just disappears. I guess I've made the Patreon overseers upset with some of my comments.


I feel for Filip as a person, and I don't want him to suffer anymore than he has and will. I think that he has come a long way, but I think he still has some accepting of responsibility that he needs to do. He said that he didn't think what he was doing was plagiarism because it was transforming a written piece into a video, while changing some phrasing. But I don't believe he addressed how he rationalized taking someone's 4 minute video review and making into a 4 minute video review that he claimed as his own. I think he is still telling small lies to hide that he knew what he was doing was wrong. I wish he would've been 100% honest and just said he was plagiarizing to keep his job and career moving forward, and that maybe he didn't fully grasp the damage that came with that, instead of denying that he knew it was wrong. He knew. There were plenty of slips of the tongue in this interview that gave away that he was concerned with changing enough so that people wouldn't know.


I agree! I'd like to hear everyone's story, should they have something interesting and noteworthy to say. =)


So far, we seem to be in the clear. But when it goes live to the public next week, I assume that'll be a whole new thing.


Indeed. All I can do is present people for my audience of adults to distinguish between on their own!


I think it depends on if you believe what he says or not. I respect that people don't. I'm not sure where I stand.


I'll always be hung up on the fact that he ruined his career by doing something harder than doing the job right. Usually shortcuts are just that. Perplexing, all around. But interesting, for sure.


Really? We're certainly not deleting your stuff. Patreon is fickle. The app/site, not the people.

Marco Maluf

Great interview! He f***** up, ok who doesnt? I believe he paid the price, now it is time to move on, either on games media or not. I hope he learned from his mistake.


So immensely cringey when he plagiarized your words about that guy being his father figure, etc. I don’t really understand the obsession with this guy. He screwed up big time in an industry where you just can’t do that sort of thing. He was clearly way in over his head here and you can certainly forgive the man, but nobody intelligent would take the gamble on taking him seriously again as a reviewer. He’s not cut out for all the pressure, and I hope people can learn from his foolishness. Thanks, Colin for continuing to provide a voice to those shunned from the public, but I certainly hope you see through this guy’s bullshit.

Walt Duncan

Something that I always thought was plausible about Filip’s background from YouTube is that it is kind of a community. I can imagine participating in the community, and therefore find yourself in a situation where the whole point of it is to play off of what your peers think. But of course getting to the point where you’re transcribing the audio of another creator for an actual job is way, way different than that. And really, making excuses like deadlines and workloads being difficult undercuts the claim that you just didn’t recognize it as plagiarism. If you think that, like—everyone just does this—none of those other arguments matter. Bringing up how hard the work was, or how afraid you were to fail, points to one knowing all along that it was a shortcut that most people don’t do. I literally don’t have any reason to conclude what’s true, so I’ll reserve any true judgement. But I do think he’s involved in at least some self-deception even still.


I suppose. Maybe I've just insulated myself, but in 20 years in this industry, I've never tried to make myself part of any sort of creator community. I've tried to do my own thing, with a few people I've encountered along the way that I thought could hang with me. =)

Clint Farley

He seems like someone who got too popular too fast and didn’t know how to deal with the pressure that came with it. It’s unfortunate, it’s basically the fake it until you make it but you keep going. Feeling like he had impostor syndrome because he was one.


I agree. Seems like there could be potential parallels in more mainstream entertainment, where people rise and fall constantly.

Colton Cotten

Great interview must listen to content in the gaming media. Really had me question my own morals by the end for falling bad about messing up your dream job but at the same time the severity of the actions.


Seems like Filip constructed the narrative behind his backstory very carefully. Kudos to Colin for not roaring laughing at the more unbelievable parts, like not knowing plagiarism can transcend types of media (wtf?)


He just seemed like he was in over his head. Bad hire by IGN.

Allan Sweeney

I don't think he's being completely honest about not knowing, but I also think he's lying to himself along with the rest of us. Hope he can own up to it fully eventually and find peace from the situation. Thanks as always!

Charles White

I thought this was a very good interview. I feel like he was pretty transparent. about the experience and wasn't hiding anything. I thought Colin did a great job with the interview. I came away not feeling bad for the guy in regards to the incident. He deserved mostly what he got for it in regards career wise. But I'm glad he came back from this and that he didn't die and that he seems to be doing okay. Everyone makes mistakes, but I don't think that means they can't have a life or become happy. Really enjoyed this interview though and I'm hoping we get more of these

Douglas Morreale

Did this go up a bit later than usual for us cheap ass $1 Patrons? Or am I on that wacky tobaccy?

Michael Schofield (making Audio Dramas)

I think I agree with everyone’s take here. He’s ruined his career reputation, and it’s probably irreparable. I also want to live in a world where people can survive this kind of fuckup, and it sounds like he’s surviving. I don’t think he was disingenuous but he has practiced his contrite apology and it feels practiced. I’m sure he just wants it to be over, but he’s doing the right thing trying to get back out there. I plagiarized a poem in 6th grade for some project and the hammer fell on me so hard - and I was in 6th grade. I don’t believe college-graduating folks don’t understand plagiarism, but I buy that plagiarism is a kind of drug where the dopamine hit - getting lauded - is addicting.

Sergio Pina

Please, Colin, don't sweat if anyone gives you shit about this. The guy deserves a platform, just like everyone else. It doesn't condone or endorse, but this is what actual journalism is about. Letting them talk, ask hard hitting questions, and let the audience decide. Very few are capable of this interview style that happened here. Most others would get defensive and personal, but you didn't. That's why I pay for your content. It's truly unlike anything else out there.


Great interview but there is no doubt in my mind he is full of shit. I've never taken a journalism course but I know what plagiarism is. Hope he finds a career but it came across like he told us a sob story to try to make everyone feel bad for him so that we excuse his mistakes. Doesn't work that way.


So many interesting angles in this interview. I was honestly shocked to hear how he was hired at IGN. It seems to me that they didn’t do a proper job at vetting him before his hiring.

Dana Anderson

Good interview. I had never heard of this guy, but i dont follow the industry closely. I think the point of not understanding how it was plagiarism was belabored. I am glad he has come to piece with what happened.

TIger Castle

Great interview! This was a crazy interesting episode of SS+. I will say that this guy very much sounds like he’s not telling the whole truth. Not understanding plagiarism (especially with a mass communications degree) is questionable at best. He somehow got himself into a position he was wholly unqualified for, knew it and didn’t try to rise to the occasion but tried to skirt by without learning how to do the job or owning up to the fact the job wasn’t for him. Hopefully he is finding self-confidence (and a more suitable career) because what does sound genuine is that his lack of confidence and self-esteem is staggering.


I’ll be completely honest. As someone who battles with imposter syndrome regularly, I can see where he is coming from with feeling like his opinion isn’t valuable, but if you are hired on somewhere to give your opinion, then give your opinion. I understand struggling to write a review as I battle with writing too but you have to either be forward and explain to your superiors what’s going on or plow through it properly. I relate to Filip a lot but it’s that choice to go and plagiarized from others. I don’t buy the “I didn’t know” argument. I think that’s a coping mechanism for him so that he isn’t entirely a bad guy. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy and therapy is good for him but he has got to get over that wall of acting like he didn’t know. He seems to want to get better. However, let’s see if he can get better. I’m rooting for him

Joseph Cerini

This was a great interview. Seems like he was not fit for a writers job and in over his head. However, I do not believe him when comes to his knowing what plagiarism is. Plagiarism is definitely taught multiple times, I learned it early in middle school. Even if the definition/idea in his mind was somehow not fully shaped, there is still a inherit feeling as a creator that taking someone else's work is wrong, period. With that being said, some of his reasoning, imposter/feeling the need to provide for his family, probably was very real. Overall, this was very informative and shows the strength of LSM, to be willing to do a Interview like this. While, I can not support him in any writing/game endeavors, I would wish him the best luck in other areas of his life and hope he truly has learned from this experience on how to be better.


This was a really fantastic interview, Colin! Keep up the great work!


Great interview, thanks Colin. This guy's arc really shows how the games media industry turned from a journalism focussed industry to an influencer/content provider industry and the pitfalls that come with that... Seems like IGN hired this guy for his followers rather than his experience or skills...

Keith Golfer

Tremendous work here Colin. A good journalistic capsule of the situation. You did a good job at keeping it restrained, letting Filip have the space to tell his perspective. I think even though there's some vagueness to what he says, in roundabout way, that feels like it says more. Or at least leaves me with a lot more to ponder. What he did was wrong, but I just can't hate the guy. He got the comeuppance. The story is told. Thanks to all of LSM for doing this kind of work.


I think he's still playing fast and loose... but when you're this deceptive (traditionally), it indicates that you really have a lot to unravel.


I do feel like 'imposter syndrome' is often used as a crutch, though some people certainly suffer from it. I suppose I could interpret my own reality as veering into that category, though I'm far too afraid to lose the support of those who support me, and thus I just try to work really hard.


After listening to this interview a few times I have lost some sympathy for Filip. There are just contradictions he makes that don't quite add up. He says he respects Ryan and Dan but taking advantage of their trust indicates he actually had no respect for them at all. He was committing fraud and believed he was smarter than them so he wouldn't get caught. He also thinks IGN had worse scandals than this. Is he serious? This could have potentially destroyed the site. He clearly knew that what he was doing was wrong. His first reaction was "Oh no. I've been caught" which would not have been the case if he was ignorant of his actions.


I am way too dark minded to really say what I feel or think. But, it was a great listen. Respectfully, I will keep it myself. 😏 (hehe) 🤐


I always liked Dan, and I knew he was an executive editor at IGN, we had some pleasent interactions in the comments a few times, but one time he seemed kinda weird. I once pointed out that his review seemed rushed and should've been run over by an editor - there were like 2 or 3 typos, some lines that started with a comma, and the review was so full of 8-line long sentences with many different points and inclusions, that you lost track of what's going on by the end of them. The whole review was just hard to read because of the latter, and I gave up halfway through. I'm not a native speaker, so maybe I worded my comment under the review semi-confontationally (even if that wasn't my intention), but his response was something like he thinks he did good under the circumstances, there was no editor on board, cause he's the top editor or something, that typos and long sentences are not a big deal, and his tone was just icy af. He left the review as it was, and I understand that this job is a grind, and you can't reword everything or reedit the video review again (though I think it was some higher profile game), but if it was me, I'd like to know if I made mistakes, or if something could've been improved in the future. Especially if my work was going to be seen by millions of people. I didn't expect apologies, patting on the back, or big thank yous, but his comment felt weird, and kinda out-of-character for him. He really must've had little time to write this one.


Great talk, as someone who went through a university myself, I can assure you that we all knew what plagiarism was, even if we were in a more technical field. Hell, we all knew that in high school, even if wikipedia wasn't a thing back then, and access to knowledge was more limited. It's just hard to believe that he didn't know what he was doing. It's also really weird that he plagiarised opinions and conclusions, which are inherently subjective, and you can't really go wrong with them. Even if your opinion is different from the consensus, your input is always valuable from a certain perspective - it's up to the readers to figure out if the pros and cons mentioned in the review work for them, and if it's worth a purchase.


Great interview and well handled Colin! For me, there is something still very slippery about this character, alot of contradictions and lack of responsibility.. tossed in with some playing the victim and shifting the blame.... In saying that, you have to give him credit for coming on the show because people lesser than you could of taken advantage. Keep up the good work dude from chilly NZ

The Devmeister

Glad he landed on his feet - but there’s no shortcuts to success - you have to do the work. Hopefully he learned that lesson.

David Taylor

Great episode. I don't have any real sympathy for the guy, possibly less so after the episode, but I enjoyed hearing his side and glad you were respectful to him while still calling him out. I feel most people would have either been an arrogant ass to him or been too forgiving.


Great conversation this. I'm glad he's doing well now, it's not like he murdered someone, he made a big mistake and paid the price now it's time for people to leave him be and allow him to live his life. Great work as always Colin.

Kevin Cooper

His "understanding" of plagiarism reminds me of a scene from the movie "The Squid and the Whale" where the protagonist rips off Pink Floyd for a talent show, and then later justifies it by saying that he felt he "could have" written it even though the song already existed. The psychology on display is interesting for sure.


I’m still a bit confused if he thought that changing the medium wasn’t plagiarism, I guess that makes a bit of sense, but the reviews on IGN are written as well. In that case according to himself he would have known it was plagiarism. I think he knew that it was, but instead of being able to fully admit fault he STILL wants to gain a bit of sympathy by claiming ignorance. I hope he does well outside of gaming/journalism but damn bro, cmon!


This was a great episode and made me want to join your Patreon. I don’t know anybody that came out of secondary (high) school that didn’t know what plagiarism was/is. Blaming things on imposter syndrome is interesting.... We all feel like that – it is the reason that the term is as prolific as it is – Hell, I am sure this is something even Collin feels. His whole excuse boiled down to the idea of writer’s block. It exists but he fails to make the connections/excuse - for taking other people's work as his own. The first quarter of this episode is about indirectly addressing the issue but laying the foundations to what he used as an excuse later. “It is ‘cos I spent two days writing it” – is only factually true if one of those days involved collating the writings of others. I am a lefty liberal. We all make mistakes but a lack of acknowledgment benefits nobody.


Finally got around to listening, fantastic job as always by Colin. This dude comes across as a liar and honestly I can take anything he says seriously.