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Hey All!  It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 35 of Defining Duke.

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, September 1st at 1p ET to make your submission.



Would you rather watch your parents have sex every day for the rest of your life, or join in one time?


Hey dukes!! I was wondering what was y'all favorite Gears of War game. I find gears of war to be Xbox second most important IP next to Halo and it's not talked about enough, Thanks dukes and I hope y'all have a stuck in traffic and being 10 minutes late to work kind of a day


Hey Dukes, No question this week. I just want to shout out Cog's Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade spoilercast on the most recent Sacred Symbols +. Hoeg's theory about where the remake is heading is worth the price of admission alone. It's a good excuse for the freeloaders to join the Patreon, if I do say so myself. Have an incredibly average day, Steve

Will Hernandez

Hey Dukes, You two are probably more qualified to speak about this than the Sacred Symbols crew, but why do you think that sports games generally have fewer issues when released compared to titles in other genres? I recently bought this year’s version of Madden after not playing it for a couple of years, and everything just works the way it’s supposed to without any hiccups that are apparent. Is it just the “simplicity” of the gameplay and presentation that lead to less glitches, or something else entirely? I think back to all the problems with Outriders and D&D Dark Alliance, and you don’t really see issues with The Show or Madden. Thanks for your time, and can we get a refund on Francisco Lindor’s contract?

Jeremy Craves

Yo Dukes! Are you going to do a Spoilercast for Death’s Door? An Xbox/PC exclusive unusually not on GP.


Good day to you fine noblemen! This question thread has dropped at the perfect time as I just heard someone on another podcast say that “open world seems like the next natural progression for the Lego games”, this was in reference to the upcoming Skywalker Saga. Why the flying fluff is open world a natural progression for anything? Why is it automatically considered to be a good thing by (seemingly) the majority of games media? Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy some open world games but the vast majority seem to be wasteful and padded out with pointless activities. I can’t help thinking that many open world games would have been immensely improved if they had been tighter, more linear experiences. I know this is an old debate at this point but the idea that a Lego game can only be good if it becomes open world is absolutely infuriating to me… Anyhoo, thanks for letting me get that out of my system! Love you both and hope you have an appropriately average day :)

Jeshua Anderson

Sup ya'll Lovin having Cog on the show! My fellow Gen X Sega Master System, Zillion playin brotha, what's GOOD?? But yo son, we got a problem.. You're not into Star Wars?! WTF?? Then you tell us you never dug Saints Row?? My guy, you killllin me! You had me sayin Denzel's famous "My Man" up until now. What's good bro, talk to me. Whats all that about? Matty you ain't absolved neither. I thought you were a TMNT patna till you said you never watched the original 80's cartoon. *smdh*. All is not well in the realms of the lords and dukes 😑. PS. Matty as far as aging, as a 40 yr old I can tell you its your joints that start to go, and its rough. Working out while good for health, if not done just right, can make matters worse in the joints. That said, physical media for life! Anyways, truly wishing ya'll a soggy cereal day!

Kjell Dirckx

Hey Mortal Matty and Kombat Cog, Will Psychonauts 2 get a physical release? It's out on game pass or the digital store, but no disk to buy in real stores. I know I am the way of the dinosaurs, but I love my psychical collection. Keep up the great work! Greetings from Belgium.


With Disney seemingly more willing to license out Marvel games, Playstaion has Spider-Man made by insomniac. I wanna hear your  pitch for an exclusive Xbox Marvel game. Also what studio do you think you should make it? Here's mine while you ponder it. I want a  Blade game...A rpg in the style of witcher, Arkham style combat with Kill Bill esque blood and gore. Some intresting things could be done with a day/night cycle due to blade being a "day walker". Could be cool to be switching from sword to gun combat sorta like devil may cry. Set in nostalgia late 90s early 2000s. Top that with some dope vampire lore.🤔 Arkane is perfect for this


Salutations Mr.MattyPlays and Lord Cognito! Man oh man, can we talk about how great Psychonauts 2 is? This game is overall fantastic, and even though I never played nor heard of the original game, this game brings me back to my childhood and to what games use to be like in my head. Such a fun and bright game even though it does touch on darker/harder themes like mental health. I can't wait for my girls to get a little older and have them grow up on this modern classic as well the remastered spyro trilogy Hope you guys have an "increase of 10 degrees" kinda day


Hey Dukes. A couple weeks ago Matty mentioned really liking the dynamic difficulty in MLB The Show and said he hasn’t seen many games do that. In that same episode, Matty mentioned that he’s never played Resident Evil 4. What he might not know is that Resident Evil 4 is one of the first notable examples of a game employing this kind of dynamic difficulty system that adapts to the player’s performance. Now, onto my unrelated question: Will Cuphead or Minecraft ever come to PC Game Pass and if so, what is the holdup?

Brian Anthony Seals

Hey Dukes. In addition to everything Last Stand Media, I'll sometimes listen to other podcasts like ILP, Xbox Two and the Spawn Wave podcast that goes live Saturday nights. This past Saturday, the hosts stated that PlayStation might jump ahead of Xbox in the first 6 months of 2022. Assuming that we're done with Halo and Horizon when Forbidden West and God of War drop, what do Xbox gamers have to look forward to? I think Tunic, Scorn and Gunk will all be pushed to 2022 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 will make it for an April release. Am I missing any important releases, or do we have updates on the games I called out? Thanks guys.

Lucius Augustus

username-->Lucius Augustus<--username Salute to the Dukes, I've been enjoying the games coming into Gamepass but i feel like Xbox needs to do a better job spacing these games out. August was jam-packed while September is looking very empty. What are your thoughts on spacing out games in Gamepass and what Xbox could do to space those out more.


Good day gents, I apologize ahead of time if my post is long! I have been a Playstation fanboy since 1998 at the tender age of 9. I’ve ridden through the ups and downs but I’m turning the corner and gravitating towards Xbox as my main platform now. Numerous things have factored into this glacial move, such as being 32, married and a child on the way and how Game Pass as a service just better fits into my life, both time and money wise. However, the deciding factor came this week with Sony’s customer service. I preordered Madden 22 over a month ago from PSN for my PS5. The game finally came out less than two weeks ago and has been a nightmare to run with frequent freezing and connection issues. I tried to ride it out for a few playing sessions but finally decided I wanted my money back. I contact Playstation Support and I am denied a refund due to their policy. Their policy is that no refunds are offered to any purchase after 14 days and after it has been downloaded and accessed. I explained, even though I had preordered the game over a month ago that the game was less than 14 days old. Also, how could I know the game was not working for me unless I did download and play it? I was told sorry and to contact EA (yeah right). In contrast, I had exact situations on Xbox before with Fallout 76 and NBA Live 19. I received full refunds and didn’t even have to talk to someone, I did it through a chat in 5 minutes each. So look, I get it, Sony is trying to prevent people from abusing the system but the stark difference in policy and outcomes is just another reason why I’m gravitating towards Xbox as my main platform. I’ll always love Sony exclusives but otherwise, I think I’m done.


Yo Dukes I’ve been pondering lately the future of 343 and where the studio is headed after Halo Infinite. I doubt they are sticking to the 10 year single player dlc plan that Chris Lee was envisioning after his departure, and Joseph Staton is only there temporary. This leaves the studio in Limbo without real leadership. So here’s an idea to for you boys to ponder. There is around 700 employees at 343. What if you take a portion of the studio and make three smaller teams of 80-100 people headed by an individual who has shown leadership qualities. Tell them you can hand pick your team, and make a Halo game that is more akin to Halo:ODST. Nothing to do with master Chief or Cortona, just make us the best version of a Halo Spinoff. And whoever does it the best that team will lead the next iteration of mainline Halo games. Thanks Dukes have a wonderfully dreadful afternoon

Your Boi Nicky V

Hey Lord of the DD Podcast Cog and Lord of the DD Titty Gobble Matty, Boys, do you think it's a good idea to stock up on Game Pass subscription codes this Black Friday? I mean, it's pretty likely that the price will go up next year right? Cheers fellas, Nick


Hey, Do you have any game recommendations that are good to play while sipping coffee in the morning? Of course, the most important thing during these play sessions is being able consume your coffee before it gets cold. Therefore, you need to be able to immediately put the game down whenever to take a sip. There are a lot of other factors to consider as well. My "morning coffee game" is the Picross S series on Switch. As an aside, how do you guys take your coffee? I think Matty is a tea person right? I take my coffee black.


Hey Smatty, Whenever Karak was still on the show, I wrote in asking what type of Halo spin-off that you'd like to see. Both of you determined that you'd like a true horror-survival spin-off in the Halo universe. Now that Cog is on board, I'd like to ask the same question but for a different franchise...Gears of War. Other than Gears tactics, what kind of spin-off would you like to see for the series? Not to be basic but I still think a survival-horror spin-off for Gears would make the most sense. However, I feel like the series has a lot potential in other genres as well. Thoughts? P.S....keep fucking that locust.


Hey there Mack daddy Matty and destroyer of worlds cog. Psychonauts 2 was a really fun game however one thing stuck out to me. It was said many times that boss fights where all but cut from psychonauts 2 before Microsoft purchased the studio. After playing it I couldn’t imagine how this game would have been without these amazing boss fights. Now to get to the meat of my question. With all of Microsoft’s buys do you think double fine was the closest to closing its doors forever if they released a what surly would’ve been a inferior psychonauts 2 game? I’m happy to have played this game after 16 years and so happy it turned out good. I hope you do a spoiler cast on it. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend

Julian Zhu

Hey Dukes, What are your thoughts on Destiny 2: The Witch Queen NOT being available on Game Pass. Is this a big loss for Microsoft after the get of Beyond Light and previous expansions last year and what does it potentially signal? I had assumed this partnership would continue. Much love and I hope you guys have a pre-buff mythoclast type day.


Campaign wise, my vote is for the DLC story Raam's Shadow for Gears of War 3. Otherwise, I'll give it to Gears 2 for the awesome multiplayer maps, the powerful hammerburst, the simplified Horde mode and the intro cutscene for the story.


Dude thank you for this question, this is my fear for BioShock and Dead space when those remakes come out, the developers have confirmed this and it makes me less excited for those games


Horizon and God of war are delayed till late 2022, the more interesting titles are coming out earlier are hell blade 2 and crossfire x in my opinion


Sup Lord Matty and Mr.CognitoPlays, I'm coming back with another hard game of sorts for you guys (I asked the question about cutting one Xbox staple genre in half to make more 3rd person games but I changed my name). First, list each of your 3 most anticipated 1st party Xbox games in order (only announced games). Your #1 game will come out at the beginning of next year (0 bugs and no cut content), your #3 game will be delayed to the end of the console generation, but your #2 will be canceled forever. However, you can pick any Microsoft owned IP or an IP that was previously Xbox Exclusive (ex. Jade Empire, Mech Assault etc.) that hasn't already been announced to replace your #2. Have fun with this one. I hope you guys have a peanut butter, but no jelly, cereal, but no milk kinda day. P.S. I have to call a Fraud Alert on Matty. I caught up on a previous episode and I have to say this, the Ace Attorney series is better than the Danganronpa series in every way except for Danganronpa having more gameplay besides point and click. Don't let him lead you down the wrong path Cog. Play the superior franchise, Ace Attorney.

Mike Po

Hello Dukes, I've been playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and I have to say that I am loving that it has a 60 fps option on Series X. In fact, it seems all of the big releases coming to Series X lately have launched with that smooth 60 fps as an option. Do you think this trend will last for the rest of this generation, or do you think a developer is going to eventually make the gamble that people want pretty visuals and launch a big game at 30 fps with no higher frame rate option? If that happened, do you all think there would be a backlash now that console players are getting accustomed to 60 fps? Keep up the good work!


Hey Super Dookie Bros! Why can't we have games on the Xbox that are only able to be played with mouse and keyboard. I would love to play the new Age of Empires game on my Series X which I feel is more than powerful enough to run the game. I feel like the only reason that game and many other PC only titles aren't on the Xbox is the control scheme at this point. I get that Microsoft is worried about people being upset about buying a game they can't play because the Xbox only comes with a controller. However I feel like a splash screen warning that the game only works with a mouse and keyboard popping up before confirming a purchase would stop 99% of people making this mistake. Besides picking up a mouse and keyboard is cheaper than buying another controller. So what gives?

Cody Richter

Hey Cog and Matty, So it was confirmed that both Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League and Gotham Knights will be making an appearance at the DC FanDome event in October and I just wanted to get your thoughts on what we might see and if you guys have any interest in these games. Also, what's the possibility of Microsoft making a deal with WB and getting one of these games (or both) on Game Pass day one? Gotham Knights seems like a possible get to me since Game Pass seems to be big on coop games as of late.

Sean Mason

Hey Dukes, Starfield is my most anticipated game of 2022. With that said, I’ve been thinking about my expectations for the game, and I think they might be too high. Don’t get me wrong, I think the game will be great, but I’m expecting the map to be roughly as large as Fallout 76, which was 4x larger than 4), faster load times when entering buildings, and side quests that actually matter to the endgame. Am I expecting too much? What are you expecting? Best, Sean M.


Hello Lord Dukes, with the crazy Starfield non story this week, I was curious which game or series going exclusive would get you switch to a new platform? I know you both game on everything but wondered what exclusive would get you to become Stadia or Luna stans. For me, that was Elder Scrolls. I was with xbox 360 and xbox one and had been planning to move to a PS5 until the Bethesda acquisition. Skyrim and Oblivion were my favorite 360 games so it meant I HAD to get a new Xbox but also ended up getting a PS4 and switch to play some of the games I missed last gen. Also wanted to thank the both of you as I found ILP and HAM radio through the Bethesda news and your content has had me play the most games I've played since the PS2. Keep up the great work!


Hey Maty, my question is for you. What part of your life would you give up for a Fallout 3 and or a Fallout New Vegas remake? A family member? Your house? Your car? A girlfriend? A part of your body? I for one give up any organ that would not kill me such as a kidney, my appendix, or dare is say my balls. Anyways enjoy your content and keep up the good work.


Hey Ninja loving Cog and Pirate hating Matty With the release of Psychonauts 2 and how much great reception it got. I'm curious what were your expectations of Double Fine before and now after the release of Psychonauts, Tim Schafer has been doing a ton of interviews over the past two weeks but the one that stuck out to me was his interview with VGC where he basically said they are doing new IP's and are a planning on doing multiple projects simultaneously, with all of this in mind where do you find yourself with Double Fine after all this? Also Matty just checking in on the Internet Historian videos if you don't know where to start I recommend the "Fall of 76" video for obvious reasons and would love to hear your feedback. Have a fantastic day Dukes and keep on doing what your doing

Shane Boyle

One for Cog primarily, though keen to get Matty's view as well of course! What's your view on The Witch Queen, the next expansion for Destiny 2, not being made available via Game Pass? When MS and Bungie announced that all Destiny 2 content released to date, along with the at the time unreleased Beyond Light, would all be making their way to Game Pass, it felt like this was a model that would be employed going forwards, such was the scale of the announcement. I was personally pretty shocked to learn that The Witch Queen wouldn't be released using the same format; do you guys think that the deal always was to only make content up as far as Beyond Light available, or do you think perhaps financially it just didn't make sense for Bungie to release anything else using this model. Thanks as always for the time and effort you guys put in.

Dr Stump

Konnichiwa Duke Boys!! Once again the whole Starfield and Elder Scrolls exclusivity is being brought up. I just don't understand why this continues to be a thing. I'm sorry to say but if you want to play Starfield then save up and buy an Xbox. It's as simple as that. I don't go to McDonald's and wonder why I can't get a Whopper. And I similarly don't hear PlayStation getting any flak for having Horizon Forbidden West only on PlayStation. At the end of the day Microsoft bought Bethesda so it only makes sense that those games would now be exclusive. Keep crushing the content, and have a somewhat decent day. Cheers!

Matthew Two T's

Hey lads, Coming at this whole Elder Scrolls and other Bethesda IP exclusivity from another direction. Do you think that Xbox is keeping more quiet on this topic because they're monitoring console sales? If they start dropping back behind Sony 1 to 3 like with the Xbox One do you think they'd be more inclined to launch titles on the PS5? A more 50/50 console split seems like they wouldn't benefit from it and would rather have the Elder Scrolls as a system seller. Especially since that title is still years out and the console sales landscape will be more defined then. This could explain the Series S more as well. They really want to stay in parity. So do you think it's possible for Xbox to maintain a 50/50 split? Or does their lack of a customer base in places outside of North America prevent that? Keep hammering our ears with those sweet delectable voices boys.


Whats up Dukes, This question stems from an argument a buddy and I had over the weekend about the length of time new Xbox first party exclusives will stay on Gamepass after their initial release. I had assumed that games like Starfield, Halo Infinite, Contraband, and Redfall will be on Gamepass for maybe 3 months max after their release almost like an extended free trial or demo. My buddy on the other hand tends to believe all of these first party exclusives will stay on Gamepass for at least a year if not more after initial release. So what say you Dukes? How long do you think these future first party games will stay on Gamepass? They have to sell the game at some point right?..or do they? Hope you both have a blue balls kind of day

Alexander Lucas

Do you guys think that they’re going for a “destiny” like multiplayer model? Since XP ranking is coming later, and the multiplayer is free-to-play. They’re going to have seasons? Maybe we’re not looking at it at the right angle.. Enjoy your day, and drink water.

Brian Anthony Seals

I actually game with coffee often and the answer is: anything turn-based. Gears Tactics, Octopath Traveler, Nowhere Prophet and Monster Train are good for this on Game Pass. But any card game, or JRPG, or XCOM inspired Tactics based game is how you want to do it.