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UPDATE: The event is sold out! 

Last Stand Media is having our very first live event - and the whole LSM family will be there! If you missed out on the announcement, head here to check it out.

As a patron, you get to be first in line to buy a ticket!

In order to see the tickets available to patrons, you’ll need to follow these steps…

  1. Go to the ticketing site.
  2. Click “Get Tickets”
  3. Click “Have an access key?” and enter this code - N3JJJ3WU
  4. Select your tickets and proceed to checkout!

These patron tickets will disappear after the tickets go live for the public - if they last!

We can’t wait to see you!



Just got mine. Can't wait to see you guys!


Ticket Secured! See you there!

Alex Bolton


Alex Bolton

For those that have secured their tickets, join the damn discord if you haven't yet!

Jamey Calabrese

Can't wait to meet everyone. I'll be flying in :)

John Fiorio

Got one! And it’s 15 mins from my house!


go my tickets lets gooooooo

Liam Fagan

I reckon you should do a lottery that involves flying a patreon member out for the show. I'm going to say a name at random and you should pick them. ........ Liam Fagan. Wow, can't believe I won :)


TICKETS SECURE driving 4 hours from Ohio🔥


Got my ticket! Hopefully the Canadian border opens by September haha. Can't wait <3

Brian Presley

Wish I could come. Already got tickets to the Dukes Mayo Kickoff Classic in Charlotte. Colin I think you can appreciate Dukes. I live in Northern VA so this pains me to miss

Timothy Bryant

Just ordered my tickets and can’t wait to drive the 7 hours to get there!!!! It’ll be epic!

Zack Apuzzo

Let's fucking go!!!! Traveling from CT. See you guys there!


The goods have been secured! Leggo!

Niall Prendergast

Being from UK I won't be able to go. But seeing that this is happening and reading colins "few words" on it really fills me with that Marie Kondo type joy 😂. Have fun every one whose going. Remember your waterproofs for the live sacrifice!


Ticket purchased!

Timothy Bryant

Noice. My girlfriend is from Youngstown and we’ll be heading there after the picnic lol


Shine Get!!

John Schulz

Got mine. Looking forward to seeing everyone. I have a mountain of Marriott Bonvoy points, so I am wondering if there is other stuff to go do if I drive up from Florida. It's an off Friday and Labor Day weekend so I have a bit of time if I leave Thursday.

Justin Robinson

Got mine! Coming from Morgantown, can't wait!

Miky Sh

Hopefully in the future when I have a US visa I'd be able to go 🤩


In an act of solidarity can we do a sort of Dead Poet Society, “Oh captain, my captain,” thing where we all douse ourselves with a milkshake? I believe that was something people were suggesting to do to the LSM PAX Panel participants. Perhaps Sluprees would be a better substitute? Haha Really hope to make this happen and see members of the LSM fam!

Heathen James

Got one for me and a buddy! Can't wait to finally meet the crew and share some laughs with fellow LSM faithful!



Daniel Boyer

Scored! Thank you so much!


Let's go

Jorge Pal

I was about to check out... but I just got married and I am saving up for a trip to Japan and S. Korea next year as the honeymoon.. If there's and event in FL, I will definitely make it to that.


So stoked about this!! Tickets purchased and I’ll be coming up from Northern VA. See you all there!

Payton Stone

Purchased - Let’s go!!!


Got my ticket! See you boys in September!!

Jeremy Menear

So happy I got a ticket for me and my lady! Can't wait to see you guys live! Chris better be as short as I imagine. :)

Alex Bolton

Sold out!!! Damn


looks sold out, man that didnt take long!

P Wolly

lol I took too long putting in my payment info :( sold out! I'm sure they'll let us know when the next round goes on sale

Johnny Waffles

See you there, nerds. :waffles:


Hopefully more tickets open up! I was in a meeting all afternoon and missed out! I live in Pittsburgh and would love to go.


Got mine. Can’t wait!

Jordan campos

FUCK! I'm at work and trying and I missed it!!


Sold out already? NOooooo


Is this already sold out?


5.5 hours from South Jersey. See you soon


Just got out of work and these are already sold out? This is a bummer.


Oh no! Sold out ☹


I'm like an hour away and they're sold out

Ben Bell

Hopefully there's more tickets releasing at some point? At least for patrons


I'm a Pittsburgh local as well, I was on the liberty bridge driving home trying to auto load my credit card, it wouldn't. 10 minutes later by the time I got home.... sold out. -_‐


I'm like an hour away and they're sold out

Dank Yharnam Nugz

Come do an event in South Africa. This place is on FIRE 🔥🔥🔥

Steven Camilo

Wow that sold out quick! Congrats and hopefully next time!!


Congrats to all who got tickets. I'm too far away to even seriously consider it, lol.


Damn I figured it would sell out but damn it


Get a bigger theater :-)

Drew Packard

Definitely would have tried to buy a ticket if it wasn’t my girlfriend’s birthday that weekend. Lol.

Forrest Hunter

Holy shit, that’s amazing. I hope this goes well so there are other events. Greenville, SC. Make it happen!


Congrats on selling out! Excited for what the future holds for LSM.


How much were tickets?

Rob Kvasne

Ohhhh no, they were gone before I found out! Turns out tickets were harder to get than a PS5


How many tickets were even available? I missed them by minutes apparently and was pumped to make the drive to PA. Super depressing. Makes me think they shouldn't have even mentioned it on the show if it was going to have such a small capacity. This just sucks. Really wanted to go.


If anyone has an extra ticket let me know. I'd totally be willing to buy it from you! 😅


How much were the tickets anyone?

Brandon Soto

Damn man, I was really looking forward to this.

David Graham

Well, it's nice to have a reason to leave my apartment.


Welp I missed this while I was at work


Can’t wait!

Khyle Claeys

Well that was fast

Cole Minder

Coming from southeast Ohio. Let’s goooo


Oh man, I checked earlier and figured I'd wait a bit to make sure I was good to go. Only about 2 hours away from me. Have fun everyone!


Selling tickets $1000 a pop


Jesus Christ that was fast. Well everyone, I hope more shows happen in the future in more locations.

Joe West

Totally wanted to go but i also saw it’s a solid 4.5/5 hours away i love y’all but not that much haha. I’m sure everyone will have an awesome time, and it would be cool to have this live show drop on Youtube eventually or just for Patrons or whatever.

Jeremy Mitchell

Indianapolis en route! Wasn’t able to get the hotel block but got one about 5 mins away.


I missed it... but I live so close. :(

Ben Bell

I wish they gave advanced warning on here or in some other format just so the people working would have an opportunity or heads up to buy. Didn't see till I entered an area with cell service after work, would've routed my schedule around getting tickets if I knew


Maybe we should book MSG?


Man listening to colin x jaffe and so jealous of everyone going as I live in the UK. Colin leave your anxiety at the front door think this is going to be a real eye opener on how respected you are among your followers


Damnnn sold out quick! Good for you guys but damn as soon as you started talking about it in the pod I checked and it sold out hours before lol

Remington James

Wow totally missed this lol I’d of flown in for the occasion just to see the dream team in person


Coming from North East Ohio, looking forward to it!


Damn! I just listened to the podcast after work and its already sold out! Only a 3.5 hour drive from Columbus too! haha either way super happy for you guys to have such success that it sells out so quickly, hopeful for some more midwest shows!


Can't believe how fast the tickets got sold out!


I would've loved to join the Last Stand community for this but I can't take time off on Labor Day weekend. I'm sure you'll all have a blast, though, and hopefully another event will take place in the future. Something on the west coast would be awesome!


Just sat down, saw the jaffe post and now totally disappointed…


I didn’t get a ticket, but I just came here to say you guys better come out to Level 42’s Something About You in a dramatic and cheesy fashion. It’s only right

Andrew Gambill

Any chance it gets filmed/recorded? I know that’s another big ask for production but it’s something I’d pay for!

Nicholas Brilhart

Sucks it sold out, but hopefully that means a bigger venue for a future event.

Josh Lucas

Please please have this filmed! Also next time it would be great if you have at least a day between the announcement and tickets going up. I work nights so I was asleep when it was announced and sold out :(

Zack E

To be fair in regards to me, I don’t know if I’d ultimately buy tickets, not that I wouldn’t be interested but more so would need to check my own schedule and obligations around that time. But it’s disappointing this came seeming out of nowhere. And only those who happened to have been paying attention to email, feeds, etc had the best chance. Not sure what the best solution would be other than have a few days advance warning, and then allow the luck to occur at the time the tickets would be available. But that certainly seems more fair.



TB Lightning

I just saw the event being announced. Kind of sad to miss, but I am happy it sold out so fast. I figured the new team would put something together. A sign of great things to come...


Col, I know you read all the comments, so I just want to give some constructive feedback. I think it would have been better/fairer if we'd been given a notice of at least a couple days. I was swamped at work all day and didn't get a chance to check Twitter until after I'd gotten home. It was only then that I realized I'd missed both the announcement and the opportunity to buy a ticket. :(


Congrats on selling out so fast. Sorry to miss out seeing as i'm only an hour away >.<. I have little doubt you'll be in butler again cause this event is gonna be great!


Oh the downside of being in another country and not being able to fly anywhere for the foreseeable future…


Hey Guys, Unfortunately I was not able to go to this as I live all the way in CA and a Plane ticket just isn't financially doable right now. My question is will you guys be recording this live and posting it for all us jealous patrons who don't get to go? Thanks in advanced guys.

Timothy Martin

Agree with many of the above comments, constructive feedback only but.... Bros, no notice that this was happening . Post dropped at a time when most of us were at work.


I’m on the other side of the planet, so I would love to eventually see a recording of the event. but I’m happy to see the success well deserved and I hope there’s more to come


Maybe I'll see if I can buy some scalped tickets 🎟 in the parking lot 😂😂😂


Bummer I was just checking my schedule and boom, sold out. Well done you guys. Gonna miss ya.

Jack Sibert

Aw man I wish this would've been in VA

David Mann

Damn. I was at work when the announcement came out, and didn't make it in time. This is great news, however. I'll be happy to watch/listen after the shenanigans. Make us proud.


I agree with a lot of the constructive feedback here. A notice should’ve been given than just a random post on Patreon or Twitter. This is anecdotal but I don’t use Twitter (toxic) and I rarely check the Patreon feed (this is my fault, I understand ). But an announcement on SS+ or Defining Duke Ultimate would’ve been beneficial for the Patreon supporters. Just some feedback to maybe roll out the announcement a bit better next time. I hope all goes well at the event! Glad it is happening!

The Eclectic Gamer

Y’all should be worried about playing video games rather than hearing people talk about them…


dang, I should've listened to the podcast/saw the patreon post earlier. Did not realize the tickets were live till now. I live in Pittsburgh so it was a perfect opportunity to go. ah well, maybe i'll go to the meet and greet and see everyone there at least. Have fun guys!

Luis Sanchez

I never had a chance lol


I'm glad it sold out. As a philly guy I can't go to Yinzer country. I'll catch the next one


I'm hype! This will be my first time getting to see Colin in person! And I'm excited to meet the rest of the crew as well!


Dang! Wish I listened on time. Hope the show works out (I'm sure it'll be a blast) so you can get the traveling circus going and I get another chance.


Maaaan I missed my chance 🥺

Kevin R Lord

As a Seattleite who was denied my one reason for enduring PAX crowds, I’m stoked folks get to congregate how y’all want to. Sad I listened to late but happy people get to meet up. Enjoy!

chris carrozza

This is what I get for going away for the weekend and turning my phone off, damn I missed C and C coming to my state


Congratulations LSM, will you be recording the event? Also hello from Indiana I really enjoy the content.


Super disappointed I missed out on this :( I’ll make sure I’m there next time


I was one podcast behind and I missed the chance for tickets, but I'll definitely be present for the meet and greet! I live nearby and it'll be my birthday!


Damn! Bummed I missed this. I've been knee deep in a management class for the last two weeks and I didn't get a chance to listen to the podcast! And my birthday is 9/5! Oh well, grats to Colin and Co for selling out the even and I'm sure it will be amazing!

Brandon Kirkman

I shall refresh until I get one!!! 😢 I won’t give up!