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Hey, everyone!

Today we are excited to announce Last Stand's first live event, "An Evening with Last Stand Media: The Greatest Games of All Time."

The event will take place on Saturday, September 4th at 7:00 PM at Butler's Grand Ballroom. That’s right: Dustin and Ben’s hometown. The event will feature the entire Last Stand family, in person, discussing the greatest games of all time live on stage for your entertainment. That’s Colin, Chris, Matty, Dagan, Cog, and yours truly. The whole squad.

Patrons of Last Stand Media will get early access to buy tickets today at 3:00 PM EST today. There will be a separate Patrons-only post that will go live at that time with all the info. Any remaining tickets will go live to the public on Monday at 12:00 PM EST.

Tickets are very limited!

Info About Hotels and Transportation

If you would like to book lodging at a nearby location of your choice, you’re welcome to do so. However, we’ve also reserved a limited number of rooms (at a special rate) at the Springhill Suites by Marriott, less than a block from where the event will take place! You can use this link to book.

Butler is about an hour from the Pittsburgh International Airport, so if you plan to fly in for the event, you’ll want to also plan for transportation. While Lyft and Uber are available in Butler and the surrounding area, it’s not exactly a big city, so availability may be somewhat limited.

We encourage attendees to coordinate amongst themselves to book lodging and transportation together if possible.

In addition to the live event, we're doing a meet and greet picnic (also in Butler) on Sunday, September 5th that will be open to the public. More details about that event will be forthcoming.

We know this is something our fans have been wanting for a long time. We're so excited to welcome you to our hometown for an incredible weekend.

-Dustin and Ben



Matthew Mendillo

Wow this is awesome!! I live in Pittsburgh so I’m stoked!

Anthony Palerino

This is awesome. Hope in the coming months/years that yall will come out west!


This is amazing. I’m in the Midwest so I won’t be able to make it but if there’s another event closer in the future I’m totally there!


This is dope! Super stoked :)


Lemme know when you make it to LA. You’ll have to brave the homeless population, but I imagine there are many LSM fans out here :-)

Ryan Caulfield

Dang, still stuck in lockdown here in Australia otherwise I'd fly over. Any chance of a live stream?

Andrew Duda

Holy crap boys. Amazing! Hopefully I can make it!!

Vagicarp, I choose you

This is beyond awesome. I'm in Canada and won't be able to make it but I'm still beyond excited to see this kind of event in the Last Stand Family. ❤


First of all, awesome!! Will this be recorded for those of us that cannot make it?

Wayne Moss

That’s Amazing I am in the UK so that’s a stretch to far for me lol but that’s awesome for the fans.

Dan Sing Izzy Rae Lee

Y'all gonna be in Shittsburgh? Meh, I'll think about it.

Maxi Lopez

Sucks being in the UK but please support and go! Hope everyone has fun and I know it's going to be amazing!

Piston Pants

That venue doesn't allow recordings of any kind under penalty of noogies.


I'm in Scotland so won't be attending unfortunately Best of luck with the event though guys


Only a 20 minute trip! I gotta go? 😁 Can easily head over to the Brick House for a drink afterwards.

David Graham

It's a less than one hour drive for me... I'm very tempted.


This is exciting but I'm disappointed that it's such short notice. Not even 60 days heads up. Guess I'm going to miss it.


I used to live in Zelienople (right next to butler) and my neighbor once said "nothing good ever came out of butler" lol At least he was wrong about Dusty

Ray Briggs

My only question is what type of gun did you use to get Colin to not only exit his house but meet a large group of people? Is he OK? Did he struggle?

Michael Toledo

Awesome!! Wish I could go!


Looks like I'm driving 6 hours to butler! How in the funk am I I'm NJ and butler is 6 hours!? God damn! Lol


Probably won’t be able to go to this. But would love for you guys to come to New England. Maybe RI or Boston

Timothy Bryant

I’ll have to wait for the Virginia meet and greet since I’m in Virginia. But seriously considering doing that 8 hour ride to butler.


4.5hr drive! Here we go!

The Late Nate

This is so cool, won't be able to make it thanks to being in Canada, just outside of Toronto, but hope it goes great, and no milkshakes are thrown!

Jordan campos

THAT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! If anyone reading this lives around Rockland NY and wants to make plans to head down please message me at FrostyLicks@yahoo.com

Piston Pants

"If America ever needed an enema they would put the hose in Pittsburgh." Bret Hart

Kendrick Luckenbach

This is awesome! Very happy for all the folks on the east coast!


How much will tickets be?

Benjamin Schultz

Will this be recorded or live streamed?

Dilf Lundgren

That's only a five and a half hour drive. Hell yeah!


Only 2 1/2 for me! You sons of Bitch, I'm in




Omg this is amazing! I wish I could go... Personally hoping maybe some of it will be streamed. Or even just recorded and posted later


That's awesome.

Jason Bolla

This sounds incredible, but driving from CA is likely not going to happen. Hoping everyone has a wonderful time!

Robbie Agnew

Will the event be live streamed for those that can’t make it?


Daaaannnngg. A bit too far from me. Hopefully these become an annual thing all over the place!

Kenneth Oms

The five hour drive from Jersey might be worth it just for Dagan.


I thought Colin hates this kind of thing 🤣

Rob Aitken

Have to give praise where it is due. Colin with your many self disclosures about anxiety and events/crowds this is indeed a huge mountain to climb and good on yah. Now to work out the logistics of driving from NJ

Zack Apuzzo

The least Colin thing ever is actually happening! What a surprise! This is so fucking cool. Might have to make a long trip from CT for this...


Super cool ! Too bad I’m on a business trip that weekend . Have fun !


Only a 5-hour drive and the rooms aren't bad for two nights. I will grab a room if I manage to snag a ticket. I do want to show up to this event.


this is awesome! i think anxiety will probably get the better of me, but since I'm in Ohio, i will have to at least consider it!


For the 1st time in my life im sad to be irish. Im sure it will be an awesome event.

James Galos

The amount of times I have talked to Ben about this town I feel like I know my way around already. Unfortunately I am an adult and have to work way too much.


Currently in the same boat right now 😂 6 hours is quite the drive

Will Hahn

This is so awesome this is finally happening! I’d totally go but with my work schedule and living on the other side of the country, I’ll be there in spirit haha. If you guys ever come to California, I’ll be there in a heartbeat!

Martin Colclough

I know this is a premature question but do you think this is something you would consider bringing to the UK one day?


Please tell me this will also be livestreamed

Joe B

Hope yall come up around the MN area at some point. I would be there in a hot minute. Also hope this is recorded


100 percent going

Mr. Plow

Turned down a 2 hour drive to get laid last weekend but I might drive 5 to see the fellas

Michael (ObjoGaming)

Thanks for throwing Northeast Ohio a bone! Hall of Fame city show when?


I'm working on getting my private pilot license right now with a checkride around the corner. This would be a great flight to make with my plane (2 hours). I'm in!

Jerison Reidell

Wish I could be there, but bit too far of a trip from Seattle for a one night event. Will this be recorded and eventually shared on the Patreon?

Drew Lee

May be making this trek from Columbus


As a Pittsburgh resident, this is a dream come true! Count me in! The area is a good time, and I would kill to buy the crew a round of drinks!


This is so crazy to see this! My home town is Indiana PA! - about an hour from Butler. Now I live in the Bay Area currently lol. I may have to take a trip home . . . Been listening to Colin since the beyond days at IGN like 2013. Never thought it would be hitting so close to home. Crazy !


Man, I'm seriously considering the 17hour drive.


Hell yeah! I'll be in town for my wedding reception the day before. Wife is already on board. Gonna be an awesome weekend.


I wish I could go, but I live in CA so it's be tough to make it out. Have fun everyone.

Joseph Losinno

May have to take the drive from NYC!

Michael centeno

This is awesome! I unfortunately won't be able to go as the borders haven't opened yet. Hopefully in the future I can go! Sounds like it will be a great night


Damn I’ll be on vacation but good to hear this


I’ll be on vacation otherwise I would totally go. Hope you’ll have another event next year!

Dana Anderson

Another vote for the West Coast! Preferably Phx/LA/Las Vegas!

Michael J Sutherland

I still have an unopened copy of Twin Breakers Vita! Signature would be awesome!

Alex Bolton

Awesome!!!! My birthday hangover day. I'll be there


Any idea how much tickets are??

Thomas Connolly

Really, really awesome event but also really bad location. I get that it’s central to Dustin and Ben but this should’ve been held in or around Philadelphia. Would be a thousand times easier for east coast fans to get to. I really don’t wanna drive 7 hours to this event or fly to Pittsburgh then rent a car to drive an hour north into rural PA. I hope you guys do an event in a bigger town next time!!


Got family in Delaware should be a smooth transition as Pittsburgh isn't too far away, glad to see the news!


Take my fucking hard earned dollars! But first…how much?


It’s like a 10 hour drive and I have no one to drive with so it feels impossible for me to go but I would really like to 😩


This is FANTASTIC news! I live about an hour south of Butler, so I am ABSOLUTELY in! Can't wait to meet everyone!!!!

Jose Cantu

Oh god it's a 22 hour drive from Houston for me but I'm SO tempted. 😫

Jeshua Anderson

Oh man, I wanna go, but it's coming up a little to fast for me to make arrangements. Hopefully there will be another. Have a great time

Jeffrey “the miz” Mizrahi

LSM Jewboy over here, while I appreciate y'all not schedualing it ON Rosh Hashana, the show is literally the day before so I won't be able to make it. LSM, for the future, if y'all do something in the northeast, consider the observant jews in the audience! I missed PAX East and NYCC countless times because they overlap with Passover or Sukkot. I know scheduling is hard though, so I don't fault y'all at all. I'll be there in spirit!


Can’t make the event due to current finances but will you guys be recording and posting it afterwards?


Damn, Butler's under 2 hours from me, im super excited about this one!


Nice! Wish I would be able to make it. Hope everyone has fun going!


5 hours drive.... I think I'm in

Josh Gamez

This is awesome, there virtually no chance that I'll attend but still, awesome lol


Another reminder that my forbears shoulda got on the fkn Mayflower like the fun ones 🇬🇧👎 please get yourselves to Blighty at some point fellas. Please.

TJ Levey

Damn live in Georgia won’t be able to attend boys. Would totally watch a livestream of it though


Oh man. Tempted to go. I mean it’s only a hour away right. Just hope I have the time!

Lucas Flatter

Oh nice! I’m in VA, and I thought the first event would be closer to home. I’m definitely planning to drive up for this though.

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

This is awesome, wish I could go, but it'll just be too expensive. Not sure if I'm allowed to go to the US either, actually.

Barrett Boswell

5 1/2 hours from NKY. Probably will buy a ticket and then wait to see what the schedule is gonna look like at that time to determine if I make it or not. Will make it though if it's a light work/school load for me then. Very cool you are doing this though, thank you.

Jose Cantu

On the website it says capacity of 180? Is that about how many tickets will be available?


I’ll be flying in from TX, lots of flyer miles saved.

Michael J Sutherland

Didn't realize that there are so many Pittsburghers in the Patreon. I live in Freeport/Leechburg so I am definitely in too!

Jeremy Sagun

I’m very close by. I’m in!


This is so cool. I wish I could go. Hope everyone has an amazing time. ❤️


I live in McCandless, never would have expected you guys to fly all the way out here!

Kc Wright

I live in Maryland I'm hoping I can get some tickets gonna try at 3


Of course we have an event a month after I move from Latrobe back to Tennessee!!!

Ben Smith

Tickets are limited, but that is not the number. That is the capacity accounting for tables and the like, which we won't have. -Ben

Hidari Shotaro

Will this event be recorded? I'd love to see it even if I can't go.


Nice this is cool. I don't live that far from Butler. I start work at 3, so I'm definitely going to clock in early and hide in the bathroom so I can try to secure a ticket.


Will the event be streamed on YouTube or Twitch, or uploaded on YouTube afterwards? Or you know, none of these?


This is super awesome! It's heartwarming to see you, Colin, gradually opening up to this kinda stuff again but on your own terms and with trusted people like Ben & Dustin by your side. I won't be able to make it from Canada but keeping fingers crossed for a possible livestream?

Duncan Leishman

Amazing. Across the pond so won't be able to make it but hope to see you in Scotland one day. Enjoy those that can make it.


SERIOUS QUESTION: your post says that this event will "feature the entire Last Stand family," but then proceeds to leave Micah's name off from the list of attendees. Was this gross negligence, a simple oversight, or something even more sinister...like, she's busy that day or something??


Please consider recording it for us patrons who can't make it, even if let's say we'd have to pay a nominal fee for it or something. Some of us just can't afford to disrupt our daily lives for such events.

Heathen James

Holy shit, this is like, 30 mins from my house. I'M IN.


Colin's tweet included Micah so she's gonna be there :)

John Schulz

I would like to come up from Florida. Never been to PA.


Bro yes. As a Pittsburgh dweller, I am there 100%.


I would absolutely love to make this but sadly can't. If my car was running fine and I didn't just have to put $5k into it then I would jump on this in a heartbeat. Hopefully it goes well and we'll have more of these. Hope it's an amazing time for everyone and hopefully they'll record it for patrons :)

Corey Adams

Hell yessss. Making the drive from Cleveland

Karl oconnor

Dam times like this it sucks living in Ireland.


Wait..... I show in my home state?! I'm in!


+1. I don't need fancy/any editing, I'd be happy to pay a few extra dollars, and I think it's great you're doing this even if it doesn't fit into my plans!

Kyle Toker

I love this idea! Hopefully you guys do it again when it's easier to leave Canada 🤣

Daddy T

We'll do our own thing here when the pubs are back open pal haha

Ben Bell

If you fly to the meet and greet/event you better make a point of saying that to the guys. So cool!


It makes me so happy that Colin is willing to do a live show again! Just goes to show how awesome the LSM community has been. If you guys ever do one in or near Texas I’m definitely going!

Ben Bell

I'm gonna buy tickets in the hopes the border reopens by then (assuming more pop up). Only a 5 hour drive from where I am in Ontario


Is this going to be recorded for a SS or SS+? Or is it a, you gotta be there kind of thing?

Derek Alcott

That sold out fast. The downside to working overnight. Have a great time everyone.


I thought it said 3PM PST. Wah wah. I live 20 minutes from the venue too

Michael J Sutherland

AGAIN, people that work miss out! I live 30 minutes from the event; got home from work and SOLD OUT already!

Michael J Sutherland

Yeah I'm so pissed! I cancelled both my LSM patreon and Handsome Phantom memberships because of it!


Dude in my home state and sold out before I even checked my email... shame


I am genuinely excited for this news! Hope you all decide to do some shows around the US. If you are ever near Colorado I will definitely be picking up some tickets!


Update: The Network at work was down and the cellular signal was nonexistent; of all the days. I hope everyone who got a ticket has a blast. It's so nice to be able to go out and do events again. Got a few concerts line up this year.


Missed out on the hotel special 😔 any chance more rooms will be reserved?

Ross Arbour

I missed out as I was at work, but this is totally driving distance from my home in Toronto so I hope to get there somehow!


I'm super happy to hear LSM is doing some live events, however it's really obnoxious that there was so little time between announcing the event on the episode and then putting tickets on sale. I didn't listen to the episode until this morning and I work 12 hr days so I didn't see the email yesterday either.

Dennis Meinschein

Wish I could go. Its literally the busiest week of the year where I work. Back to School. Or id be there. Its only 2 and a half hour drive from me in WV.

Vaughn Allison

Holy shit I live 20 minutes from here and I missed this!!!!!!

Angel M Rivera

I had no idea. This notification was mixed in with other Patreon notifications and I totally missed it. I live in Buffalo. 3 hours away. I definitely would've gone. Next time

Donald Evanoff

Crap. Missed it. About four hours away from the venue. Can you at least sell t-shirts for the event that say, "I supported Colin and all I got was this t-shirt"?