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Sony may have opted-out of the yearly June festivities, but its archrival Xbox sure didn't. Microsoft showed up with bells on, discussing around 30 games, some exclusive and some not, some timed and others day-and-date, and even some next-gen products, too. Starfield has a release date (and no, it's not coming to PlayStation 5), Halo Infinite seems primed for this holiday, Arkane is working on a new franchise called Redfall, and more. Oh, and it's pretty much all coming to Game Pass. Welp! Let's chat.



Nick La Creta

The fellas are putting them hours in

Piston Pants

The conference was good as far as putting on a conference but say for Outer Worlds 2 and maybe Starfield which didnt show gameplay I still have no interest in purchasing an Xbox anytime soon. Maybe they will have gamepass streaming via smart TVs sooner than later so I can do it that way and avoid buying the console.

Big titty drinker

I dont think the vast majority of sonys audience care about multiplayer centric games. I think the reason sony dominates is becuase they make the best 3rd person story games. And that's most people's favorite type of game.


This years best of E3 goes to.... Last stand media


Didn't realize this dropped, it never went into my RSS feed 😳

Matthew Two T's

As far as the price of Game Pass goes just this year alone I've played upwards of $1,000 worth of games for that $15/mo. As long as they bring out bangers at least quarterly it more than pays for itself. As long as MS is willing to pay the Devs I'll be subscribed.

Justin Matkowski

GOOD call with the praise given to Replaced. Moreso than any other reveal at E3 this year, that's the game that made me think "This world draws me in and I really want to explore it..."


Fallout 4 was released in 2015 Colin. It’s still going to be a long time for their last game but it’s also got the covid and engine rework added to it. So I don’t think it’s been to long.


I would say way more players play madden and cod then they do any Sony game on the average

Big titty drinker

Gamepass is a great value but as someone who buys physical games to collect it's not a very appealing option. Also even beyond that the ps5 controller is a game changer. If any 3rd party supports that function I'm playing it on ps5.

Shawn Yorn

Game and genre discovery is one of if not the biggest driving forces behind Game Pass. Owning physical is fine and dandy but that's a very linear way of looking at it! Additionally, I agree with you on the dual sense. It's nice! I'm not going to pay $40-70 more for a game to experience vibrating triggers though. If a game comes out and it's not on game pass. Assuming there is no major performance variables, and it supports dual sense, I will play it on PS5 10/10.

Zachary Abell

Game Pass.. holy hell. Swallowing the cost of $70 for Ratchet isn’t something I was comfortable with at launch and now I’m going to wait for a sale. The rest of 2021 is pretty loaded, on GP alone, and then Horizon will be here before we know it.

Shawn Hayden

Halo looked better, glad it's cross gen, can't wait to try it out! Starfield looked like the same janky ol' Bethesda, I'll wait to actually see the game sometime in the next two years though. Forza looks awesome! I have no idea what redfall is yet... Confusing how you can be excited for it? I think it was a big mistake to end the show with that. Where is Hellblade?! Xbox clearly had the best overall show, but I think square enix was close simply because they showed things more imminent and they showed actual gameplay of nearly everything. If you take away CGI trailers and games over a year and a half away, Xbox wouldn't of had much to show.

Jake Z

These Xbox comparison episodes are getting really tired. It's the same questions with the same points made over and over. Does Sony need a this? Does Sony need a that? How will Sony respond to Game Pass? How about compare Sony to Nintendo for a change?

Mitch Krassin

My favorite part was the Hades announcement, I've been dying to play that on Playstation! Between that and Psychonauts I'm set!

Anthony J Sanchez

I love all the systems, but yes gentlemen, I'm extremely hyped for what Xbox has in store this generation! Thank you so much for the amazing content all week!

Dom posa

Need Xbox to make a good exclusive before we say this a competition. Sunset overdrive and Quantum break were years ago and insomniac and Remedy are not making Xbox exclusives.

Anthony J Sanchez

Oh man Dustin. If Microsoft had announced Banjo Threeie!!!!


It was a great conference. I thought it was easily one of Xbox’s best E3’s ever.


Also Xbox still has so many bullets that they didn’t even fire at this conference like: Fable, Project Dark, Avowed, Hell Blade 2, State of Decay 3, Indian Jones, Everwild and Elder Scrolls 6… Xbox has a crazy amount of games that will be coming out over the next 5 years.

Your Boi Nicky V

Even I'm hyped for Replaced and I don't even usually like side scrollers. Thanks for all the E3 content Colin, I hope you get to enjoy some well earned rest my man.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 is easily the game if the show for me. Given I've sunk hundreds of hours into the previous game it's to be expected but I'm just kind of stunned we are finally getting what looks like a polished and refined version of the notoriously jank series. Also, with the series having probably the most dedicated modding scene of any game community I've been a part of, it's sure to keep its players busy on the pc for years and years to come.

David P

Part of what excites me about Xbox this gen is just all the new stuff. I know Playstation will definitely have those but so far a lot of it seems to be sequels. Nothing wrong with that, just more interested in new stuff.


I pretty much fall in line with most of what Colin said as usual. I agree with Chris on “No Game, No Hype,” unless it’s something we can be more certain about. Regardless, Redfall looks cool and like a vampire Back 4 Blood. Not huge about it being open world but it looks promising. Replaced looks awesome and Somerville looks cool as well (Somerville is timed I think?). A lot of the other exclusives didn’t do much for me but the narrative of no games is definitely gone.

Michael Buffill

As a PS5 owner I'm glad I have a Series S. I literally just use my Xbox for gamepass and after this E3 Im excited to have one. I love Playstation, i still paid for the show on PS5 to support Sony, but if quality 3rd party games are on gamepass thats a no brainer. While any 3rd party games not on gamepass I will still buy on Playstation but i think an Xbox series console is a must have for console gamers this generation.


It was weird seeing The Outer Worlds 2 teased just because of the 2K SNAFU from the other week.


Well, that's not really news if you listen to this show! Psychonauts coming to PS is interesting.

Michael Buffill

Im not a real stickler for resolution i prefer 60FPS. Also PS5 will still be my primary console so no need to spend 500+ on xbox.


I picked up a Series X after not having an Xbox One, and honestly feel no rush to buy a PS5 since I'll be able to play Horizon 2 and GOW2 on my PS4.

Michael Buffill

You shouldn't be. With that said though the performance upgrade on the PS5 makes me satisifed with my purchase and at least returnal and R&C are amazing games.


I mean if I could easily go online or into a store and buy one easily I would. I'm just not going to monitor twitter 24/7 waiting for a drop and try and compete with all the bots to acquire one and I will not pay the 300 dollar mark up on the secondary market. I do wish I could be playing Returnal, game looks phenomenal.

Kenneth Oms

the Wayne Brady hanging out with Dave sketch was my favorite. “Eat your sandwich Dave”

Brandon Soto

They didn’t show anything that’ll get me to switch over from PlayStation, and I honestly don’t think they ever will. They need exclusive games. You can’t just say GamePass over & over again. Most people really don’t care, especially if they buy physical games.


Great episode, in terms of Halo Infinite, I still think it will be released this year With Back 4 Blood, Battlefield 2042 and COD all releasing this year, the shooter category is stacked. I’m thinking they might be waiting for that COD release date in order to place it with the least amount of resistance from other rival titles


Not surprised by Micah and towels considering all the wet sock madness. 😄

Craig Mcguire

Great episode. I enjoyed the E3 Xbox show, definitely one of their best. What I find interesting now is that the smaller indies and third parties etc that would only loosely be tied to xbox through marketing deals seem be be more meaningful now by being day and date in gamepass. Seemed to give the show more impact overall and add more value to it. Replaced and Somerville looked amazing. I think Somerville is made by one of the Play Dead co founders that left, had heavy Limbo and Inside vibes.

Derek Alcott

Yes the game Replaced does look great. I can't wait to try it and see more.


And just like that I now need an xbox literally just for Arkane >___>


Xbox show seems solid but I have limited times for games, I usually just buy games that I want and finished them.

Robbie Sorrentino

I definitely think Sony focusing on third person action games as opposed to expansive first person rpgs is intentional for economic reasons and potentially the success of their biggest franchises. I typically prefer smaller games with a good story and fun gameplay mechanics over games that feel unbeatable. It is one of the reasons why I have stuck with PlayStation since the PS3. Honestly, it doesn’t bother me too much that Sony is missing these massive rpgs but I am curious to see how Starfield launches.


I think so, too, but there's no reason they can even move over to FPS every now and again.