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Battlestar Galactica (Miniseries+Season 1) | KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast Episode 175

In the early aughts, a late '70s sci-fi show was reimagined for a whole new generation of viewers. It was called Battlestar Galactica, and -- unlike the original, cult-favorite run -- the reboot was a smash hit. It's simple enough to understand, in premise: Humanity creates robotic slaves who turn on them in a vicious war before disappearing for decades. But then, they come back and inflict a holocaust on their masters. BSG deals with more themes than we can even imagine: Fascism and terrorism, economics and philosophy, religion and death. There's so much to talk about, in fact, that we're doing four episodes on the show. This is the first. We hope you enjoy. Check out our merch store at http://LastStandMedia.Shop A new episode of KnockBack launches each Monday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia #BattlestarGalactica #KnockBack #LastStandMedia


Liam Mcnulty

Best sci-fi ever made. So say we all.

Liam Mcnulty

Small correction, you find out at the end of the mini series that there's 12 Cylon models. A note is left in Adamas quarters. Can't wait to see your thoughts on seasons 3 and 4, not many people agree but the show get consistently better for me. I love the occupation storyline, the trial of Giaus, seeing more of the Cylon ship, the final 5 mystery and the mutiny arc is BSG at its best I think. I actually really love the ending as well, I get the who "God did it" complaint but they pretty much said from the mini series its "God", I just don't think anyone expected it to be literal 😂 The music of the series is incredible as well, especially some of the operatic ones. The score in the Resurrection Ship two parter stands out as well. Same episode... I've always loved the visual of Adama floating in space by himself, watching the battle happen from far away. And Starbuck is amazing, one of the rare times when gender swapping a character worked and actually elevated the character. She isn't some Mary Sue, she's tough as nails, but she's a flawed and damaged person. I love flawed characters better than any other type of character and that's what this show does best; its characters. Ronald D Moore did a lot of these themes in Deep Space Nine as well. Edit: I only felt "sorry" for the Cylons by season 2 when some of them showed remorse for what they did to humanity. I don't agree humanity had it coming, genocide was a slight overreaction on their part 😂


Great episode. Went to peacock to start watching it again and just FYI it says there are only 13 days left to watch. Looks like it's getting removed :O


Colin, I've recently discovered the treasure trove that is Knockback and have been working my way through the backlog. This is totally unrelated to Battlestar and I'm late to the punch but I had to write in. While listening to the movie theater episode you guys mention eating nachos in a theater. My wife and I were on our honeymoon and decided to go see Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk in IMAX. We were the only people in the entire theater, it was beautiful. Perfect seats, back row, dead center. We've gotten situated, candy open, popcorn and sodas ready. The pre-movie silence is absolute. And then another couple walks in. They're carrying a huge tray of nachos. They walk all the way up to the very back row. They start walking towards us. They sit down ONE SEAT AWAY from us. In an EMPTY THEATER. They then started to eat their nachos. It was so unreasonably loud, all I could hear was the crack of chips and cheesy mouth sounds. This went on for an impossibly long time. Well into the runtime of the movie. They had a bottomless tray of nachos. Apoplectic is an understatement my dude. I've never felt more like my life is an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. If you eat nachos in a theater you have earned what comes to you. Love all the shows, you guys are doing gods work


Oh ho ho I missed this one! I know what I'm gonna be "knockin back" tonight!


Just watching this episode now and loving it! Colin outlined the plans for the four episodes with their seasons and associated movies, but I didn't hear Blood & Chrome mentioned. Any plans to revisit that movie as well, or is it somewhat out of scope due to it being a prequel to the series?

Wayne Moss (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-09 17:13:53 Fantastic episode I haven’t watched Battlestar since it released I may have to go back & rewatch it now & get ready for the next BS KnockBack episode.
2021-06-27 18:57:03 Fantastic episode I haven’t watched Battlestar since it released I may have to go back & rewatch it now & get ready for the next BS KnockBack episode.

Fantastic episode I haven’t watched Battlestar since it released I may have to go back & rewatch it now & get ready for the next BS KnockBack episode.

Aaron Gaspar

When’s the next Battlestar episode? I started watching this show because of this episode… almost done the first season and now I’m absolutely hooked!