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In the early aughts, a late '70s sci-fi show was reimagined for a whole new generation of viewers. It was called Battlestar Galactica, and -- unlike the original, cult-favorite run -- the reboot was a smash hit. It's simple enough to understand, in premise: Humanity creates robotic slaves who turn on them in a vicious war before disappearing for decades. But then, they come back and inflict a holocaust on their masters. BSG deals with more themes than we can even imagine: Fascism and terrorism, economics and philosophy, religion and death. There's so much to talk about, in fact, that we're doing four episodes on the show. This is the first. We hope you enjoy.



Rob Aitken

We are in the middle of a war and your taking order from a Podcaster? - So say we all!! Been looking forward to this one, thank you gents in advance for another exciting Knock Back


Oh man, this series deserves a rewatch to follow along. Who cares if it's the 4th time I've seen it. Thanks for this! Love the series.

Kendrick Luckenbach

It's truly a testament to you both that even if I've never seen the source material, I check in for the first few minutes for the witty banter 😁

Michal Dudic

I have to second what others have said, I think I'm gonna do a watchalong, it's been years since I saw BSG.

Dylan Weaver

I’ve never been interested in battlestar galactica but after hearing this episode I really wanna go binge every episode. You guys really have a way of getting me interested in new stuff haha. Keep up the great work Moriarty boys, this is my favorite podcast out!

Diego Muñoz

Is there a video version of this episode? I can't see it on my app. Thank you.

Asique Alam

I waited a decade for like minded people to talk about this show! Finally! This is one that solidified my love of hard science fiction.