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Jaffe x Moriarty | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 93

Ask, and you shall receive: David Jaffe joins me (Colin!) for a nearly two hour-long episode of Sacred Symbols+ all about... well... a lot of things. We talk about video games and the video game industry, of course. But a lot of other things come up, too. In fact, Jaffe ends up interviewing me (?!) about leaving Kinda Funny, the pain of publicly losing your best friend, and much more. We certainly talk about issues we've never discussed before on this show, or anywhere else, and it's brutally raw and honest, maybe to a fault. Please enjoy, totally unedited. Check out @David Jaffe on YouTube! #DavidJaffe #LastStandMedia #SacredSymbols+



Alexa... Clear my calendar for the next 2 hours.


I'm a simp for this interview.


I literally stop my day to sit down and watch this as soon as it popped up. Thanks Colin for having Jaffe on the show. This is awesome!

Tony Parra

Yes, been waiting for this one!!


I’m here for it boys. Long time free loader reporting for duty.

Ben Strauss

Dustin. Stop sucking. Jesus. Put these out while we are at work!


Powerful. I appreciate the candidness of this conversation.


This is the conversation I've been waiting for! So hyped to give this a listen!


This is fucking good.

Jerison Reidell

Dude. 1:30 in and I'm loving it already. Love Jaffe!


I can already see the gaming websites going wild with “racist Colin tells people they should read Mein Kampf and David Jaffee gets hard while hearing Colin say those atrocities” 🤣😂🤣😂 Great episode gents!

DB Cooper

Jaffe's Dustin joke had me double take hahaha

Cole Barker

Damn you really got deep into some stuff people have been wanting to hear. Thanks for being so candid.


What a great conversation. Really enjoyed this! But who was interviewing who here?


Awesome conversation Colin and (David.) Thanks for the early upload.


This was absolutely wonderful.


Holy moley this was an excellent show and really helped plant the flag about how watching you in Kinda Funny content that wasn’t PS I Love You XOXO just looking at your body language I could tell something may have been “off”. Always glad for the success you continue to have, yet knowing now makes the KF era feel very bittersweet. Can’t wait for your follow up on Jaffe’s show!


I love you colin and you have always been my favorite!


Love the honesty, fantastic podcast as usual Colin


This has easily been one of my favourite videos/discussions I've seen in a long time. Fantastic content!


This is the best episode/interview I've ever seen. Fantastic job!


Bravo!!! Great podcast. Never listened to Jaffe but hes a refreshing voice on the gaming scene.

Vinny Pepperoni

This was excellent. What a great dynamic


Colin, One of my favorite interviews you’ve done. Loved hearing you and Jaffe go back and forth on a lot of things. I hope we can get more of the two of you together. Every time you said “we can talk about that another time” I found myself wondering when that time would be.


Nice to hear you talk about Tim, as it could be felt watching you guys back in the day. I hope people control themselves and act respectful.


This is definitely the best $5 spent so far in 2021....


This type of honesty and conversation is why we love you Colin and have been supporters of yours from the beginning! Keep up the excellent work!


This was a good episode. Lots of fun topics. I'm definitely looking forward to the follow up conversation where y'all talk about games.


This was a great interview. Glad you felt comfortable talking about the early KF days Colin. Jaffe is such an interesting character.


Fantastic interview, best episode of Sacred Symbols + so far.


This episode is not leaving my podcast app for a lonnnng time. Love it. Wish you two could find a way to do more regular content. Awesome.


This episode is incredible. It was super honest and it was cool to see nothing held back. I’m excited for Jaffe to come back again! Thank you so much for this, Colin!

Ross Stoddart

100%. The comment about Tim was not a surprise at all. He’s always seemed so egotistical. I was somewhat surprised to hear that Greg is more of a character on screen.


Great conversation Colin and I’m glad it confirmed a lot about what I always thought when it came to the split between you and Kinda Funny. So happy I stopped listening them when you left.

Ross Stoddart

Fantastic episode Colin. You said a few weeks back that Jaffe brings things out of you, and you weren’t wrong. It turned into more of his interview at the end 😂 he’s such an interesting character! Loved the candid conversation. And FYI, on the stuff about a certain egotistical former colleague, we all knew that’s what he was like - it was 100% jealousy of your talent. Around the 1:24 mark Jaffe said some meaningful shit that I hope you took to heart Colin. Keep doing you! 💪🏻

Nemesis Enforcer

Jaffe should get some sort of regular spot on here. you 2 are great together


I just wanted to say I have been listening and watching since the old beyond days and never miss a beat. I'm honestly a lurker and never feel the need to comment. I just wanted to express my thanks and let you know that I truly love your content and you as a person. Thanks for all hours of entertainment over the years.

Domenico Smarto

I’m surprised Tim said that to Colin. I thought it was pretty obvious what made KF great was the chemistry between Greg & Colin. When Colin left KF became a shadow of its former self.


Keep doing these! Outstanding content Colin!

Robert Schultz

Not gonna lie, this was the least surprising thing ever. Tim the tool man Gettys


This was such a delight. I really appreciate the openness within the conversation and where it went!

Ian (616Entertainment)

I’ve been waiting for you two to link up again for the longest time, and god damn, this still exceeded my expectations. I put down what I was working on so I could focus on listening. Thank you, Colin.


This episode was fantastic. Goddamn it, inject it in my veins


Watching this while playing metro exodus. It’s gonna be a good night ❤️

Jerison Reidell

Great episode, but I'd love to see Jaffe come back and get in to some more gaming focused conversations. It'd be awesome to hear some behind the scenes stories on the development of GoW 1&2 as well as Twisted Metal. Also curious if he ever intends to get back in to making games.

Adam Basye

Love this one, best content in awhile love the conversation

Richard Duflo

This was really great! I appreciate the candor. It really fucking sucks the way everything turned out, but I'm happy for you to be in a better place privately and professionally. Ill always cherish those beyond memories, but I'm happy and grateful to be making new ones here at Last Stand.


David Jaffe need to be on here more! Can’t wait to hear Colin on Jaffe’s show! Keep up the great content Last Stand Media!

Eric Bolella

Love the authenticity and vulnerability in this conversation. Thanks for always keeping it real and pushing beyond what feels “safe.” You’re one of the good guys, Col 🙌


What a wild ride. Great show. This shouldn't be a plus episode. This is a staple for Last Stand. People want to know the journey, the story, and I think that's important. Give it to the scalawags!


This was great, recently joined Patreon and no regrets. Keep up the good work!

Kenneth Oms

This was a great episode, man! I know you’re doing better now, but man what that guy said to you that would stick with me too. Glad you’re surrounded by people who have fun with you/jive with you on a personal level. Your sons!


I was in the middle of Knockback when this episode popped. Such a great episode. It really explains some of the mental health things you have been talking about and degradation of self worth and trust. The conversation took some wild twists and turns and I was here for it. Can't wait for Jaffe's show on Friday. Tim was the only reason I never supported the KF Patreon. That dude just never sat right with me and I felt that he was riding on you and Greg's coattails. I am glad that I voted with my wallet. Proud supporter of this channel, it's content, it's creators, and it's honesty. And as an Asian guy, I knew that tweet was just spittin facts. 😂


what an incredible episode. Jaffe and Collin are great together. cant wait for part two


Awesome stuff, Colin. Really enjoyed this conversation.. also "a conversation with Tim" would have been terrible.


What a powder keg of a conversation.

Hugo's Desk

Oh man, I was going to bed and then you dropped this! And now it’s 3.00 Am! What an amazing episode! Thanks, Colin! You just made my day.


I think there could be an amazing edit here. Not sure if it should be public tho. :)

Dennis Parker

Well, that’s the best episode of SS+ yet. I’ll probably stay at the $5 tier if you keep bringing on Jaffe.


Great episode, one of the best. This really pushed me over the fence and I unfollowed KF and IGN on YouTube/instagram. Only supporting people like Colin and Jaffe from now on. Already said this on the Facebook group but S/O to David Jaffe for asking the real tough questions that every former KF & golden era IGN fan wanted to hear. Great content, thank you guys.


Man, this episode was great. Jaffe is such a blast to hear talking shit.


This was awesome. Love Jaffe. Tim thinking a conversation with him would be equal to better is hilarious.

Andy Reno

As a day1 mother fucker on this Patreon. I LOVE this guy.


Hands down best SS+ ep so far!! Loved Jaffe and he kept it real as did Colin asking/responding. Cant wait for pt2

Travis Stockton

I've actually been meaning to reach out and ask if there was a chance of Fireside Chats returning with the advent of remote recording. I don't mind the idea of it just being worked into some episodes of Sacred Symbols + but some of the greatest Fireside Chats were things that had absolutely fuck all to do with video games from any angle. This episode was great though and love that it didn't really even get into games before it was over haha.

Marco Maluf

So glad I have finally caught up and watched this episode in video. I’ve been waiting for so long for Colin to open up about what happened with kinda funny, and that Jeffie expressed what I think as well, you won Colin, for being who you are. I feel sad about the path Greg decided to go, but well, you have much better people by your side today, but really do miss Nick and Kevin... Looking forward for this interview to continue...

Jorge Sosa

Wow god damn. What a great episode. Thanks Colin and Have.

Andy T

Great episode. Thanks Colin- loved the openness and sharing of ideas. We need more of this. Much love Colin, we’re behind you.

Owen S

Needless to say, great episode and it obviously covered a lot everyone’s wanted to hear for years. One thing I gotta say is that it just bothers me that so many people are walking away saying “yeah fuck KF!” Obviously probably everyone here empathizes more with Colin, understandably so, but I just don’t think the takeaway from this convo should be fuck the other side because I don’t think they showed that sentiment here. Maybe I only feel this way because I still like both sides, but anyways TL;DR everyone have a nice night!


This is one of my favorite eps of of SS+, the discussion had interesting perspectives from the both of you that I didn't know before. You do need to bring him back soon to have a more gaming focused discussion. Kudos


That took a lot of courage. Loved the episode.

Brandon Wall

Holy shit this was an amazing interview, would love if Jaffe, or anyone like him came on again, I'd easily pay like 10 dollars for more interviews like this, man. So good Colin, thanks for great content as always

Jeff Caseres

Man amazing episode! LSM and Jaffe are my top 2 favorites when it comes to video games, and genuine real content.


That was a great episode! The guests lately have been 10/10


Thank you Colin for being you, for being open and honest in this one. SS+ has been on fire lately and I am happy for you that you can do some interview style episodes again.

David Hicks

Colin, you should be very proud of all the work you've done over the years. You are my favorite personality in an entire industry of personalities, by far. Your content matters to so many of us. I value the countless hours I've listened over the many years, often more than actually playing video games.

Sean McClary

Colin, this has to be the greatest episode of SS+. Not only did you shed some more light into your fallout with Greg and Kinda Funny, I feel that you creating LSM was the wiser choice. I hope Jaffe is a reoccurring guest on the show. Keep being you.

FourEyes Malone

great episode. respectful and entertaining conversation. Jaffe asking the real questions!

Anthony Maltese

Man really great episode and exemplifies what I really like about about LSM. Kudos for being open about a really shit situation.


I think the people walking away with that sentiment (myself included) aren’t doing so because Colin said we should, but rather we already felt that way, and this only reinforced our reasons for doing so. The situation from Colin’s perspective unfolded exactly how many fans speculated it had for years, and this candid conversation just confirmed the distaste many already had for a company that couldn’t possibly fail any harder to meet its “best friends” marketing line.


I don't really post much, but this episode was pure gold Colin. Raw, emotional, honest, and above all, respectful. Thanks for bringing Jaffe on and for opening up even more on the KF situation. Real talk though: those wannabe Beyond! hosts and Tim can all eat dicks :)

Quintin Propes

Just amazing! What an episode. I can’t imagine that was super easy for you at times. I really appreciate opening up and talking about so many different things. I want and need more of this. Just you and someone else shooting the shit about anything.

Jack Doheny

Really great to see you open up more about what happened Colin and I’m sorry you had to bring it up again. I can’t imagine how annoying and depressing it is to bring up old wounds. Really great conversation cant wait for the one with Ryan.

Harry Stone

Incredible episode Colin. I can't imagine how vulnerable you must've felt when talking about particular personal things, e.g. kinda funny/Greg. As many, I have been listening since the Beyond days and continue to enjoy content from both parties but listening to what happened definitely made me choke up a couple of times. Even so, I don't follow Beyond anymore but to know you weren't included in the 500th episode is absolutely disgusting. Can't wait for your episode with Ryan and look forward to hearing you talk with Jaffe again someday about the gaming industry. Keep fucking that chicken!


One of the best podcasts Last Stand has produced. Really unexpected. I know it wasn't you're goal or anything but I honestly can't ever listen to KF after this.

Reuben Barrett

I'm only ten mins and this one is shaping up to be awesome. Loving the guests on SS+!


Dude that episode was dope! Real talk, no BS, open minded conversation is what I really appreciate about you. KF drama sucks for sure but keep your head up man, The future of LSM is bright, and I can’t wait to see what you do next. Glad to be apart and just know we rolling with you till the wheels fall off.


Been a supporter here for a while now and a huge fan for years and years but I don’t interact on here a whole lot. That said I had been highly anticipating this since it was first mentioned and my god this was an incredible show. Loved every minute of this, it brought up so many interesting thoughts and points of conversation and this is without really talking video games at all! I am all in for any more crossovers with Mr Jaffe and look forward to Colin being on his show this week! Again just excellent stuff throughout and thank you for the early release too!

Ross Winyard

Just writing in to say this episode was fuckin DOPE. That is all.


Amazing episode. Thank you for your honesty and integrity.

Payton Stone

This could not have been any better...

Frank G.

Man I shed a little manly tear when they got to the KF stuff. I hope Jaffe comes back.

Allan Galeano

This was amazing Colin. One of the best podcasts you've ever done under the CLS/LSM banner. Can't wait to see you in his show.


Wow. Just Wow. Amazing listening to the 2 of you. Super intriguing and just couldn't tear my ears away.

Caleb Greer

I don’t even know what I just watched. That shit was hot.


Greg smh...why Greg?...why?

Empty Symbol

Fucking incredible


I feel like Colin has left the door open to a reconciliation and I really do hope they do. Also David Jaffe is a breath of fresh fuckin air. More of this please!!

Zack Fair

Look at Greg calling Kevin a Nazi, because he has German ancestors. Great fucking episode Colin dude. Loved you and Jaffe bouncing off each other!!


I swear I remember a podcast beyond episode where Greg was joking about a kid who wanted an autograph so as a joke he wrote a swastika on the kid's hand and the kid later came back with his mom upset because it turns out they were Jewish. But when they had returned there was somebody else at the booth and they told Greg what had happened and he was laughing the whole time he told the story. I wish I could remember the episode but I swear I remember this less its my old mind playing tricks. Edit: link to metion on gamespot boards https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/927749-xbox-360/66084455

Alex Castellanos

Great episode. Colin! Thanks for allowing yourself to be real in front of others, and for being honest with us about things we don't necessarily to know about you. As fans, but also as people who care about your well-being, it was very appreciated. Love you, dude!


That was excellent and Jaffe is great! I look forward to part 2

Jorge Pal

I would love to know the numbers of the Patreon before and after this episode lol 😂


To borrow a quote you used in the show, anyone who has eyes could see what happened in the split with Kinda Funny. I think, at least for me, there were two reasons I was so angry about the whole situation. The first, was that we got robbed of the best team in video games. You and Greg together are the best there is, best there was, and best there ever will be, to borrow another turn of phrase. Gettys is HIGH if he truly believed Conversation with Colin could have been anybody and been as successful. Hearing that he didn't think you should come is high comedy. Nobody fucking knew or cared about him or Scarpino before KF. You and Greg were the straw that stirred the drink. They were just hangers on. If they think otherwise, they're delusional. The other reason was the whole Best Friends mantra got shown for the sham it was. They can say the community is a bunch of best friends all they want, but not clapping back with the appropriate response to "the tweet", which should have been "It was just a joke. Maybe not a good joke, but just a joke. Colin is an upstanding guy, and suggesting he's a misogynist couldn't need further from the truth." That's what "Best Friends" would do. I, as a former fan and Patron saw this and immediately said, "If they'll leave a founder of the company just twisting in the wind, they don't give two craps about us. Just our money supporting them." Thank you for giving us a bit of catharsis and closure in the audience. I understand completely why you took the route you did, and you definitely owed us nothing on this front. Lastly, related to what Jaffe said, I want you to know that we genuinely appreciate you. After so many years of following you (from your first episode of Beyond!) I feel like you're a guy that would be great to grab a beer with and chill, and you just happen to have great insight on video games as well. Stay well, Colin. PS - Yeah, and fuck IGN too for not inviting you back to Beyond 500. That was high octane bullshit. You and Greg WERE that show. The fact they kept the name following you guys leaving is ridiculous. It was never even close to as good ever again, and wasn't even the same show anymore.


I want the beyond compilation immediately 😂


Some good stuff here, Colin. I commented about KFs coverage of TLOU2 on a show thread last week (and appreciated your response). Hearing you open up a little bit more about the difficulty with Sony PR and the examples of why it's just not worth your hassle anymore makes a lot of sense. Apologies if that came across poorly.

Stanley Yeung

Worth the fiver to get this early.

Craig Mcguire

Awesome episode but really looking forward to them just talking games on Friday for Jaffes stream.


That. Was. So. Fuckin'. Good.

Kenneth thomas

This was fucking fantastic.


Man this is amazing. Some of it brought to mind the interview of yourself from fireside. Love the content as always Colin and Jaffe is just freaking awesome!

Michael Thew

What is David Jaffe’s podcast called? I can’t seem to find it


This is great. Man.. you guys would be good on a regular show together.

Marc L

This was a great and insightful episode. Jaffe was the first person behind game creation that I latched onto as a kid and have always found him fascinating. This was a real treat. I'm looking forward to you guys chatting on his podcast!

DB Cooper

Not having been around or privy to you prior to Last Stand, this was an insanely fascinating conversation and made my week. And seeing you visibly taken aback or dare I say even a little uncomfortable when he started just bringing things up, it says a lot and speaks volumes about your character. Glad you're doing your own thing and seem much happier, keep knocking it out man. Loving these Fireside Chat-esque plus episodes, even if it gets flipped around on you haha


In early 2002, I had a coworker that was obsessed with terrorist groups and their motivations. He wanted to know why they did the things they did, so he stocked up on a variety of books with interesting titles that referenced the Quran and extremist values. Long story short, he was a contracted technician out in the field and was reading the books while working at the customer's warehouse. He left for lunch and the janitor found the books while cleaning and she freaked out. Cops were called, testimonies were given, the whole 9. He wound up on a government watchlist for what I could assume was the rest of his life.


Can we get Karak and Jaffe on a podcast together just to see what happens?

Josh Paradysz

I was looking forward to this episode all week and it did not disappoint! I can’t wait for the episode with Ryan as well. Thanks for keeping things so real with everything you put out!


This episode was great! I've been really enjoying the new direction of SS+ the last few months with different special guests each week.


One of the best episodes to date! Gotta invite David on again sometime, I cant wait to see you of Jaffes' stream Colin.


Jaffe is always great. I always remember the show at PSX 2017 and it was a great chat.


This was amazing! Thank you Colin! Keep it up and bring Jaffe back! 😊 loving these interviews/discussions.


That was such an amazing episode! Definitely need to have David on again. Keep up the great work!

Jeff Pollard

So many podcasters out there feel they need to stay in their "safe place". They are absolutely terrified of their fans getting "offended" if they express a differing opinion. This episode is proof that two people, with differing viewpoints, can actually have an interesting, intelligent AND civil conversation. The world didn't end. Absolutely refreshing!! A huge thanks to both of you!! Keep on keeping it real.

Sam Dunham

FWIW, Colin, Tim's jealousy of you was READILY apparent from the very beginning. I had never heard of the guy before Kinda Funny and I immediately didn't like him. Everyone else I was cool with. Tim always struck me as the guy at the party that walked around from group to group and tried to be the center of attention in each group, even after everyone had politely laughed him off. Those people tend to be bitter and jealous.


What a refreshing and great episode.

Dave Carsley

I'm really, really glad that Jaffe kind of pushed you into talking more about the KFG situation. I don't know if it's "most" of us or "many" of us, but that's certainly a chapter that a lot of us followed as fans of your work. And although we obviously don't have some God given right to hear your true insights on it, it feels odd when that chapter and the event that ended it isn't really spoken about openly, almost as if it never happened. I think I understand why you probably don't speak about it openly (because you were 100% the person who was "wronged" in the situation, and you are the type who believes it's better to just be magnanimous, take the high road, and move on). And while that's exceedingly respectable, you are also the type of person who has the ability, the vocabulary, and the tact to tell the truth about such a situation while choosing your words carefully enough to still come out the other end being that same magnanimous and respectable person in the situation. We need to hear from people like that today more than ever. In the cancel culture we currently live in, young people need examples of folks who can talk honestly about times they were wronged without seeking to hurt or "get back at" the people who wronged them. I don't know, maybe it's stupid, but I'm just glad it was talked about in such an open way, even if I can't effectively explain why.

Jon Devine

Really fucking awesome episode. Was personally a big fan of Podcast Beyond and the work you and Greg did at IGN. When you all left for Kinda Funny, I initially didn't follow along because I was not a fan of Tim. It was only when 'PS I Love You XOXO' started up that I began listening again and that's because Tim was not involved with that product. Something about that dude just rubbed me the wrong way.


He rubbed alot of us the wrong way and this episode validates alot of our longtime assumptions about what happened with KF. Tim tried to force Colin out for his own gain. He is a snake

Michael Robinson

Great conversation and respect you talking about difficult topics too. I absolutely love all your gaming content but have recently started listening to Knockback and I love it. It's such a genuine and wholesome show. Keep up the good work ❤️

Brandon Van Cleave

Always knew Tim was the Yoko. Always was an unlikable guy


Fantastic episode. Great conversations and fascinating insight!

Daddy T

Fucking top listen that was lads, can't wait till you two pair up again!


Gents - ppl will tell you to get Jaffe as a regular - DON'T. It is like good wine so bring that conversation every year as a little anniversary 😁

Steven Bruton

Brilliant episode, parts genuinely so sad and heartbreaking to hear, thanks for speaking so candidly.

Peter Campbell

Interesting conversation. Liked how he had no problem pushing you at times and that you both have definite, different ideas. That made it a good watch.



Andrew Arana

"I don't mean to be mean, but some of these people are stupid." FUCKING LAUGHING

Raymond keys

Its weird, that from watching KF, I always sensed that there was tension between Tim and Colin. This kind of confirms it.

Raymond keys

While i respect that not everyone shares, my beliefs, I honestly cringe sometimes, when I hear people’s view about Christianity. I really feel that it’s misrepresented.


Great listen, nice job fellas.


This was just awesome. Colin, just getting a little taste of how it all ended with Greg just makes me respect you even more. Keep being you because that's what keeps me coming back. 👍

Reuben Barrett

This is the type of more adult oriented topics and conversations you only get with Colin related content. It's just so refreshing. Awesome podcast! Best ss+ interview so far and that's saying a lot because there have been some classics already!


Jaffe is pure chaos energy to mirror Colin, seriously amazing podcast!


wow, more of this mixed in SS+ please

Maxx Lazos

Easily best ep. Colin, thank you for your vulnerability. As an old fan of KF and Beyond, it really meant a lot to hear everything explained. And I appreciate your vulnerability. Crushed it


I was actually keeping an eye on it. It became an easy 300-400 jump on new patreon members. And that's not including those who upped their pledge to listen to this episode early. I sure did.


Holy shit this episode. Just upped my Patreon. The more I hear, I can relate so I want to support more.


Absolutely adored this episode. Legitimately some of my favourite material you’ve created since back in the beyond days. Thanks for being a little more open about the kindafunny and Greg stuff. Could quite literally hear that weasel Tim saying that shit to you in my head and was raging on your behalf.


Simply amazing. Thank you Colin


Jaffe and Colin should do a weekly 1 hour show.


Great episode, got me to resub to the Patreon.


Thanks for opening up your past, when you make it to his show let us know!!!!

Caleb Peacock

Appreciate getting jaffe on Colin, TM was amazing and he’s such a character. I do think there’s a major difference in what you said somewhere half way in. I do think there’s a difference between you and a black guy from Long Island and and Irish guy. I think American general culture wise and value wise you and this random black guy are more similar, but do you really think from day to day you and this black guy are more similar than an Irish guy? Like how you’re treated, specifically from the police which is such an ongoing topic? Maybe I misunderstood but ofc you’re more similar culturally but race is different and you’ve been treated differently for centuries. I would say you and the Irish guy are treated similarly even though you and the black guy share a more similar culture


Incredible episode!


Watching a 2nd time!


Why can’t people talk like this anymore? So refreshing. Thanks Colin & Jaffe!!


Completely. It was obvious he was like that. He's also completely wrong. Tim is absolutely not Greg or Colin, not even close


Colin, you are loved!

Paul Boden

Got complacent but this one has brought me back to the fold. Glad to be a Patron again


It's metaphorical.... read "More Than Conquerors" by Hendrickson

Tom Griffin

The fact that you went through that crap with KF and came through it to become who you are now is a testament to your character. Credit to you my man and super glad to see Jaffe on your show, he's a breath of fresh air and I hope we see him again!!

Josef Barker

This was a fantastic podcast. I love how jaffe changes topics so seamlessly. Think I'll check out his content.


Fucking phenomenal


First time Patreon, this was amazing. Listening to two people I have immense respect for was a treat. I don't always agree with what both have to say but god Colin is right when he says they are the only ones providing a different POV. I follow 100 channels on YouTube but they might as well be just 1, because its the same. I enjoy that too, but god do I appreciate this view point as well and thank both of these gentlemen for being bold, honest and vulnerable .


Apologies for any grammatical errors, I am from India and this is not my 1st language.

TB Lightning

I am quite hyped to watch this. Thank you, sirs.


Just upped my pledge for this. So excited.


Job well done from start to finish. Jaffe has always been an interesting dude to listen to.


Fuuuuuuck, this is the best ss+ episode yet

Patrick A Crone

Interesting to hear about Tim’s grievances. Personally, I always thought he was the weakest of the four of you. He was a nice enough guy. But there was a level of naïveté with him that could be kringy. For him to think that Conversations with Tim would’ve out performed CwC seems laughable.


The audience ALWAYS knows when something is wrong. We knew there was something up with you and Tim, there just that tangible feeling of anger between you two.

Christian Longo

“if it was a conversation with Tim it would be just as big” damn what a piece of garbage man that shit pisses me off.

Alec Barcelos

Upped my pledge to $10. Love the fuck out of every single one of you


Colin, have you seen Rubin's latest content? I think the Larry King categorization was once true, but he seems to has shifted to be very partisan focused in the last couple years.


Also a first time Patreon, when you left KF I was pretty heartbroken. I watched you guys for so long it felt like losing a family member. Since then I’ve left watching most of KF stuff. It’s interesting what was said about how they have become less sustainable, I kept saying that they have becoming to yes man like and no one has meaningful discourse on that channel anymore. That said I never cared about Tim and for him to a conversation with Tim would have been bigger lol he would have always been a nobody if not for you or Greg.

Dan Parsons

That was incredible.


Therapist Jaffe was a very interesting episode.


Joined for this episode, it's been a while Colin, good to hear you again. 😀

Barrel Titor

Ever since that first 'break', is when I started to drop off. He also blocked me on Twitter His comments on how he views getting on TV as successful rather than containing substance. I forget who said it. I think Kyle Kylenski mentioned that conversation with Dave back when Dave was at the Young Turks.

Eric S

Wow interesting episode indeed. It was nice to hear you guys talk things out. I have to say I don’t agree with Jaffe on many things politically but I really enjoy hearing his opinion. I would love to chat with you someday about your views on religion more and also sometimes the difficult paths in life that are given to us because to me you have always recovered from adversity to be a stronger person after it. Lastly thank you for opening up on the episode about the past. That can be difficult and you did it with class.

Barrel Titor

I am so bad with remembering names. I had no idea who David Jaffee was until I read more of his bio. He's got enough energy to match Greg in the largest ego contest. Good chat all around. Roller coaster spectacle. He and Lady Beard would get along. My hangups with Colin may be the certain tweets liked Twitter from obvious intellectual frauds. To answer Jaffe's question about people's issue. Well that's mine. I hate dishonest people and can smell the bullshit. As for how Colin feels about being erased. In someway, it is almost like the right to exist is being erased. Forget legacy whether people remember you or not. I get exactly how he feels. For context I got kicked from a FB group for asking why is it wrong to cosplay as a storm trooper or hydra character at a convention. My comments and discussion on it, all got erased, and mods basically said they don't white straight racist comments In this community is what have you. It is combination of gaslighting and erasure. It really messed me up for a good month.


This got me to be a Patreon, good work as always Colin!

Walt Duncan

Got a significant raise recently, and the clip on YouTube made me realize it’s time to get on this bandwagon. Colin, I appreciate you more than I can say in this little chat field. Keep it up. And anytime you reply to like Bret Weinstein or a similar uniter in the dark web space, I’m right there with you.

Raul Hernandez

I like how candid David Jaffee got and how much he got out of Colin and the whole Kinda Funny fallout. Great episode. Can’t wait to see the second part on Jaffee’s podcast. Colin, great work! I am also awaiting the Ryan McCaffrey interview. 👍🏽


Such an honest and frank conversation between the two of you. Jaffe was a fantastic "guest" and I really appreciated Colin's honesty and vulnerability. I think this episode is a perfect window into why he has been so successful. He isn't a fake persona that is regurgitating talking points or just telling you what you want to hear. Colin is real. Well done!

Joseph Baker

In the words of Larry David this was "Pretty pretty pretty pretty good." This was easily one of the most entertaining episodes of SS+ to date. You know it's good when you feel like you only watched it for 15 minutes but over an hour went by. Content at LSM is second to none.


Like anyone would waste their time sitting and listening to his vapid rambling. Always hated him when I listened to KF, seemed like he was just there to relate to the lowest common denominator.


Is Jaffe Karak's dad?


This was 100% not being a freeloading scalawag anymore!


I'll enjoy my sub for a month, good episode!

Kjellbjørn Åsmo

Definitely one of the best episodes this far. Never listened to Jaffe before. He got himself a new fan. Can’t wait for part 2.

Justin Rauer

Totally agree Phades. I've been waiting for a conversation about this topic for years. I really appreciate the honest responses and I also totally agree with Jaffe's assessment of Kinda Funny (not a hater). It was interesting to hear stories about interactions with Tim because I honestly felt like something was up with him at the very beginning. I couldn't put my finger on it but he was one of the reasons I stopped supporting Kinda Funny. Great work Colin. I chose Last Stand Media daily because you guys provide a fresh perspective and honest feedback. I eat it up like a bowl of cap'n crunch.


Man this episode was so incredible I didn't want it to end!!! Darn you Colin for having to wrap it up by 3!! XD


I never comment on the threads but I just loved this episode so much. Never heard Jaffe before but loved him from the get go. Colin and David delivered on so much and getting into the nuts and bolts of KF is very much what people wanted to hear. Thanks for being so candid Colin. I always remember seeing you on KF and thinking something is definitely off. Good to see ye guys flying high and wishing ye continued success. PS I never liked Tim Getty's anyway


Also if someone does make that montage that Jaffe was talking about that would be awesome 😂😂

Liam Mcnulty

This was fantastic. Always had a feeling about Tim, especially when he put that tweet saying "this is not the fans we want". Great discussion, it was nice to hear you open up, Colin, you shouldn't feel like you have to hold all of this in, it sounds like you've been through a lot with how you have been treated. Hopefully getting some of this off your chest was cathartic.


Have you thought of bringing Jaffe in as a part of Last Stand Media? A partnership? I think it would be awesome! I hope there are talks about that as I think you and Jaffe are amazing together. The synergy between you both is awesome. Think about it and thank you for a good show as always!


Col love ya bud.


Learning how enter works on patreon. Da fuck?


I doubt Jaffe wants to work for anyone else or be tied into anythingong term.


So true, but even the craziest person doesn't have enough time to do that.


Definitely have him on again. Seriously good content here


aah, Papa Jaffe, nice


This is really one of the best episodes of ss+.


Fucking great, we got your back Colin.


I loved this, jumping on Jaffe's show with Colin as guest right now.

Zibi Majewski

Colin, that was an amazing episode. I was very impressed by how open minded and genuine the whole conversation was from start to finish. Much respect to both you and Mr Jaffe. PS Could you invite Stephen Totilo from Axios (former Kotaku editor-in-chief) for SS+ at some point?


Loved this and your presence on Jaffe’s show. Maybe a quarterly series going forward??? Pretty please 😂


I'm still laughing at that from Tim, what an absolute knob Haha "a conversation with Tim being bigger than a conversation with colin" hilarious


Hey dude, I literally teared up listening to you speak openly about your fear of “messing up” while at KF. The special sauce of Podcast Beyond and all of Kinda Funny’s content has always been you. I hope one day you are recognized for all the hard work you put into making podcasting an intellectual space, and for what games media culture owes to your trailblazing. Much respect to Jaffe for diving headfirst into a difficult topic, and for confirming to longtime fans that you still have love for Greg and that the relationship you publicly shared with us listeners was genuine. Much love,

Blake Wall

I agree with Jaffe crazy people are more interesting and just because your crazy doesn't mean your an ass there are nice crazy people

Bobby Woods

not gonna lie i wanna find out what happened with tim and colin more than i wanna find out what happened to kojima with konami lmfao

Alex Quantz

Best episode of plus yet 🙌


Monthy Segment please!

Gavin Newland

I don’t really ever comment on anything but listening to what Tim said to you Colin, fuck that cunt ! I think I speak for the 11k plus Patreon subs by saying we love you ! Never stop being you !!!


This was a great episode!


Fantastic episode


I'm not going to hate on Jaffe but I understand why he rubs people the wrong way. He is arrogant in all of his positions which is cool whenever he is spot on but whenever you know he's wrong about something, it can be quite obnoxious.


Fantastic episode

P Neal

The way kinds funny tried stop from listening to both beyond and ps I love you at the same time. If we want to correct the way we talk about mental health, we need to use our platform to speak on mental health including how we are dealing with stuff. Your betrayal was public so part of discussion of resolution should be public. That's my 2 cents.


Jaffe was such a great guest and I’m really happy Colin had someone on to challenge his conservative views

Trevor Funseth

To this day I cannot fathom having a falling out with your best friend and never being willing to bury the hatchet. If something happened to Colin or Greg tomorrow, how would the other feel about how they left things? It just does not make sense to me.

Erik Cook

It is really interesting to hear this conversation and to confirm an observation I personally made while watching the Kinda Funny Games podcasts. You could tell Tim had an issue with Colin a long time ago, right at the beginning. Colin is a class act and an excellent voice for gaming. And yes, it is not fun to be let down or even backstabbed by friends and/or family. I hope one day it can work out for Colin and Greg but hope is a powerful thing. But my belief is that Greg will live to regret it. And that is on him.