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Ask, and you shall receive: David Jaffe joins me (Colin!) for a nearly two hour-long episode of Sacred Symbols+ all about... well... a lot of things. We talk about video games and the video game industry, of course. But a lot of other things come up, too. In fact, Jaffe ends up interviewing me (?!) about leaving Kinda Funny, the pain of publicly losing your best friend, and much more. We certainly talk about issues we've never discussed before on this show, or anywhere else, and it's brutally raw and honest, maybe to a fault. Please enjoy, totally unedited.





Monterey Jack

Thank you so much, been looking forward to this interview for so long. Huge respect for both of you guys.


Holy shit!

Matthew Major

Amazing Colin, Thank you so much for doing this can’t wait to listen. Next week will be very special as well.


Can’t wait to listen to this and the upcoming McCaffrey episode. Any chance of getting Steimer on at some point?

Frank G.

Well Christmas came early...

Corey Adams

Hell yeah, been waiting for this!!

The Late Nate

Well, this does put a smile on my face! These interviews you've been doing lately are some of the best video game content out there on the internet! Cheers Colin!

Remington James

This couldn't have come at a better time!

Marcus Brown

Whoa! So early. Thank you!

Remington James

Wow I'm 20 minutes in & this episode is already worth my yearly Patreon sub


Eeesh, Jaffe goes on way too many tangents. Love the show Colin but this guy high as a kite.


This is Sacred Symbols +'s best episode and I'm only 30 minutes in. I'm in love with this guy!


So damn excited to listen to this at work 😍

Jeremy Seal

Asians are the most successful race in America. A fact is not racist.


This episode is raw and fantastic. Thank you for getting this out there Colin. Huge props to you and Jaffe


Episode was great! Definitely need Jaffe back to discuss more game stuff! Loved it though👏


I know it took guts to finally speak up about those years at Kinda Funny. Thank you for doing it. And fuck Tim. Please have Jaffe back!

Jordan Avery

Such a great episode


Great show fellas!

Robert Schultz

Wow, I mean wow. What an episode. I love Jaffe’s energy and the back and forth was really strong. I’m sure a lot of that wasn’t easy to discuss but I found it greatly insightful and I feel like I understand Colin on a more core level than ever before. Bravo

The Chicken Chaser

This was a great episode, maybe one of the best. I’ve never really heard Jaffe before so now I gotta follow him on all his stuff. Colin it took guts to say everything you said, while I miss the Greg and Colin duo I’m just glad you’re happier now man.


Great episode. Now you only need to get Ken Levine on! He has been interviewed fairly recently by some small YouTube channels. He will definitely be on board.


What a great conversation! Would love to have Jaffe on more regularly you guys have a great chemistry.

Adrian Pinter

This episode is fantastic. I love hearing the two of you speak and I’d love for you guys to do this more often. Really appreciate Jaffe’s outlook, and also appreciate he’s not afraid to ask you questions, Colin. Thanks for this episode man. Always appreciate your honesty and you’ll have my support for many many years to come. You’re one of the people that defined my high school years and especially my young adult years, and I’ll forever be grateful for the joy you’ve brought into my life, on top of all the things you’ve made me critically think about. Thank you Colin.

Bogey Zero

I think this is the best SS+ episode you’ve put out so far. It was candid as fuck. I guess Jaffe has a tendency to bring that outta people.


Fantastic episode. Big thanks to you, Colin, and all of Last Stand media, for continually giving me content I look forward to listening to each week.

Hose A Contra Razz

Great episode, the only issue was when he called people morons because on how they voted, Jeff really needs to educate himself more instead of believing everything the media says about people. Also Colin I don’t think you are fundamentally racist or most white people are, just my two cents as a Hispanic the only people I think are racist are in Congress and have a D in the party.

Nick La Creta

Colin… this is amazing content and your recent run of interviews have been some of your finest work imo. Thank you!

Anthony J Sanchez

The vast majority of white people in America are fundamentally racist according to David Jaffe. I'm not sure I agree with this as a half white american

Anthony J Sanchez

It's about remaining open minded. I love that quote Colin!


Literally something I yell every week when yet another controversy pops up “stop acting like you care!” It’s so crazy how much the media in general wants to create an echo chamber. And it’s crazier still that it works.


I love Jaffe, but woof the “all white people being racist” and “your Asian fact tweets being racist” were some takes I vehemently disagreed with. But man is it refreshing to be able to listen to someone I disagree with vehemently and no one got yelled at, condescended to, or talked down about. THIS is the type of discourse we need nationwide.

Paul Knickerbocker

This was a great episode. Colin, you're one of the better interviewers that I've listened to but Jaffe came in and interviewed you this time.

Anthony J Sanchez

At the 108 mark you really got emotional. Dude, your content is freaking amazing!

Lucas Gremista

Dude, I’m for “a conversation with Jaffe” being a regular thing. Best podcast I’ve heard in a long while. Congrats!


I listened to Beyond, that first run of PS ILY and now Sacred Symbols, pretty much every week since around 08. This candid discussion was awesome to finally hear. Jaffe was the perfect guest to talk this out, because he’s so brutally honest. I’m sorry everything crashed and burned with Greg, you guys really had an awesome friendship back in the day, it was tough to see it shatter the way it did. But I thank you for magnifying the components of Beyond that made it so good: it really boils down to integrity. Greg gets to host E3, but in exchange for things like that, KF seems more like an external marketing department. I don’t hate their content, but it’s junk food, it’s boring, it’s, as Jaffe said, vanilla, and I wouldn’t pay for it. Looking forward to your appearance on his show


I honestly think this is one of the best episodes of a podcast you’ve ever released. Loved the honesty about everything that was discussed. I went on a 10km walk and listened to the whole episode during my walk and was blown away by how brilliant and raw this episode was. Love you Colin

Anthony J Sanchez

Ok, this is my last comment. Colin as someone who has followed you since you joined IGN I have to say, stay strong man! Friends that you think you may have lost may one day come back into your life.

Asique Alam

such a raw episode, loved this! and Jaffe is right Colin, remember that you are loved!


Loved it

Jake Z

Great episode. Jaffe's a gem


Stoked people are discovering Jaffe. He does this to everyone. Wasn’t sure if it would work on Colin...it did. Colin and Jaffe both have that ineffable quality that makes them compelling interviewers as well as compelling interviewees. Great ep.


Wow. Just wow. I haven’t really written in to anything before on here, but this was a magical interview. I see you, Colin. More so, I think all of the audience sees your worth. You are loved 🥰


I upgraded my Patreon sub to listen to this early and it was well worth it. Sorry to hear more about the break up of kinda funny too but all your work is well appreciated each week and you are certainly appreciated!


This was an excellent episode of plus. Jaffe is an intelligent, kind guest, and the two-hour conversation felt like 20 minutes. I am certain the scallywags would like to hear this conversation! Jaffe's right, Colin, you have a huge fanbase that care for and support you.

Sebastian velez

I don’t comment often but I just wanna say this was a great episode 👍🏽👍🏽

Peter Pham

You've echoed that you hate atheism, but why? It's just about a belief. Are there annoying atheists? Yes. Are there annoying Christians, Muslims, etc? Yes. The word atheism and what it means is benign. It just means you don't believe in a God. I am an atheist but I see a lot of good in religion and I'm glad that people can gather alot of good from religion. You can be an atheist and not be a dick, just saying. I'm regards to agonism, I personally don't like that term. When we talk about God/higher being, it's about a belief. Agonist is about knowledge, or the lack of there of. We don't truly know if God exists, no one will, but we can/cannot believe. I don't know if there is a God, but I don't believe in one. Technically we are all agnostic _____ (insert your belief).

Keith Mc Carthy

Ive been a patreon of LSM from the very start and i gotta say that you guys have been fucking killing it the more ye grow. This is the best podcast ive heard yet. Unbelievable stuff


Thank you for the frank and honest podcast. We love you (in a mostly not gay way!) and hope you keep seeing success!


This was a wild ride, but I loved every second of it

Brandon Soto

Such a great interview. We all got your back, bro. Remember that. And you & Greg will make amends one day. The emotional tone in your voice shows that you miss & still care for him.

Will Hahn

Colin, this is by far, in my opinion, the best SS+ episode you’ve had. You and Jaffe are so candid with each other and Jaffe is such a great guy. I can’t wait to hear you two talk again in the future. Thanks for the candid nature of this episode, and hats off to Jaffe for being a wonderful guest! It was riveting!

Brandon Soto

Also, I’m really hoping Sony brings Jaffe back for Twisted Metal. It’s long overdue.


Thank you for being so honest Colin, about the Greg situation.


I upgraded as well to listen great episode and love the jaffe.


I think Agnosticism is just the opposite of what you say your perspective is - someone who believes in a God but doesn’t know for sure of their existence or true impact in daily life. A Christian like myself believes in God, believes we are made after his/her image, and is assured of his/her existence by tangible experiences in life. And the reason he mentions hating atheists is because they’re like the vegans of philosophical discussion. It’s hard to have a conversation with someone when they’re already coming to the party thinking that your closely cherished beliefs are the equivalent of Santa Claus or the tooth fairy, which is an attitude almost all atheists wear on their sleeves and display proudly. To me, atheism is a somewhat arrogant position to take, because it goes beyond saying “I’m not sure if God exists” like an agnostic, to saying “I am absolutely certain that God does NOT exist” despite no evidence to support that position.


Such a great episode! I'll start with I really like Jaffe, his take on many things were awesome and can't wait until he's on again and I'll tune into his show. However, basically calling all white people racist is not only racist itself but highly inappropriate, while also being entitled to his own opinion. Regardless, he's open to new ideas and hearing people and that's all that matters. Also, kind of always knew Tim was the ass in the situation. You guys forgot to mention, Greg and crew about a year ago said that if you support Trump they don't want you there. 70+ million potential listeners, not the best way to build a business. Keep up the great work Colin, can't wait for Ryan McCaffrey!

Tyler Cumerford

The ironic thing is that Tim makes Greg unhappy. Greg is Tim's puppet now. Like a toxic relationship. You really did win Colin. I've been listening to you since beyond. You'll never be erased.

Your Boi Nicky V

I don't think Greg can forgive you for the damage to KF caused by your departure, Colin. Their Patreon and YouTube channel have been completely stagnant since you left, he must see the 10,000 of us here and want a slice. He showed with the way he sold you out that business comes before friendship and you irrepribly hurt his company. Of course, it was disgraceful the way he betrayed and you were completely right to leave. Thank God you did because you're making much better content. Also lol Jaffe has some very questionable political takes here but it's so refreshing to hear a far-leftist who's actually willing to debate. Please get him on again, this was arguably the best episode of SS+ ever.

Big Swingin' Rick

Colin this episode was fantastic, thank you for being so candid and putting yourself out there, thanks for hearing someone challenging you and rising to the conversation instead of refusing it completely, and thanks for setting an example for respectful conversation.


Best episode of the series. Gave a lot to think about

Daniel Maynard

Colin and David thanks for putting out such a fantastic episode of SS+, arguably the best ever. It had a tear or two rolling down my face hearing how you feel Colin and I'm empathetic to you feeling almost erased from what you helped build and ultimately how you feel you've lost one of your best friends. I can't say I'm shocked to hear that Tim was that way & I got a strange vibe from him at the start of kinda funny. I can tell you really do love Greg and I hope one day you can both be great friends again. Just know that your supporters do love and appreciate all you do in the way you do it! I for one will never forget that you are one of the architects that made me adore Podcast Beyond, PS I love you and now Sacred Symbols. All the best and keep ducking those chickens

sam croese

Thank you for this. This is a testament to you and the community here at large. Absolutely brilliant.


Two Bearded Dads Talking About Deep Shit

Chris Strommer

This is by far one of my favorite conversations ever! Thank you for your honesty, Colin! And thank you for bringing Jaffe on!

Lee Davies

This is one of the best podcasts I've ever heard! Really was a breath of fresh air to hear such candid conversation in a public sphere


This has became my favourite SS+ episode and it flew by. I cannot wait for the continuation. Keep doing what you do Colin you're the best!


What a fascinating episode. Superb work as always.


I'm absolutely loving this. Would be great to have Jaffe on again or regularly. You guys are great together and I was so pumped to see this come through right when I was getting ready to mow the lawn to the point I was finished mowing and was disappointed that I was done

Shane Quinn

Great podcast. Really enjoyed the candid approach to some serious topics. Great job


Absolutely amazing episode, felt like you two were comfortable speaking your minds without being afraid of any judgement on either side.

D'Ante Almo

My economics teacher in high school always told me “be curious enough to do your own research.”

Bobby Rigo

Calling out Rene, that was great!

Michael Buffill

Wow what a great conversation from beginning to end! Thanks Colin for not being afraid to share and speak honestly about things very personal to you! It would be nice to see you and Greg have that Mike and the Mad Dog one time reunion, but if not you should be proud that you built up not one but TWO companies which im not sure how many people in your industry can say or do.

Clay Layne

What a fucking interesting show. Great stuff there guys. This shit solidified my decision to fully cut out other gaming podcasts as a whole.


Great show Colin. Appreciate you sharing and especially how it came from an authentic place of love and compassion. You’re the best buddy.


A meeting of the minds! Glad to hear you two finally talking. Great stuff! Looking forward to you being on his show.


This was a really great show. I've been listening to you since IGN. That pain of losing someone like that is tough.

Dakota Brown

This is absolutely one of the best sacred symbols+ shows ever. I am now a fan of David and want to listen to his content too. Thank you Colin for having him on and being so honest and vulnerable.


Just finished listening and want more. Great conversation and candor. I appreciate you both and look forward to the next time you guys let us listen in. I also need more Jaffe in my life. Awesome episode!


Wow, that was a lot to take in. But I loved each and every minute of it. We demand MORE JAFFE!!

Cole Minder

Great episode. Really looking forward to more content from the two of you. Loyalty is one of the most important human traits in my opinion and it’s clear that you feel the same Colin, and that you are ruthlessly loyal. Loyal to the point where you’re willing and have the desire to reconcile with someone who outright betrayed you in a clear act of disloyalty. Apparently public perception and the way other people felt was more important to Greg than your friendship, which has left a bad taste in my mouth ever since. I know all too well the feeling of wondering if the relationship you had with someone was ever really that important to them, and it hurts. It’s hard to understand how they can just cast it all aside like it meant nothing. He should at least have a candid conversation with you about the way he feels. That being said, I guess everyone is different and we have to accept that. I’ll still always look back on the dynamic you two had fondly. I always liked Tim and I’m actually surprised he said those things, it’s unfortunate. Jaffe perfectly summed up how I have felt about post-Colin KF content. Everyone has the same opinions, and have nothing really interesting to add to the conversation. Very paint by numbers. Sorry for the rant. Last Stand Media has been absolutely killing it. Chris and Dustin have been great, and I’ve become a regular Listener of Defining Duke as well. Thanks so much for all the quality content!!


Can we get Jaffe as a series regular for Scared Symbols?


Props for leaving this completely unedited Col. Be True


Good listen, but that Jaffe guy is all over the place. Also it would've been nice to let Collin finish what he's trying to say.

Al Rodriguez

Definitely seems like a guy with ADD or ADHD. But he’s authentic.

Greg Mocha

I listened to this twice because I’ve been listening/following Colin since he first started working at ign. It’s astounding how much he’s been a part of my life. Through all my ups and downs. So it hit me hard reliving so many things. You are loved Colin. And you’ve earned my respect and appreciation. Cheers.


Longtime fan since Beyond. Very happy to see some of the things brought up here. I agree with Jaffe about how good therapy can be. I went for a short while a few years back and it helped immensely to have that objective view. I was always more of a fan of yours and Clements, though Greg had that energy he brought. I truly hope that someday there is some sort of meeting ground there that acknowledges that bond and time spent together. I personally have had a betrayal and friendship that dates back to kindergarten, and I can tell you now that regardless of if that person even cares or not, there is no acknowledgment going on 8 years now. Great point from Jaffe with having a child on the way possibly changing the equation. Superb content.

Michael Toledo

Fantastic candid episode. I hope for more Jaffe in the future and potentially others. Thank you for the great content

Ryan Taylor

Amazing episode. Also hilarious that easily the worst part of Kindafunny (Tim) thought that Colin bought nothing to the table. This kind of content is why Colin and crew have found so much success. It’s open and honest.


Hands down on of the greats. I personally think everyone should listen to this one. The pure candidness is extremely refreshing.

Piston Pants

A conversation with Tim would have been as popular? I never even heard of him or Nick Scarpino before Kinda Funny.


Wow, what a ride. Half the time I had to remind myself that Colin was the host, not Jaffe. Phenomenal episode!!


He's referring to Tim telling Colin that "A Conversation with Tim" would have been just as if not more popular than "A Conversation with Colin" a show Colin did for Kinda Funny.


Jaffe is the man. Great guest. I’m only 2 minutes in and loving it.


I never liked Tim. He always seemed like the type of guy that would sleep with your wife on day then buy you a drink the next day. For what it’s worth Collin, I chose you after the break up and never looked back.


This was an awesome interview. It was good to hear a bit about how Colin feels about his departure. I've always been interested to hear more about what happened and how Colin is doing from that.

Jamie Milligan

I just want you to know. You are very much loved Colin. You’ve risen from the ashes. And in the video game critique space, despite the bad actors trying to halt your success. Last Stand Media’s content is now king as far as I am concerned. May you and the boys have even further success bud. X


Gaffes energy was so chaotic, I have no idea how you kept up. But Colin I think it was you who made this point about “does Greg ever think of you and the laughs” I feel the same about my ex girlfriend. I wonder if she ever looks back on our time and ever misses it. Cheers Colin. You and the team are crushing it. The history books are still being written


Wow, this was amazing.


Tim was literally the most boring part of kinda funny, why the fuck would he think we wanna here a conversation with Tim. That doesn’t even sound right lol.

Zack E

Wow..... I mean maybe they really felt like you did make Greg unhappy. That’s more of a relationship situation then and there. But just the notion that you weren’t fully wanted is absurd. Absolutely absurd. He had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. That’s hilarious The whole point of Conversation with Colin was that you are interesting and have interesting things to say (literally said in Greg’s intro).... I don’t want to be mean but that can’t be said of the alternative.


Absolutely loved this episode. Incredible from start to finish. I just want to say one thing though, as a proud patron of both Last Stand Media and Easy Allies- EZA is not “SJW”. They just aren’t. The members are certainly left-leaning, but their content does not incorporate any sort of political agenda. They advocate for love & respect, and simply a passion for video games. That’s all there is to it. Frankly, calling EZA “SJW” is just as wrong as saying LSM is “alt-right”. Just wanted to put that out there. Thanks for the amazing content!


Been a fan since Beyond Ep. 1 (I know you came on a bit later :) ) This was fantastic "closure" on the Kinda Funny situation. I was a fan of Kinda Funny from day 1. Went to KFL1 & 2. Met my fiancee through Beyond. Then the whole fallout happened. The whole "best friend" mantra now felt more like "mind your own fucking business and move on". Granted, that was totally your right to do. But the whole situation made me depressed as fucked. I never even watched your final episode on the GoG show. Anyways, this kind of insight into the situation really helped, and I'm happy you talked about it. Love Jaffe too. I played Drawn to Death at the original PSX and had a blast.


I fucking love Jaffe


Thank you guys for doing this and thank you for being so transparent Colin. I personally miss you and Greg. Dude you’re the reason why I love games media and why I read IGN what you and Greg built was amazing and I’ll always remember you guys together making funny shit. You’re the best Colin,I hope one day you and him can fix things and we might see you guys together one last time…..

David Lawler

This is fantastic honestly I know we’ve all wanted this for so long. Jaffe was brilliant, proud of you Colin. Love you and Greg together and I feel like you’ve both matured since the fall out. Hope one day ye fix things but if not just know we don’t forget your importance in the past. All the best

Michael Morris

Colin was the brain behind all the best kinda funny content (it’s not even close) Colin’s voice is incredibly important to the audience and industry (clearly) and he is way more interesting, honest and insightful then really any other pundit/content producer. Colin, LSM it better then anything you’ve ever done in the past, don’t look back. I hope you guys can patch your relationship up one day but as far as business goes you’re better off without Greg, the content is more pure, to the point and personal. People need to get over it, Jaffe asked why it’s never been brought up and I kinda think that it’s because it’s sort of irrelevant, who cares really. They clearly had a falling out, which is a bummer but LSM is greater then any of that old shit. Those past shows were really good, then they progressively got worse. The proof is in the pudding, SS is a better show in every way then the past iterations (the numbers speak for themselves). You are a real dawg, don’t look back.


This is the best content Colin has done in a long time!

Oliver Johnson

This was one of the best shows of Sacred Symbols. Colin, I feel like you’ve cultivated an audience that will hear these stories in a constructive way— this wasn’t gossipy in any way and it was great to have a peak behind the curtain. (Also I’m glad Jaffe pointed out the issue with Black Panther comment)

Joe McPartlin

I know this wasn't your intention but hearing that IGN didn't invite you to be involved with Beyond 500 means they will never get another click from me. Ever. Beyond was the first podcast I ever listened to religiously and that has more to do with you and Greg than it does PlayStation. Fuck them. Anyway great episode. Glad that a discussion about reporters not being afraid to ask tough questions lead into you being asked some tough questions yourself. As a long time fan of everyone involved with the beginning of KF it's always interesting to get stories and perspective on what happened there. We'll always love and appreciate you though, Colin. Remember that! ❤


The clip on Youtube got me to become a patron.. Should have done this years ago....

Dimitreus Newell

Incredible interview Colin. I was thrown off from time to time with all the jumping around, but that didn't detract from the overall nature of the conversations. I think Jaffe was on point. Great episode.


We really don’t know how well Kinda Funny is doing because they turned off the visibility of their number of patrons over a year ago. Last data we have is like 5,500 patrons for each in like February 2020. Given the number of ads and other branding opportunities, it seems Patreon is not their main source of income.


Great content, could have listened for another 2 hours noooooo problem.


Last I saw Jaffe he was in a little show called The Tester lol

Mark Horner

Great episode and fuck Tim gettys. Couldn't stand that chump.

Reuben Barrett

Yeah I do agree in a lot of ways. SS is so good and it continues to get better and better. Chris has really started to shine and Dustin is amazing as well. Then Dagan is amazing and Matty and Karak to me are basically the beginning of a whole other faction of LSM. Future is looking very bright.


Tim always rubbed me the wrong way, now I know for sure my gut feeling about him was right. What a pair of hypocrites him and Greg.

Sam Strajack

Nothing was more cringe on KF than Tim's "reaction videos". You could smell the disingenuous nature of him a mile away.


This was worth the 7$ first time patreon


I remember first seeing Tim on IGN and feeling like he was always trying to sell his soul for fame. He carried that demeanor with him to kinda funny and never fit in for me. Colin and Greg were beyond, ign and kinda funny for me and it wasn't until Colin left kinda funny that I realized how essential he was to it.


Appreciate the candid interview and opening up about the KF days and Greg Miller. I haven’t watched their content regularly in years and Jaffe’s analysis seems on point. I have to say I disagree with the assertion that all white people are racist. It’s a hot take indeed. There’s something to be said for people naturally being drawn to what they have in common but I don’t believe you draw the line on skin color. Hell, I’m white and my wife is black/white mix I don’t really think about race in my day to day life. I look at people as individuals. We’re all here together the good and the bad come in all shapes sizes and colors.

Will Hernandez

I honestly didn’t know how to feel about Jaffe calling out Andrea, but I get it. I was a huge supporter of What’s Good from the very beginning, but Andrea changed during the pandemic and started becoming very condescending and Brit and Steimer just let it happen. I had to finally pull my support when Andrea was chastising people for complaining more about delayed games than Breonna Taylor. Like, what?! I’m not listening to a video game podcast for social commentary.


This was the one that made me bite the bullet, loved the content for a long time but godammit I had to hear this right away. Love your work and I really respect your professionalism.

Jack Sibert

Colin I had been following you for years before this happened but I'll never forget the Kinda Funny panel at Playstation Experience 2015. You told Shuhei straight to his face in your opening comment at Sonys own event that you thought the press conference was weak and that you were mildly disappointed (the whole time Greg was nervously laughing) That moment will always stand out as a defining moment that differentiates someone like you from someone like Greg. Greg can always be expected to play nice and give the fluffy interview. You ask the hard questions. Always continue to do that

The Lizard King

That was a cool episode man. I have never been a fan of Tim at all and this has proven that I am a good judge of character. Wanker.


Love that Jaffe didn’t hold back. Great episode. I feel Jaffe on the voices bit. Always respected Hip-Hop Gamer ‘cause at least he was never afraid to be genuine. Parris from Gamertag Radio and MightyKeef from YouTube are the 2 main black guys I follow nowadays and I do wish there were more. I gotta say I’m not surprised about the Tim thing. When you left, I felt like he was clearly the one who wasn’t hurt by it at all.


I was kinda suprised to hear Colin call Easy Allies SJW. They rarely ever talk about anything political, thats why I like them. I obviously am aware they're most likely left leaning just do to where they are but they dont really make it their persona. Idk!


Howdy Colin, As a long time silent admirer of yours (I've been listening to your works since 2012) I want to finally show my appreciation and thank you for the toil you put into producing an excellent show. You've got principles and stuck to them in a media landscape only too eager to assume and elevate sycophants. Keep at it!


Hey, long time listener here. I haven't written into the show before, but I feel compelled to do so now so I can show my appreciation for this particular episode. It was Fantastic! Jaffe was clearly very enthusiastic throughout, and the discussion was overall very insightful. would love to see him back on the show at some point. These guest episodes overall have been great! The hardships you have been through were very sad to hear Colin, but I admire you even more knowing you were strong enough to fight through them and to still come out on top. As much as it may hurt, Kinda Funny wasn't right for you. I'm glad you were able to find your people. Last Stand Media is where you belong! Stay awesome, and keep fucking those chickens!

James Clark

Finally it all comes out... so let me reciprocate. By pure chance the KF/GoG shows became a very powerful form of therapy for me whilst I was recovering from a shitty breakup. I couldn't handle a quiet room for a long time after said breakup. The silence gave me opportunity to think/dwell on the topic so I had to find some form of noise to play in the background at all times to keep my mind focussed. KF (by pure chance) filled that silence and I became a dedicated fan. The forthcoming loss of the show's 'lead singer' absolutely sucked. It made me realise just how crucial you were to the KF formula. After you left I very quickly realised I couldn't listen to KF anymore, it just wasn't the same so I dropped my Patreon pledge. I was so pissed off about you leaving for such a long time. It kinda felt like my breakup therapist had walked out on me mid-session when KF split 😆. The split was kept pretty private apart from the topic of your tweet (which was a ridiculous reason btw) so I wasn't really sure who was to "blame". Either way I was fuming. I didn't follow you onto CLS because politics and history aren't my thing unfortunately. I remember tuning back in to your gaming content when CLS changed though. It was purely out of curiosity to see what you were up to (I listened with a hint of bitterness of course). The short version is, your new content is fantastic and had me on the 180! I felt like a dummy for not following you after the KF split. I caught up on all the Fireside chats etc and joined the Patreon. Finally, hearing Jaffe get all of these details out of you cements what I presumed all along regarding the KF split. And man... I totally felt your pain on the topic of Greg. Losing somebody you love (pretty much overnight) and then seeing them move on seemingly unaffected is emotionally devastating. It makes you feel stupid, and makes you wonder if you ever really knew that person at all. It questions/changes your view not only on that specific person, but people in general. That shit scars you... I know this was a hard topic for you to discuss Colin, but thanks for doing it. JC

Billy boob

I fucking knew the whole time watching kinda funny that Tim had a problem with Colin but Tim in my opinion was by far the lamest, most cliche, dumbest part of the show and was a big factor on why I never listen anymore. Greg chose the wrong horse if that’s how it went down. Colin is far from perfect like all of us but at least he is fucking interesting. ✌🏻

Josh Walker

Great fucking episode.


Hearing you talk about your experience from leaving IGN, building KFG, to finally being independent was so authentic. Seriously love the entire Last Stand Media team.


Jaffe saying kinda funny turned into a bunch of greg miller lites, and became vanilla is so relatable, even after colin left I watched their content for about a year, which was about as long as it took me to realize I had no interest in what they were saying anymore and was just watching based on what their content used to be


The guy was so fake, it was like his entire personality was forced enthusiasm for nintendo announcements

Zach Brown

What a great conversation. Opinionated powerhouses like Jaffe work great with Colin as their strong stances, even when not perfectly aligned, make for engaging discourse. I particularly enjoyed the discussion of the semantics of race and, of course, the additional anecdotes from the IGN and KF events (sorry, Colin - you've made us all feel so close to you that we just want a happy ending for you or at least a satisfying sense of closure).

Derek Alcott

This was so entertaining and look forward to pt. 2 with Jaffe. Thanks for sharing stuff that was not easy.

Samuel Zamora

I dislike Getty’s even prior to this information. He seemed like a snake from the beginning and his content was shit. Colin, Greg, & Nick is was what made KF great.

Samuel Zamora

When Colin mentioned the commentary that Nick and Greg said, I’ve always felt that Greg, Tim, and Greg went leagues above the shit Colin said. I remember a few episodes of the G.o.G show where Greg was going on about the some real racist/anti-semantic shit.

Brannon H

this is my favorite episode of Sacred Symbols+


Did not get the part where EZA is socialist podcast. Otherwise awesome episode!!! Onto the next 4 hours :)


This was a phenomenal listen. Thanks Col and David!


yo fuck Tim. fuck all of them bro. i mean i know you guys have a relationship that i can never understand but fuck them bro


Amazing. A Conversation with Tim wouldve been the most boring bland shit out there. Fuck Tim Gettys boring ass personality


Amazing show, best episode yet. So honest and open and that's why I love this platform and will always be a patreon.

Kevin Cooper

This was dope... just two people agreeing and disagreeing in an honest way.


Man, what a great show... heartfelt... chapeau!!!!


I'm feeling great Nintendo-Sony vibes about the kinda funny fiasco.... like 2Pac said: now tell me who won?


Jaffe is a bit chaotic and out of pocket when it comes to podcasts

Kyle Melendez

Great episode. The events that happened at KF to Colin have been on the back of my mind ever since it happened and just about all my theories i had in my head that i thought happened Colin said in this episode. Ive continued to watch their and Colins content but i think now that i know more about the events i am probably gonna cut them out. I will always lie on the side of loyalty to a friend as ive been burned also by one in a so.ewhat similar fashion. And I always thought Tim was instigater in the whole thing so that was not a shock to hear. Good content!

Anthony Schemel

Great, great, great episode. I watched it on YouTube. Go and watch Colin on Jaffe's YouTube channel too. Very interesting stuff.

Will White

Thank you first and foremost to Colin for the courage to open up about the KF situation on this your interview with David Jaffe. Honestly, as a fan of you along Chris and Dustin it really didn’t matter what the truth is or was, I was always going to support you all as a Patron and in word of mouth due to your genuine nature and compassion for all things I love. Secondly, I am now even more of a fan of Jaffe. That dude is a crazy mother fucker and I love it. Lastly and by no means is this due to this interview or the KF breakup but I have ALWAYS been able to read people, either in person and from a far and you could always tell Mr. 30 Under 30 AKA Second Best Baby Blue’s in San Francisco Tim Gettys is a fucking snake in the grass. Great interview fellas. I am upset it took me this long to get the time to listen fully. Love you all and keep keeping it real LSM.