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We've waited long enough: Housemarque's newest PlayStation game has arrived. Indeed, they always seem to be there in a second party capacity at launch, whether it's with Super Stardust for PS3 and Vita, or Resogun for PS4. Yet, their newest offering -- Returnal -- is a stark departure for a team previously known only for its arcadey fare, and so the question is: Do we like it? Well, we've got a whole lot to say (good and bad) in our exploration of the endless loop. Then: News! Sony has acquired a piece of Discord, and the service will be fully integrated into both PS4 and PS5. A redesign for PlayStation 5 is apparently already being redesigned, though it's nothing to get excited about. A new trademark for Sunset Overdrive has people talking about Insomniac's lone Xbox game and its future. And much, much more. Plus: Listener inquiries! Is publishing games on PC actually a really bad idea for PlayStation? Should critics be reviewing games without having finished them? What's the story with Sony's smallest first party team, Pixelopus? Will Colin be able to handle David Jaffe?!


0:00:16 - Intro

0:12:51 - A few smaller pieces of news.

0:21:28 - What have we been playing?

0:59:04 - Sony has invested into Discord and plans to integrate the service with their offerings.

1:06:12 - The PS5 may be getting a redesign in 2022.

1:09:11 - Sony has filed for the Sunset Overdrive trademark.

1:12:50 - EA has quietly purchased a Canadian sports developer named Metalhead.

1:17:40 - More trouble is brewing at CD Projekt Red.

1:20:19 - Fortnite has made A LOT of money according to documents in the Epic vs Apple lawsuit.

1:25:39 - Microsoft thinks highly of The Last of Us 2.

1:28:49 - Konami has bowed out of E3 2021 while others have jumped on board.

1:33:09 - Sledgehammer is the developer for this year’s Call of Duty title.

1:39:21 - NPD has released some interesting data about Star Wars titles.

1:41:18 - Among Us is coming to PS4 and PS5 later this year.

1:43:13 - May’s PlayStation Now titles have been revealed.

1:43:52 - News Wrap-Up

1:45:13 - Should reviewers complete games before publishing?

1:55:45 - Is Pixelopus in danger in light of Sony’s focus on blockbuster games?

2:00:45 - Should we play Terminator: Resistance?

2:02:39 - Why do games have to prove they are worth $70?

2:06:56 - How often do Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft talk to each other?

2:09:56 - Should PlayStation let their games be published on other platforms?




The name for this episode… Jesus Christ. 😂

Drew Lee

What a title


I look forward to this show like a fat kid looks forward to cake. 🎂

Andrew Christensen

Ryan is coming to sacred symbols???!!!! Fuck. Yes.

Alex Bolton

What a gorgeous thumbnail

Ryan Guldner

My prayers finally answered with Baldurs gate dark alliance. Now just bring the sequal and CON games

Real Radec

You forgot the mention to Destruction Allstars Season1 update :)


I relate too much to that meUndies bit

Jimmy Valentine

All right. Now I'm going to have the Return of the Mack song stuck in my head all weekend. 😁


Listening to the episode and im 💯 with Colin, whats good in the game “Returnal” is overshadowed by repetitive feeling of doing the same thing over and over again with little reward. And the controller layout is simply awful by default. Had to change jumping and dashing to L1 and R1 cause the game requires you to move fast as hell but thaling your thumb out of the tumbstick to press O and X is simply too much you always risk aim, dashing or jumping with the default layout

Josh Kisskalt

I hope you guys try Returnal again. I am at the last boss, and the game is soooooo good

Stephen Forgione

My man Dustin must’ve not used GameStop in years, their website allows free shipping on orders 35+, plus they started price matching other stores. I haven’t encountered a display new game situation since GTA 4 so that must be store-to-store situations. Tbh I’d rather use them over any big box store now since it’s so much easier to get pre-orders. Also they pivoted heavily into toys, and their hasbro exclusive line for Star Wars has me invested into their ecosystem now.


Very surprised to hear the complaints about Returnal. But only about how specific they are. You’re saying there’s too much to learn? Yes the game does have its own language with the mechanics and systems, but I know you’re still fairly early in the game, I would wager once you get a little more familiar with it, and know the language, that you’ll see that the game is VERY gameplay driven. The complaints are totally valid, but I would be surprised if you still feel that way after spending some more time with it. I feel like this is exactly what we’d want from a 3rd person/AAA Housemarque game, such an impressive transition for the studio, in my opinion. Whether or not I agree with your takes, it’s always fun to hear the other side of how people feel about something, thanks for continuing to voice your honest opinions, that’s what gives Sacred Symbols it’s juice.


Dudes, Returnal is so good but does have a learning curve. I'd say it is hard to judge the game when you haven't beaten the first boss. Once you see the biome change and you feel accomplished and full of adrenaline, that's where you are most hooked.


Colin, I enjoy your critiques and breakdowns of most games but I honestly feel like your Returnal take is lacking. Housemarque clearly wanted to make an evolutionary leap in their games while staying true to their past. I think they have achieved that ten fold. I really don’t understand the “it gives us too much stuff” point. It’s equipment and lore. You love that shit in Bioshock with the audio diaries and told us you read all of the lore in menus. You aren’t going to give that a fair shake in Returnal because you wanted Resogun 2 from Housemarque? That’s some hard to follow logic. Maybe you don’t mean it that way but that’s how it came across to me listening to today’s episode. Lastly when you clear a biome you open up challenge mode for that biome, with that high score chasing you are craving. I get the technical issues being a big downer for you and others but to be fair there seems to be a large population that aren’t experiencing them so i don’t know if it’s “Broken” Keep doing your thing and I look forward to hearing your thoughts if you return... to Returnal.

Mason M

Returnal just needs some time for things to click into place but maybe it doesn’t for some people. I always heard that with some patience, it would just click with Souls games and it never happened with me so I get Returnal not working out for some. Hopefully you give it another shot! I personally loved it.


Returnals only problem is it is very very hard. I would argue almost unfairly so. I’m 60% through and done with the most difficult part by far supposedly but I definitely had to put the game down a few times which.. isn’t exactly good. Even when I beat a certain boss I didn’t feel a lot of satisfaction, I was more so happy to be done with that section. Overall I think it’s a great game and with a few changes could have been incredible but the difficulty of the cycles doesn’t make you wanna play more when you die. When I die I wanna take a break. That’s not exactly fun. The control aspect of it like you said is top notch though. At first when I read the alt fire was a full trigger pull of L2 I immediately thought it was dumb, but when I experienced it, it felt amazing and very distinct. Hopefully we get more of that going forward with first party games in the least.

Josh Kisskalt

From listening to Colin for years, I have just come to accept we have VERY different game tastes. I think Outriders was the first game we agreed was great in a long time.

Brandon Soto

🎵Ya liiiiiiiiiied to meeeee!🎵

Josh Kisskalt

I look at this game so different from before I beat the first biome. It took me awhile, but after I beat it the first time, I could breeze through without much effort!

Josh Kisskalt

Colin and I have near opposite game tastes, so I'm surprised he didn't like it. I too though was a little taken aback by the discussion. You can't eat a hotdog and be mad it wasn't a cheeseburger.

Ambitious Casual

I have been LOVING Returnal. What I’ve noticed is individuals disheartened from playing the game because they can’t beat the first biome and having to do it all over again. I will say, if you beat a biome, you don’t need to beat it again if you die afterwards. The biome will generate either halfway or a third through the biome to get to the next biome. And that’s the same for all other biomes after that. Also, I know Colin mentioned he would love a ‘arcade’ mode to just run and gun. There is a mode like that in the game! Unfortunately you have to beat the first Biome to unlock it. Which I know could be frustrating for many who are having trouble with it. I may be one of the few, but this game is so far game of the year for me. There have been so many moments of pure awe I haven’t seen in any other game before. I love it

Bryan Watkins

Returnal is one of Playstations best exclusives. I hate hard games. Hate them. Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Bloodborne, etc... can all burn in hell as far as I'm concerned lol. But Returnals gameplay hooked me right away and I wasn't going to stop until I beat this difficult experience. I would recommend toughing it out if you enjoy the gameplay because there are AMAZING moments. Much love everyone!

Jake Z

I didn't find Returnal that difficult. I died 15 times the entire game, and the only boss I died to was the first, which took me 3 tries. I get that the game isn't for everybody, but to me it's easily Housemarque's best game, and I resent you saying they should've stuck with simpler 2D games. They absolutely knocked it out of the park with what they were going for.

Josh Kisskalt

I really love this game, but was thinking the same thing. I am at the final boss, but I wondered how many people will never get to see all this game has to offer because it's just too hard. I just don't understand why putting a "God Mode" like they did in Hades faces so much resistance. I would not have used it, but would love for some of friends to try Returnal, but know it would be too hard for them.

Josh Kisskalt

Respect your opinion, but I don't think the statement "doing the same thing over and over with little reward" is true. Sure, roguelikes are repetitive by design, but the game gives you little nuggets on every run. Game-changing gun mods, traversal upgrades, language ciphers, and new artifacts. Just to name a few.

Dylan Manuszak

Sucks Colin isn't into Returnal. I get it though, you kind of have to be in the right head space for it, commit hours long gaming sessions. Colin probably just have to find the right time for himself to enjoy it. I hope he does.

Hose A Contra Razz

What pizzas did you buy fir the family? A local spot or big chain pizza?


This is the exact type of feedback I was discussing on the show: Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen to others.


I'm loving Returnal but I definitely would have preferred they went the Rogue Legacy route with a more permanent upgrade system to make each run feel worthwhile. After 20 hours I still have sessions where I feel like I have accomplished nothing.


Get good


This was a really good episode you guys. We’ve really been enjoying a great epoch of fluidness in Sacred Symbols lately. Dustin has been a great addition. really REALLY excited for the Ryan M and David J episodes. May the light of Ratchet and Clank shine upon us all in a few weeks

Paul McFerron

Great episode boys! Also Colin -- if you're strictly looking for score chasing in Returnal there is a challenge mode in the hub of you ship! While probably not to the level you're looking for, it may scratch that itch.

Kenneth Oms

Great episode boys. I beat the first biome and took a break due to people reporting all the bugs. I’m very excited for ratchet

Michael Buffill

NES hockey was amazing just for the brawls you could incite in the game!

Brandon Soto

Probably gonna pass on Returnal. Huge backlog, Resident Evil Village dropping, and Ratchet will be here before we know it. You’re probably just not in the mood for it right now, especially after 100-hour Wild Arms 3 & 50-ish hour Outriders.


I just can't vibe with Rogue like games. I'm already dealing with life, let me fucking have fun damnit 😅

Zack Fair

Now that Returnal is struggling to hit with some people and the mess with the game crashing and corrupt save file data since the new update, do you think PlayStation should hold off buying Housemarque if they was thinking about it?


I completely agree with your take on reviewing games and finishing them. I hear so many reviewers on IGN and other sites that just bitch and moan about having to play games (and getting to play them before everybody else for that matter). Oh… boo hoo… you play video games for your job and get paid for it. They don’t get how many people would kill to do that.

Luke Silletta

I was listening to this at work. I'm a welder and build fireplaces for a living. Was on the 38th stove of the day and thought to myself what would happen if I just went to my supervisor and said "38 is enough for the day". How well do you think that would have gone? These lazy white collar whiners don't realize how good they have it. Again, thanks for calling out this nonsense Colin.

Zack E

I know he didn’t mean it like this, so not trying to criticize him directly - obviously he is full go Last Stand. But feel like Dustin is completely missing the point in regards to how Last Stand is in regards to reviews and embargos. Colin is lucky that he doesn’t have to hit embargoes.....uhh yeah I guess, but this “luck” didn’t just happen overnight. Colin is closing in on 2 decades of sharing views and opinions on video games. I think it’s somewhat condescending to say he’s lucky, as it implies his success and by extension Last Stand success has just happened by chance. If you have something interesting to say, you’ll attract an audience. Period. Now it can be hard to reach a stable audience, that is no question. But imo those who obsess over the “Algorithm” , whether that’s YouTube, iTunes, google search whatever, need to be sure that they are putting enough effort into their actual product in of itself. Let the Algorithm find you naturally, don’t try to force the Algorithm to find you.


I love Returnal. But also New Pokemon Snap just came out. So it has been a bit of a juggling act for me. Been leaning towards Pokemon for now.


Might sound mean to the devs but I for one am hoping COD staggers somewhere so that they can collect themselves and really push it again. I haven’t loved the franchise since BO3 and these rumors of troubled development don’t look so hot for this year’s entry.

Your Boi Nicky V

I completely agree on Returnal, glad I'm not the only one. The graphics and sound are awesome and the core gameplay is solid enough. That said, it's just not fun and also needlessly conveluted. Never played a rogue like before, definitely not a genre for me.

Jeremy Seal

Sunset Overdrive would sell on Playstation. I really hope they put it out on Playstation.

Peter Pham

1. Totally agree with the "play the game for the review" 2. Terminator resistance is worth it! Fun and I also missed 2 trophies. FYI: look into the trophy about unlocking a door. 3. Keep up the good work

Craig Mcguire

Appreciate your takes Colin and for sure there is no more annoying a rebuttal to your own experience with a video game than "you need to give it more time" or "game was fine for me I didn't have any issues"


I loved terminator resistance too, proper AA FPS. I loved the cheesy story and the links to the movies.

Napoleon in Rags

Shout out to Dustin Furman! I really enjoy his inclusion to the show. Colin, I hope he continues to be on every Sacred Symbols episode. Good find by you sir!


I’m not thrilled about Mass Effect running at 120 FPS on Series X but not PS5? What gives? Also, why is Sniper Ghost Warrior delayed on the PS5 only? What’s going on?

The Late Nate

Mass Effect Legendary Edition runs in back compat mode on PS5. Sony never enabled or there engineers could not figure out how to get back compat to run at 120fps, so every back compat game on PS5 is maxed to 60. Series X has no such limitations, hence the 120fps, hope that helps


I’ve been using Discord integration on Xbox for awhile now, I think PlayStation users are really going to enjoy it! Welcome friends…

The Eclectic Gamer

I think it is important we let dev teams break out of their shells and explore new genres and IP. Every game from a particular dev doesn’t need to have all the vestigial parts functioning in a particular manner. Returnal Is an interesting game for sure, and has completely upended my thoughts on the rogue like genre. I made it to the final boss over the weekend and got destroyed bc I didn’t know what I needed to do, but am compelled to go back. The systems may seem overwhelming at first but it becomes fully seamless…you got integrity, protection is how strong your defense is, alt fire and dash cool down times and various gun upgrades…pretty self explanatory after that.

The Eclectic Gamer

Needing to give it more time is a perfectly valid rebuttal if you honestly have NOT given yourself enough time with a title for it to fully convey its pitch. The alternative mindset is only playing games that have surface level appeal and are fully unambiguous about their motives. I want experiences that make me think and question what is going on and/or challenge my skill as a gamer…I have literally written down strategies/approaches to tackle certain bosses in Returnal, which is a wholy new experience for me…I take out a pen and paper and hash out a plan…the game has its hooks in me and it does take some time to get engrossed and move beyond the realization that the first boss will kick your butt a few times. The issue some people might be expressing is they see the value in the title and want others to experience it…nothing wrong with that.

Lee Bull

Just gonna put it out there, you can't knock Returnal critically. It's 3 points higher on metacritic than Ghost of Tsushima and only 3 points below Horizon Zero Dawn.

Lee Bull

Also, try your headphones with Returnal, the fact neither of you mentioned the audio boggles my mind. It's absolutely superb.


The hardest part of Returnal is the first time getting through the 1-3 biome. 4-6 is much easier as guns start to get OP, and then rerunning the game becomes even easier due to having the tools to access previously inaccessible areas that have health pickups and items. I feel the game could use a little balancing, in making the first area a little easier and the back half a little harder.


Yes, I played and platinumed Terminator it's a fun little game. Don't forget to unlock that DOOR if you go for the Platinum!! Great episode as always gentlemen.

Brannon H

I find it pretty absurd when people say Returnal isn't fun. I don't think I ever had one moment where I wasn't having fun in my entire playthrough of Returnal. I think the main drawback for some people is the difficulty. Most of the people who are more down on it struggle with the 1st biome. If you are down on it because of technical issues then that's a different and more unfortunate problem. Getting a good run together and knocking out multiple bosses in one run is incredibly satisfying.

Brannon H

Also Colin's argument of dumbing the game down to make it cheaper would've hurt the game drastically


Loved returnal but the marketing of a rogue like was not correct at all. You can get multiple endings after that but after you get the third ending, there’s really no reason to replay. It doesn’t change much at all run from run. Either way the story is so cool 9/10 in my book.

Brannon H

Also I found the ending to Act 3 to be pretty satisfying and it was fun to think about and interpret the story of the game


Hey enjoyed the show but I'm not sure if I agree with you guys when you say that Sony's games haven't met much success on PC. I've seen various articles online stating that both Death Stranding and Horizon sold well on the platform see: https://gamerant.com/death-stranding-pc-sales/ and https://wccftech.com/horizon-zero-dawn-pc-sold-716k-units-in-its-first-month-almost-as-much-as-the-witcher-3/ By 2019 Horizon had sold 10 million copies, so increasing that by 10 percent (presuming they have gone up since the time of that article being written) is quite good in my opinion.

P Neal

I am not sure how questions are ask, but I have one for Colin. It looks like the trophy system is evolving. I am playing the show. When I look up the trophies on PSN Profiles, I can see how many home runs have been tracked. It looks like the trophy data is also sending precentage information like on XboX. Do you fill like this is a good thing?

Flur Oji

I'm a pc player and honestly the only PlayStation game that peaked my interest was God of War and even though you say PC gaming is the most expensive of the platforms (which I kind of disagree when it comes to how much better games are on pc and getting more bang for buck) one game is isn't going to make me get a console. I picked up Horizon at about $40 about 2 months ago (it was only ok) but if/when God of War drops I'm easily going to drop $70 if need be.