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Every so often, a game comes along that helps define a genre. When it comes to 2005's God of War -- which launched that year on PlayStation 2 courtesy of Santa Monica Studio -- one can't help but see how important it was (and still is) to so many of the 3D action games we play today. Inspired by Greek mythology, a cinematic approach, a glorified sense of gore and sex, and... well... some Capcom games, clearly, God of War remains one of the PlayStation brand's biggest touchstones all of these years (and consoles) later. So grab your Blades of Chaos, Kratos fans. It's about to get tragic.



Anthony J Sanchez

Btw, the players aren't too happy about a 17 game NFL season. But for us, the fans, it's going to be exciting!

Peter Pham

Is it me? But I didn't think kratos that bad of a character. A Spartan general, who's tricked into slaughtering his own family and their ashes are embedded on his skin, all this warrant a fuel enraged psycho maniac. It works in the confined of the game. I don't need ballad songs from slipknot (I got stone sour for that lol).

Samuel Ashley

I’ve been a huge football fan my whole life, and I’m just learning that teams play equally ranked teams to where they placed in the division. Crazy.

Joseph Baker

Love me some God of War. Looking forward to this one.


........... boobs.