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Way back in 1954, JRR Tolkien released the first of three seminal books that are referred to colloquially as "the trilogy," but that is otherwise collectively known as The Lord of the Rings. And, believe it or not, it took decades for this wonderful fantasy franchise to see life on the silver screen. By way of the talented Peter Jackson and his extraordinary team, Fellowship of the Ring (and its two subsequent, book-based films) bring us to Middle-earth on the verge of great potential disaster. The One Ring is in danger of falling into the wrong hands, and it's up to a wizard, some Hobbits, elves, humans, and even an ax-wielding dwarf to keep it secret, keep it safe. It's time to go high fantasy.



Joe B

Fuck im excited for this. My favorite movie of all time. I had no idea this was even in the pipeline

Sutter Kaine

Wawa fun fact: If you go to the Princeton, NJ one you'll find yourself looking at one of the nicest Wawa's you've ever seen. Because of building codes around the University it looks like a five start restaurant from the outside with marble and glass.

Frederick Corbin

Just watched the extended edition on HBO Max. Awesome.

Michael Thew

The original walking simulator


SO GOOD. Thank you for covering this masterpiece.

Ryan Zimm

Guh-Ladd-Ree--Ull Get it right!

Forrest Hunter

About twenty years ago, all Wawa’s in CT became Krauser’s. They’re essentially the same establishment, just a different name. Glad to know the Wawa’s brand lives on!

Rob Aitken

Colin, it is not you. In November a guy tried to tall his way into my condo building. This isn't some 100 unit public housing but a 7 unit private condo, and we do all talk. I think people's appreciation for private property is just deteriorating

Ryan Zimm

And Tom Bombadil is not in The Hobbit. As an obsessive Tolkien need, as much as I loved this episode....it infuriated me too many times. Lol

Samuel Mills

Maybe I only speak for myself. But as someone who just finished watching the Downton Abbey series (and movie) with my wife, PLEASE do a Downton Abbey episode (or 12).

Andy Reno

The tv show is set in the second age, not retelling the movies


Great episode! I’d just like to say that I would be more than happy if you covered Downton... but not as happy as I would be if you finally got Dagan to watch and cover The West Wing! From the latter part of the conversation, I wonder what it says about societies which are more comfortable with violence than they are with sex. Just a ponder point.

Luke Silletta

Colin I feel you about trying to avoid chit chatting. I literally cant leave my house without my annoying neighbor wanting to do a stop and chat. Also its literally a nothing conversation about the same old shit. Why do we have to go through this dance of wasting each others time?


One of my friends from high school married a very talented artist in Hollywood who got his big break working on these movies for WETA while he was still in New Zealand. I remember him telling me how they made the chain mail and other practical effects and it was incredible impressive hearing someone go into such detail about specialized work. Anyway they got sick of Hollywood and grow weed in Oregon now they are much happier.

Simon Payne

Fun fact: part of the elves requirement for returning to valanor was being tested (tempted) by the ring. I can't remember the exact context for why, but that's the reason galadriel tests herself! (Not all elves. I can't remember the exact details)


I was bottom floor of an apartment and I would get solicitors ALL THE TIME. I FEEL YOUR PAIN COLIN

Cam McCabe

You should 100% do an episode on Downton Abbey


Just some food for thought regarding allegory in Tolkien's stories. In a letter to Milton Waldman, Tolkien wrote that he did not completely despise, but rejected allegory in all of its forms. He says that he found himself disappointed in the fairy stories he grew up with, in their scope and in their quantity, and he set out to build one of his own. In short, he recognizes that one cannot create a fictional universe that another won't interpret in some personal way, or find an allegory within, but explicitly states that there is no deeper meaning to his work, outside of being a world of pure fantasy.


This, to me, is what makes these stories so special. His life's work was of true dedication to imagination.


His belief was that "applicability" being where the reader can draw the parallels between his work and themes of himself and his views of the real world, was preferable to "allegory." He says he values history over allegory, and that's very much what this story is: Tolkien's role-playing of a historian re-recording a long forgotten history.


The nature of storytelling is that it inherently draws from real life, but Tolkien preferred that his fairy tale not be anchored down by these similarities between real life and fiction that one can pin-point.