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For millions, gaming was (and still is) an escape from the real world, where we can put away our daily troubles and concerns and be someone else, somewhere else, doing something else. So why does it seem like so many people who don't like games, those who play them, or the ecosystem everything combines in have the most power? The power to set narratives, to sink games, to disparage and defame individuals, and more? To talk about this, I brought journalist and op-ed writer Erik Kain onto the show. Within, we discuss the controversy surrounding Indian revenge fantasy This Land is My Land, the legacy of Gamergate, the self-destruction of mainstream media, the fixation on divisive woke politics, and more. We also get into some other issues, too, especially concerning recent comments from Sony Bend co-founded John Garvin about buying games you love, the David vs. Goliath scene currently playing out between Xbox and PlayStation, the upside and downside of a service like Gamepass, and more. This is an episode for those who like depth.



Matthew Clem

I've been following Erik's work for years; great to see you guys on a podcast together!

Timothy Martin

Sacred symbols plus is killing it lately! Great job, Colin! Loving the content


Awesome topic, Colin. You are a rock god with the content you give us.

Remington James

I’m here for this one! ✌️ Last Stand is the only “games media” I trust to be honest these days

Kenneth Oms

Dude fuck yeah!!! Erik Kain and Colin this is awesome

Greg Shapiro

Hey Colin! Great content! Love all the work you and the guys do! Also, any update on getting Jeff Ross on the show?

Khyle Claeys

I've been reading Erik's work for a couple years. Seeing how he was a major detractor of last of us part 2, and the discourse surrounding it; I can see a lot of parallels between the mass effect 3 situation and the post-release coverage of the last of us 2. Surprised this never got talked about or at least touched on by either Colin or Erik.

Jake Z

Colin, you keep saying things like Xbox is going to "bury" or "kill" Playstation. Do you really think the console war is like an actual war, a zero-sum game? It's not. Xbox having better exclusives doesn't take away Sony or Nintendo's exclusives. The video game market is expanding. There's room for people to own multiple consoles. It's really strange to see how much you've bought in to the console war bullshit.

Max Stahl

There's only one solution, Colin: Become filthy rich and ride in on your white horse to save Sony's gaming division from itself! Oh, and happy holidays! 😉


Great discussion! Now that you’ve introduced me to Erik, I’m definitely going to follow him now. I especially loved your discussion on how journalists have twisted and misrepresented the gaming community in order to call them sexist or bigoted. I thought Erik made some great points there.


Great episode. Regarding paying full price for a game, I kinda wish I could sub to patreons for my favorite devs. Most of us in the US, we’re lucky if we can support ourselves from our jobs. I’m luckier than most, and some of these devs have given me so much, I would like to pay more than $60 or $70. I don’t feel it is an obligation, I feel that they have earned it. I’m cheap in many respects—but I will not support animal cruelty at the supermarket and I will pay artists what I can afford, I will alter my savings goals if someone makes a big enough impact. Likewise, all of your content is free, but I pay for it anyway, and as I make more, more will be allocated to you because I appreciate the content.

Matthew Major

Very well done Colin. Erik was a breath of fresh air. I really appreciate his perspective. Thank you for everything.


Have people ever heard of allegory? What country has been invaded recently/constantly....Ukraine.

Jake H.

I agreed with pretty much everything Erik said. I think he’s right that games journalism should be more centred around advocating for consumers, rather than condemning them based on mischaracterizations.

Context Should Matter

Colin kept asking Why are the games journalists are so combative and basically downright malicious. I found a quote that encapsulates why. “Being virulently woke allows lowest-status whites the only metric by which they can be perceived as somehow better than others.” -Michael Malice

Trent Jeffery

Colin referencing Tyler the Creator, crazy


Colin, I think you've got a documentary on your hands. This is great content. Keep digging at this media problem in our industry, love your work.

Matthew Schultz

This is great, I do worry that using terms like “woke” as a derogatory might deter people who would welcome, listen and engage in discussions like this. Just as those who would use “gamer” in much the same way.

Context Should Matter

Woke is a new religion. Religious zealots do not want to engage in conversations about their religion. They actively make excuses for its flaws and get downright violent when you try to question their beliefs. If someone thinks woke is derogatory then they aren’t one who can be reasoned with anyway.


I'd like that, yeah. But I'm not trying to just recycle recent guests from other shows, either. In a way, when someone pops up somewhere, it both reminds me I'd like to talk to them one day and pushes them further down the road.


I love that idea, and I've thought about that... like, what does a game being developed on Patreon truly look like? I know there's some PC stuff going on here, and adult games, but what does a real, console-quality game look like if it's totally crowdfunded, not on Kickstarter with a publisher riding in later, but just straight-up.


A fellow Montanan nice


Liked this guy, hope you have him back soon !


Man... what a solid podcast. I’ve been listening to Colin for years, and it’s exactly for podcasts like this one. I’m not trying to shower praise, but it really is refreshing to hear people discuss these types of topics/ issues in a day an age when everyone is so over sensitive. An to discuss them candidly, thoughtfully and in a mature manner. I’m trying to do my own PlayStation/ news podcast, and it’s funny how much i share the same thoughts. Yet Its a struggle for me to form the best words to convey my views. But that’s what’s always impressive to me with Colins podcasts, the way himself and his guests strike up great conversation and convey their points of view in an informative, digestible and entertaining manner. Great job guys. Keep it going.


These interview episodes have been great!

Dan T

You did it


I’m really enjoying these interview podcasts with such great honest discussions. So good. I just have to say how much I agree with this misconception that men are against women being gamers. The only time I’ve been given grief about enjoying video games was from other girls who thought it was strange. Never from guys.

James Good

I think you both are both underestimating the goals and the true nature that lies behind the ideology of the "woke" crowd. To people who are slaves to ideology, there can be no such as entertainment or art for art sake. All forms of media are tools to push totalitarian dogma. Anything that is contrary to this can not just be dismissed, it must be destroyed and forgotten. Vladimir Lenin said that "that of all the arts the most important for us is the cinema." What is happening to video games is not new. The same thing has happened to film and print. We are just cognizant of this change in culture because it has become so nakedly bold and transparent.

Giovanni D'Amico

Just finished listening to this - it was absolutely wonderful. Colin, terrific job with this interview and a great rapport between you guys. Would really, really like to see Eric back again soon.


I've never heard a girl get grief in real life, nor heard a guy even talk shit about girls gaming behind-closed-doors. I'm sure it happens, but I've likewise not seen or heard it.

Hose A Contra Razz

Just say a blue vita at my local pawnshop for $150 I wonder if it still there? They are usually $80 but black.

Joe McPartlin

Great episode. As always thank you for having open and nuanced discussion with people that don't necessarily share all of your views on things. Opening up with something like "he torpedoed me once" is that honesty that I love and it lead into a great discussion


A Conversation with Colin was Right has well and truly returned. Kudos! Schreier again?

Michael Maneage

Honestly this has to be covered more and more between liberals and conservatives in conversations just like this. The Woke world view has taken over seemingly every facet of American pop culture. The odd thing is that though" get woke go broke" seems to keep happening, we are getting more and more woke products across various forms of media, entertainment and politics. This strikes me as odd, because (in my opinion) this is more of a cult than anything else. Therefore you have the kool-aid drinkers (the true believers) , the pourers ( who know this is weird but are drinking a little themselves) and the people who make and sell the kool-aid. My question is what is the true motivation of the kool-aid man? Is it purely financial? Is it power? Just curious as to how this era will be looked at in the history books 100 years from now.


Topics like this are why I joined the CLS Patreon


That's what I'm saying. People really do agree on a lot of issues... and frankly, a lot of the core issues that were once so important still are important! Family, friends, togetherness, safety, prosperity. Only the actors have changed.


I was honestly worried this was going to sound like a Quartering style rant but was pleasantly surprised. I think you guys really nailed the issues with Games media and their strange animosity towards their own community.

Nathan Henderson

I've just stumbled across this episode, turns out I missed one! Always fascinated to hear out discussion about this topic although honestly I'm not sure I agree with the notion that gaming was always open and welcoming for girls as it has been for guys when we were younger. I think the heavy sexualisation and objectification of women in the 90s contributed a lot to that and it's not something that can be disputed, especially not by saying 'well they did it to guys too with muscles and it didn't bother us so eh'. I don't agree with this notion that certain subsections of the media is going through at the moment calling everyone sexist but there are a lot of females I know who feel more comfortable playing games and accepted being a gamer thanks to those who wanted to address the fact games shouldn't just default to treating women like objects. It's so important to put in the work to make this industry welcoming for all, whilst also checking yourself to ensure you aren't pushing others out to achieve that outcome.