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Recharted | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast Episode 146

We know it seems like everything is on fire recently, but does that feeling match reality? On the back of explosive reporting concerning Naughty Dog, Bend Studio, and an unacknowledged (by Sony) second team in San Diego, PlayStation fans are left questioning just what's going on with a company that seems more interested in smash hits, remakes, and extracting blood from a stone than trying something new. An Uncharted remake? A remake of The Last of Us?! Eh. Let's talk about if recharting old territory is the wisest use of time for some of the industry's most talented teams. Then: News! PlayStation 5 has received its first firmware update, Sony has dumped even more money into Epic, PlayStation is hiring a new Head of Mobile for its first party family, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! Will Horizon: Forbidden West actually make it out in 2021? Why are some Trophies hidden? How can Sony not figure out how to emulate PS3 when hackers have already done so? Just what's for dinner, anyway? Get some Sacred Symbols merch! https://LastStandMedia.shop A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant, ad-free access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and other podcast providers, or use this link: https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod #SacredSymbols #TheLastOfUsRemake #PlayStation 0:00:00 - Intro 0:04:00 - Remembering the PSN outage (from a decade ago) 0:10:41 - A few quick news items. 0:11:50 - What have we been playing? 0:22:27 - There seems to be some trouble at Sony… 1:19:30 - Days Gone now has a release date for its PC port. 1:21:39 - A PS5 firmware update has been released. 1:27:26 - Some functionalities for the soon-to-be shuttered storefronts are already disappearing. 1:28:52 - Sony has bought another $200 million of Epic stock. 1:32:15 - PlayStation appears to be hiring for a mobile platform. 1:39:53 - More details have been revealed about Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s expansion pack. 1:43:23 - Sonic Colors may be coming to PS4. 1:45:54- Mass Effect Legendary Edition has gone gold. 1:50:13 - Sony is going green. 1:51:33 - New job postings may reveal what several studios are working on. Will the next Bishock game be open world? 2:05:44 - The sequel to The World Ends With You has a release date. 2:07:57 - News Wrap-Up 2:12:04 - Why won’t Sony invest in backwards compatibility when it is definitely possible? 2:19:09 - Do we keep lists of games we want to buy or a backlog list? 2:22:25 - What’s the deal with hidden trophies? 2:23:44 - Does Sony need to reconsider their current pricing structure? 2:32:56 - What would Naughty Dog look like if they had pursued Jak over The Last of Us? 2:40:15 - Is it too early to panic about Horizon Forbidden West’s release date?



"Hello darkness my old friend"


Hey Colin, not to be the bearer of bad news but they have yet to backtrack on their initial announce for FF7R and the DLC is unfortunately PS5 only. You won't be able to play it on PS4, which is probably why the upgrade to PS5 is free.

Frank G.

I almost read that title as Retarded lol

Vinny Pepperoni

Dustin's new haircut is looking fresh

Alex Gould

Lol the thumbnail


Lol also almost read that as retarded


Sony been picking up Ls like tulips in Holland. 😂 They need to handle that shit. Still excited to get into Returnal but recent news paint a grim picture.


Upon further reflection, I’m more of the mind that schrier’s reporting was sensationalist, and there are two sides. The visual arts team chose tlou because they wanted something green lit, ie they were afraid of asking for the funding to develop a new IP, but the proposed budget turned out to be too expensive anyway, and when the original creators get their hands on it, naturally their word is law. As for days gone 2, I think Sony did the first one dirty, but we don’t know why the pitch was rejected. Nevertheless, it was, and while new ideas percolated, it makes sense that the dev team would work on another Sony project rather than twiddle their thumbs—the timing lines up if they just got the go ahead for the new project. Doesn’t mean some devs aren’t pissed, but Sony is a business, and if we can put on a tin foil hat for a sec, I wouldn’t be shocked if a lot of this was more or less some Microsoft encouraged FUD.

Ross Stoddart

I was about to make this same comment, I was certain the DLC was PS5 only. I presume there will be some sort of save transfer / trophy sync so you can continue progress there.

Ross Stoddart

FYI Colin re: pricing. Returnal is £70 here in the UK not £60. Most games last gen were £50/£55 from retailers and on the PS store, but are now a 1:1 match for the USD price. Current exchange rate is £0.72 or €0.83 to $1 - so if we were going off the basic exchange rate Returnal should be ~£50 / €58. In USD that means UK & EU customers are both paying around $96 (+37%). Maybe this is why Sony likes Europe so much...


Jim Ryan seems to know the cost of everything and the value of nothing... his finance background is really shining through the past few weeks, like he asked for a spreadsheet of services and operations and just crossed off anything that looked expensive that he thought people wouldn't care about. He also seems to be very focused on Gamepass and what Xbox are doing.... I've seen so many PSNow adverts everywhere, seems like he has a very traditional idea of how to compete with Xbox and he has absolutely no original ideas of his own..... there is no direction or vision beyond 'do what Xbox do but try to beat them'...... it's f-ing pathetic to me. Where is the response to Zenimax? We as PS fans took a huge hit with that, we lost many games, followed by Yakuza going to Xbox and other games losing exclusivity too.... Horizon, Days Gone and Jims 'slate of games' (f-ck him - sorry I am actually furious). Nobody that is a fan of PlayStation cares about another subscription service, nobody cares about a peer service to Game Pass...... all we want is more studios and more exclusives. Buy a Sega or buy a few great studios like MiHoYo, Remedy, Kojima, Arc System works and IOI. MiHoYo is very successful on phone as well as console, Remedy could do an exclusive Marvel game and Kojima can do his niche thing, while IOI do James Bond and Arc make a fighter to tie into EVO or just continue with Guilty Gear........ and keep the prices reasonable. It's not rocket-science, we just want some excitement, innovation and engagement. Anyway, Colin...you've been spot on with everything you've said and I appreciate you speaking out (except GOW is bigger than Halo now, Halo is not what it used to be). Hope next week is better for us all as PS fans!


"Don't interrupt me again, Dustin" hahaha that had me dying.


Given that Sony’s CEO seems to be new to the industry, I’ve gotta disagree that they’re the folks best equipped to show Castlevania, Silent Hill and Metal Gear the respect that they deserve.


He's not new to the industry, he's been with PlayStation from the 90's.


I know, it was sarcasm based on some of Sony’s strange moves lately :)


First I want to say I still remember that history piece you did on Naughty Dog and I love it, thanks again for that one. Also thank you Dustin and Chris for your inputs as well in general, you guys are awesome. The Jak IV concept art has been available for a long time. Limited Run Games released an official mock-up case with a cover featuring the art for free as part of their partnership with Naughty Dog and PlayStation, that saw them release physical copies of all the PS2 ports on PS4. Here's a link to the Twitter post from LRG regarding the Jak IV case if you want to see the art: https://twitter.com/LimitedRunGames/status/1195064642269319168?s=19 I still don't think this realistic style would have been good for the Jak series. I always have one big hold up when it comes to another studio doing Jak. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier by High Impact Games does not control or play to the same quality as the trilogy by Naughty Dog. You notice it immediately when you try to perform classic movements you would do in the previous games. (Maybe this has to do with the fact that it was a simultaneous release on PSP and PS2, but I don't know) Sometimes I feel it's lost on some people that Naughty Dog's games all feel good to play, whether it's the lasso from Uncharted 4, roll jumping in Jak, the very detailed gunplay in The Last of Us series, and tight jumps in Crash. I can accept another studio making a new Jak game so long as they learn from the mistakes made in The Lost Frontier and by understanding Insomniac's recent work on Ratchet and Clank. There's a lot of care that went in to the 2016 remake. I know that not even nearly the same amount of people care about the Jak and Daxter series as much as Ratchet and Clank and so many other past franchises as well like Resistance and Infamous. Although, this game being a Naughty Dog game alone, gives it weight at least from a historical and legacy perspective. This franchise is the beginning of them being a PlayStation studio, and their beginning into a focus on storytelling. Playing the trilogy exemplifies the transition taking place in video games during the PS2 generation. Say whatever you want about the story, but I still think the games had a lot of style that still represent what Naughty Dog is today. I just hope that if we get a remake of the Jak and Daxter Trilogy or a sequel/reboot that it would be done with the kind of care and detail that Naughty Dog and Insomniac put into their games, because this franchise deserves it. (For the record the way LRG handled the physical copies was great, but maybe the fact that the physical releases of the ports were handled by LRG rather than PlayStation directly shows how much PlayStation doesn't care about the franchise, but again who really knows. Especially since PlayStation deliberately chooses not to communicate with us these days.)

Kaz Redclaw

What do you think about them un-cancelling the PS3 and Vita store? Everyone seems to be celebrating, but not noticing that the PSP store's still going away, so I'm still buying up all the PSP games on my list. That outage wasn't that big to me since I've never been a one-system player, but I think it really screwed up some of Sony's plans with Valve though, because up to the point where the outage happened, it seemed like Sony was trying to pursue some sort of partnership between PSN and Steam, and Portal 2 was kind of the first test of that. They even had cross-play between PC Steam users and PS3 users on Portal 2... It was a very poorly timed outage for that deal.


A slight correction, the FF7R DLC isn't playable on PS4, it's exclusively on PS5


Yes, but it's dumb to put together a team that's timid from the get. It's a mismanaged clusterfuck, and it's Sony's fault.