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So, we're an Xbox and PC show. You've read the title, you know this. However, a large chunk of the audience write-ins were reflections on the Don Mattrick era and PlayStation's major shifts that have dragged Xbox into a favorable position. I thought for this episode it would be fun with a slower news week to turn our attention toward Bloomberg's reporting of PlayStation honing in on blockbuster titles only. As we continue to say, it's more clear than ever that Xbox and PlayStation are marching to entirely different beats and that means we are certainly in for one of the most interesting console generations. On the news side of things, more information has popped up suggesting Persona 5 Royal is heading to Xbox and some titles such as Everwild, Fable, and Perfect Dark might be caught in the development pipeline for some time! Oh, and debates on if sushi is a fish hot dog...


0:00:37 - Intro

0:11:15 - What would Xbox look like now with Don Mattrick at the helm?

0:27:20 - Is PlayStation losing Kojima to Xbox due to their focus on blockbusters?

0:36:07 - Where does the name Defining Duke come from?

0:37:40 - What new features would we like to see come through software updates?

0:47:18 - Karak called me fat.

0:48:54 - Is sushi a fish hot dog?

0:50:49 - Some of Xbox’s games may be further away than we thought.

1:02:23 - It appears Persona 5 Royal will be coming to Game Pass.

1:10:34 - Age of Empires IV is coming this fall.

1:16:03 - Epic is not afraid to spend money… and their customers aren’t either.

1:27:52 - Microsoft has purchased Nuance for $19.7 billion.

1:35:12 - Game Pass Picks of the Week

1:39:23 - Backwards Compatibility Picks of the Week.

1:48:10 - PC Deals of the Week

1:51:24 - Will Microsoft ever manufacture their own handheld?

1:59:52 - Is console scarcity a positive for Xbox?

2:07:30 - Microsoft hands you a blank check to remake a game that didn’t sell well. What do you pick?

2:10:59 - Microsoft doesn’t have release dates for any of their games. Should we be concerned?




Yes. Signed, this PlayStation person. Been too invested in the Sony ecosystem to ditch it completely but I def think I need to become a multiple console person for the first time.


Never a bad thing to dabble in other ecosystems. Gamepass has really helped expand my horizons in showing me games I never would have tried previously. My Series S is quickly becoming the most played console in this household.

Jose Cantu

I would get a Series X/S to go along with my PS5, but the shortage continuing makes me not want to hunt for it. I wonder if this is weirdly helping Sony continue the sales lead.


Sony would have had to do something pretty drastic to make me go back to Xbox. Like no backwards compatibility with PS4 games. I still have love for the PS brand though we have had a couple months of bad press. Jim Ryan is the Sony version of Don Mattricks.


I just want to make a quick clarification about my question regarding an xCloud handheld: I did mean that the device would include analog sticks and buttons like Switch Lite. I think an xCloud tablet without any controls is a bad idea.

James Galos

I love my PlayStation exclusives, but my everyday platform is Xbox now. PlayStation lost me when Game Pass hit and they never counter punched with anything even close

Tony Rivera

Karak, I love you bro, but I can never hear your hushed tones with your microphone, then when Matty starts talking or interjects, the speakers in my car get blown out and I piss my pants a little. Something about your mic is making your voice capture range so intense that when you are finishing a statement I can't hear what you say. I love your video reviews on YouTube and have no issues when I'm watching those.. but when I'm trying to casually listen to you guys run a show in my car, Matty sounds crisp and loud enough, but Jeremy.. you don't sound like the angry centaur I have come to know and love. Just some feedback, but love the show guys.

Your Boi Nicky V

I just don't understand how Fable could be an entire gen out. Phil even teased it when they acquired Playground. Anyway, probably the best show yet which is crazy seeing as it was a slow news week. Felt like a good catch up on how the gen's going. Cheers Matty.

Billy Mark

I actually just "switched" - received a gift card to the Microsoft store even though I'm a PS4 guy, I still have an Xbox One. Saw Outriders was on Game Pass, so I dusted off the Xbox. A few days later I saw the Series S was in stock, so I grabbed it. I had been waiting patiently to grab a PS5. Looking into Game Pass now, it's just an amazing deal. I could have grabbed a PS5 bundle the other day, and to my surprise, didn't!

Ross Stoddart (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-09 22:11:58 Hey Duke boys - just want to offer a different perspective on MS’s recent purchases, on LinkedIn from someone who works in marketing and uses it everyday. It’s 2020 revenue was $8b, and is the #1 social platform for lead gen (up there with Google Ads for B2B businesses), and currently offers discoverability that can rival TikTok. With 740m users worldwide it also offers MS a whole lot of data on business professionals as well. Just cause it’s not in your world doesn’t mean it’s not valuable. One thing that Xbox commentators often forget is that Xbox is pretty low on the list of priorities for MS. If you think buying LinkedIn is like buying MySpace with $8b revenue, how do you people outside of gaming view the ZeniMax purchase with their <$100m annual revenue? P.S. Ghostrunner is excellent, I picked it up and beat it at launch on PC and recently bought it again on PS4/5 and am now chasing that tasty platinum trophy!
2021-04-19 07:23:54 Hey Duke boys - just want to offer a different perspective on MS’s recent purchases, on LinkedIn from someone who works in marketing and uses it everyday. It’s 2020 revenue was $8b, and is the #1 social platform for lead gen (up there with Google Ads for B2B businesses), and currently offers discoverability that can rival TikTok. With 740m users worldwide it also offers MS a whole lot of data on business professionals as well. Just cause it’s not in your world doesn’t mean it’s not valuable. One thing that Xbox commentators often forget is that Xbox is pretty low on the list of priorities for MS. If you think buying LinkedIn is like buying MySpace with $8b revenue, how do you people outside of gaming view the ZeniMax purchase with their <$100m annual revenue? P.S. Ghostrunner is excellent, I picked it up and beat it at launch on PC and recently bought it again on PS4/5 and am now chasing that tasty platinum trophy!

Hey Duke boys - just want to offer a different perspective on MS’s recent purchases, on LinkedIn from someone who works in marketing and uses it everyday. It’s 2020 revenue was $8b, and is the #1 social platform for lead gen (up there with Google Ads for B2B businesses), and currently offers discoverability that can rival TikTok. With 740m users worldwide it also offers MS a whole lot of data on business professionals as well. Just cause it’s not in your world doesn’t mean it’s not valuable. One thing that Xbox commentators often forget is that Xbox is pretty low on the list of priorities for MS. If you think buying LinkedIn is like buying MySpace with $8b revenue, how do you people outside of gaming view the ZeniMax purchase with their <$100m annual revenue? P.S. Ghostrunner is excellent, I picked it up and beat it at launch on PC and recently bought it again on PS4/5 and am now chasing that tasty platinum trophy!

Kaz Redclaw (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-09 22:11:58 Nice, GalCiv3 was also one of my favorite games on the PC. I really should go back and play it more. Also like that Deadly Tower of Monsters pic in the background. I really need to get time to play that. Personally, I'm not yet shifting my lead console to Xbox from Playstation. If anything, my lead console for purchasing games is shifting from PS Vita to Nintendo Switch, with Xbox One S being my 3rd tier console. (Switch-&gt;PS5-&gt;X1S) I still haven't signed on for gamepass though. XSX isn't quite on my radar yet, I think I'm waiting for the first redesign and hoping for something that fits into my setup better. (6"x6"x12" would stick out too much. A 4"x12"x12" would be better. Currently I have nothing taller than 4" sticking out from my console/PC wall.) It's still nice to listen to an xbox podcast to see what things I might want to pick up for it eventually, even if I only really buy exclusives on it. My PS5 is almost entirely a backwards compatibility system. A lot of the games have PS5 versions, but they're almost all games with a PS4 version as well. The PS5 plays them a lot better than the PS4 though, so it's still an upgrade. The first real PS5 game I'm getting is Ratchet and Clank.
2021-04-20 12:10:32 Nice, GalCiv3 was also one of my favorite games on the PC. I really should go back and play it more. Also like that Deadly Tower of Monsters pic in the background. I really need to get time to play that. Personally, I'm not yet shifting my lead console to Xbox from Playstation. If anything, my lead console for purchasing games is shifting from PS Vita to Nintendo Switch, with Xbox One S being my 3rd tier console. (Switch->PS5->X1S) I still haven't signed on for gamepass though. XSX isn't quite on my radar yet, I think I'm waiting for the first redesign and hoping for something that fits into my setup better. (6"x6"x12" would stick out too much. A 4"x12"x12" would be better. Currently I have nothing taller than 4" sticking out from my console/PC wall.) It's still nice to listen to an xbox podcast to see what things I might want to pick up for it eventually, even if I only really buy exclusives on it. My PS5 is almost entirely a backwards compatibility system. A lot of the games have PS5 versions, but they're almost all games with a PS4 version as well. The PS5 plays them a lot better than the PS4 though, so it's still an upgrade. The first real PS5 game I'm getting is Ratchet and Clank.

Nice, GalCiv3 was also one of my favorite games on the PC. I really should go back and play it more. Also like that Deadly Tower of Monsters pic in the background. I really need to get time to play that. Personally, I'm not yet shifting my lead console to Xbox from Playstation. If anything, my lead console for purchasing games is shifting from PS Vita to Nintendo Switch, with Xbox One S being my 3rd tier console. (Switch->PS5->X1S) I still haven't signed on for gamepass though. XSX isn't quite on my radar yet, I think I'm waiting for the first redesign and hoping for something that fits into my setup better. (6"x6"x12" would stick out too much. A 4"x12"x12" would be better. Currently I have nothing taller than 4" sticking out from my console/PC wall.) It's still nice to listen to an xbox podcast to see what things I might want to pick up for it eventually, even if I only really buy exclusives on it. My PS5 is almost entirely a backwards compatibility system. A lot of the games have PS5 versions, but they're almost all games with a PS4 version as well. The PS5 plays them a lot better than the PS4 though, so it's still an upgrade. The first real PS5 game I'm getting is Ratchet and Clank.


Probably the X. When they’re more readily available of course.