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PSN, CD Projekt, Corporate Consolidation, and Defamation! | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 88

Welcome Richard "Rick" Hoeg back to the show for an unprecedented third time, as we jump into actual and could-be legal issues littering our industry. Such as: What's happening with the PlayStation Store on PS3, PSP, and Vita, what's the difference between owning a game versus a license, and what's Sony's liability (if any) once the stores go down? Speaking of broken things, CD Projekt released a very broken Cyberpunk 2077 into the world three-plus months ago, and they're being sued by their own shareholders, with possibilities percolating of a class-action suit, too. What's happening over in Poland? Also, if you haven't noticed, we've entered the most substantial period of corporate consolidation in the nearly five decades video games have even existed. A lot of the money is coming from Communist China, the Saudi royal family, and other unsavory sources. Should we be worried? And will the consolidation ever end? Finally -- like a cherry on top -- we talk about the issue of libel and defamation in our industry. People are destroying the reputations of others, often with unfounded and clearly injurious statements. And they know exactly what they're doing. Is there any legal recourse for the victims of such campaigns? Strap in! It's time to get nerdy.


Michael Thew

Norm the video game historian did a piece on YouTube, called Nintendo vs Blockbuster that covers the licensing aspect of rentals

Maxx Lazos

Hoeg is truly a gem. Simultaneously a national treasure and citizen of the world. He must be protected at all costs. Also how do I get a Hoeg Law hat? Bitch is clean

Maxx Lazos

Colin, you are looking noticeably leaner. The jowels, neck, and face, in particular. Good job! Please feel free to reach out if you need some help developing a weight training regimen with your new weights. I have a BS in Exercise Physiology and have successfully prescribed many people a healthy, sustainable program. On the house


I'm feeling really good lately, physically. I feel stronger, I feel leaner. It's nothing crazy, but I was remarking to Micah that I don't feel fat for the first time in a few years (although I never got above 185 in that time). It's all clicking for me right now. Thank you. <3

Leo Sanchez

God, I love this nerdy shit so much!


Is it me or is Colin starting to look like Kratos?

Tristen Wilbers

It's actually shocking. The way his countenance wears that beautiful resting bitch face that Kratos has... It's really amazing. I mean his facial structure, especially his brow line, is just a straight up copy. The beard is getting there, and I fear it won't be much longer before you can't even tell the difference. This will be Kratos's Last Stand.