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Oblivion | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast Episode 141

The deed is done: Microsoft has officially purchased Bethesda. What's that mean for PlayStation gamers? Well, it doesn't seem good, at least if you care about many of that label's products coming to PlayStation 5 outside of Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo. But between the lines are still myriad topics ripe for discussion, like Phil Spencer's years-long lack of categorical, definitive statements, Microsoft's seeming inability to manage the studios they already own, and what PlayStation may look like without the likes of Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Doom, Wolfenstein, and more. So let's jump deep into the topic at hand, shall we? Plus: PS5's sales are historically high in the United States, TMNT is redefining the definition of Turtle Power, NCAA Football's return may be further away than you think, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! Why is Square Enix so hesitant to re-release their NES and SNES-era Final Fantasy games? Does the 'end' of Japan Studio have any sort of effect on Fumito Ueda? Where are all of the detective games? Did Colin give Chris a PSVR unit in the past so that Chris can give it back to him in the future? Get some Sacred Symbols merch! https://LastStandMedia.shop A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant, ad-free access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and other podcast providers, or use this link: https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod #SacredSymbols #Bethesda #Xbox 0:00:00 - Intro 0:13:43 - Troy Leavitt has left Avalanche Software 0:16:13 - Six Days in Fallujah sheds more light on how they’ll deal with historic events. 0:19:35 - FIFA developers at EA have been accused of selling in-game items privately. 0:21:37 - Is it wrong to eat my Five Guys burger this way? 0:24:38 - What should I grow in my garden? 0:28:08 - What have we been playing? 0:42:52 - Microsoft now owns Zenimax. What does that mean? 1:18:24 - PS5 is now America's fastest selling video game console of all time. 1:29:55 - A new TMNT game is in the works. 1:35:39 - A new NCAA football game will likely not be released until 2023. 1:37:37 - Shin Megami Tensei III is on its way. 1:41:06 - Studio shakeup and business news. 1:44:38 - News Wrap-Up 1:47:05 - What is our earliest gaming memory? What PlayStation games are good for kids? 1:52:03 - What’s up with The Avengers? 1:54:57 - Why aren’t there more detective and murder mystery games? 1:58:06 - Are we going to get more single player games in the future? 2:01:03 - What will happen to Famito Ueda and Team Ico? 2:03:33 - Why haven’t we seen a rerelease of the SNES Final Fantasy games?



Been waiting all day for this!

Phil Walker

Lols. Amazing thumbnail

Dave Carsley

I'm not trying to be a karen here, but why is it still advertised every episode that patrons get "early and ad-free access to every episode of the show"? I seem to recall that used to be true, but it's certainly not any more (unless I'm missing something). I access the show here on Patreon directly from the link above, and there's multiple ads every episode-- and not just the "ads" for Patreon itself or merch, but actual advertisements for beauty products, mental health services, and other assorted nonsense. Yes, I'm aware there's time-stamps listed if I want to go through the trouble of manually skipping them while I'm trying to drive or get work done, but I don't think any honest person could call that "ad free" with a straight face. Colin is a pretty honest dude, so I assume it's something I'M missing or misunderstanding. So... genuine question: Does anyone know if there's a special link on Patreon that I'm missing or something?? I really only sign in, listen to the show, and leave. So it's totally possible that I missed an announcement post explaining where to find the ad-free episodes.

Ryan Harvey

Colin, on the complaining about shortages. The wii and ps2 may have been worse but no one used Twitter back then 😂. I totally agree with you man. they’re not really missing out at this point. Aand the scarcity is not even Sony’s fault! If they could produce more they would haha 😂


The audio version of the show is ad-free. You know this, because you've been a Patron here for 2+ years. Thank you for your support.

Dave Carsley

Wasn't Starfield already announced for Playstation during the E3 trailer? I don't know how early those contracts get signed, but if Starfield is as far along as rumor has it, it seems like it would have been "set in stone" for Playstation like a year ago.

August McFarland

Appropos to nothing, but Colin you should be aware that the readership of comic books is much larger than single issue sales. Many people, myself included, wait until 5-6 issues are collected in a trade paperback format. (you had expressed dismay at popularity considering readership)


Bethesda fans on PlayStation? There are literally dozens of them. Dozens!!

Richard Duflo

A Jim Reilly shoutout. What a throwback. The newshound!


I really think PlayStation are listening to the wrong people.. individuals like Parris on Twitter with hundreds of thousands of followers pushing for PS exclusives to go to PC and saying exclusives are anticonsumer and then changing his tune when Xbox buys Zenimax...saying that everything should be exclusive to Xbox. These people are not PS customers and I have 2 PS5's and have never been consulted or asked what I think.... in fact I feel like recent corporate decisions were just a smack in my face. I know I shouldn't take it personally but I don't support any real sports teams, PlayStation is my passion in that regard.


LiS 2 was disappointing for me. Buuuuuut I'm pretty certain Clements had a lot of responsibility for the narrative, scenario, and dialog writing in the new iteration. For that reason alone I'm probably going to give it a whirl.

Empty Symbol

I'm definitely not advocating for games to be held back for ps4 because of supply constraints. I would just be disappointed to miss the launch of certain games not only because I'm looking forward to them but mostly because of the need to avoid spoilers like the plague

Zack Fair

Get PlayStation to do a deal with SquareEnix so Bluepoint can remake FFVI


Quick thought on the “gamepass isn’t profitable” question. As a Microsoft shareholder, does Colin own enough stock to have access to the investor calls/financial reports to really dig in and find out the truth? Or is it possible that Microsoft doesn’t give 100% concrete numbers in order to slightly obfuscate the truth, like they do/did with the Xbox One sales numbers?

Joe B

Definitly wasnt announced for it. It was revealed in a 15 second teaser on bethesdas stage with no platforms. Its not coming to playstation.

Joe B

Why would they want to go to you for anything? You bought two PS5's and probz never challenged their decisions like for instance "NO EXTERNAL STORAGE FOR 8 MONTHS IN A 2021 CONSOLE". They dont care at Sony because their fans buy their consoles and never hold them to account for shit.

Tony Rivera

Colin - if you want to have a great cardio workout.. and I doubt you want to do this with a new VR unit.. still you can wipe it down and not get freaking crazy about it.. have a sweat towel nearby or on your waist.. Beat Saber will give you a freaking great workout. It is what you make it. So if you do it lazily, well it won't be.. but if you use it as a lightsaber wielding ninja and get into it.. you will have a great cardio workout and enjoy it very much like a High-Intensity Training session.


Bethesda games a generally crap, except for doom and prey. I’ll miss those games but whatever. 2 less games I’ll have spend money on 🤷🏽‍♂️

Tony Rivera

53:58 - Colin, do you have an intruder, a ghost (a little PT action) or is that Micah? LOL someone just walked past your door and it was very subtle hahaha

Shawn Hayden

Microsoft has to deliver something before any of their purchases matter. I'm still waiting to here or see something about hellblade 2. Doom is far and wide their best IP they've acquired, but as much as I like Doom, its hardly a system seller.

Angel DeJesus

I laughed a little with the talk of bringing old ff games to playstation with trophies. I laugh cuz here I am, desperate for konami to give me the suikoden series, even on mobile. Does konami not like money? At least the ff games I can play on mobile, but suikoden, nothing.


This episode was strange, for the first time you guys sounded like the average PlayStation Show. It wasn’t bad just different, in that it sounded like everything else. A little heated, while proclaiming how little the acquisition matters to you.


I just got Covid-19...I'll have my story with the sickness and I'm feeling it. Escaped it for a year. Listening to you guys and doing D2 Guardian work...and discovered Rocket League (falling in love).


Sure did seem to care a lot for someone who says to not care. Jesus. Settle down. Still love ya.


One thing that you guys seemed confused on that I may be able to shed some light on... “Legacy” - in my experience working in IT and software - typically alludes to existing products in an environment. For example if I’m bringing in a new piece of software I might say it needs to be able to interact with legacy systems. I believe this is what they mean when they say “legacy” products, not games with a history on a console. These would be referring to ESO and other games that will still see future releases/updates (Doom’s DLC). I wouldn’t expect any new games to be released on PS that aren’t already contractually obligated.

TB Lightning

The thumbnail is epic. This is the end of days. Start acquiring toilet paper!


I don’t understand why Colin is so angry about Xbox in this episode. Xbox people aren’t good people? Sounds like Trump.

TB Lightning

On murder mystery games: I loved L.A. Noire. I wish there were more games like that.

Nygile Oliver

Colin, you gotta get back to 13 Sentinels when you have some time, as someone who finished it recently, it's one of the most mindblowing stories I've played in a long time and each new plot development is REALLY gonna grab you


Surely the entire Bethesda company is a way bigger get than capcom ?

The Lizard King

Capcom and Square would impact Colin personally as he gravitates more to the games they produce. The thing with those studios as they do not compare when it comes to the level of games that Bethesda produce and I am not talking about quality but just how big they are. So yes, Bethesda getting into bed with Xbox does not impact Colin but it really does impact Sony and it’s player base. I mean Skyrim alone in 2016 had apparently sold 30m copies back then which is more than any Call of Duty game I think and in the ball park of RDR2


If anything, the shortages then were worse because people weren't buying things online (especially in the PS2 era) and you had to go into stores and see what you could find. People's memories are short.


A person who owns one share and who owns a million has access to the same financial data, which is also available to you, since the company is publicly-traded. As far as I can tell, these numbers are collapsed so as to not be scrutinized.


I don't understand what these publishers are thinking, other than that they understand they basically have one pop at these rereleases, so they want to milk it or save it.


I'm not confused by what he said, because for him to use "legacy" in that way means he explains the same exact thing two times, two sentences apart. He doesn't mean it like that.


I'm confused. Wasn't the murder mystery inquiry stemming from a conversation about LA Noire? I talk into a microphone too much.


Man, can you imagine a Final Fantasy Classic Collection? Final Fantasy I-VI There is even room for a spinoff collection Final Fantasy Tactics (War of the Lions port?) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (its a different game entirely) Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Maybe chocobo racing as a bonus? lol


You did say something pretty blunt regarding "Xbox fans, oof, they're something different". I'm paraphrasing, but it was definitely lumping fans of an entire platform into one category which is something you usually reserve for jokes like MOBA nerds. It did strike me as a little out of character, but I'm not criticizing. Just stating that I noticed it too.


Enough Life Is Strange? Shut up Dustin. The vegetable bit was great. 😄

Joseph Cerini

Just a note on the episode. Games pass is great but it's not like Sony does not have anything. Y'all got to stop forgetting about Playstation Now. Sure it has a worst lineup and less features but it still has Sony exclusives like GOW and others.

Nikitas Gagas

Responding to three comments from this episode that rubbed me the wrong way: The Vita lasting longer than the 3DS is nonsense. First of all, Nintendo still supports the 3DS as there are still games available on the eshop. Secondly, Switch stole the 3DS's spotlight, vastly overshadowing it. Does the Vita have a successor? No! It was a failure that no one really gives a shit about anymore, except for you. I was expecting Dustin to cut in to inject some logic into the conversation but I was baffled when he agreed with you! Do you have a zapper fastened to his testicles in case he doesn't follow script. Geez...! Next, your comment about Little Nighmares 2's strong sales being "unbelievable"... Have you bothered to play the damn game!? It's selling well for a reason: it's really damn good! You should play it. Maybe that'll change your tune. Lastly, comparing PS2 sales to PS5 sales: I acquired the PS2 day one by pre-ordering it and waiting on a line outside of EB. I was lucky enough to get an invitation from Sony and get a PS5 on day one as well but a majority of gamers were not so fortunate. You cannot compare these two launches AT ALL. We didn't have bots scalping literally thousands of PS2's when it launched. Today millions of gamers are still waiting to get their hands on a PS5 while the consoles are being held hostage in basement of some really slimy cocksuckers. Colin get your shit together. Start making some sense, man.


We talk about PS Now all the time! As long as a majority of its games are streaming-only, and as long as nothing new comes to PS Now, it's really apples and oranges.