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The deed is done: Microsoft has officially purchased Bethesda. What's that mean for PlayStation gamers? Well, it doesn't seem good, at least if you care about many of that label's products coming to PlayStation 5 outside of Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo. But between the lines are still myriad topics ripe for discussion, like Phil Spencer's years-long lack of categorical, definitive statements, Microsoft's seeming inability to manage the studios they already own, and what PlayStation may look like without the likes of Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Doom, Wolfenstein, and more. So let's jump deep into the topic at hand, shall we? Plus: PS5's sales are historically high in the United States, TMNT is redefining the definition of Turtle Power, NCAA Football's return may be further away than you think, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! Why is Square Enix so hesitant to re-release their NES and SNES-era Final Fantasy games? Does the 'end' of Japan Studio have any sort of effect on Fumito Ueda? Where are all of the detective games? Did Colin give Chris a PSVR unit in the past so that Chris can give it back to him in the future?

Note: Video is coming soon!


0:00:16 - Intro

0:12:46 - Troy Leavitt has left Avalanche Software

0:15:13 - Six Days in Fallujah sheds more light on how they’ll deal with historic events.

0:18:32 - FIFA developers at EA have been accused of selling in-game items privately.

0:20:34 - Is it wrong to eat my Five Guys burger this way?

0:23:30 - What should I grow in my garden?

0:26:50 - What have we been playing?

0:39:18 - Microsoft now owns Zenimax. What does that mean?

1:11:55 - PS5 is now America's fastest selling video game console of all time.

1:23:08 - A new TMNT game is in the works.

1:28:43 - A new NCAA football game will likely not be released until 2023.

1:30:39 - Shin Megami Tensei III is on its way.

1:34:04 - Studio shakeup and business news.

1:37:30 - News Wrap-Up

1:39:55 - What is our earliest gaming memory? What PlayStation games are good for kids?

1:44:49 - What’s up with The Avengers?

1:47:37 - Why aren’t there more detective and murder mystery games?

1:50:43 - Are we going to get more single player games in the future?

1:53:38 - What will happen to Famito Ueda and Team Ico?

1:56:01 - Why haven’t we seen a rerelease of the SNES Final Fantasy games?



Jack Doheny

Fantastic title for this episode lol


Been waiting for this to come up, haza!!! Highlight of my week! Love you all!


That PSVR gets around.

Hidari Shotaro

the timestamp for shin megami tensei V should say III


I feel like half a gamer or maybe too much of a Sony gamer since the Bethesda developments don’t move me at all.


Thank you!!!!


same here I have no idea how someone is excited at all for star field seeing what bethesda game studios has done in the last 10+ years


Awesome cover art

Anthony J Sanchez

I'm an Xbox Fan boy, and I think I'm nice. I apologize if I ever rubbed you the wrong way Colin.


Just some feedback for Dustin. I find that you speak too slowly. Everything you says sounds scripted, almost. It’s a drag to listen to.

Steve Gray

Dude I feel for you with that VR experience, half the setup is the mental preparedness and commitment getting to the point of "right, let's go i'm doing this". Great to hear you are getting back in! I would love to hear your thoughts on Vader Immortal, the feeling of wielding a lightsaber in a VR Star Wars world is unreal.


Who's this WE? oh we're speaking French now? Or we're talking the last two nintendo systems. Because I fucking love Life Is Strange and it's only been two games and they're all episodic game's. I wanna continue Max journey and how's she's dealing with the aftermath of the first game.

Dom posa

Still don’t believe Anything Phil Spencer says. Need to see what he actually does

Jake Z

This is a bizarre comment. People don't choose how fast they talk. It's largely a factor of where and how they grew up. Colin and Chris are New Yorkers so that's probably why they talk so fast. Joe Rogan even remarked upon how fast Colin speaks when he was on the JRE. I like Dustin's slower, thoughtful style. He's thinking through the issues aloud and he invites the listener to think along with him.


I'm disappointed then that you would leave off Life Is Strange: Before the Storm and The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit. One being a prequel and the other an interstitial title. That brings it up to 4 total.


Can’t manage the studios they already have? That’s a hot take. Have to listen to get the context.

Bogey Zero

I feel like Phil using the phrase “wherever gamepass is” is just a way of putting the ball in Sony’s court. If Sony or even Nintendo allow gamepass on their consoles, then they can get these exclusives. I actually think it was a pretty shrewd move.


Finally was able to get a ps5 order in via the Playstation direct queue! Excited to start trash talking the UI with you guys

Asique Alam

Colin did you press the power button underneath the VR headset?


I got one from the Best Buy drop today and it feels like a fever dream

Stephen Forgione

I agree, outside of 343 I think their studios are all managed just fine. It may be their highest profile release but it’s still 1 studio out of the 23 they own now

Stephen Forgione

Don’t understand why lettuce and tomato are on burgers? It’s obviously for texture. Love having the crunch of lettuce or the burst of tomato when I chew. The classic lettuce/tomato/onion with a nice helping of Mayo is king when cooking cheeseburgers at home.


What's up with the audio on this episode? Noticeable reverb on Colin's mic that I never heard in previous episodes.


Why would xbox want to piss off fans of Bethesda who own an xbox by bragging about it being exclusive, especially when he said in the roundtable this is genuinely day one of bethesda and them joining up. He's leaving the door open to maybe drop a massive bomb at the summer event.


Miss my little son Chris but you and Dustin have great chemistry. ~ a little bit to add from a Xbox gamer on the Bethesda/ Xbox studios. I don’t blame Phil once ounce for the Xbox one situation, but now is the time for him and his team to produce. Xbox should be bringing high quality first party games year in and year out from here until the end of time. It sucks that our first party out put fucking sucks while Sony has that special sauce.


Do you think sony are at risk of making the same mistake as cd project red? Games made for ps5 on ps4 not working properly and therefore damaging reputation for exclusives.


This guy gets it! Whoever thinks that new Bethesda IPs (other than the ones that are already on their way) will come to PlayStation is just delusional.


Oh, Colin, Colin, Colin... Sony will continue to make cross-gen titles for as long as they can get away with it. They are not going to leave money on the table by not making PS4 versions for at least the next couple of years. I know it’s hard for you to accept but that’s just the reality of the business. PS4 install base is huge and until the PS5 adoption rate grows to a certain threshold, you can rest assured first-party titles (with a few exceptions) will appear on both platforms.

Your Boi Nicky V

A huge install base don't mean shit once the core audience (people who do the bulk of the buying) migrate to the new platform. PS3 and 360 game sales quickly plummeted last gen and we're seeing that already with Hitman which sold twice as many copies on PS5 as it did PS4 in the UK. By the time Horizon and God of War come out, you might see something like 20% of sales on PS4. Is it even worth it at that point?


I like Dustin says minimal amount on his burger then lists a mountain of ingredients 😅


Just here to say fuck you to Dustin for dissing Ohio, we are the greatest state in the entire country. We birthed Lebron James

Peter Pham

In regards to kids playing the ps4. My 4 and 6 year old loved rayman origin, knack one and two and loved them all! Anything that doesn't need you to move the camera is perfect for kids. At the moment the kids and I are playing ratchet and clank all 4 one (ps3) and it's great

Anthony Palerino

This is easily the best thumbnail yet. Props to Dustin/Ben/whoever made that.

Joe B

Hasnt released any other titles they had made by their first party studios outside of minecraft dungeons to other platforms so idk what else he has to do to prove this stuff to you

Jorge Sosa

I bought the nes and snes classic when they came out so I could give them to my son on this 5th bday. He'll turn 4 next month. One more year to go. Hopefully he enjoys them.

Brandon Soto

Really not a Bethesda fan either, so I don’t care. Xbox has been very desperate these past few years cuz of the huge L they took with Xbox One, so they have to spend a lotta money. I’m still waiting for an exclusive that is above a 7 out of 10.

The Devmeister

Two comments: One - Colin all the stress and heat you receive about your opinions being biased or illogical are ridiculous. LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE - the way Colin breaks down Microsoft vs Sony in the new ecosystem with Bethesda under Xbox now proves 100 % he is completely non biased but also makes very educated predictions and logical explanations. Saying otherwise just means you disagree with his opinions and that is OK! They’re just opinions you fuck faces hahahaha. Secondly: for the parent looking for games for a 3-4 year old, I am diehard PlayStation and Nintendo fan, like Colin, and I have a 4 year old daughter - we play Animal Crossing on Switch every morning - it’s super simple, everything in the game related to real life things which I see her able to learn about in the real world (fish, flowers, fossils, animals, fruits, friends, etc.) and now she’s dabbling in Mario 64 and Mario 3D world because she loves running around in the worlds. I showed her NES orignal Mario and she was NOT down. LOL

Caleb Greer

You clearly, clearly haven’t played Gears 5. Like an 82 on metacritic I think, would be a full-ass point higher too if it had the Sony logo on the box. And I didn’t even like the other Gears games. Also Flight Sim’s a 92 and Gears Tactics is an 80 (also underrated IMO). Halo 5’s an 84.

Andrew Clark

Last Stand Boys, your comments about PlayStation allowing Games pass on their console if it was only Microsoft exclusives may have more merit than you initially gave it. If PlayStation owners had a way to play Microsoft exclusives without leaving the PlayStation platform, would that not be a benefit to sony? Especially if they are getting a cut of that gamespass money they would have otherwise never seen. It seems like sony would have much to gain while losing very little in this situation. What are your thoughts?


I'm pretty sure Jim Ryan avoided answering a question about what consoles God of War 2 will be available on. I'd be surprised if it wasn't on PS4.

Jose Horrach

Hey Colin, when you get your VR working and you give Farpoint a shot, I highly recommend the Aim controller. It really does so much for the immersion, and makes the game way more fun. Even simple tasks like changing weapons are extremely immersive and satisfying with that controller.

David Taylor

It's not the most ideal way to play but if Sony just unlocks that web browser then feasibly Game Pass Ultimate and even Stadia should work on it with the browser based streaming. Doesn't work for everyone but it is much more likely than native support.


Xbox being my preferred system, I honestly hate when PS podcast talk about them. They don't understand the Xbox ecosystem, what they are trying to do and the way they do it. I rather they just not talk about it. The way Colin said how he feels about Xbox fans, that's how I feel about Playstation fans.


I think that's fair, if you play games mostly on PlayStation you're going to have blind spots. I don't like the "gotchya" angle some Xbox fans were coming after Colin with, but I do think it's fine if you disagree with his take.


Thats not cool to go after someone for not being right about Bethesda. No one was 100% sure on what was going to happen besides Xbox. Phil Spencer just uses Microsoft talk, legacy stuff is just a term they use. So for PS players I see where they can see it as still being confused.

Greg Bruce

First time/long time, but I think you should at least give Life is Strange 1 a try. I know you mentioned the series is 2 games and 2 interstitials, but LiS 1 can definitely be enjoyed separately and independently from the rest. I try to break up my big, AAA games with smaller stories. Some of the titles in that vein I've played recently included Gone Home, which I believe you enjoyed quite a bit (or at least it made an impact on you). I think Life is Strange 1 definitely hits some of the same beats that Gone Home did; protagonist returning home and piecing together time lost, a central mystery, a focus on 'adventure' to tie the story together. Gone Home is definitely more succinct, but LiS is a manageable length. The music / OST is fantastic as well. Plus, you even inadvertently made a Life is Strange reference in your theory about the time traveling PSVR!


I'm definitely with you Colin in that I'm more sorry to see Wolfenstein and Doom move away from Playstation than Fallout or Elder Scrolls. Arguably the best FPS's of last generation and I can only hope that PlayStation will realise that they'll eventually need to bring back Killzone and/or Resistance as the only real FPS's on the console will be cod and battlefield.

Dylan Neves

Idk but we also haven't had a global, economically devastating pandemic like this in 20 years either, heck the past century. Plus, games console improvements are plateauing, just like how smartphones don't change much anymore.

Dylan Neves

Sorry, I gave bad context. It's around 1:14:44 for Timothy's question. This gen's jump graphically seems smaller than in the past. It mostly seems like performance improvements, an SSD, some small, PC-like settings such as lighting, aliasing and shadows, and resolution. Of course, it's still early to say (Uncharted 1 to TLOU was a big jump in what a PS3 game looked like), but I feel that the gaming landscape as a whole is shifting to a more inclusive development model, like on PC/Steam, for devs and gamers. More options for the consumer and dev to play and create how they want, where getting a PS4 to PS5 is going to be like getting the next graphics card. Where getting the new console is going to be a personal preference for performance and graphics. But I don't think this will become a full reality until PS5 and PS6, we are just getting a taste right now. PS5 will likely be a necessity to play certain demanding games over PS4 in many instances. In some ways, I hope I'm wrong, but I feel this is the new norm, whether we like it or not (for the most part). Isn't this how Xbox Series X is, where their games say just XBOX on them now because you can play them with Xbox One or Xbox Series generations? I'm sure Naughty Dog will make a game that specifically pushes PS5 and maybe goes to PC, like how Horizon and others already did. It started with PS4 Pro and Microsoft, how XSX and PS4 Pro aren't really necessary but are nice if you want them. PS4 games are getting patches for backward compatibility improvements on PS5 and for forwards compatibility, we have the PC ports (we can look at how swiftly and seemingly easily FF7R Intergrade was made too). I think this is the new mentality of the industry for the most part. I remember back in the day when PS3 was notorious for third-party development being a hassle. You had to make a different version of sorts for PS3. But this was fixed with PS4 if I remember Mark Cerny's tech presentation correctly from years back.


Virginia and North Carolina may be similar (haven’t been in Virginia much so I’m not sure) but don’t you dare lump us in with the South Carolina degenerates! It is a drastically different culture. I’d say South Carolina and Georgia could potentially merge.

The Eclectic Gamer

Great analysis by Colin and Dustin here… Just wanted to say that really happy to have variety in opinions on things

Kershon Chapman

Colin, bra. You didn’t have to come after South Carolina like that. I was laughing with you when you was talking about Oklahoma, but I can’t stand for slander about my home state!