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With PlayStation 5 mere days away (!), we thought we'd look back at PlayStation history yet again, this time with an eye for the brand's historic launch libraries. Beginning in 1994 (well, '95 for the west), PlayStation has seen six major hardware releases so far -- PSone, PS2, PSP, PS3, Vita, and PS4 -- and each console or handheld came along with a unique offering of launch games all its own. Some (like PS2 and PSP) had a high volume of titles; others (like PS3) were more limited, but perhaps quality-oriented. While we don't quite yet know how PlayStation 5's opening catalog will ultimately fare, we can't help but look behind us to see if we can draw any parallels. Plus, we're just really excited to start playing!



Derek Waechter

Nice and early!! Y’all are the best. Gonna listen to this while I tinker away on Final Fantasy VII (original). Just beat Final Fantasy VII Remake a few hours ago. Need to occupy my brain until PS5 on Thursday morning.


Great episode, but that ending. That is why Chris is the legitimate child.

Dr. Peter Venkman

Crossing my fingers to maybe have some luck online on launch day. Hope to join in the fun soon. ;)

Your Boi Nicky V

Shadow Fall suuuucks. It was gorgeous and the mechanics were sound (although I prefer KZ2's heftier feel) but the level design was just atrocious. Half of the time I was just trying to work out where to go. Come at me bros.

Empty Symbol

Bro Colin you missed the absolute saddest and hilarious review of the PS5 by Kotaku xD


You guys are absolute treasures :) Thanks so much for releasing this early!

Josh Lucas

I remember using the demo UMD that came with the PSP and finding some music I really liked. It has the music video for Cold by Crossfade and that song still bangs. I think it had a Three Days Grace music video too if I’m not mistaken. I still have Napoleon Dynamite, Hitch, and National Treasure UMD movies for the PSP 😂

Forrest Hunter

Safe Haven. My office is one. No babies yet.


The coveted triple negative. I read you loud and clear. Guys, "Do say I did nothing for you" is what he wants! Please ban yourself from SS for a week until you redeem yourself. 😋 Also, thank you! Wait. This is too obvious. Is this another Seinfeld gag? I really need to refresh that show in my memory.


Don't forget Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Zero on PS2. Came out in 2001 and is by far one of the best car culture games ever made.

Real Radec

Ya Shadowfall was so mediocre even for Killzone standards. Switching the color pallette made the game look generic as fuck and the level design was straight up awful. My favorite ps4 launch game was probably AC4 (still the best AC game). Great episode this week!


As of 9:45am on Tuesday, November 10th Playstation still says my "Shipment is being prepped." They keep charging my card, and putting the money back in a few days later. This is now the 3rd time? WHAT THE FUCK SONY

Samuel Mills

I've got $500 in Best Buy gift cards if Dustin wants those in exchange for his extra Series X! :D

Miles Williams

AC4 is very underrated, in my opinion. I don't really even like those games, but that one was fun.


No better way to start the show than letting mothers in distress know where to abandon their kids should the need arise 🤣😂

Anthony J Sanchez

Love the show! Btw, that was me who sent you my unboxing video of me getting the Xbox series X early via Twitter. Lol.


https://kotaku.com/playstation-5-the-kotaku-review-1845588904 hope he sees this and rants about it for a bit. the most bewildering thing ever

Miles Williams

I'm with Dustin on "losing my trophy bug." I used to try to get the platinum for most games that I liked. Now I only get them for games that I really love.


My GameStop preorder says Monday which is heartbreaking


Wow Dustin ,you've really done it... You've interrupted Colin at the end hahaha! Anyway,very enjoyable episode and I'm pretty stoked for the one droping friday even though I won't be receiving my ps5 yet(sad emoji).


These guys got like 12 consoles between them and I’m over here still looking for one online. 😂

Daniel Boyer

I am with you Zach. I must admit it hurts. Seems like some people had no issue where as I had websites crash and consoles taken out of cart during checkout.

Ryan Harvey

When u responded about the universal settings i knew I fucked up and felt really bad when I saw that u said u we’re going in blind I’m sorry Col 🙁

Watch Ergo Proxy

Feeling obligated to hunt trophies just makes you hate the games you're playing, it becomes such a chore.


Syphon filter for psp was a great game. I know it wasn't at launch but loved it


Kill zone on vita was good too

Vaughn Allison

Thanks for the awesome show, Colin. My ps5 preorder was literally just canceled (the day before launch) from sams club. Probably won't get one for some time now. Sacred Symbols always makes my day better, I can't wait to hear what you think of the new console!

Michael Miller

I will always defend the PS2 launch lineup. SSX, Dynasty Warriors 2, Kessen, Smugglers Run and Time Splitters were excellent games that weren’t possible on PS1. They felt truly next gen.


Hey colin I have a question about the vita. Do you think the shift from the Japanese focus to the North American focus took the vita down a peg? I don’t know why but I feel like because Japan is very hand held focused and the west isn’t as much. Do you think the vita was caught in the cross fire of culture shift?


Colin and Dustin, I believe the Vita TV's are so expensive online because of high demand due to them being easily jailbroken. They are pretty easy to hack and turn into retro game consoles, as well as pirating Vita and PSP games.


Well it seemed to ping-pong back and forth several times. It could have hurt it, yes. There was no consistency in marketing and messaging.

Nate McKinney

Summoner was so bad. So so bad. And The Bouncer definitely doesn't get enough credit.

Matt tamer

I love this podcast. I am aware of how ridiculous my post will be. But man it feels like Chris doesn't respect the pod the way he should. Colin is such a skilled host man it just takes a body on the other side. Colin always says consistency is key and the lack of awareness by Chris right before the PS5 launch is concerning. I just assume Chris is as depressed as I am and is paralyzed by all of this. None of it matters anyway right bois

Matt tamer

I am also a man of convoluted excuses and Chris is even wilder than me

Stefan Catinella

While not a greatest of all time. I loved Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade, a great PSP launch game. PSP is still till today my favorite console launch. Being flush with cash during high school due to my weekend job I preordered with the system with Untold Legends and Metal Gear Acid. Just wish I could get my hands on a PS5 preorder.


Colin please pronounce divisive right!!!!!!!!!!!

Marcus Brown

The ending 🤣🤣🤣

TreyDogg (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 01:38:17 Thank Christ Dustin was on this episode. Don't think i could handle 70 mins of C & C bumbling on, trying to explain technology
2020-11-17 19:13:08 Thank Christ Dustin was on this episode. Don't think i could handle 70 mins of C & C bumbling on, trying to explain technology

Thank Christ Dustin was on this episode. Don't think i could handle 70 mins of C & C bumbling on, trying to explain technology