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Just a few days ago, we asked you to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas, not in relation to a gaming topic, but rather in relation to our show itself. Sacred Symbols is undoubtedly one of the most beloved independent video game podcasts in the world -- and is indisputably the champion of its vertical, if we do say so ourselves! -- but we want to make it even better. In fact, we're obsessed with doing so. Today's episode is dedicated to combing through your feedback, and giving you a glimpse into what the future might hold. Video? A new co-host? More shows? We talk about all of that, and much more. We don't reach every conclusion you may have wanted us to draw (and we don't even agree with each other on everything), but we always like to look inward before we project outward, and here's us doing so in very public fashion on the eve of PS5.




I didn't post into this one, partly because I didn't really have anything of note to add, but mostly due to me finding no real issues with CLS on my end. Sacred Symbols is the most informative PS podcast around and find the points of view that Chris and now Dustin bring to the show are incomparable in the PS podcast space ( I listen to PS I Love You XOXO for the jokes and shenanigans mostly). I need to listen to more Knockback as I listened to an episode not long ago and found it funny and something I want to listen to again. The chemistry between Dagan and Colin was fantastic and really made the show feel like I was listening to a discussion amongst older brothers. I'm going on too long. I can't wait to give this a listen. Keep up the great work guys. We appreciate the hard work.


A live or RAW pre recorded sacred symbols uploaded to YouTube with you gents on camera; I'd break my thumb on the join button. Oh and emotes like the discord, YES PLEASE 👏

Kenneth Oms

I think doing a video version is cool kind of like Rogan. But I don’t want to see gameplay footage or anything super produced like that, I feel like that’s what the CLS channel is doing well right now separate from sacred symbols. If I had to suggest, I think the way angryjoe does it is good. Where it’s him and his buddies just sitting there talking towards the camera. But whatever you guys do, I’m always happy to support. Would love to see an episode of knockback where it’s you and the dag master talking about a movie on camera like the angry video game nerd does or red letter media.


Hey Colin and Chris, You guys should put the drop after the 6 patron questions. This way the people who hate it don't have to skip through the drop. And you can keep the drop for all of us that love it

Max Stahl

The show requires more death matches and stunts, to be honest. It'll be bigger than Jackass! 😤


Keep the drop! One of my favourite segments. It's hilarious and honestly one of my favourite parts of the show. The best is you guys reading the games that it seems awful. Always good for a laugh.

Ryan Harvey

Tightening up the drop is such a cool idea! Would be nice to go in depth on a couple and keep the show moving along to more listener questions.


The fact that you guys actively seek out criticism, fan input, and ways to make the show better just proves that you guys are the best in the business. As for the topic of Dustin’s inclusion: I really have enjoyed his inclusion, but the CC dynamic is lost in the middle ground. I also don’t want Dustin to not be included because I think he has a lot to offer. I think the perfect compromise is to include him once a month. It’ll make that episode feel like a special one, and we won’t lose what is at the heart of Sacred Symbols, which is the CC dynamic.


Everytime I hear about Ryan Clemence I get sad. It was the only time I teared up, and was really broken up when someone left podcast beyond. I would love to hear him as a guest a few times. And keep the drop Btw

Matthew Hudson

The drop on Episode 120 (most recent episode) cemented for me that it absolutely should be kept. The three of you struggling to read the list of games was so entertaining and my favorite part of the episode.

Richard Duflo

The idea of spinning out conversations from the show and making them their own videos/clips is a great idea. I think that would be really beneficial to the show


Woahhh Colin and Micah?? 👀

Nathan Densley

My thoughts on Spoilercast are that they all follow the same format/outline. And the audience should be knowledgeable about that format/outline so the questions line up with the talking points.

Piston Pants

In regards to the drop. I did vote to get rid of it when you guys put it to a vote. And I do a mix of what Chris said which is skip it and go to the questions at the end and sometimes I will listen to it. But on the last episode (120) seriously 30 fucking minutes? That is way too long for what is basically reading. I appreciate Colin you at least want to take another look at this segment.

Tyler Floyd

Just wanna say Colin and Micah seeing each other is the coolest thing. The show was great and she called you on some stuff and seemed like you responded and talked it out and grew from it and understood each other better. The show is how I discovered Micah and have been following her content since. Congrats Colin and hope it all goes well!

john spatta

Im late to give my input but I think a CLS twitch channel would be cool specially live feeds during gaming announcements

john spatta

I dont think Chris would need to do an xbox show every week like sacred symbols, maybe when its needed (E3, big game release, big news, etc.) when he does that show have dustin go in on Sacred Symbol so Chris isnt over worked.

Jake Z

People are often multitasking while listening to podcasts so I think the easy compromise for the drop is to put it at the end of the show. I always skip it and it can be a little troublesome searching through the timestamps to see when the questions segment starts.

Joe McPartlin

Micah, eh? She's awesome. Good for you two! 👍🏼


One thing I forgot to mentionned, in the solicitation about Colin sounding like he was interviewing Chris and Dustin and that a conversation could be better, is that Colin sometimes frame the question too much before giving the mic to Chris or Dustin in a way that he has already said everything and the co-host or guest have nothing more to add. It was apparent in SS last week and I know why Colin does it, but sometime it's too much and almost feel like it's telling the person what to say or answering for them. With that said I really love the show and I agree with the first listener that the drop is funny and I have discovered multiples games I would have never even give a look before.

Tyler Bello

Colin. You don't get to drop news bombs like "I'm seeing someone" and think you'll get away with it! Who is Mica?! Details!!

Forrest Hunter

This episode has me REALLY excited about the future.

Forrest Hunter

Yeah, right? As much as it’s none of my business, it always makes me feel good when Colin is happy, haha.

Kenny C

Wow, a video podcast would be such an amazing addition, something really good to look forward to. I understand why it wouldn't happen on Knockback but I'd love to see you and Dagan on screen, even it you did it once a month or something. Again.... Thanks for being so consistent with the brilliance of this show.


Why not just put the drop at the very end of the podcast?

Eric Bolella

Thanks for this episode guys. I want to respond to some of the feedback you received, specifically around your preparedness. I appreciate that you guys have this sort of “blue collar” vibe. I like when yourself and Chris admit to being tired or having a bad day. I like that you guys can be real, mess shit up, and just keep going with the flow. Your show for me has always been about two unapologetic dudes doing their thing and not conforming to perfectionist culture. Hope that vibe keeps up!

Anthony Palerino

Just put the drop at the end and everyone wins


I want a cls Xbox show. I honestly am a huge Xbox fan and I try to talk about stuff myself but the people I talk to suck a lot. You and Chris added so much to my gaming life on PlayStation but I can't find an Xbox-centric podcast that comes close outside of unlocked (however it's defiantly losing me). Too many fanboys, Xbox gamers either focusing on the sony trolls or being trolls themselves. I will gladly pay more money for this extra content.


“I really wanna hear from Rushmore” who the hell is rushmore??!!! XD

Cory Towler

The Drop Suggestion: What if each of you guys looked on the psn store and each pulled one game from each main game genre that peaked your interest? Then spent a few minutes talking about what you found interesting? Thoughts?


Video sounds awesome plz.


One thing I wanted to add, I am really pleased with this episode. Almost had the feeling the experiments lately were leading to an exit of Chris or a reduced role and hearing him speak this week brush off any fear, Chris is still very much involved and not going anywhere and that's pleasing to hear.


Don’t listen to the guy who said the show is too long. The show should be as long as it needs to be! Whether that’s 4hours or 1 hour, so be it. Personally, I think the longer the better


Biggest news in this episode is that Colin is seeing Micah. Good on you, homey.

Jake Z

Loved the thoughtful candor in this episode. You guys truly are the best at audience engagement. With regard to the Xbox podcast idea, I don't think it's necessary. I like how you incorporate the bigger Xbox news into Sacred Symbols and analyze Playstation in terms of how Xbox is doing things when it's relevant. I do wish you related Nintendo to more of your console war conversations and news analysis, though. Nintendo is doing things differently in several ways with great success that is apposite to certain of those discussions. I also think some spoilercasts could benefit from having Dustin included. I think that could give the episodes more of a book club feel rather than the usual, zippy Colin and Chris observational banter feel. Also, Colin and Chris have great chemistry, but can often be a little too neatly agreeable towards each other, whereas Dustin has a way of pushing back that expands the conversation.


One suggestion for improving the spoilercasts: Whenever I read or watch a review, the big question I have in my mind is, “What was this person’s experience with this game?” Because I want to get an idea of what my experience might be should I play it. With a spoilercast, I’ve experienced the game, I’m forming my own thoughts and reflecting on my own experience, and I want to know how it went for someone else. I wanna know how a particular story beat or plot point landed with you and shaped your experience of the game. How did you interpret it? How did your enjoyment of the game evolve while you played it? What did the story mean to you, and did it add anything of value to your life? You’re right that just a rundown of the plot and narrative can be boring, so maybe try to convey how you responded emotionally and mentally to a game’s story. Maybe even avoid getting into critiquing gameplay or other quality of life issues that would be more appropriate for a review, and just stick to the plot and narrative. Just a suggestion. Keep on keepin’ on.


Hey guys, I didn't have a chance to write in before you recorded the podcast, but I still want to put in my two cents. Colin, the way the show is written and structured is unmatched to other gaming podcasts online today. I have had to stop listening to Beyond! and PS I Love You XOXO because of their lack of structure and transition from topic to topic. Furthermore, you and Chris (and Dustin) have such a good dynamic. You're honest and welcome discourse in conversation. Gaming podcasts today just sound like a bunch of people agreeing with each other (and also just used as promotional material). As for the drop, sometimes I skip through. Although I think your personalities inherently make the show entertaining, I think the drop is the weakest point in the show. Perhaps picking and choosing the most interesting/relevant games would make that section more entertaining. Other than that, I love that you interact with the viewers and truly make this the most inclusive and fun community to be a part of. Bless you gentlemen. Keep it up!


This is the second time I’ve heard about a loss for Dustin & Matty to review FF7 due an audience vote. I get this year has been long but I totally don’t remember that vote. I demand a recount! Also this was an amazing episode, love that the guys take time to listen to the audience.


Same. Also he sounds like he's in much better headspace. Most likely not being in LA has to be refreshing.


This. The last thing I would want is for Chris or anyone to get overwhelmed and exhausted. Chris already deals with his snark tank podcast and his YouTube channel. Also there is plenty of relevant Xbox talk in SS as and when needed.


Hey guys don't change too much. The podcast is growing for a reason.


Just a comment on the FF7 Remake spoilercast... I'm glad we are still going to get it at some point but Colin, your attitude towards it has been kind of weird. If this would be any other game people would be fine with Dustin & Matty doing the spoilercast but this is FINAL FANTASY 7. A game that you have been talking about for years of how much you like it and how special the game is... Is it really surprising that people who have been listening to you for years want to hear YOUR opinion on the story and the changes it makes. I don't wanna spoil it but the later parts have some WILD twists and turns that changes the whole purpose of the game and what the next parts of this "remake" have in store. I hope the spoilercast happens but if you don't wanna play it, then lets just forget about and move on with the tons of other great content you are producing. And to be totally honest, and no offense to Chris, I don't really care about his opinions on this game... like, this is a game that I want the Colin opinion. So I, and I guess many others would be totally fine to get a spoilercast with Colin & Dustin or Colin & Matty, for example. Sorry, I hope I didn't sound too negative, but this wait for the potential spoilercast has been a long one :D Anyway, great episode and I do appreciate the communication between you and the listeners. Keep up the good work and all the best to you.


+1 on the unedited video podcast!

Brandon Soto

Before you announced Dagan was doing his own show, I suggested you do a Nintendo podcast with another co-host. NES era through maybe the Wii era.

Rick Rodriguez

I don't particularly care for the drop. But if you just moved it to the end so it's the last topic? And so the skippers don't miss anything else by mistake

Jacek Debowski

rebranding aside, i’d be super happy to listen to chris hosting an xbox show, whatever that ended up. he’s a lot of fun

Kelly Perkins

Grats on your news colin. Gamer relationships are the best kind!

Dan P

Sacred Symbols is pretty much my only source of gaming news. I have a job where I listen to 8 hours of podcasts a day so I am always wanting for more content. If each podcast ran twice as long that would be fine with me. Structure and length aren't too much of a concern for me. I'm here because of the personalities and the ethos of free thinking. I'll support this show as long as it's made.


What episode was that? Must have missed it and can’t find it.


This episode was a really great look behind the scenes. Thanks gents. Two points: -I would absolutely LOVE if the show dropped at 0600EST so I could download it before I head out to work! -I am all for the compromise on the drop. I think you picking a couple of games each would work great.


Hey C&C, You both mentioned that a Sacred Symbol's labeled show should have at least one of you two on it. I agree with this and had an idea for a way to bring Matty and Dustin in and maybe have one extra show a week. What about some kind of "Talking Symbols" style show. Matty and Dustin could give the opinions on x number of topics within the original sacred symbols episode of that Friday. Maybe they play a clip of something the two of you talk about and then give their opinions on it. Possibly every once in awhile you two could jump back in if more information had become available on a particular topic you were talking about. Another thought I had is you use Sacred Symbols+ for mail bag episodes from time to time. What if once a week you had the Sacred Symbols mail bag. Limited to a predetermined time with as many questions as you can get in while keeping the conversation flowing. Thanks for all the great shows and keep up the good work.


I recently started playing more xbox stuff through gamepass on pc, I would definitely listen to an xbox podcast with Chris!

Philip Andersen

I think Matty and Dustin would fit to host a more Xbox/PC centric show. (If there’s a interest for such a show)


A few comments: - Regarding more hosts, I think adding a permanent third chair would be fine, IF you guys are willing to add more time to topics and the show as necessary so that each host gets time to talk. I know Colin in particular likes to keep things tight and respect my time, which I appreciate, but I don’t want you to add more voices by cutting the amount of time each voice has. Also please don’t go too large; at some point there is a tipping point where there are too many cooks in the kitchen. - I would not watch a video show so I can’t comment on that much; all I’d request is that you keep the podcast as tight as possible. There are very few podcasts these days with as tight and high quality audio and editing as SS and I don’t want to lose that. Please don’t go to a live format. I remember the change when Giant Bomb went to live video instead of a prerecorded audio, and honestly I don't think it was for the better. - I like the idea of only grabbing games in the drop that you guys find interesting. Especially if you want to add another host without adding a ton of length, this might be a good way to shorten a segment. But I don’t mind the way it is either. I'm actually a PC gamer for the most part, yet I still have listened to you guys since the inception of CLS, and Colin since the Beyond days. Your content is fantastic even for someone who isn't big into the PS ecosystem, so overall I think you guys are doing a great job!


I’d love for you guys to do video and have game footage playing, that’s what I love about Shane’s podcast, but I do have to bring up the issue he has often which you mentioned Col: be weary of your content being pulled down due to all the bogus copyright claims. Chris is right, Jace is a Gears character and I totally forgot he existed. Not a memorable character in that series at all. 😅 Publish the podcasts whenever you want. I usually download it as soon as I see it and start listening right there and then unless I’m already in the middle of another prior. I’d love to see a SS Xbox version with you guys eventually when Xbox’s 1st party titles really start coming out, but I think you guys have it nailed down already with your occasional SS+ topics. Lastly, ignore my question on the latest SS ep (I deleted it anyway), since you confirmed here that you and Micah are a thing. Congrats. She seems like a cool chick and maybe she’ll make you a bigger nerd. 😄❤️

Michal Dudic

ad adding people: I hate to be that guy who just wants things to stay exactly the way they are forever, but from my experience following other shows, expanding and rotating the talent roster too much alienates the core fanbase pretty much 100% of the time.

Kc Wright

Why don't you just put the drop at the end of the episode that way if someone wants to skip it or stop listening it'll be at the end and they could hear the comments and questions

Lee Bull

Obvious solution for the drop is keep it as is, just move the drop to the end after the questions. The drop is worth keeping as it provides humour and occasionally bubbles an underrated gem to the top.

Michael Cook

Really interesting and reflective episode. I am of the opinion that it's best not too stretch you or the 'brand' too thin as quality trumps quantity - but as you said you know this sphere better than most. I would also say that I never write in with questions as I dont follow gaming news or media outside of SS/SS + and GameScoop podcasts so have nothing to contribute prior!

Lee Bull

What about Dustin/Matt occupy the 3rd seat every 3rd/4th week, OR whenever it suits but only on SS+ episodes? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Reuben Barrett

Great episode and thanks for reading my question, I'll even throw in a name for the Chris centered podcast. Sacred Symbols X... but further to Chris's point about format and who to host with etc. Chris has done this multiple times already like with the Destiny episode, he doesnt necessarily need anyone or a specific format. His style fits fine with the CLS because he really is intricate part of the brand and a great host in his own right. But yeah there's sure to be lots of big moves by xbox in the coming years and would definently like to have a side show that delves into them. Thanks again and its great to hear you two are doing well.

Miles Williams

I don't mind a long podcast, either. Like the one listener wrote in. "You don't need to listen to the entire podcast in one sitting." I'm used to the four hour Knockback episodes anyways 🙃

Marcus Brown

Words can't express how beyond excited I am at what's to come of this. Being here from day 1 has been one hell of an adventure. Hearing all the possibilities feels like I'm opening presents before Christmas. I'm so proud of you guys and this awesome community. I feel like I can call this home. Also there hasn't been a baby sacrifice in over a year and we should bring that back hahah. Love you guys. ❤


I mean, the sacred symbols Xbox podcast has to be called... "Xacred Xymbols", right?

Sweeney's Girlfriend Archive

The drop is not just informative, it's entertaining. Hearing you both react to game titles and descriptions that are absurd or comically depressing is a highlight of the show in my opinion.

Nathan Henderson

Very briefly on the Drop and stopping the podcast when it comes on, I love the show so much I stick through to the end but I do zone out. I will say for other podcasts, namely KF, when they do their version of the drop I do back out immediately so perhaps something to consider?


Don’t usually comment but why don’t you do the drop the way it was originally on podcast beyond just read out what’s coming out, just the names of the games then your pick of the week. Don’t get me wrong I love the drop but if it makes it easier for you.


I like the drop, sometimes I don't feel like listening to it so I just skip it but usually it's just so funny. In my opinion don't get rid of it. At this point it has become legendary and one of the many things that separate you from other gaming podcasts/shows. I do understand that it takes effort to gather that information. If listeners don't like it they can skip it, timestamps are always on the description, which I appreciate so much.


If we do video, it's gonna have to be the solution. It can't be as finely edited as the audio, so people who want video are going to have to likely make that concession.


Well, what would be truly great is if we could have live switching just so we can bring things up we're talking about on the fly. Like, not even gameplay, but just anything at all. Food for thought, I guess.


I'm gonna C&P this as necessary in this thread, but: We want to finish our show as strong as possible. That's why we do letters at the end, and will continue to!


Thank you. We're nothing without those who listen, and we want to calibrate the show as best we can for everyone!


I know. I hear you. We're at the mercy of the release schedule. It's not good enough. It needs to be fixed.


This can be ameliorated, I think, by simply being able to see each other. Which is what we'll be working on soon.


Thanks! I think we'll continue to mix-up spoilercasts to best benefit the subject matter and game at hand... and as for that Xbox show, well... I'm thinking about it. Always glad to be candid and open!


Thank you for your feedback. We will improve the spoilercasts, for sure. They need to be better.


Thank you. I work really hard on making the structure coherent, predictable, and useful to the audience, and I'm super glad that's shining through.


Change for change's sake is never good. So we won't do that. I'm always trying to improve the product and provide more entertainment, information, and value.


I'm always gonna play what speaks to me at the time. Right now, it's Ys VIII and that GI Joe game. I can't explain it, that's just how I am. We'll get to Final Fantasy VIIR.


What if I just gave them their own show, unaffiliated from Sacred but under the CLS umbrella? =)


Yeah, we don't want that, right? We want you engaged and interested. Otherwise, what's the point! We'll continue to calibrate.


The only criticism I had was with spoiler casts and they seemed to have been addressed well. Hitting most of the key story beats and not a step by step analysis would be good. 5 minutes on each major story beat from a game would be great. The drop on the other hand could be better but would still listen to this section regardless. Get Dustin involved more as well, he is great and plays not only different games but different genres to C&C. Keep up the good work regardless love this show muchly. Stay safe and keep well.

Simon Diff

Maybe it’s peculiar to my listening habits, but I can rarely finish even a one hour episode in one day or listening session - so the longer an episode is the better, since I can spread it. It’s never so time sensitive that I need to finish it the day it releases.


I’d rather get rid of the “Wrap-up” than “the Drop.” I find the drop to be current, useful, and true to your quest to mention every single PlayStation game at least once. Whereas the wrap up up at the end of the news generally doesn’t bring me anything personally because they’re just announcements and potential dates of future titles. Just some food for thought

Scott MacLure

Appreciate this episode as a lot of the questions/remarks given I had thought myself even a little without giving it much more thought. I'd just say I'm happy with a lot of the developments, no massive changes just building upon what you have built overall and Chris with Sacred symbols. The guys you have brought in are great! I've yet to hear the other special someone. I know you already know people will always resit change but just do what you think is right. Although, I have always hated the drop section in any format LOL. Final though was the fact Chris seemed a little self conscious when admitting sometimes he isn't 'properly prepared' ect, but for me that's part of his charm fused with you're over preparedness, his contribution is still valuable regardless to a lot of listeners I think anyway,

Matthew Cooper

I agree that the spoilercasts could use a little bit of work. I feel like they may need to be a little more focused or structured. Like for Last of Us 2, because it is such a story focused experience, going through the major plot points would have worked a lot better I think, at least for like half of podcast. And then devote the second half to discuss gameplay, graphics, audio, and whatever else is relevant.


I think the BEST thing about CLS is you have the restrain to not push the content. You have the right amount of content. I come here for you. I always leave wanting more and I look forward to the next week of content.

Martha Silla

My dream come true would be a girthy 10-hour game of the year episode extravaganza with Colin, Chris, Dustin, Matty, Karak, Micah, Derek, and Sweeney all talking over each other and having a grand old dumpster fire time. In all seriousness though I love this episode of taking in the feedback from the fans. I am 100% in the pro-Dustin camp and would love to have him on the show as much as you guys are able to have him there. I would love to also have Matty appear as a third at one point. Hey, it might get crazy but even having all four of you on the same Sacred Symbols episode would be amazing!


Thank you. That's a good thing. The question is, could we have it both ways? I don't know.

Joseph Losinno

The drop is definitely a lull. I don’t listen to the podcast at one time. For example, I did just jump on my elliptical and as I was up to that part and sighed as it’s less distracting/entertaining. I would be fine with it truncated.

Dylan Neves

Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a possibility of getting any sort of timestamps for SS+?


It's possible, but I'd prefer not to have Dustin do that. They're really supposed to be more conversational...

bix hutch

If Chris does an Xbox show I would pledge my balls every month to CLS. If you guys make video versions of both I will pledge my moms boobs since I can’t afford to lose my shaft and my balls. You guys are the best either way!!!


Idea for Dustin: get him to host SS+ every now and again to let him sound off on PlayStation related topics that Colin and Chris didn’t talk about in the regular show. I like Dustin but I think Sacred Symbols needs to stay a Colin and Chris thing. Also I liked how he edited his voice in the other week to give some insight that Col didn’t have. I think that’s a good use for him.

Josh Lucas

In regards to spoilercasts, I think they are really limited by revolving around listener questions. With the last of us part 2 spoilercasts, you didn’t get everything you needed to say out because of it, and at times felt like it was going in circles. I would be completely fine with the spoilercasts having no questions or write ins at all and just you two having a conversation about the game. Or maybe just sprinkled in like normal Sacred Symbols episodes, or a handful at the end after you felt like you said everything you guys wanted to.


Hey guys Bit late to the party but just maybe an idea for the future. Colin, I remember upon the release of Twin Breaker you stated that you got a sheet with lots of codes for the game. Perhaps if sales die down you could give away codes to the person who submits the best comment/question of the week on the podcast. Anyway have a great day! Rob

Oliver Johnson

Don’t ever feel bad for having an off day on an episode. Part of what I love about the show is how genuine you guys are. I don’t mean to throw shade here but I had to stop listening to EZA and Kinda Funny because they feel like they are performing and have fake hype that they always tried to keep up. Colin, this show is you at your most honest and your fans have followed you here because of it.

Christopher Peterson

Any thoughts on keeping The Drop the same but making it the last segment? This way you can keep the full list but don’t have to worry about people who stop listening missing out on anything else?


Very humbled you read my comment! Thanks for the great show

David P

I will work for Colin for absolutely free in setting up video versions of both for your mom's boobs.


Hi Colin. I hope you take all of these suggestions with a large grain of salt. People in general are very resistant to change. Remember that the majority of people here voted for you to keep the schedule as it was, which was objectively the wrong choice. I believe you know what your show needs more than anybody else. So please don’t be swayed by the group here to something you’re apprehensive about. Trust your guy.


Only feedback is I hope you don't include Dustin as much in the main SS shows. The podcasts with just you and Chris are the best content in my opinion. I really liked Dustin and Matty on SS+ the other week so would love to see him included in other shows though. Appreciate the high quality content you've been producing all these years Colin and excited to see where you take CLS in the future!

Chun W Wan

Hey C and C, huge fan of the show. Maybe move the drop after the questions? So people who doesn't listen to the drop wont need to skip.

Jonathon H

Don’t make the Mass Effect 3 mistake.


I think the drop is great, a bit of fun to laugh at some silly named/described games in all good fun. Hope it stays.


Chris, stink bugs aren't a problem unless you kill them. I just pick them up and toss them outside. I bet you're the kind of person that kills house centipedes.


Great episode! Now please do a 10 hour Knockback with Dagan on Red Dead 2 :) I think a large discussion around that game would especially fit Dagan as he loves going deep into things! <3 That sounded dirty, oh well


I like the drop but a reasonable compromise could be to spotlight 1-3 titles a week and provide the name, dev and genre for the other titles. This could make the drop more personal to the show and keep the segment while improving pacing issues. You could also highlight the funniest description of the week if this would not be seen as crass or inconsiderate.


Sacred Symbols IS a Colin and Chris thing! But we're going to involve others, too, when it makes sense to do so.


Oh, I know. Ultimately -- and I hope this doesn't sound bad, but -- I know what's best for my show. I just want to hear from people and get feedback. It helps shape what we do, and it gives me new perspectives to consider. But I'm ultimately going to what I think is best.

Zibi Majewski

Please drop "the drop", that's the segment I skip through 100% of the time. I'd rather you spend that time answering extra questions from the audience. Thank you for considering my feedback.


Maybe having an extra bit after the show like you mentioned about Howard Stern but without Chris and adding a rotating chair about the key gaming topics of that week can add extra persepective that maybe was not carried out in the sacred symbols portion of the show. The show would be seperate to please those wanting more and no dissatisfying people who believe it went to long. That part of the show can also possibly deal with last minute introductions to big news that the original sacres symbols show possibly missed out on. Just stirring ideas love the show and keep booming

Evan Erickson

If you guys would just put timestamps in the show info skipping or keeping the drop wouldn't be an issue. My biggest gripe with the podcast is that there are no time stamps , at least not in Google podcasts

Josh Walker

Have you guys thought of moving The Drop to the beginning of the show?


LOL! We must make it happen before Red Dead 3 comes out :)