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The Questionable Handling Of Spider-Man Remastered

Spider-Man Remastered appears to be an impressive upgrade to the original title on PlayStation 4, but why is the release so confusing? The way Sony is handling the game is questionable to say the least. Visit Matt's YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/MrMattyPlays And follow him on Twitter! https://www.Twitter.com/G27Status Colin's Last Stand is a fan-funded endeavor. If you like our podcasts and videos, please consider showing your support on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Listen to Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast! https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC #SpiderManRemastered #PlayStation5 #MilesMorales #ColinsLastStand


Reuben Barrett

I'm just waiting for when they add the upgraded spiderman to the ps+ collection. That's gonna cause an absolute shit storm. It should have been there the first place but I guess they wanted to get a little extra cash.


20$ to replay an upgraded version of the Spider-Man game with a new platinum... Sign me in.

Brandon Soto

Was gonna say the same exact thing. lol. Hopefully Miles Morales has 2 platinums as well.

Joshua McGee

Hey Matty, Just wanted to say thanks for putting this together. I like having a visual explanation of the upgrade options that were available for this game. I had only heard about it briefly, so this was much appreciated!

Anthony J Sanchez

Hey Matty, Yeah, I agree, this is really confusing and quite frankly, annoying. If you buy for one system it should carry over to the next system, especially the saves. In any case, great video!


Good vid but on the game saves point of view, I think 🤔 I know what's going on. PlayStation are changing their standard game save format, you see when you save a game on PS4 excuses. I've noticed that they only have five game save slots as a standard format, don't know why and it's stupid but so be it. On PS5, because they are having the new start the game strait from the game save, I think they need to save more data so they can launch the game from it and they may be increasing the allowance of game save slots. Discussion please!


I think it has more to do with the fact that the remaster has a separate trophy list.


Trophy lists don't effect saves ether way, they've done it before with no problem. Seige is an example.


As in Rainbow 6: Siege? I’m not sure I follow. Was there a remastered version with a new trophy list that let you carry over your save file? I’m genuinely curious as I know nothing about that game.


The PS4 version will work on PS5 along with your save file. It’s the PS5-only remastered version that won’t accept a save file from the PS4 version.


As has been said before, I truly cannot understand why they made this so obtusely difficult. Do they really believe having the PS4 remaster sold on its own as well will diminish the sales for Miles Morales? And why in god's green Earth CAN'T you import saves? It really doesn't make sense.


In rainbow 6 seige, they semi rebuild the entire trophy list which also redesigned the single player content. Save data was not affected. But in the case of what's going on with ps4 to ps5, I think what ever standard PlayStation was using for their games would not work with quick start (from the rumors about the console) so they needed a new save format but other game devs ether don't care about quick start for cross gen games and/or the save formant is in such a state that minimal changes are needed for quick load to work. Remember : this generation, games are designed to load the save from the start menu, not the OS line and that could be the problem.


Don't wana do the extra work and/or actual technical difficulties with save formats.


I just realised why you can't pass on the saves from the Ps4 to ps5 version of spiderman. The game is semi rebuild, I think they changed the data types and/or data titles in the rebuild which may have completely mucked up the chance of sharing saves!


I think people are making too big of a deal out of this. While its kinda shitty you can't buy it separately off the bat, Sony's not the first to do this. Activision did this with Modern Warfare Remastered a few years a go locking it behind Infinite Warfare, then releasing it later as a separate game. As far as the saves go your save transfers with the PS4 version, just not the PS5. The Witcher 3 does the same thing, the original vanilla versions save can't be continued with the complete edition and its on the same system. Hardly anyone was bitching about that.

Kam Wallis

The best example was the Stick of Truth. Got it on PS4 for preordering the Fractured Butt Whole, and almost 2 years later it became available standalone.


Yeah I forgot about Southpark. I'm sure Spider-Man will be stand alone before Spider-Man 2 comes out and for me id rather replay it closer to then anyway.