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In recent weeks, there's been much chatter about Microsoft's squad of first party talent. After all, in the wake of Xbox's acquisition of all things Bethesda, the Guys in Green now have a staggering 23 studios under their umbrella, more than twice Sony's stable in volume. With all the discussion surrounding Microsoft Studios, we figured we'd look inward at Sony's 11 primary first party teams, see how they're doing, and put them in some sort of crude mathematical order, so that we might figure out who's the cream of the crop. The answers may surprise you... as well as the placement of some of our beloved internal teams. Let's rank!



Andrew Arana

Keep up the great content guys! Doing amazing work :)

Joey Gondhalekar

Love Dustin on the shows! Great move guys!

Anthony J Sanchez

Just about 5 weeks away! I'm so hyped for Series X and PS5!

Dennis Johnson

I love a good ordered list.


Glad Chris isn't dead


Thanks y'all, looking forward to listening to this while I eat a sandwich for lunch today.


*Colin starts singing* Ok boomer.

Curtis (Bloobat)

While Naughty Dog are undoubtedly great I do really miss Amy Hennig and her team being there, can't help but think the Uncharted 1-3 era was their peak as a studio. Sony really need to throw money at Hennig to open her own new studio and develop whatever she likes!


I’d say Gran Turismo is considered to be the best racing simulation on consoles while Forza is more of an arcade experience more suited to the so called “casuals”.


As far as simulation racing games go, Gran Turismo is tiers above Forza Motorsport. In the sim racing world Gran Turismo is king. Also, GT Sport is more of a competitive game so it can def. co-exist with the mainline GT. Great episode CDC.


Gran Turismo is unmatched in the simulator scene. Forza is an arcade style ok driving game for me. Gran Turismo is all about the sport of auto racing and making homage to its history.


Also, Forza Motorsport is not better than GT. In game physics are not as real and people only prefer it because its easier and has lots of arcade style vehicle customization.


I really like when Dustin is on the show. Have him on, anytime.

Kenny C

What on earth are you guys on in regards to Forza, you're obviously thinking of the Horizon series of Forza. Play the Motorsport series and your eyes will open.

Dr Stump

I feel you should keep having Dustin on the show. At the very least every other show.


Dustin has been a great fit with you guys! Keep him as much as you can. You guys have great chemistry together.

Keith W

The last time Colin was on a podcast and a different third person was invited in full time, it was because Colin and Greg were about to quit IGN. So is Chris getting ready to quit and that’s the reason for Dustin coming in on the last 3 SS podcasts?

Real Radec

Love the format, made for an overall positive episode where all the studios were complimented and criticized respectfully. Also thanks for the PlayStation All Stars shout out. The PS5 reboot for that series is gonna be lit!


I'm not done yet but so far this episode has been really great. Learned so much.

Zack Forney

Hope you’re wrong. Would be really bummed if Chris stepped away from Sacred Symbols


“That’s good, but it’s also baseball” Chris is a treasure.

Douglas Coffin

I agree with the top 3, they are all interchangeable for sure

James Pies

Can there be a patreon tier to win a karaoke night with this crew? Hearing Colin sing The Freshman and Chris do a Green Day song after a couple of pints would salvage my year


I wasn't able to comment on the original post but I'm glad to hear Polyphony Digital wasn't last on the list. While the Forza series is formidable, I still prefer the physics and single player content in GT. I'm super pumped for GT7


Well whatever it was, I didn't see it. =) Welcome back!

Max Stahl

CDC! Science, bitches! I got an urge to play Gran Turismo, for some reason. I just know that I'd get it and play it for a while and just stop. I haven't been into the racing genre in some time.


Really glad Dustin is back. Thanks Colin for always listening to fan feedback. You guys are seriously the bright spot during my week. Always the thing that helps get me through my work. :)

Piston Pants

To the Naughty Dog discussion. Just add more game to your video game or shorten the experience. The reason some people say Lost Legacy is the best Uncharted is because it's the perfect length for the limited gameplay, so it doesn't feel tedious. Other than that every other aspect is on point.

Reuben Barrett

random question but if you 3 are doing the podcast could you screen capture and upload a video similar to Matty and Dustin's HAM podcast?


I love Dustin, but I would love if Colin invites more people like Mama Micah and Mr Matty

Kyle Martin

This Dustin guy, I like him a lot

Jon Barnett

To the guy who wrote in about Insomniac saying that they're excited for Ratchet 2: This is not a sequel to Ratchet 2016. It's a sequel to Into The Nexus from 2013. Ratchet 2 released in 2003.


I think Naughty Dog is still the best, they always create stories that stick with me for a long time and they always push the gaming hardware to its limits when it comes to visuals, sound, ai, and animation.


Thanks for the great content, fellas. You know the guy that’s on the other end of the chat when you’re reaching out to support for something? That’s me, and let me tell you, having something to listen to week-in-and-week-out while I deal with the “charming” personalities in tech support has made my job so much better. Thanks, gents!

Brandon Soto

Great episode. Forgot to mention Insomniac’s Spyro games which I love. Sony’s exclusives are why I’ll never leave, and I have a feeling PS5 will deliver, even with all this GamePass nonsense.


As always great work guys.


I personally love the three man group for this podcast. Dustin will add a new voice and can be the tiebreaker


As a hardcore sim racer I feel like I can contribute to the Gran Turismo discussion. In the console space, GT Sport is definitely not as popular or well regarded as Forza, but when it comes to online racing on a console, is as good as it gets. They modeled a lot of their online ranking and matchmaking systems off of iRacing, which is the gold standard of online racing. Driving mechanics wise GT Sport is better than the Forza Motorsport games as well. The newest Forza Motorsport also had lots of microtransactions and loot boxes, and in my opinion is a far cry from the earlier entries in the series. So while it may be a very niche group of people, who are looking for the most hardcore driving experience available, I think GT Sport is unbeatable on console, especially the online. The interesting part is it left me craving more and I end up spending all my sim racing now on iRacing on PC. Just my two cents Keep on keeping on.


I’m digging the trio. Dustin brings a lot of knowledge and interesting takes to the table.

Matt Matlock

Just to echo what everyone else is saying.... Dustin is great. He’s super nerdy and plays different games than you two, plans ahead for the podcast, and has shown he belongs. But I must also say, Chris seems to have more energy and be more engaged since he took the episode off. CDC should be the trio from here on out.

Guns vs Kittens

Jesus Christ, the Spanky moment is why I gladly give you money to talk in my ear. My garbage day at my job was 360 kickflipped into something bearable because of that.


I feel im the only one here which makes me a little bummed. I do enjoy Dustin and it's nothing against him but I prefer the duo. Again I don't wanna sound like an angry jerk. If he is added then so be it I will shut up. But figured I'd voice the opinion.

Ivan Hornett

Hey, just wanted to say I think dustin makes the podcasts better. Having a third takes the pressure off of you and Chris a bit. I think it cuts down on one of you guys dominating the conversation (a previous concern for some). Third chair takes the straight up back and forth nature of the show to a more roundtable natural conversation. I also think Dustin brings a new perspective in areas that you both don't have as much to say. Chris even sounds renewed on the last two episodes. I think having a new person to direct questions to or build upon their point helps a lot. Just stop saying boyz :-). Have a good one.

DB Cooper

I love how San Diego interacts with the community, their twitch streams through out the year and leading up to the MLB season. They involve you tubers that are baseball-centric. I think Ramone Russell and the crew are super fun and great to interact with, I think that’s a value that goes unnoticed as well for them.


Dustin is a much needed new perspective for the show. A fantastic improvement, hope he sticks around


Chris has said some wild things but “maybe I hate women” was the loudest reaction ever from me. A big whoa there. 😅

Alex Gates

Maybe it's fear of change but when you guys did the first episode with all 3 of you I was instantly against the idea even though I really like Dustin. I guess I thought it would mess up the 2 person dynamic. HOWEVER, by the end of the first episode and after listening to this one, I think I actually prefer the trio. It gives a bit more personality and more varied opinions which is nice. I'm down for this as long as Dustin's head doesn't get soooooooo large that he floats off into space.


Party Game: Take a shot every time Colin refers to Chris and the other guy as “the boys.”


I totally am on board with Dustin. He is a great addition to the podcast crew. Thumbs up!


Chris on why he never got into Horizon:Zero Dawn: “Maybe I hate women?” 😂😂😂


I’m 4 mins into this episode and let me just say that Colin is to never sing again. Ever.

Marcus Brown

Love it as always, continue the great work guys ❤

Jack Sibert

Just writing in to say I liked the episode and keep up the good work


Love this topic based episode on PlayStation <3 Much love to Bend!


As a native Californian, fuck you two! Lol

Joe B

I like Dustin, but I really feel the show isnt as strong with a 3rd chair, no matter who it is. It just takes away from the great back and forth C&C have grown. All just my opinion and no disrespect to Dustin.


Its nothing against Dustin, I think he’s great, but I think having 3 people on the show becomes too much. Maybe have Chris on the regular show and Dustin on plus? Having two people just makes the show flow so much better and feel less like an interview.

Jordan Gail

I love Dustin being on the show!! It's fun and it makes me feel like the early Kinda Funny days but better 👍😬. Even if it doesn't continue, thanks for being open enough to try it out Colin!

Your Boi Nicky V

Dustin seems like a perfect fit for these in-depth discussions. There's no format to follow so no worries about a 3rd person interrupting the usual flow. Anyway, thanks for this Colin. Great content.


Hold up, (keep in mind I've not listed to the full podcast yet) so you're giving more points to the studios lower on the list and saying those with less points are higher overall? What if Chris (for example) goes and says bend is 11th and Colin + Dustin don't have it on their lists and then all three of our beautiful lads put sucker punch 10th on their lists. SP would end up with more points but would be more deserving of being higher up. I'm had a few beverages so please call me out on my nonsense if I'm wrong but I'm stressing out over this. Anyway, other than having some sort of mental attack, loving the podcast so far.


I'm a stupid fool. They are ranking all the studio's hence non get left out. I hope nobody in existence ever sees these comments

Billy boob

Definitely want to hear from Dustin he’s a great addition to the podcast team but I also hope we get just c+c eps of ss on a more regular basis and Dustin in on the ss+ and special episodes. I do personally think the flow and the back and forth is better with two.


Hey Colin, Was great to hear Dustin again. Really adds some nice variety. Also, just want to compliment you on an all round great episode. Especially after the somewhat dour tone of the previous episodes, it was awesome to hear you guys excitedly talking about the first parties. Loved it! Cheers, Pete


Just wanted to say this because I've heard Colin mention this a couple of times in the podcasts: Forza is not considered better than gran turismo. Forza horizon is a great game but it's an arcade racer so it can't be compared to GT. Forza Motorsport on the other hand is considered to be on par with gran turismo by most people (GT being the standard for these kinds of games). In terms of sales, the last 3 forza motorsport games have sold less than gt sport alone so I think we can all agree that GT is at least not inferior . Also, 2K21 has a 68 on metacritic with a user score of 0.8 so I would say the 2K basketball games aren't regarded as highly these days.

Kevin Cooper

Sounds like Colin has been watching a lot of Letterkenny lately, Boys!


Been going through a lot of these old episodes. You have always put out consistently great content!

The Anonymous One

Shout out to that Freshman reference, that's a great song that takes me back