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I hope you're all doing great.

I just wanted to let you know that, as of today, Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure -- the game I wrote, developed by mine and Barry Johnson's studio Lillymo -- is now available outside of the PlayStation ecosystem.

In short: You can purchase the game digitally on Switch, Xbox One, and PC (via Steam, et al). It's been available since March on PS4 and Vita.

We're proud of our little game, and we hope you love it.

Now, back to writing Habroxia 2...



Kyle Goodrich

Just bought it on Steam!


Amazing!! Gonna buy it on switch, might stream it!




That’s nice, I’m waiting for Habroxia 2 though ;)


I have it physically on Vita (to play it the way it was meant to be played) but would love to double dip on Switch if it came out physically there as well.



Colin Kolhoven

Congrats!! Cant wait to play all the future titles you have in store

Marc Boggio

I own a Moriarty game on Steam - I never thought I’d see the day 😏

Liam Fagan

Well done Colin!!!

Josh Gamez

Just grabbed it on Switch. Keep on, keepin' on!


@Colin - can’t wait to play it (Habroxia 2), i went back and platinumed both Perils and Habroxia (Twin Breaker I played when it launched) recently and had a really fun time playing them.


Perfect timing. Just got my drifting joy cons back from Nintendo.


Just bought it on ps4 yesterday!

Andrew Morgan

Congratulations. Now get on Game Pass so we can know how that works haha

bix hutch

Just bought it on Xbox and beat it. I liked the part when Chris got his ass hole sewn shut and you just kept feeding him and feeding him and feeding him. Lol what a fat idiot!! 10/10


Is there a bonus for owning it on all three systems? I’ve got it on Playstation and Xbox. Also, I wonder if this game will be part of the 1% that don’t make it to PS5 since Playstation hates you. 😂

bix hutch

On a serious note, please release the JRPG on Xbox day and date. I have PS but I like consolidating my library as much as possible and I’ve been super hyped to hear more about that game as its my favorite genre. You guys are awesome!!!

David Graham

Cool, but I think I'll stick with playing it on Vita off of a cartridge, 'cause I'm a psychopath.


We intend on releasing the JRPG on everything at the same time, but we're looking at 2022 for that launch.


Any word on a PS5 upgrade patch?😂😂

bix hutch

Never thought of that actually. He could possibly get more info as to what’s going on there you’d think. Maybe not though.

Louis Harrison

Nice! I already finished it on PS4 but I promise to get it on XBox as well if I can ever get my hands on an XBox Series X. p.s. Any chance the sequel can have coop? My son and I played the first one "coop" by sharing a controller and had a blast.

Kyle Toker

Got my Xbox copy 😁

Chris Hutt

I'm looking forward to rocking it on the Switch today. Congrats on the release!

Chris Hutt

It's mind blowing to see games like Wasteland 3 and Outerworlds drop on a subscription service day 1. What would that contract look like?


Just picked it up on Switch! It's on sale already?

Guns vs Kittens

Bought it as soon as I woke up this morning, as soon as I'm off work I'm gonna work on that Xbox "platinum". Any word on any of the past games coming to Xbox?

Barry M. Johnson

There is a launch discount for a limited time on Switch and Steam. Thanks for your support!


Grabbed mine as soon as i saw the Major Nelson post. I'm about 600/1000G . Determined to 100%, even if I'm bad at Brick Breakers. Those four paddles hurt my aging brain. 😅 Fantastic game, Congratulations going multiplat.


Awesome! I'm about to go pick it up on Steam.


Super excited to finally play it!

Brandon Soto

Picked it up again on Switch. Also picked up Perils of Baking & Habroxia when they were on sale. 🙃


What an absolute PC nerd amirite


Picked up my copy on Switch, it's the perfect game to play while my kids are using the TV 👍

Bobby Bell

Picked this up on Xbox.... As an xbox nerd of course 🤓😆

John Burleson

I like it man! Great job! 555 Gamerscore just today!

Joe Reel

Picked it up on Xbox One.

Matt Brace

Bought it for my switch. Sorry it's in Canadian money.