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In what has apparently become a great tradition here on +, this week's episode of the show is dedicated to you (the audience) confronting one of us (the cast) on our various opinions, viewpoints, and declarations from two years (and more!) of Sacred Symbols. In February, we did our first round of similar episodes, and just last week we conducted Challenging Colin II. This time around, we thought we'd even the odds and put Chris to the test. So we did just that. We hope you enjoy. (PLEASE NOTE! There are some The Last of Us: Part II spoilers in the final question, beginning around the 50 minute mark.)




That thumbnail got me on WET mode


What an absolute Chad of a specimen



Evan Bederman

I don't understand why these episodes are solo ones. Listening to a single person podcast just feels weird to me, I want to listen to a conversation rather than a monologue.

Evan Bederman

Credit where credit is due, however: both of those cover arts were 10/10


Next up: Challenging Challenging Episodes: how Colin and Chris got getting wrong wrong. Part I.


Doesn’t put peanut butter on a sandwich... wtf...

Michael Toledo

The only thing better then Chris Nips are Colin's Nips

Jake Z

I disagree that games media has a Playstation bias. Playstation games get good reviews and good coverage because they make good games. I do think there is an Xbox bias now though with games media basically advertising for Game Pass more than Microsoft itself. Games media didn't really talk about value for price much before this, unless there was an outlier case like The Order: 1886. They used to mainly talk about the quality of a game regardless of price. Now they continually say something is worth checking out for free on Game Pass, as if time is still not a cost.

Anthony J Sanchez

I agree with Chris on almost everything game related, so I didn't have much to say for this episode. In saying that I love hearing other opinions!


When I was in games media, the bias was developing, but not quite there yet. I think it's there. I think there's a PlayStation Bump... though not as substantial as the Nintendo Bump.

Jake Z

Good episode for the comments you were given, Chris. You need to say more disagreeable shit like Colin! 😂

Michael Thew

I completely agree with Chris on TLoU 2, the length, the whole switching characters and not giving a fuck for one of them and how the flashbacks were the best part. The game could of axed the whole Abby part and just followed Ellie and it would of been better off for it. But I was fine with how it ended, I agree it should of been a choice but TLoU didn’t give you a choice and TLoU is my favorite game of all time. Don’t ever apologize for how you felt toward Joel, it just shows how great Naughty Dog was able to make Joel and Ellie. Abby’s friends got exactly what was coming to them and.. spoilers.. Ellie should of left the bitch hanging after she put a shotgun shell to her leg. I was glad how Abby felt each time Ellie or tommy killed someone who was close to her.

Max Stahl

Chris has definitely grown as the show has gone on. I was a fan of the both of you prior to your convergence, and I was excited to hear that you'd be working together on this now über successful podcast. I thought of you two as personalities that would provide for interesting interactions even prior to the creation of the show; you've got great instincts! 👍🏻

Tyler Floyd

“I like my fair share of cods”-Chris Ray Gun

sam croese

I admire that Chris is still willing to die on the “I’m wrong about the last of us 2” hill.


Chris I really enjoyed your episode and all of your opinions! You and Colin are incredible at podcasting. Don’t let anyone tell you less!

Michael Cook

Going to be honest, felt like some of questions especially around TLOTU2 got a little bit personal in their criticism- it's possible to challenge the mans opinion without taking personal shots. Also what is the communism/far right joke about? Is it a Twitter thing?


This episode should be inherently wild. 🤘🏽


I like how people can call Chris anything and he just rolls right by it. lol

Jordan Goodeye

To the guy who thinks PS4 controllers don’t have a sync button... they totally do. It’s just holding down the PS button and share button.

Josh Lucas

Half of these aren’t challenging chris and are just asking him questions lol enjoyed the episode still tho!

Will Hahn

This episode was great. I still can’t believe he hasn’t played Mario Galaxy... I’m jealous. I’d love to experience that game for the first time again, he’s in for a treat!

Will Hahn

Also, I gotta say, I loved the last of part 2, however I can totally understand why Chris didn’t like it. It definitely has some flaws. Don’t know why people are so worked up about his opinion lol


Yeah, people on Twitter and YouTube have a thing for totally misunderstanding Chris and have no clue what they're talking about.

Luke Silletta

I hate that Chris has to keep explaining his extremely valid reasons for not liking Last of Us 2.

Empty Symbol

Holy cow people reeeeally want Chris to like TLOU2 lol. I completely agree though the story they wanted to tell would've been great if they didn't completely botch the execution. Imagine in an alternate timeline where they marketed TLOU2 as not having anything to do with Joel and Ellie and you get it and play the first half as Abbey get to see her story and get a chance to sympathize and the Tee Off would've been the midway point of the game. Would've made me feel a lil bit bad for killing Abbey's friends and the dogs


The ps4 controller has a sync button.


No it doesn't. You have to hold two different buttons to sync it. Therefore, by definition, it has no sync button, just a sync function.

Dom posa

You need to try ps now again because if you are saying it’s bad you haven’t tried it in a long time. Gamepass is not a better service. The only advantage is brand new releases but most of those games are trash. Ps now has more games and you can download most of them and the Ps3 streaming works great now. Gamepass being the best value in gaming is the biggest lie you hear people constantly say. You can get ps now on sale for $45 a year while gamepass is a lot more expensive and the overall quality of games is higher on ps. If you still wanted to kill Abby at the end you are probably a sociopath

Oliver Johnson

I know everyone is getting sick of talking about Last Of Us 2 but I really appreciated hearing Chris’ final thoughts on it and I understand where he’s coming from more now than during the spoilercast

Ian (616Entertainment)

Chris has never had good nachos, he doesn't like peanut butter, I'm really starting to think Chris has a child's palette.

Maxx Lazos

Hey Chris, your answer to the last TLoU2 was very thoughtful. I appreciate that

The Chicken Chaser

Boy I wish I would’ve read that spoiler warning before listening, trying to forget now lol

Simon Payne

Good episode! Personally I didn't play TLOU2 im just not interested, and yes I tried to play the first one. Also PS now mostly hinges on your internet connection and places like even if you have a wired connection the population of the area you live in changes your speed.


Hey Chris, Great ep. Appreciated the candour. Cheers, Pete

David P

Loved your tlou2 answer. Personally I find it weird that anyone would say you sounded spoiled or that you have an Xbox bias just because you play on every system and can appreciate things about them better. That last answer was pretty personal and your opinion has always been valid. Actually seeing some of these comments sent in and the comments here kind of reveals how hard some people fanboy about PS, which I guess should be obvious.

Your Boi Nicky V

People really need to get over Chris not liking TLOU II haha. Anyway, great listen, thanks for passing on my question Colin.


Chris is in a good spot with his Internet, being in LA, so I'd love to hear what he has to say about the service, maybe in '21.


I think Chris definitely leans xbox, but that’s alright. He brings an objectivity that you’ve never seen in beyond or ps I love you. And why these two cats have the best ps podcast out there...not even close. Dream team baby....

Craig Mcguire

Cod is baby's first competitive FPS and I love cod BTW.


Good stuff. Some questions really did seem to want Chris to like TLOU2 or to somehow not give Xbox positive coverage. Honestly, it seems some PS fans do snub Xbox games and call anyone a fan boy if they even enjoy Xbox titles at all.


Chris over here thinking Last of us 2 was just a revenge story... jeez. It's mostly about Ellie forgiving Joel, letting go of him and moving on. She wanted to die and have her life mean something in the first game but Joel took that away from her and lied. So the game is Ellie coming to terms with his death and forgiving him. Hints the final scene of her walking away from the guitar.

Jeremy (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 02:46:42 I LIVE for Chris' love of Red Dead Redemption 2, it always makes me happy to hear him talk about it! I know you loved it too Colin. I'd love for you to get Dagan to play it and have a 5 hour Knockback all about it <3
2020-10-10 08:42:12 I LIVE for Chris' love of Red Dead Redemption 2, it always makes me happy to hear him talk about it! I know you loved it too Colin. I'd love for you to get Dagan to play it and have a 5 hour Knockback all about it <3

I LIVE for Chris' love of Red Dead Redemption 2, it always makes me happy to hear him talk about it! I know you loved it too Colin. I'd love for you to get Dagan to play it and have a 5 hour Knockback all about it <3