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Earlier this year, we recorded a pair of unusual episodes of Sacred Symbols+: We're Wrong?! and Challenging Colin. Both episodes were dedicated to identical topics -- telling us how and why you disagree with something we've said on our show -- and they were exceptionally popular with our audience. It's too bad, then, that it's taken us more than half-a-year to return to the format. So today, I (Colin) let you tell me what I'm off the mark about in the world of PlayStation, before I attempt to support my positions as best as I can. As you're going to find out after hitting play, I'm not always able to stage a successful defense. But whether it's about the games we play, the developers who make those games, or just about anything else in our industry, chances are we don't always see eye-to-eye. May today's + expose those disagreements, and maybe even attempt to remedy them.



Josef Barker

Haha Colin why did you choose this photo?

Jake De Agrela

Perfect photo for this occasion!

Anthony J Sanchez

Completely unrelated, but we have a price and confirmation for the Xbox Series S at $299!

Derek Waechter

Would be a guaranteed buy from me if it had a disc drive. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying all the memes making fun of it. As someone who owns both an Xbox One S and an Xbox One X, I notice my One S having these annoying technical hiccups on a daily basis, but my One X is usually smooth sailing. Both of them flounder in comparison to the smooth operation of my PS4 Pro, or even my OG PS4 when I had one. Hopefully the Series S machines operate a little more smoothly than their predecessors!

Piston Pants

Okay Colin lay off the roids.

D'Ante Almo

Complete agree with Uncharted 3 being the best Uncharted.


What will happen with Sacred Symbols if you can’t acquire a PS5?

Jake Z

Colin, you're so funny. You say you've said nothing to suggest that Uncharted 4 was anything but great and then immediately say God of War and Ghost of Tsushima are "far superior" to Uncharted 4 after saying both of those games are overrated in previous episodes haha. You know what would help! Scoring those games on a 10 point scale! 😂


Couldn't agree more with FF X.. A shame, but I just can't stand the characters, not even the designs (except Auron). At this point I am so tired of Tetsuya Nomura both as a character designer and as a director. But oh well, maybe someday they will trust another artist with the mainline games.

David Kramme

I'm not sure which Uncharted is the "best", but personally I had the best time playing through 2 the first time, totally changed how I saw games and what they could achieve as a medium.

Jake Z

Love these episodes! Keep em comin!

Craig Mcguire

That pic 😂 Colin just 50 press ups a day, you don't want the future Mrs Moriarty opening your jam jars. I kid I kid


It's a neck gaiter Col.

Real Radec

Unrelated but I finally finished Detroit! now I just need to play Days gone and Death stranding and I will have played every major Ps4 exclusive.

Big Swingin' Rick

Cheers for reading my question Colin, I know you cats are joking, and you know I'm not going anywhere, so touché on that, glad I got a chuckle out of you. Dude I'm looking at that thumbnail photo of you, next to a google image of a swan though, and I gotta say that swan would definitely fuck you up, no question.

Real Radec

Your comment about how you want to see peoples reception to Ghost of Tsushima a year later is how I (and many others) feel about Last of Us 2. I really doubt that game will stand the test of time of other PS4 exclusives like Spiderman, God of War and Bloodborne.

Douglas Morreale

I agree on the vitriol towards those who prefer physical games. I forget which episode(s) it was, but I believe late March. I posted about it on a CLS FB group back then. Zachary is spot on with his perception. Discussions come off as such.

Marcus Brown

Great episode as always, once again you took the stand and survived lol


I love you colin but uncharted 3 is the worst uncharted game out there. I will debate anyone on this one. Side note art is subjective so please don't attack me :(


Im always surprised that the standard QA aren't like these episodes

Jake Mcaulay

Always love these episodes, wish I'd got in with a challenge to you. I would definitely question your love of the PS3.

Dom posa

How is watch dogs not connected? The first 2 have different protagonists but aiden pierce is in the 2nd one. They are connected just take place in different cities. Assassins creed is also connected. Great episode it was funny seeing how sensitive some people get but you are wrong about the lock on on ghost, it would’ve ruined the game I agree with the defense force

Conor Wilson

Steve from Yellowstone? Opie and Anthony reference? 🤔


Curious what your ranking of the series is then


Days Gone above Uncharted 4? Even Ghost is a stretch. Col, just stop it, and go play Lost Legacy already.


Huh? I'm not saying I agree or disagree with his assessment but if other games are 'far superior' to another game , that doesn't mean that the inferior game isn't still great. I think people put too much focus on imaginary scales. Also excellent games, tv shows, and films can still be overrated by some people. For example, Rick and Morty is one of my favourite tv shows but it is overrated by some people to the point of them suggesting its some sort of philosophical masterpiece...

Matthew Cooper

I think that about Part II as well. I don't know, but the more time passes the less positively I think about that game. I have tried playing through it a second time, but I just can't make it through it again.

Matthew Cooper

I find it interesting how much so many people seem to care when Colin likes a game that they don't or dislikes a game they like. I really like Assassin's Creed II, Final Fantasy X and Uncharted 4. Doesn't really matter to me if Colin doesn't. I actually think Uncharted 4 is my favorite Uncharted game and is a lot better than TLoU Part II, but I mean, so what?

Oliver Johnson

I hope you give Lost Legacy a chance, I think it’ll make you remember Uncharted 4 a bit differently if you do, because let’s be honest, you’re not going to go back and play that anytime soon. Mistakenly leaving auto aim on for that game was also a terrible way to play it. The auto aim feature in that game is specifically designed to help inexperienced and disabled gamers. It has the best gunplay of the series (and best everything else mind you). I hope you do get around to playing the expansion because it focuses on the amazing gameplay and ends with a pretty spectacular set piece.


Love these episodes! Keep em coming. The thumbnail was also absolutely glorious, sir.




I think you should try Uncharted 4 again its a way better game than Days Gone


Very enjoyable episode as always!


Much love from Florida, Colin!


Trails of Cold Steel and the series has ruined gaming for me. Never experienced the world building like it in any other game or series. Everything else feels so contained and paper thin compared to it. That said I see how anyone starts Cold Steel 1 or even Sky First Chapter and give up on it even after dozens of hours in.

Reuben Barrett

Really enjoyed this format. Thanks for answering my query. I think Its probably just a catch 22, there's no demand when the game isn't treated with respect like say THPS 5 but when the developers and producers obviously care like with the Tony Hawk remakes then the demand is there.

Empty Symbol

Idk that I agree with what you said about the failed resurgence of the Rythym game Genre in Guitar Hero and Rock Band. When these games tried to come back they were neigh unrecognisable to the games we fell in love with back in the day. Gone was the soul and fantastical characters and stories, these being replaced by faux realism and greedy microtransactions. As for the skating genre I bounced after Tony Hawk games tried to get me to buy a POS plastic skateboard replica to use as a controller. Point is that these companies didn't understand what made these franchises good and therefore, and rightfully so, lost the faith and the dollar of their customers.

Your Boi Nicky V

U4 was a huge disappointment, you guys need to get over it. Anyway, great content Colin. Hope to have more episodes like this, looking forward to grilling Chris.


I think everything you described started sneaking in long before the series went away to begin with.


Oddly, I too couldn’t get into Far Cry 5 - but loved 3 and 4. But everything you’ve said is true Colin. So not sure why I didn’t enjoy it. Maybe was just burnt out on the formula. Should try playing it again and see if it clicks with me.

Empty Symbol

Your probably right I was probably just too young to notice it back in the day lol

Zibi Majewski

Colin, for the past couple years I've been noticing how similar in all regards we are to each other from introvertism to general outlook on life. I'm only 2 years older than you, but my life is so much in parallel to yours it's striking. The moment you mentioned you don't even have a driving licence was the moment I realized you're my brother from another mother. 😅 Thanks for reminding me I'm not alone.

Sean Johnson

Is there something I need to do to get notified of Plus episodes? I get notified of all other shows except Plus.


You should be notified normally. I'm not sure what the issue there could be. Sometimes, something as simple as logging out and logging back in might help... and Patreon Support can also give you some insight, I'm sure. <3

P Wolly

Scared the absolute shit out of me when you got to my question and shouted my name in the middle of the episode. I hear you about FC5 and acknowledge that "bad" isn't the right word. Just "dated." But I have decided to try again to finish it because of its originality. Thanks for the conversation!

Bobby Bell

About the "trophies ruining games" question: The Best in the West trophy kinda ruined Red Dead 2 for me. It was so painful but I had to get it...