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What Games Should Sony Bring to PC Next?

In the wake of Horizon: Zero Dawn, which AAA PlayStation exclusives should Sony bring to PC next? Dustin deliberates. Clips from the following channels were used in the creation of this episode of Side Quest: https://www.youtube.com/MrMattyPlays https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQhftMfy_JyFMz0bcrkWjng https://www.youtube.com/user/cubex55 Colin's Last Stand is a fan-funded endeavor. If you like our podcasts and videos, please consider showing your support on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Listen to Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast! https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC



Bad idea


With the lack of JRPGs on the platform outside of trails of cold steel and the recent success of the persona 4 golden pc port (500,000 first week sales?), makes sense to me for atlus to bring persona 5 royal to pc next. They’ll make gangbusters. Horizon Zero Dawn port has been a disaster honestly it’s not optimized at all

James Schubert

Just keep rolling out the most popular, get the community involved in a vote for which game this year/quarter/month until they're tapped out and have a fanbase that buy a Playstation 12months+into its life so they can play the games they're loving at launch.


I would've loved to have seen ghost of tsushima on pc. Seeing that gorgeous world at a constant 60+ fps would be fantastic. Maybe one day.

Lou & Rei Loper

Allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of them, I strongly prefer playing all of my games on my PC and pretty much always have. I own consoles even though I rarely ever use them, I own them all and do almost every generation (except for Nintendo though the Switch is awesome) so cost is basically nothing in the argument for me. I just don't want to play on console. I purchased Horizon for $20 randomly a handful of months back at Walmart and never opened it...they announced it for PC and I bought it the first day for pre-orders. I'd say money where my mouth is fits in pretty well lol, I paid double plus for a game I already own just so I could play it where I(!) want to haha. I don't use my PS4 almost ever and really only own it still so that I could play The Last of Us 2...I let my best friend borrow it for almost a year last time and only got it back when LoU2 was confirmed to launch so I had it at the ready 7 days early. He's put all of the big named exclusives on it for me, and I might play God of War again (player the first hour or so a year ago).....BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT hearing a rumor it might come to PC has me waiting to just play it there. (if that ever comes true) I love what Microsoft is doing with putting basically everything on every platform and just let me buy it where I wanna use it, I hope that proliferates over at Sony soon. It'd be awesome. Put the games out there for me to buy, and I'll buy them. 👍


All of them; I play all my games other than exclusives on PC. That said, I agree with the poster above who said persona 5. Also I think the uncharted games are overdue.

Brandon Soto

None. If it’s framerate & resolution people want, then hopefully PS5 will make PS4 games run better.

Corey Robbins

Bring them all to PC so I can stop having to buy Sony's shitty hardware.


None, what sony get from selling their games on pc is pittance compared to what they're getting from playstation ecosystem. You want to give people reason to invest in your ecosystem, not reason to not buy your hardware/ecosystem. See nintendo for example.

Bryan King

IS THIS A PC Patreon now? No, I don't want PLAYSTATION games on PC..... why should games that were funded to attract people to PlayStation go to PC? Look how ungrateful PC players were with the HZD port....... These people will never buy PlayStation hardware and will never be of any benefit to the platform..... they will never reciprocate the good will, they will just use and then turn around and abuse and denigrate the platform that made the games possible in the first place.

Bryan King

Why should PlayStation abandon a strategy that got them to the top? And why should they bring games to people that do not appreciate them? Look at the HZD reception..... If PlayStation keeps bringing games to PC I will stop buying PlayStation and so will many other hardcore gamers that spend thousands on the platform every year........ It will hurt the brand and the company and they will be forced to rethink if they keep doing thins.... I GUARANTEE. F PC.

Bryan King

Funny how Switch has the worst hardware but doesnt get this criticism, the OG Switch almost fell apart the plastic was so bad and the parts are dirt cheap........ but people like you hate on PlayStation which has never had something like RROD, just provided dependable hardware decade after decade...... PC is crap, updating drivers and windows is for wankers.

Corey Robbins

Why are you hating on PC just because you're too dumb to use one? Just stick to overpaying for everything behind that walled garden and let people who use their brain to save their money keep doing so. It doesn't affect you. You sound like a such a fanboy.

Dom posa

Stop with the pc. Hopefully they learn after horizon or become a meme like Xbox . Dreams is the only one that makes sense


None. They should keep them exclusive.


Yeah, Persona 4 Golden was huge on Steam... I imagine P5 would do great. But it's not a Sony game!


It would be cool to allow people to put hypothetical pre-orders down that help determine what comes next, and if Game X is chosen, those who offered to pre-order it get charged.


I only agree somewhat. I think that you don't have much to gain from years-old games. You can argue that it's the ecosystem you're buying into, but it's really only the newest games that matter the most to a plurality of people, and as folks buy into your ecosystem, you have them along for the ride from that point.


Horizon's sales on PC indicate that there might not be as big of a market over there as one would have assumed. But it's limited data.

Dom posa

Pc gamers wait for deep sales or just steal games

Nick Lone

Hey C and C. As a primarily Switch gamer who recently got a gaming PC, this recent trend of Sony and MS making their games available on PC is great! I've put a bunch of time into the MCC and Sea of Thieves on PC. Death Stranding and Horizon will both be picked up soon, along with Persona 4 Golden. I think this is great, and I genuinely don't mind waiting for these games which I otherwise wouldn't get to play. I have no interest in getting another console, but what do you think Sony and MS really get from this? Is waiting a year before releasing a console exclusive a good time frame or should it be longer? 18 months? When do they lose their draw to convince new gamers to hop in to an ecosystem? I doubt GoW will come, another game I'd like to try, or TLoU2, but I really hope Ghost of Tsushima eventually drops on Steam. Which other Sony exclusives do you think we'll see from the PS4 era? Thanks, and greetings from the sweltering Baltic States.

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 03:22:42 Wrong thread, my friend! <3
2020-08-21 18:51:41 Wrong thread, my friend! <3

Wrong thread, my friend! <3