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In recent months, prolific toy manufacturer Hasbro has been steadily rolling out a reboot to Colin's beloved G.I. Joe line, and along with some new action figures and vehicles comes a new video game, too, one whose existence recently leaked thanks to an online retailer. We don't know much about it yet, but what we do know doesn't instill confidence, especially in the shadow of its recent, largely underwhelming Transformers-related efforts. So during this week's mailbag-centric episode of +, let's delve into how toy companies like Hasbro and its brethren can better treat their storied brands with video games that have the potential to be just as iconic as the toys, if not more so. Also: Did Sony make a mistake seemingly abandoning the DualShock moniker? How is Stadia still alive? Should every game have a jump button? Will Sony be able to convince consumers to buy-in with PSVR2? Was it a mistake to wait so long to follow-up 2016's very successful Ratchet & Clank game? This episode jumps into all of that and more. So come hang out!



Anthony J Sanchez

I actually look forward more to the mailbag episodes now more than the OG sacred symbols episodes. I think because the questions are more random.

Andrew Morgan

If it wasn’t for CLS, I wouldn’t know what day of the week it is. Thanks Colin hahaha


I look forward to the 30 minute conversation about beans or shower habits. The nonsense questions are the highlight of every podcast for me. Keep on doing your thing C&C


Really enjoyed the episode. Thanks Colin have a good day!


Colin, have you ever tried Toy Soldiers: War Chest? Its a single player tower defense/third person shooter featuring toy armies INCLUDING Duke and Cobra Commander from GI Joe. Released in 2015 to mixed reviews after flying somewhat under the radar. Maybe check it out?

Jake Z

Have to say I'm not a fan of the inquiry affirmative action, Colin. Questions should be chosen based on their quality, not by whether the person has been chosen before.


More GI Joe talk is always exciting, can't wait to listen! I'm hoping Knockback will cover more: GI Joe soon, maybe the cartoon, the animated movie, just give me more!!!

Dom posa

Don’t understand how we don’t know the price for the ps5. What are they waiting for? Xbox is dead it can’t be they are waiting on them. No one wants an Xbox


Another great GI Joe game idea would be a XCOM style tactical or FF6/suikoden character roster size rpg

Eric Bolella

Good stuff. Would love if we could revisit TLOU 2 down the line when the dust settles around the madness. I totally agree with your outlook on how this game was treated and then ultimately received. It deserved better. I mean, the narrative and character acting transcend the genre. I’ll end my rant, but I’m totally with you. We all deserved a better environment around the release of this title.

Henry Maxwell

Talking about broken saves and not going back reminded me of playing Dark Cloud 2 and getting to the final dungeon after about 50 hours. And on the climb on the final staircase to the final boss a friend of mine accidentally deleted the save from the memory card right in front of me... I haven't played it since.

Toren R. (KESA)

For the record, Abby from Last of Us is modeled after CrossFit Athlete, Colleen Fotsch who is an absolute SAVAGE. As a professional fighter and CrossFitter, I've been around a lot of women (and men) with equally insane physicality and I'm genuinely STUNNED (and kinda let down) at how offput many have been by Abby's build.


For me from a critical perspective the gameplay of The Last of Us 2 is great but because of its story and the conversation around the game I think this may be my most hated game I've ever played and I dont see myself ever disliking a game this much again because I won't ever trust sequels again.


I think it was the idea she got that built during a zombie apocalypse while her reference is a crossfit professional in modern day America.

Josh Lucas

I actually think Ghost of Tsushima has the best environments graphically I’ve ever seen; I was blown away. I didn’t feel that way about The Last of Us part 2.


Ghost of Tsushima is being sold short. I would argue the story is easily better than The Last of Us part 2. Just because the TLOU has deeper themes on paper - doesn’t mean it’s executed well. TLOU2 is a mess. Feel like Ghost is being sold short story wise cuz it’s open world, but I felt it’s plot really develops well as it goes on and the ending is amazing. The game has incredible graphics, art style, especially considering it’s open world. So I actually prefer it to TLOU - which is technically superior, but is also bleak and tiring by the end of it.


The Division 2, but G.I. Joe.

Christopher Tice

Hey Colin. Just wanted to say that if you're looking for an AMAZING discussion about TLOU2, that the youtube channel RKG just made a fantastic video (They are the former IGN UK guys that did Prepare to Try). Unfortunately it's still in early access, but I implore you to keep in the back of your mind. I've watched/listened to a half dozen spoiler casts and reviews, and this video was, by a mile, the most thoughtful and heartfelt. They got what Neil and the game was trying to do. Anyway, take care.

Craig Mcguire

I dont think you've been overly critical at all Colin, the messaging at times has been muddy but I think just the genuine goodwill and buzz around the Playstation brand regardless of what they do, especially after whats been an amazing generation is cancelling it out. I think the only thing that could derail Playstations momentum now is a PS3 style $700 cost for PS5. They are litterally launching their next gen console with a glorified expansion and for the most part no one gives a shit. That's the level faith and trust they've built. Personally I won't be purchasing either day 1, still a shit ton of games I need to play before getting a new console.

Brandon Soto

Love these episodes where you’re by yourself. Nice flow and straight to the point.

Miles Williams

I also delete games off of my PS4 after getting the platinum. It's such a good feeling! There's really only a hand few that I keep, and they're usually games that have satisfying gameplay. Hollow Knight for example. I've had the platinum for a while, but still jump in sometimes just because the game feels so damn good to play.

Jack Sibert

I would strongly push back on the notion that the rumor that Abby is transgender was what most people had an issue with. It was the stuff regarding the treatment of Joel and the choices regarding playable characters Also, as someone who bodybuilds, the visual design of Abby was immediately jarring to me because a physique like hers requires would require a metric fuckton of food, let alone probably 3+ hours of lifting a day. A female of her stature would probably require somewhere in the neighborhood of 4000+ calories per day. Which is feasible in our age of abundance, but seems completely undoable in a post apocalyptic setting where people have to scavenge for calories. Just as someone who has to deal with "getting my calories" every day and lifting every day, it seemed completely preposterous to me seeing Abby for the first time. That physique doesn't mesh well with the rest of the world they're painting

Jeff Frizz

Sorry jack but just because your bodybuilding experience is one way its not size fits all. I've been lifting, training, boxing, wrestling for the better part of 3 decades. There are all sorts of reasons why Abby could look like that. Did you play the game and see the entire training mega facility the wolves had? Also, is it also possible they may have a had a treasure trove cache of steroids? Just to dimiss Abby because she doesn't fit "YOUR VIEW" is borderline ridiculous. lol I've seen people of all different sizes with freakish builds. I was in the military with guys who ate nothing but junkfood and they were RIPPED, far more than someone like me who had to eat perfect and stay engaged.

Jeff Frizz

After playing through the game twice, Abby has become my one of my favorite all time characters next to Ellie and Joel. Hell, I liked Abby MORE than Ellie when the credits rolled. Joel CROSSED a lot of people, so wouldn't be in the realm of possibility that he would pay for it at some time? The entire game is based off of actions and consequences. How far would you go for revenge? If someone killed your father and friends/family, wouldn't you want to bash someone's head in? I truly believe this game is for mature adults. You cant be emotionally naive and just dismiss something because it makes you uncomfortable. I thought TLOU 2 was a masterpiece which is funny because Colin finally came around too after his second playthrough. If you get a chance I would suggest giving it another go and take your time going through it. I believe most of the reviewers were racing through it trying to review for a deadline which short changes this game significantly. Cheers!

Kevin Tuber

Niiiiiiice can’t wait to listen to this when I get to work.

Josh Walker

Don't quit your day job, Colin.


I've not, actually. I've never played any of the Toy Soldiers game, if they are what I think they are.


Thank you. We did GI Joe so early in KnockBack's run that I suspect we'll go back to it at some point, to talk about it in more detail, perhaps over several episodes.


Interesting. I think TLoU2 is far more beautiful, though Ghost of Tsushima is pretty, too. Very colorful and vibrant.


I'm not getting that at all. I'm having a really hard time being invested in the events of Ghost of Tsushima.


Thanks for the recommendation! But honestly, I very rarely watch or listen to any coverage of games outside of core news.


I'd rather be too hard and pleasantly surprised than not critical enough and disappointed.


When I saw the gym, I made that connection, too. But... I defer to you guys to figure it out.


Excellent episode. Thanks for the great work!


Hey Colin, Appreciate your thoughts on PSVR. Regarding TLOU2, the toxicity surrounding the game has really spoiled the coverage for me too. It's such a shame since this game, more than the first, has SO MUCH to unpack. Do you know if Dagan has any interest in playing it? Regardless, really looking forward to the eventual Knockback episode on TLOU2. Cheers, Pete

Michael Maurice

Fall Guys is much like the TV show MXC that used to be on Spike TV. I’ve played for a couple hours, it’s quite fun.

Fotis Lyto

I really do not understand the fascination with the "unappealing" or "average" women, although I love ghost of Tsushima the women in it range from ugly to maybe ok which feels like disrespectful to Japanese women. Lara's old design was iconic while the new one is bland and forgettable she has the same inspiration in it as the girl from control. This is the main reason I rarely play western games these past years not because I need to see sexy women but it feels like social engineering, women have become much less appealing while men are buffed and/or ripped. Also tlou2 is super woke it has almost all the present social justice talking points: -A woman more ripped than any other person in the game. - A transgender kid - A lesbian couple that is raising a kid. - pregnant ladies in the frontline (this is really insane...) Just to name a few.


I think it's just cool to see people who aren't the Model Whatever for a specific archetype.