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Matty goes to 13th century Japan. That can change a man.


Diving Deep Into Ghost of Tsushima

Matty heads to 13th century Japan to explore PlayStation 4's very last marquee first party exclusive before we move on to next-gen. Visit Matt's YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/MrMattyPlays And follow him on Twitter! @G27Status Colin's Last Stand is a fan-funded endeavor. If you like our podcasts and videos, please consider showing your support on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Listen to Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast! https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC



We going to get any more of these?


You guys do good work.


CLS is growing. 🤘🏽


Marty has been a superb collaborator for the CLS network - definitely appreciating the content and looking forward to checking out this one

Devon McCarty

Hell yeah. Well done Matty. Great video.

David Kramme

Mr. Matty, love your stuff, my experience with this game absolutely mirrored yours, I loved the Infamous series in particular but I'm about 10 hours into Ghost and I think it's Sucker Punches best game, and believe me I have the open world fatigue but side stuff is so well written, and the zero HUD is so huge (I'm always chasing mini map icons), I'm so happy for you and Dustin and eagerly await your future videos!


I’ve been on the fence with getting this game or not but I think you sold me

Jimmy Valentine

Man. It's fun and relaxed at the same time. I recommend it. Perfect balance to the intense moments in The Last of Us 2 for me.


After the Last of Us 2, I cant think of a better game to play to calmly end the PS4 exclusive life.


This game is so amazing!! Super long, but worth it

Alex Bolton

Looks great! But I've got so much shit in my backlog, I'm gonna wait till Sony inevitably drops the price to 20 or so a year from now


Good stuff, Matty

Liam Fagan

Mattys content is great. Always a pleasure to see his name pop up here.

Scott MacLure

I prefer this type of long length content on YT and think Matt is a good fit. I was personally interested in the game and appreciated this deep dive, but it has confirmed for me its not a buy for now anyway.


I’m about 20 hours in and I think that this might plant itself as my favorite 1st party open world of the generation (Horizon, Days Gone, Spider-Man, Second Son). And Colin, please don’t make it a podcast game JUST yet. Give it a chance to show you its wonderful soundtrack and world soundscape. It really is a beautiful world that Sucker Punch has created.


Huh, I wasn't sure about this Side Quest shift but I'm digging every one of them so far. I wasn't going to buy Ghost of Tsushima until way down the line but this might have changed my mind on it.

Jessica Gutiérrez

Me personally, I'm so exhausted with open world games. I think this could have worked just as well with a linear world similar to Nioh. I'm just over hiding in grass, waiting until night time to make the perfect stealth run, giant quests, running off to do random things collecting crap, it's why I couldn't get into Witcher 3 for more than a handful of hours.

Brandon Soto

Please Sucker Punch, do InFamous next. 🤞🏽

Arquimedes Quintero II

Hi, I'm in love with this game, even with the small flaws, it's so beautiful and fun. Now I need a game just like this but with Cowboys ( and I don't count RDR2).

Caleb Beck

I think the open world wore sort of thin quickly to me because of repetition of mission structure, and the characters I couldn't care less about, but there's no denying how beautiful it is, or how much fun the combat is. A few of the duels were monstrous on hard.

Joseph Tartaglia

I’m enjoying the game a great deal by getting lost in the map, which I wouldn’t have expected. Riding off in a random direction to find a hot spring, a bamboo cut, some great scenario or an interesting battle sequence has been a joy.


No one has mentioned the fact that Sucker Punch finally figured out how to put a horse in a game! How many crap horses have we dealt with over the years (yes, I’m looking at you RDR2 and Odyssey)? Finally, a horse that doesn’t crash into trees or get stuck on fences or not gallop when you’re telling it to. This horse just works, and works well. Just thought I’d give it some love.

Real Radec

I'm loving this game so far. One thing I want to highlight is that Sucker Punch always creates cool and interesting villains. From the colorful cast of antagonists in Sly Cooper like Clockwerk to the supervillains of Infamous like Alden, Bertrand, and even Augustine in Second Son. Khotun Khan is a cool antagonists and Sucker Punch should be acknowledged for creating the best villains out of any Sony studio.

Joseph Tartaglia

Trying to stow your horse was a nightmare in RDR2 and the turning mechanics were poor at slow speed as I remember. Randomly you would just get flung from the horse too while in Ghost the horse senses cliffs and reacts a lot more dynamically.


Just beat the game and got all the trophies for the first time. Fantastic game and my game of the year.


Just got the plat! I'll probably take a break from games this week and spend more time outside since I've been burning the midnight oil! Wasn't sure I ws gonna get it at first but what a good set off year for PS4.

Chris Beeson

Awesome video, gave me a way better look into the game and now I’m actually excited about getting it. Thanks for the new SQ content, I’m really digging it!