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Until Fortnite, the primary fuel that made Epic Games run was Unreal Engine, its ubiquitous and flexible framework on which hundreds of notable, successful, and popular titles have run for more than two decades. But these days, Epic's many initiatives have the North Carolina-based company accelerating at light speed, and now, Sony owns a sliver of 'em. We discuss what this modest acquisition means, and why owning just a little bit of Epic can go a very long way. Then: A tension is growing in the industry concerning next-gen game pricing, and we've gotta jump back into the fray. Also: Horizon's writer has left Guerrilla, Kingdoms of Amalur is getting new DLC 8+ years after launch, Mafia: Definitive Edition gets delayed, Infamous may be coming back, and more. Plus: Listener inquires! Could episodic releases help adjust rising game dev costs? Are some gamers being completely over-the-top in their reactions to The Last of Us: Part II? Should Sony attempt to acquire WB Interactive? Does Long Island have the world's best pizza? (The answer to the last question is a simple and emphatic "yes".)


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:03:19 - Thanks for the outpouring of support on Patreon!
0:06:45 - Upcoming Sacred Symbols+ plans.
0:11:24 - Our thoughts on the newly-revealed PS5 game case.
0:14:21 - We'll have news on Ubisoft's showcase next episode.
0:15:53 - The Deodorant Buttcrack Saga: Part III.
0:19:54 - One fan doesn't like drinking beers in the shower.
0:22:13 - Yes: Ketchup goes on eggs (etc).
0:26:53 - Is a sloppy joe actually a burger?
0:29:20 - Thoughts on Long Island pizza.
0:32:40 - What have we been playing?
0:37:59 - Are swans actually tough?
0:39:47 - Sony buys 1.4% of Epic Games.
0:53:44 - Tension is mounting over next-gen's game price increase.
1:32:00 - Horizon's writer leaves Guerrilla.
1:43:20 - Is Sony about to bring Infamous back?
1:49:47 - Yet another Sony patent suggests deep backwards compatibility is possible.
1:53:05 - Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning is getting new DLC; gets delayed.
1:57:47 - The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope has a release date.
2:01:21 - Mafia: Definitive Edition has been delayed.
2:04:38 - The team behind LA Noire: The VR Case Files is hiring for a new Rockstar project.
2:07:25 - EVO's co-founder falls to sexual impropriety allegations.
2:12:08 - PS Now has a few new notable entries.
2:18:58 - Sony has revealed the top downloaded games on PSN for June 2020.
2:20:10 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
2:22:41 - Should Sony consider buying WB Games?
2:29:37 - Why are some gamers treating Naughty Dog so poorly?
2:35:19 - Should critics take more seriously the environment in which they review games
2:39:09 - Could episodic releases help bend rising game dev costs?
2:46:53 - What's with the recent resurgence of live-action video games?
2:50:52 - What are our thoughts on Xbox's upcoming games showcase?






Friday is officially great again.


2am Saturday. Nothing better to get through the long nights


What's even funnier is that Tencent paid 330 million for 40% of Epic back in 2012. Right now that stake is valued at 6.68 billion, an effective 20x increase. That's insane. Who knows what that 1.5% stake that Sony purchased will turn into after 10 years?

Zibi Majewski

Hello, I'm early. *gets cozy on the sofa and starts listening to C-men*


Chris' part if the spoiler cast was the only enjoyable part.

Ryan Hayman

I just spit my fucking coffee out - "You know - you gotta come to us - and we are gonna talk about this a little bit more, a little bit later, about all the great foods we invented - because this is a Playstation podcast"


Stories like Chris's Uber experience should be clipped and put on free feeds. Also, I think the uptick in patrons might partly be because Chris is hitting a routine with his own podcast. Keep up the great work.


Sounds like people are being nitpicky with TLOU2 podcast. I definitely disagree with your assessment of the game but, that doesn't mean you shouldn't talk about your enjoyment. I also love Chris's input on this one. He was essentially voicing a lot of the push back I would have given you since I also found the story overwrought and pretentious. Obviously my words, just paraphrasing Chris's sentiment.


Damn. My number one criticism of this show is Colin constantly talking about how good the show is and how influential he has been to the PlayStation podcasting ecosystem. It's so repetitive, unnecessary, and distasteful. There's no reason to point that out to people who already listen to your show.


Ty for your hard work and dedication! Both of you are fantastic hosts!


Yeah, I'm struggling to understand many of the criticisms, but we'll do our best to be better in Part II, nonetheless.


It’s ironic that people thought you were too negative on tLoU2. I thought it was too positive haha


I believe in myself and my shows. I make no apologies about that. I am my only spokesperson. I can't rely on others. Remember: When Podcast Beyond celebrated its 500th episode, they pretended that I didn't even exist, even though that was my show and I was on it for like 300 episodes. So I must tout the legacy every now and again! =) Thanks for listening.

Vinny Pepperoni

I'm working on my Twin Breakers platinum and my Natural Life trophy won't pop. Is this a common problem? I'm bummed!

Timothy Bryant

Funny enough Justin Davis is another one of these “drinking milk with every dinner meal” kind of dudes. Not for me.

Jake Z

Play Iron Man VR ya lazy fucks!


In response to a comment above, I just wanna say how influential you’ve been, Colin, in my experience as a gamer. I didn’t really get into video games until 2014 when I was 32 and had two young kids. My first console was a PS4 that came with TLOU Remastered, and shortly after playing that I started listening to Beyond and went through most of the catalog of episodes. Your voice and perspective has helped guide my experience through video games these past six years, and I don’t know what my life as a gamer would be like without it. So, don’t let anyone forget or try to erase how important your contributions have been to the PlayStation ecosystem. Keep fucking that chicken and blowing that... uh... whatever instrument makes that death sound in Uncharted.

Vinny Pepperoni

Closed the application and it didn't save so I just went back and did it again. It finally popped

Zach Wishnuff

Thank you for answering my inquiry, I appreciate it! I’m a strong advocate for the increase in game prices, but wrote the question to hear the topic in its full breadth, and you guys did not disappoint. Have a great weekend!

Ian (616Entertainment)

Colin you’ve had the nerve in the past to bust on deep dish pizza, calling it “practically a pasta,” and condemning it across the board. Meanwhile now you’re talking about these oil soaked, cold cheese, sauce on top deals like they’re great just because they’re from the Island. I see you, you bastard. If I went back in time and switched deep dish to a Long Island deal you’d be over the moon about it. Unreal. Lol. Good show boys.

Kendrick Calles (Ca-Yes)

Boy I will tell you what. I do enjoy me these opening 30 min of every episode. There’s no rhyme or reason. It’s just talking. And it’s great. 30 min well spent before we get to the main course. Keep it up men. We need you.

Ryan Harvey

I think that people may just like spoilercasts organized like how you do Knockback. I think those come across as more thorough than the sacred symbols ones. I love both but I think I prefer the way you go through games on Knockback.


Back as a Patreon. Love your work Colin


I got the platinum 2 days ago fot tlou2 and I remember Chris saying he played the game in 21 hours I wanna know how he did that without rushing through the game? My 2nd play through on new game plus took 23hrs. That's with me not really doing as much exploring and knowing how the levels are constructed I did up shaving off 9 hours of gameplay.

Ian (616Entertainment)

Colin, on the loot box issue, I'm totally with you. It really does come down to a "if you don't like it, don't buy them" scenario. People will comment on my Mortal Kombat videos saying "I hate MK11 for making me buy these time crystals!!!!" Here's the thing: I've put DOZENS of hours into MK11. I have the Platinum. I don't even know what a fucking time crystal is or what they do. So who is making these people buy them? Smarten up!


It would be pretty dope if the ps5 is fully backwards compatible. My guess is they are holding it in the back pocket till after the xbox showcase as a trump card

Oliver Johnson

I was one of the ones critical of the Last Of Us spoilercast but I do want to say that I do think you guys did a good job, it’s just that Chris’ responses were usually just “yeah I didn’t like it” which is normally fine but this is such an emotionally complex game that I think it would benefit to do a deeper dive into why it was the way it was and how it made you feel.

Lucas Gremista

I always expect one hour of taint / food talk in my Playstation podcast. Thank you for never disappointing!

Alan Ortega-Lopez

I'm Mexican. My whole family uses ketchup on eggs.

Ryan Harvey

Also mucho gusto means nice to meet you. Well the literal translation means pleasure, but I think I’m this context it’s nice to meet ya.

Scott MacLure

I've got some good varied content for my weekend working. Thanks!

Adam Barnes

I exclusively brush my teeth in the shower. Live free, brother!

Jake Z

Plague Tale is twice as long as Hellblade and a better game.

Zibi Majewski

I've just noticed that when it comes to technical and complicated subjects, Chris is completely lost for words. Colin is in his element, breaking everything down with minutiae details, while Chris is like "Billion is a lot of money" xD Love you Chris, but damn this episode exposed your weak side. Colin on the other hand, you fucking nailed every hard hitting question with logical and thorough input. Keep it up.

Joe McPartlin

Just when I thought I couldn't love this show more, Colin brings up cold cheese pizza. Little Vincent's in Huntington, NY for anyone interested. It's so good!

Jake Z

The price of digital games matching the price of physical copies is not due to a "convenience fee." That doesn't make any sense. Digital distribution is way cheaper than physical distribution. You pay a "convenience fee" for delivery because there are labor costs. It's obviously done to not antagonize retailers. No need to complicate things.

Watch Ergo Proxy

The amount of internet arguments I've seen about the racial identity of Italians is egregious

Daniel Schiffer

FUCK I am loving the length of these episodes. Keep up the forever stellar work boys!! <3

Michael Limauro

Chris “sloppy joes are discouraging” raygun! I love the food tangents, please keep it up!

Zack E

Well, Colin frankly has some substantial industry experience over Chris. But that is what makes the dynamic interesting. And don’t forget, there are many topics that Chris has more insight, experience, and knowledge in than Colin does.

Zack E

Trying not to be so critical towards Chris. Because I enjoy having his viewpoint on show. But the problem with Chris’s view on micro-transactions, and this view is shared by many others, is that he attempts to justify a value or moral judgement on the game/developer by explaining how it’s not in the best interest of the game/developer itself. He is “against” microtransactions in retail game, as in he wishes to not support this behavior. However, he defends his stance by explaining its not a wise business decision for the game. These are two separate conversations. They are in the same ball park, but still distinct and separate. Is it acceptable for a game to have microtransactions? Is it wise for a game to have microtransactions as far as a revenue generating model? Two different questions. Regardless, pay for what you believe is worth paying for. $60, $70, $2 gun skin, $5 player pack for ultimate team. Is it worth it to you or not? It’s not that hard.

Dom posa

Chris is getting worse by the week. Never had a sloppy joe 🤣 he called a grandmas pie a grandmothers pie. Put him in the bathroom

Miles Williams

I know this probably makes me a sick son of a bitch, but I put ketchup on potato salad. Also ketchup on eggs is completely normal!


Yo, who doesn’t like a good candle? Next time you’re at the store pop a nice candle in the cart, throw it on the coffee table while playing a game and enjoy the welcoming aroma and atmosphere. Purchasing a nice candle is masturbatory enough, no need to go all the way and ruin a good thing.


Chris is Absolutely wrong saying the coldest beverage you can get is in a glass bottle! Have you ever had a cold can out of your HS vending machine!? The rarest and coldest of canned beverages is lemon lime Gatorade and that shit slaps like no other! Have any of you guys ever came across this heavenly canned drink?! Keep up the good work, BYE!

Eric Bolella

Totally resonated with your anger around all of the bullshit with TLOU2 Col. Appreciate those “fuck yous.” I’ve been disgusted with how people are treating one another. TLOU2 is a once in a generation game that we weren’t able to enjoy without vile individuals trying to kill that excitement. Just not cool.

Lee Bull

I often 'strangle the Swan' 😏


Hi C & C Quick correction God dammit Chris “Mucho gusto” means Nice to meet you Kind regards from a puertorican


Hey C&C, Just a slight correction. Curt Schilling is not in the hall of fame and may never be. Only has 2 more chances.


It's Assassins Creed Valhalla not Ragnarok NERDS!!!


Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing, Tantalizing,

Maxx Lazos

When’s the Bloodborne spoilercast? You gotta finish the definitive PS4 exclusive 🥺


I have to chime on the game price controversy and Tom's comments about Take Two's gross profit. There are a couple of important things to note. The first is that companies don't measure themselves on gross profit as the primary indicator of health - they look at net profit and EBIT/EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization). Gross profit only captures the direct costs associated with the products being sold, not all the indirect costs (which can be substantial). So Tom is correct - in 2019 Take Two made $1.5B gross profit - but they only made $333.3M NET profit. That's on $2.6B in sales or 12.5%. In other words, they had costs of $2.334B. If they had an unanticipated cost overrun of just 15% they would be losing money. When you consider they're paying the salaries of 3,400 employees and making more than a dozen games, they're hardly sitting back being "greedy". You need to look at the big picture. Focusing just on gross profit leads to very inaccurate conclusions. (BTW - their true net profits were actually only $232M but they had a tax write-off of $101M that went to the bottom line).

Josef Barker

Half an hour in and still talking about food...

Carlos Quintanilla

I wonder if Rainbow Six Quarantine's still coming out. Hmm...


This is not showing up on the podcast app for some reason. I’m on iPhone. Been dying to hear this.

Travis B


Brandon Soto

Rinse mouth out in the shower, then brush teeth at the sink afterwards. That’s what I do.


Here in the Maritimes we put ketchup on a lot of things, including eggs. In fact, we call ketchup 'maritine gravy'


Minecraft Dungeouns does have a Xbox Studios animation logo before the game starts, yes. #bestrpglootthisgeneration


I'm not saying it DOES, I'm saying that that will be an argument, and a perfectly reasonable one, too. Of course it's convenient to download a game.


Oh, I just assumed. Feel free to send us a correction in the next thread, if it pleases you.


Bobby, you son of a bitch, if you use RSS, just try deleting the link from your app and reapplying it. That should help.

Edwin Garcia

Actually, “ Mucho Gusto in that context means “ it’s a pleasure “ , you say it when you meet someone for the first time like saying “ it’s been a pleasure to meet you” . I don’t know why the listener said it though.

Bryan King

I would be seriously angry if they bring more games to PC.... diluting the identity of PlayStation and destroying everything that they spent decades building. They should be adding exclusives to the platform..... they should buy Kadokawa and thus From and make sure you CANNOT buy Souls games on PC or Xbox. Fuck em, they should buy a PlayStation if they want those games....


Here's where I totally disagree with you, in terms of what they've built up over the years: They constantly refresh their IP. They still tap old licenses like Gran Turismo and Ratchet, but they more often tend to move on more quickly than Microsoft, and much more quickly than Nintendo. So, if you're not generating active value, then what's the point of holding back? They will generate more money in the short-term putting Horizon on PC, and they'll generate long-term interest in its sequel, which will absolutely not be on PC for the first couple/few years. If I were a Sony shareholder, I'd be pleased with the strategy, and interested to see data from not only Horizon, but Death Stranding (though Sony isn't publishing it)... see if it works. See how it drives interest in the license, and creates additional capital. As a Sony fan, I think it's good news. If you care about PlayStation as a publishing entity, I don't think you can go wrong with this.


As far as why TLOU 2 is getting so much hate, it’s because they took a major risk with one of Sony’s most popular properties. Obviously can’t spoil, but the writing choices they made with part 2 pretty much makes it impossible to for some to continue to love the series - and it even has ramifications for the first title as it retroactively changes how you feel about it (if you don’t like the direction they went in). I truly don’t think it would have mattered had the game not leaked, if anything some people might have been more pissed off after having paid $60 for it and having their expectations completely thrown for a loop. I personally hated the writing myself, and don’t feel it was executed well at all (I’m with Chris on this one). All that said, no one should have went out of their way to spoil it for others. No one should ever give death threats to creators. All of that is absolutely sickening. It’s disgraceful behavior and shows just how evil and unhinged some people are. You can dislike something vehemently without throwing a tantrum. Even those review bombing the game without even having played it are pathetic. The sad thing is now we can’t even have a critical analysis of the writing without someone lumping you In with the crazy people. So those like Chris who have legitimate reasons why they think this is a bad game, can’t even really get into a discussion why without it being tainted by the toxicity of these horrible people. Which is a shame. I truly think the writing was a train wreck and I think there is a lot of value to having a deeper discussion why the choices they made didn’t really work. Just feels like anyone who dislikes the game is now having their voice stifled and are being lumped in with the human trash. But to answer your question Colin, I think people hate the game purely because of the narrative gamble they took. It really is an all or nothing proposition IMO. They took a major risk.


I fucking love how long these episodes are!


Why did we need to hear the word “tantalizing” so many times, Colin?


Guys, geese are formidable. No joke— they chase people and go for it. And, I get the whole “strangle” idea, but trying get ahold of that long neck and see how that goes. Lol

Diego Muñoz

Just a quick comment on what "mucho gusto" means: it is a form of saying "nice to meet you". Although it is true that Spanish varies from country to country, as Chris mentioned ( much like English does), it is mostly the same across Spanish speaking countries. You can understand them and they can understand you easily. So whoever wrote in in this episode saying "mucho gusto" he meant "nice to meet you", and not "I like it a lot". Obviously he didn't actually meet C&C because he wasn't actually there, it is still a valid Spanish expression in this "digital" context.

Oliver Johnson

The argument that games shouldn’t raise in price is crazy to me. We’re seeing so many people say it should be $60 because of micro transactions but those same people who say that hate micro transactions. My favorite games are the type that Sony makes and those have a huge budget. I want to pay more money so we can play more games like The Last Of Us 2.


1 of the ways physical games are already looking up is that some physical preorders are discounting at $50 for current gen versions with a free upgrade to next-gen. Watch Dogs, Assassin’s Creed, and Cyberpunk are just a few titles that are currently doing this.

Kyle Melendez

Hey Colin! Been listening to you since beyond 300. First time writing in in anything you've done. Games should tottally cost $70 or $80 or whatever. I hate the argument that chris actually makes which was a full $60 shouldnt really have fortnite level microtransactions. I ask why the hell not? Nobody bats an eye at gta online money or destinys or tainbow six sieges microtransactions. While i certainly think there are bad microtransactions (battlefront 2) i dont think that the price of the game should dictate whether theres microtransactions. I believe it jjst needs to make sense and not fully reek of being greedy and its all good with me. Thanks guys and keep on keeping on!

Zack Fair

Chicken thats chlorinated.....yummy! Not!!

Zack Fair

Colin,you would find yourself if found guilty of killing a Swan in England fined upto £5,000

Daniel Boyer

Your "FUCK YOU" message to TLOU2 shit bags really resonated with me and I feel the same way. THANK YOU!

Brian Heninger

I have no issue with PS Now streaming through the PS4. My PC is terrible and can only but right now I am streaming Watch Dog 2 and I have no issues at all. The one that is great about streaming over downloading is that I could play Now games while other PS4 games were still able to run in the background.

Brian Lau

Thanks Colin for going into the question about TakeTwos profitability. I’m getting tired of vilifying “big corporations” who took risks and made business moves to get to where they’re at today. Think of the risk for a studio to hire over 100 employees paid from $30k to $150k a year to create a game over 5 years without knowing how the gamers will respond in the marketplace. Capitalism is not perfect but it’s the best system we have. As you always say, if the cost of games is too high, then the market will speak for itself. Game sales will go down and publishers will need to readjust.


Saw Chris saying the n word in a video on Twitter. Can’t support anymore but I f*ck with Collin

Your Boi Nicky V

Stop denying your white privilege Colin you racist fuck! Seriously though, as a Greek Islander, I get what you mean about not completely embracing the label white, I used to think of myself as olive skinned / mediterranean. White is too broad of a term and there's so much diversity of culture / appearance within the label.

Fotis Lyto

Man the discourse with tlou2 has become so disappointing, now when you say you really don't like the game people put you in the same side with insane idiots that send death threats. But the hate has also fuelled a gush of praise towards the game from people that like it and in the end there is no conversation just monkeys throwing shit around. As someone who really dislikes the turn the game took I am very interested (although I might not agree) on why you liked it, as much as I was interested on why angryjoe didn't like it, that is the interesting shit I enjoy. Also fuck the idiots that send vile stuff to Neil and the Abby's voice actor. Lastly the leaks are the most disappointing shit I really wish as well I could have seen the raw response from people playing and finishing the game without prior knowledge.


Well, gladly we can (and do) get into the nitty-gritty of the game aside from the toxicity on our two spoilercast/review discussions.


I think we need to just stick to English on this show, so as to not hopelessly confuse me.


These types of strategies will help keep it going for a bit... but after a while, even a $10 discount isn't going to tip the scales.


I'm with you, generally speaking. Microtransactions don't have to be purchased; it's a philosophical argument.


Good to know! The inconsistency in experience is what's gonna continue to hurt streaming operations, I think.


I mean, now that I've gotten some sun, I look very Mediterranean. I'm just saying. There's nuance. =)


It's a mess. That's why I chose to keep most of my conversation about the game to the shows, and especially to the spoilercasts.

Zack Fair

You was talking about chicken in the food section, and for the life of me I can't understand why people would eat chicken thats been washed in chlorine

Mike D

Great to hear you taking an interest in Interactive movies/FMV games. We are currently going into production on our first interactive movie that you will be able to play on ps4/5 next year. As a film maker its been an eye opening process so far, and scripting a videogame with so many different paths and variations is both a very satisfiying and challenging creative process.

Arquimedes Quintero II (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 04:01:35 Hi C&C, I believe I have to intervene here. It's not my intention to call out Chris on his Hispanic credentials but being a Panamanian who avidly enjoys your podcasts, I have to say I think Chris needs to get in touch with his roots and spend some months traveling in Latinamerica after this pandemic passes (hopefully soon). To clarify, during this episode Colin asked what "Mucho Gusto" means, and it means basically "Nice to meet you". Chris tried his best to translate it literally but he dropped the ball, and sadly it's not the first time. Chris, Boricua brother, don't let the whiteness consume the Salsa that runs through your veins. Love you guys, keep on keeping on with your great podcasts.
2020-07-15 02:43:49 Hi C&C, I believe I have to intervene here. It's not my intention to call out Chris on his Hispanic credentials but being a Panamanian who avidly enjoys your podcasts, I have to say I think Chris needs to get in touch with his roots and spend some months traveling in Latinamerica after this pandemic passes (hopefully soon). To clarify, during this episode Colin asked what "Mucho Gusto" means, and it means basically "Nice to meet you". Chris tried his best to translate it literally but he dropped the ball, and sadly it's not the first time. Chris, Boricua brother, don't let the whiteness consume the Salsa that runs through your veins. Love you guys, keep on keeping on with your great podcasts.

Hi C&C, I believe I have to intervene here. It's not my intention to call out Chris on his Hispanic credentials but being a Panamanian who avidly enjoys your podcasts, I have to say I think Chris needs to get in touch with his roots and spend some months traveling in Latinamerica after this pandemic passes (hopefully soon). To clarify, during this episode Colin asked what "Mucho Gusto" means, and it means basically "Nice to meet you". Chris tried his best to translate it literally but he dropped the ball, and sadly it's not the first time. Chris, Boricua brother, don't let the whiteness consume the Salsa that runs through your veins. Love you guys, keep on keeping on with your great podcasts.

David Millard

I joined patreon for this purpose only, hope I'm not to late. You're summary of how if Sony sold games digitally they may not be able to 'hide' taxable income through the expenses for the middle men is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. If you make more money, either through more revenue or more expenses, you pay more tax. It would be like saying don't sign up to my patreon, I'll have to pay 30 cents in the dollar in tax. I was so mad I paid you USD1.10 to write this, feel free to return it so you don't need to pay tax. I also find this app confusing. But other than that good shit lads



LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 04:01:35 Thanks for joining up! <3
2020-07-17 16:53:14 Thanks for joining up! <3

Thanks for joining up! <3

Mike D

Took a while but its nearly here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdmMFi_bxtw Can't promise it'll be an easy platinum though!