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Hey All,

I hope you're all doing well, that you're enjoying your summer (if you're in the northern hemisphere!), that you and your families and friends are staying safe, and you're having a good time here on Colin's Last Stand's Patreon.

There are some things (four, in particular) I wanted to run by you guys and gals, just so you knew what was going on in a few notable CLS-related arenas. I figured a post that covers everything would be best, so I don't flood your feeds and annoy you.

First and foremost, let's talk about my role with Lillymo Games. As I'm sure you know, Lillymo was the developer of the game I wrote, Twin Breaker, and our collaboration (as I've noted in the past) will continue moving forward. However -- for clarity's sake -- I wanted to let you all know that Colin's Last Stand (the entity) has officially acquired 49% of the Ontario, Canada-based developer, and that I will now be the studio's Chief Creative Officer and Lead Writer.

Why is this relevant? Well, it's important for you folks to know primarily because I've stated many times in the past that, outside of Twin Breaker, I have no financial stake in the studio's previous games. This is no longer true. Any Lillymo-developed game you purchase -- even Perils of Baking and Habroxia, titles I didn't work on -- will financially benefit me moving forward. I want to be fully transparent about that. And naturally, our future games will likewise financially benefit me (Habroxia 2 comes out this fall, Twin Breaker 2 next year, and our JRPG likely in 2022), but that goes without saying.

So, in short: CLS owns a minority stake in Lillymo Games, I am the CCO of the company, and that's something you should know about! It'll keep me very busy, which brings me to the next point.

That next point being about Side Quest, CLS' YouTube channel.

As you may have noticed, while I keep posting Sacred Symbols there every week (and will continue to do so), the channel has largely been populated by videos from MrMattyPlays, a friend of mine, a YouTuber and podcaster, and a talented individual that I'm super pleased to have on board. However, Matty's videos have been going up every other week. To get an every week cadence going on, we're bringing in Dustin to fill the gap. Dustin (as you know) is my editor, but he's also a YouTuber and podcaster, and he's gonna start posting some Side Quest videos of his own, too. Sophia, who was writing Side Quest episodes as we could produce them, has opted not to participate in this new structure, and we wish her well. Continue to follow her on Twitter so that you can see what she's up to outside of CLS. She's awesome, and I'm proud of the work she did for us!

Will I return to doing Side Quest videos myself? Probably one day. But, from a business perspective, it's the least important product we do, it's not really supported by Patreon, I pay for it largely out of pocket, and I don't want the channel to just lay fallow. I'm far too busy with the core CLS products right now, and now I have game dev-related tasks to attend to as well, and those tasks are also important to me. So, in short: Expect more regular Side Quest episodes from two sources, instead of one.

Thirdly (is that a word?), I want to talk about taxes. Weird, I know. But necessary.

If you haven't seen, Patreon is going to start charging sales tax for some pledges beginning in July. You can read more about the situation here, but basically, various state and federal laws have required Patreon to start collecting sales tax on pledges if certain products and services are being rendered. I've done my best to mitigate this on my end (for instance, as many of you are here simply to support me and not necessarily to receive something, this lowers the tax burden, etc.), but depending on where you live, you may see a small increase in the cost of your subscription. Rest assured, these taxes are unavoidable, and none of it goes in my (or Patreon's) pocket. However, it's worth noting that many of you (particularly in Europe) have already been dealing with this, and that many others won't be affected at all. I encourage you to read all about it and draw your own conclusions. But I didn't want you to be blindsided by this, particularly before the month ended. If you need to make adjustments, I respect that, but really, the cost should be pennies on the dollar at most.

Finally, I wanna talk about mailers, which go out each month to top-end CLS Patrons. This will be brief.

As you guys know, I'm way behind on this. Like, several months. COVID has a lot to do with that, as does my move, but I wanted you to rest assured that you will receive your promised goods by the end of the summer, and that I'll be all caught up in August. I haven't forgotten you, and I appreciate your patience! Life has been hectic, and this has totally fallen through the cracks. It's unacceptable, and I apologize. Give me some time, and we'll be golden.

Okay, I think that's it. If you have any questions, you can always DM me and I'll get back to you. Otherwise, I'll see you on the shows. <3



Congrats and thanks! Keep grinding :)

Khyle Claeys

I love the transparency, Colin. Looking forward to the work you do with Lilymo!

Ryan Hayman

Congrats Colin!


Sweet! Twin Breaker rules btw!


Greatness awaits


Holy cow, congratulations!

Daniel Nicholls

Massive congrats to you and the team. I’m so pleased everything is coming together so well. Long may it continue!


Congrats and thank you for the transparency, Colin!

Vinny Pepperoni

Can't wait to see more from Lilymo! Hopefully we can finally get a game sent in the American Revolution! A JRPG in that setting would be great

Andrew Duda

Always transparent with the community. Love it man! Keep On Keeping On!


Fantastic news, nice to see you grow even bigger.

Casey Powning

Colin’s making moves!

bix hutch

Fuck yeah Colin!!! That’s awesome. Ill pledge 20$ a month if you create a classic JRPG style franchise. lol Just kidding ......... but seriously make a JRPG franchise.


Always appreciate the transparency and clear communication Colin! Proud to be a patron of CLS! ❤️

Brandon Soto

Great news man, congrats! Hopefully a 2D sidescroller or beat-‘em-up is in the works.


Congratulations, Colin! Thank you for the transparency and the constant effort


Congrats, you work so hard and deserve everything good that happens to you! Thanks for the update.


Congrats Colin! Excited for all the future entertainment.


Congrats! Love you man! Thanks for all you do!

Jorge Pal

Thank you for your hard work and transparency!

Brett Medlock

Excited for the future and proud of you!


Congrats to everyone involved! Super proud of you Colin - Your journey these last couple of years has been a shining example of doing life right.


Sounds awesome, sir. Congrats on the new adventures!

Brandon Sawyer

Just swapped my $1.00 pledge up to $5.00, congrats on all the success!

Paul McFerron

Update posts like this is the reason you're my only subscription; keep it up!

Kenny Gutzler

Congratulations on the business move! I noticed you briefly mentioned being an owner of two companies on one of the pods last week. I thought I missed something but turns out it was just a little hint.

Devon McCarty

Very cool. Well done, sir and Congrats!

Monterey Jack

Appreciate the transparency =).

James Clark

Thanks for the update! I'll just be honest and say this though: I have no interest in the YouTube channel when other personalities are creating/presenting the content. In fact, if you just stayed away from video altogether I wouldn't mind. You are the main product of CLS and I'd rather see you focus your time/energy on the 'A' products. If the YouTube channel were to disappear tomorrow it wouldn't make a slight bit of difference to me. Not hating on Matty etc, it's just not a CLS product without your primary input in my eyes and its management probably detracts from other areas of CLS in which you're involved. Much love from an ex-KindaFunny fan ✌️.


So awesome on the Lillymo games news Colin. Imagine telling a young version of yourself that this would happen. I look forward to playing more of 'your' games in the future. Also, more content on your channel from Matty and Dustin is great. The more CLS voices the better! Thanks for everything.


Congrats Colin in everything you have achieved. I'm so happy for you and so happy being part of this journey. I hope everything continues going well, much love.


Congrats on all your success! Keep up the awesome work!


Best news I heard all day


I’m very excited for this Lilymo announcement. Can’t wait for the port to Switch and the impending JRPG game. I hope in the future they come day one to Switch though

Christian Longo

wow congrats colin, that’s good stuff.

Passive Pixels Edwin Castillo

Out here hitting @notaxation with taxes, kinda shit is that? On a serious note, congrats on Lilymo, can't wait to see what Barry and you cook up next!

Joe Donnelly

Man, I've been a listener since the Podcast Beyond days and this news has me so excited for you and your brand. I cant wait to see the kinds of games you guys will release! Keep up the great work!

Cody Jewell

It's refreshing that you're so incredibly transparent to your audience.

Kjell Dirckx

Trophy unlocked! You are awesome and informative. Congrats Colin and CLS team.

Kelly Perkins

Congrats Colin. So happy for you 😊 Can't wait to play twin breaker 2. 👍


Congrats Colin! Very exciting times ahead


It's great seeing you progress Colin. Keep on keepin' on!

Cameron O'Neill

Really excited for the partnership with Lilymo! Can’t wait to see what you guys have in store. Just as some feedback, I am not interested in what Sidequest has become personally and don’t watch it at all. I also think you guys already do enough content between Sacred Symbols, Plus, and Knockback. Matt and Dustins efforts and time might be better spent helping give Chris and you a break with Plus, that’s just my two cents. Hope all is well!

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Thanks for the update on what's going on! With you being a game developer now, have you reached out to any of your game dev friends for any tips or pointers? Or got any feedback on Twin Breaker? Very much looking forward to all CLS related things going forward, lots of exciting stuff coming up!


Guelph Ontario Represent!


Congratulations Colin. Seems you are going from strength to strength professionally. Feels good to know that all of us patrons may have contributed in some small way. Keep on keeping on 👍

Jordan Knepp

Congrats on the stake in the developer company! That’s super exciting and I’m sure you are very excited about it!


Congrats Colin! I admit I was a tad late to the Moriarty show and didn’t get to know you until Kinda Funny. Yours was always the perspective I was interested in the most (even though we don’t always agree), and I am super excited to play a JRPG that you have had a hand in!


Also I’d love to hear from some of the Lilymo crew on some of the pods, Twitch, or YouTube channel


Awesome congrats Colin!

BettyAnn Moriarty

Wow, bud! SO much awesome news! Congratulations to you and the entire team. Can’t wait to see all that’s in store for us. Yay! Keep up the great work . I love you and am super proud of your accomplishments. 👏🏻❤️

Luke Tucker

Your entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic are inspiring Col! Exciting stuff happening around here as always!


This is totally fine. Not everything we do will be for everyone. I don't want Side Quest to just sit fallow, not doing anything. These guys have the talent to continue the brand in my stead, and they're going to do a great job. Just wait and see. =)


Congrats Colin! I wish you nothing but the best.

Nathan Densley

Love it Colin. Keep growing the team.


Not going to lie - I'm finding Patreon's post about the sales taxes extremely lacking. It basically boils down to "In July, you're going to find out what you're getting charged for sales tax on". Since Patreon seems to know this already, they could actually do their best to break down what residents of what states could expect to get charged based on common rewards. Instead they're just kind of going with a "it's not that big of a deal". If each Sacred Symbols+, ad-free Sacred Symbols and Knockback, and Q&amp;A is taxable, that's 8 cents per item at the $10 tier, which is an extra dollar a month.


Wow, that's really awesome. Congrats on the new job! Looking forward to more youtube content too.

Jason Kelley

Awesome news about LilyMo! You’ll smash a role like that! Congratulations!


this is soo awesome!!! Congrats Colin M. Looking forward to the next games you make!


I have been thinking your relationship with Lilymo will ultimately provide you an eventual way out of the public persona life. I know it's still likely at least a couple years away, but I am saddened at the thought. Regardless, it's beyond awesome that a one-time critic has the moxxy to throw is hat in the ring and make games. Rock on.


All of the congratulations to everyone at CLS 👏👏


Congratulations...you are truly the peoples champion

Asique Alam

proud of you son


Hope you are happy and doing well man. Congrats on the move, congrats on the dog, love the content, love the transparency. Lets go COO Colin keep it rolling!!

Luis Sanchez

Impressive work load. Hard working!!


Colin, you are becoming a blood thumping big dick swinging man! This is exciting news. It’s good to see that everything is going well in the CLS court.


This is great! I would like to propose an idea for Let’s Plays going forward seeing that they’ve been dormant for some time now. Why not upload your raw streams on Twitch to the Side Quest channel so that people could catch up to what you’ve been up to, have a substitute for Let’s Plays, AND not require heavy editing of any kind! (It’s a “Three birds, one stone” kind of situation).

Duncan Leishman

Exciting times for the CLS family and community. As we (hardly ever) say in Scotland, "Lang may yer lum reek" which means long may your chimney smoke.

Joey Rawlings

Excellent news! Question for Colin - have you ever considered uploading Side Quest content as a video podcast? I know that you’ve mentioned in the past that you didn’t like being married to YouTube and it would ‘match’ the rest of the podcast-based content you create. Thanks!

Card Captor Corey

Hey Colin is there a chance we as patrons could pitch game ideas to you? It maybe you could have is beta test some games for you etc?

Seth Eden

Congrats man! So exciting to see what has blossomed from all your hard work with CLS, keep it up!

Brandon Breeland

Love the transparency here Colin, and I'm incredibly happy to see the money moves! Keep it up!


Killing it bro! Love to see it. Congrats!


This is fantastic! You keep growing and becoming more and more successful. Well deserved, man!


Congratulations, Colin! Looking forward to see what you do with this new creative outlet. Sincerely your loyal fan


Congratulations Colin! An absolute honour to support you and be a CLS Patron(my only subscription). It's great to see you going from strength to strength despite those in the industry trying their utmost to keep you down.

Kendrick Luckenbach

Congrats on everything Colin! Thank you for the update, love seeing CLS' continued growth

Kingstons Grandma

Excited to see what the future holds for Lillymo. Patiently waiting for the Steam release of Twin Breaker (probably one of the few Patrons that doesn't own a console). The transparency is also super appreciated. Only been a patron for about a month or so, but posts like this make me happy that CLS was the first Patreon creator I've supported.

Danny Gonet

Congrats dude!

Alexander Ivarson

Congratulations bro and thanks for always being transparent with us!


Congrats! That's a big move. Excited to see where this part of your journey takes you (and us)!


A JRPG made by Colin?! Im sold!


Go create an empire...you have our support!

Dennis Fox

This is awesome! Can’t wait to see what games you have coming down the road


This is fantastic news! So happy to see things going so well, it’s greatly deserved!


Future is looking good!

Joseph Tartaglia

So you are done actually reviewing games like you did in the past using Side Quest? Seems like a dumb move considering it was the best part of the product.


As a Canadian, I am pretty pumped to hear you're becoming more involved with Lillymo Games and I look forward to supporting you in the future.


Taxes are not a concern for me. I am Canadian, so I've already been paying them since I became a patron. I'd like you to know though that if you need support, like for a medical emergency in Canada, or small business support due to the pandemic, I'd hope that you would receive the support from the government. I pay taxes, not just for myself but for my family, friends, neighbours and even the small businesses I support. The money may still end up with you in the end.


Very cool news, can't wait to see what you come up with now that you are a part of the industry and have creative reign. CM-led JRPG? Hell yes please!

Matthew Pistella

Congrats! Really looking forward to this new partnership and great new games! Let me know if you are ever on the lookout for a senior game developer!


So damn proud of you Colin! We will always have your back no matter what! You’ve been there for us so many times over the years. Keep crushing it!

Aaron Treble

Goddamn, that's awesome news about Lillymo Games. Poutine for everyone! I can't wait to see what you're going to create, man. Everything's gone a full 180 from three years ago. The whole world seemingly against you and you get up and get back to the top. Fuck yeah!

Aaron Treble

Super Duper MAH-rio Bros


All I’m hearing is ‘We have a game studio bois!’




I’m happy for you man keep living the dream!

Christian Longo

can you make your next games plat less grindy and less rng plz