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The hunger for next-gen information is palpable, and with this week's Xbox event, it seemed like Microsoft was keen on going first in some sort of substantive way. Instead, most fans were left confused by their showing. But there's good news for us here in PlayStation Land, because concentrating on third parties simply means that what's coming to Xbox Series X is coming to PlayStation 5, too. We discuss. Plus: Sony reveals more details about TLoU2's catastrophic leak (as the game goes gold), rumor has it The Mass Effect Trilogy is finally (finally!) coming to PlayStation 4, two AA publishers randomly (and we mean randomly) trade IP with one another, and Techland refutes rumors of Dying Light 2's reported development difficulties (though we remain skeptical). As always, we sprinkle your inquiries throughout the show. What's going on with Doom Eternal's soundtrack drama? Cyberpunk 2077 is letting you do WHAT with your genitals? Should Sony pursue From Software and make them first party? When given the choice between French fries and onion rings, in which direction does one go? Let's do this thing.


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:03:27 - Quick thoughts on the Xbox Series X event.
0:09:07 - Chris had some recording issues; Colin is buying a house.
0:13:18 - Have we ever had a Scotch Egg?
0:14:37 - A key detail we missed about Resident Evil 4.
0:16:27 - What's one non-essential feature we'd love to see on PS5?
0:19:21 - New PEGI rules mean European Vita support is likely over.
0:22:43 - What's going on with id Software and Mick Gordon?
0:28:45 - EVO 2020 is going digital; EA is having an online event in June.
0:30:10 - Cyberpunk 2077 will let players customize their genitals.
0:33:56 - A listener shares a positive view of Christianity in a gaming.
0:35:15 - A listener takes Chris to task about his nacho opinions.
0:40:25 - French fries or onion rings?
0:46:37 - What have we been playing?
0:47:47 - The Last of Us: Part II is gold; Sony talks hacker issues.
1:06:11 - Dirt 5 has been announced.
1:07:34 - Deep Silver announces Chorus.
1:09:08 - It seems that the Mass Effect Trilogy is finally PS4-bound.
1:12:59 - Final Fantasy VII Remake will never be finished.
1:18:10 - Techland clears up rumors about the studio and Dying Light 2.
1:24:39 - Activision teases some new games.
1:30:19 - Two publishers swap IPs in weird sports-like deal.
1:33:17 - Destiny 2 is coming to PS5.
1:38:19 - Vader Immortal is coming to PSVR.
1:43:32 - The most-downloaded games on PSN for April 2020 are...
1:44:43 - Ubisoft secures online URL for Prince of Persia 6.
1:47:44 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:48:41 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:53:22 - How important is New Game+?
1:56:06 - What’s our thoughts on Summer Game Fest?
1:59:41 - Could Sony purchase From Software?
2:03:52 - What’s up with bizarre JRPG enemy designs?
2:06:15 - Our thoughts on Assassin's Creed: Valhalla's reveal being so close to release.
2:10:37 - Does Sony have a strategy behind the close releases of TLoU2 and GoT?



Liam Fagan

Shout out to releasing this on a Friday. Not only do you get the news but its a nice time to have a new podcast.

larry Seitz

Great show name sir.

Anthony J Sanchez

Being able to customize my gentiles makes me want Cyberpunk 2077 even more! Contrary to what the other listener wrote. I just hope the NPCs don't castrate me throughout my playthrough. Stay safe guys, life is slowing returning back to normal in the retirement state.

Nathan Favreau

Hey Boyzzz, just wanted to let you know I really appreciate your episode time stamps in your podcast posts. I always read it while on my lunch break at work and it get’s me excited to hear the show on my way home. Keep your heads up and keep ducking them chickens!

Remington James

Ahh the shining light of my Friday! Appreciate all you do boys! Congrats on the house Colin, currently shopping myself &the fact you sealed the deal so quickly gives me hope! haha nothin but love!

Thomas Connolly

I love this episode title but i almost thought it was gonna be “X not gonna give it to yah”

bix hutch

Couple things guys. Xbox was very clear about this event only being for 3rd party but that they will be having a 1st party blowout in July including Halo. Also a couple of the games shown are exclusives/timed exclusives and will also launch on gamepass like Scorn, The Ascent, and Call of the sea. Im actually kind of impressed they’re gettin these kinds of games to launch on gamepass tbh. We need a AAA blow out though While it was underwhelming it’s pretty much what I expected. They said before and after the event when we’re going to see the 15 studios under Microsoft Studios. Im also not sure what people want. No E3? Well these small events are what we’re gunna get. IGN, Gamespot, Sony, Xbox, Nintendo, All Major publishers and Geoff Keighley are all having events now which means no big E3 blowout. I don’t like it personally but i wasn’t asking for it either. Xbox has told us more overall but Sony appears to be taking the same route as far as dripping info.

Jack Sibert

I'm with Chris- I'd give the event like a C or something. As far as third parties go- what they showed was actually very interesting to me. It went beyond the run of the mill Activision/EA/Ubi/Square Enix dominated third party showing. Well, with the exception of Madden and Assassin's Creed. The third parties on display were lesser known and had brand new third party IP to show off. I do agree with Colin that at least a couple of these games will likely be timed exclusives for Xbox. Edit: Also, congratulations on the house and dog, Colin!


Hate to say it but I'm a huge fan of PEGI taking it upon themselves to hike up the barrier for entry. And honestly it sounds like the type of thing Colin would be a fan of if he didn't have games in the works himself. It's a great solution to stop the swell of trash games entering the ecosystem, since Sony won't do it themselves.

Barry M. Johnson

This is only applied to vita games. All games on other platforms will be free to rate via iiarc. So the barrier of entry has been completely removed, not increased. The vita is being left behind and forced into a pricing bracket not required for any other platform.


Big fan of the Bloomin Onion Colin. That sauce you dip them in is divine. Dammit now you've got me hungry!


I agree, with Xbox saying they’ll be doing essentially mini events once per month until release this is exactly what I expected. It seems smart for game companies too, not getting buried under one E3 giant event has to help games like that memories game have a better chance to not just be forgotten about. I’m interested when Sony starts doing this hopefully soon

Lucas Gremista

Finally a game that lets me customize not only my beautiful face, but also my massive penis.


Hey Colin. I'm subscribed to the Patreon podcast feed and I'm getting a 403 error when I try to refresh the feed in my podcast app. Not sure if it's widespread or not, but figured I would let you know.

Toren R. (KESA)

Talk about unforced errors. I don't know what's so hard about messaging this upcoming gen, but it seems like everyone is getting it wrong. Also, I don't even want the next Batman Batman game anymore. They've been teasing Court of Owls for 5 years, we all know it's coming... at some point, WBgames is going to be on stage with backwards hats and graphic tees under their blazers like, "Ta-Da!!" When then finally unveil it, like we haven't known for a literal half a decade that it's what they've been making. Ugh.

Marco Maluf

Its funny, I am listening to the patriot episode yet... keep them coming Colin. 🤟🏼 Have a great weekend everyone 👊🏼💙


So you can change the Resident Evil 4 controls to be more like RE5, but the movement was changed in RE5 so the left stick strafes instead of turns. That can't be changed in RE4.

Craig Carter

This episode was worth $10 alone nice work boys really enjoyed the banter

Brandon Soto

Man, if Naughty Dog made a highly detailed Jak & Daxter game, I’d be all over it. Agreed with Chris. No more dark, serious 3rd person shooters/narratives anymore. They need to make something new.


I appreciate the honest answer to my French fries and onion ring dilemma. Perhaps there is no right answer.

Evan Bederman

For what it's worth, I chose to look at TLoU2 spoilers and I'm glad I did, because I would have really hated playing that. I don't, under any circumstances, ever support spoiling the game without people's consent, but I am glad that the leaks were leaked for those who, like me, choose to look at them. This game is going to be super divisive and I frankly hope there's a large backlash, because the decisions made are bad. What frustrates me most is how criticism is dismissed as being racist or bigoted, when literally none of my problems with the game have anything to do with that. I also think it's reductive to say "you can't have an opinion until you've played the game" -- there are some really egregious things they could do that warrant judgment without having actually played it yourself. Reminds me of a great meme where a dude is squatting over a plate, and another guy goes "why are you shitting on my plate?" First dude goes "well how do you KNOW it's shit? It isn't even out yet!"


I'm not sure I understand the idea that we have not really seen enough of Ghost of Tsushima. We've had several in engine trailers and we had that long gameplay reveal showing traversal and combat. At this point I'm completely sold and don't really need nor want anything else shown apart from maybe a final story trailer.


Thank you! I found the right fit quickly, and I didn't really wanna prolong the process unnecessarily. Good luck!


It seems that at least two of them are, but we'll talk more about it next week. (And thanks!)


Hey Luke, I've not heard that happening for others. Your best bet is to delete the RSS link and reapply it. That seems to fix most RSS-related issues.


Whether or not we're okay with whatever these companies are doing, you'd think it'd be a no-brainer to come out with a bang.


Would you want leaks for every game so that you can make up your mind before it comes out? I don't understand this stance.


I can't wait until TLOU2 has come and gone so I don't have to hear the endless defense of ND and Neil Druckman on this podcast.


We're always going to say how we feel. This is how we feel. You're obviously free to take it or leave it, at your discretion.

Domenico Smarto

I think the most disappointing thing about the last of us leaks are the SJW vs anti SJW war debates that are going to come when it releases. I find that debate so exhausting and I’m just really tired of it.

Michael Morris

I really couldn’t give a shit what the story and characters do in TLoU2 I trust the team to deliver that, but I will say this game will be a big disappointment if ND doesn’t give us a fun kinetic game to play. I’ve never thought their games played very well and the level design is usually pretty dull. Especially after God of War 2018, which blended what NAughty Dog does well (animation, characters and story) with an actually fun loop, the ND team had better step it up. I’m not asking for “RPG elements” or a skill tree, just some interesting level design, and a fun, frantic gameplay loop that is really tight and scary moment to moment. I adored the original last of us because it moved the needle on how to tell a story in a game. But I’d be lying if I said that it (and all the Uncharted’s for that matter) wouldn’t have been better as a 6-10 part hbo mini series. Just my two pennies. Colin, you’ve been a big part of my week for 6 years now and I thank you. Peace

Matt tamer

I don't think I can trust Chris's opinion anymore. The nachos thing is really upsetting! The Mexican food slander...


Hi Colin - are you across any issues with the Apple podcast feed? There’s been issues with the podcast appearing through the Patreon stream


Here's my vote for Chris doing a video of trying the most loved nachos in his area once the quarantine loosens up so that he can understand why we're all so passionate about the nachos #nacholivesmatter


Every single thing SE was saying before FFVII Remake was worrisome to me, and yet the result was one of my favorite games of all time, so I’m going to give them a bit of leeway here. Without spoiling anything, after the ending I believe SE now has more freedom to do as they please, which implies to me it can definitely be done in 3 or 4 parts. Not every single area of the original game needs to be expanded and blown up like Midgar was. I’m hopeful.


Great episode. Do get me wrong Colin I do love your voice, but I think I'd be kinda nice for Chris to read out the odd news story or question. Might be nice... 🤔

Craig Mcguire

I think Xbox actually dodged a bullet here because if this was a first party showcase or a mixture of both I think that would have been some damage that would have been hard to come back from. Personally I think you lose something with these digital events, there's always a lack of punch be it inside Xbox or state of play so it will be interesting to see how Sony manages an all digital event from home like this and if Microsoft can make the necessary adjustments and learn for their upcoming first party event. Given the situation it can't be easy so maybe we as fans should cut both Sony and Microsoft some slack putting all this together from home, but we will see. I thought some of the games were super interesting, Medium with the Silent Hill composer, Scorn etc just not the best for like you say "getting a pop" It's the first party that matter most with these events and I think some on twitter are acting like this was the end of Xbox, seems way hyperbolic to me. I also think people expecting to have their faces melted by next gen graphics are going to be sorely disappointed


California has the better weather Colin. Boy you out yo mind!! ☺️


I think I knew that new house thing from playing The Sims. 😅 The Cyberpunk nudity is funny cause they showed that off in their early E3 footage and people forgot about it. Also, to the listener not buying it because of that, REALLY?! 😄 French fries all the way.

Piston Pants

Hey Colin and Chris. Is there going to be a spoiler cast for FF7 Remake? Sounds like you guys moved on from it and I was really looking forward to hearing thoughts on the game and story. Great show as always.

Martha Silla

Would you say that after The Last of Us Part 2 that Naughty Dog will be creatively once again in.......uncharted territory!!! 😜


I forgot about the nun from RDR2. Great game


I agree with you that they need to deliver something amazing. I'm confident that they will. The game has been readily spoiled for me, and it's not ruining an iota of my excitement. I've been waiting for this game for years... millions of us have!


No, nothing I've heard of. But people do have RSS issues from time-to-time. Deleting your RSS link and then adding it again should do the trick.


I agree with your sentiments, at least partially. I was totally wrong about FFVIIR, and I've talked about that a lot... but this sounds worrying merely from a "are we ever actually going to get this second part, nonetheless third?" position. They clearly have no plan and no roadmap. It's entirely possible FFVIIR was a shot in the dark that happened to work. No guarantee they can do it again.


Yeah, you could be right. But, yeah... they needed to pop. SOMEONE has to deliver something at some point.

The Rose Experience

Also, I get Chris is trying to be funny but there's zero chance Square doesn't finish FF7 Remake especially after those sales numbers on a single platform. Also, this isn't just some game, Square sees FF7 as their crown jewel and despite their recent bungling they're not that inept in so far as leaving something like this unfinished. Also, those reports from the Ultimania have been somewhat clarified in their nature and the assets from Midgar were referenced to be used in the final parts.


Chris' answer to nachos is just peak east coast. He thinks nacho is just cheese and chips. Nope. What about the protein (carne asada, al pastor, chicken, tripes, etc), fresh pico de gallo, lettuce, salsa, beans. You can't get that in the movie theater. Get out of LA! P. S. Onions are the greatest.


As an avid Destiny 2 fan. Chris is absolutely right about the difference frame rate makes for the game. It fundamentally changes how the game feels, and it’s near impossible to go back. However, I would argue that frame rate matters far less in other games. It might just be how well Destiny 2 is optimized on PC or something, but Spider-Man PS4 runs locked at 30fps but you would barely notice because of the insane polish, motion effects, and love insomniac has put into it. So in response to Colin’s thoughts on frame-rate: I’d say it really depends upon the game and overall polish it receives.

Kenneth Oms

People like fromsoft games on PC because they can mod it and also break open the files in order to do really detailed videos on the story/backlore for a lot of the games items and characters. There’s a big YouTuber where his entire career is doing this called vaatividya


I actually took a break from playing Destiny 2 after 1200+ hours because I got tired of playing at the sluggish 30 fps after experiencing Titanfall 2 at a smooth 60. Waiting on the PS5 at this point to play my backlog including RDR2 and Control. I can't wait for the age of 60fps console games.

Matthew Cooper

Some new construction homes will come with appliances. I'm in residential construction and the builder I work for sells their houses with refrigerators, ovens, washers and dryers, etc... It's just something to consider and factor in to the price.

Jessica Gutiérrez

Doesn't like nachos eh? Sounds like a communist sympathizer to me.


Hey CM Punks! One game that immediately caught my interest was the Inside Xbox showcase opener, Bright Memory: Infinite. For as gorgeous as the game looked, my hopes for it were dashed when the commentator boldly revealed that this game is being developed by only one person. Is announcing such a thing good marketing for selling a game? If I’m being honest, I don’t think a game of that scope could possibly be any better than just “okay” considering there is one person doing everything. Are we just to assume this creator is just as skilled as crafting a narrative as they are at programming a game of this scope?


You two keep saying we haven't seen any actual gameplay footage for Ghosts, but we did get a lengthy gameplay demo back at E3 2018 right after tLoU2 was first demoed. Since then we've gotten 2 big trailers. The release date reveal in Dec. and the story trailer most recent. I just wanted to clear the air on this game. Despite maybe TV spots, I'd say its on the same marketing track as GoW 2018 was. Its easily one of my most anticipated games this year! All the love! - The Best Dry Cleaner in Cleveland


Hey Colin, Appreciate the comments on PSVR. However, don’t you think you’re using the wrong yardstick to measure the success of the unit? Compared to traditional console/pc gaming, VR is still a niche market. But the market is quite healthy and growing. For example, both the Valve Index and Oculus Quest recently had stock shortages, meaning they at least surpassed the demand expectations of their respective companies. Given that the PSVR launched on October 2016, it sold 1 in 10 versus Switch & 1 in 4 versus the xbox one over the same period. Not too shabby for a peripheral. Having said that, I think you’re right about the chicken and egg situation they find themselves in. The current install base is too small to really entice studios to produce AAA games. Oculus seems to be tackling this with funding high quality exclusives and multiple SKUs. I’m curious to see how Sony is going to tackle this problem. At least providing a single PSVR game a month via PS plus would be a good start. Cheers, Pete PS. Here’s a rosier outlook for you on PSVR and VR in general. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-04-07-ndreams-vr-interview

Eduardo Banda

What an excellent podcast. Colin have you ever thought about making an alternate podcast where you interview people who works in the videogame industry? I would be very interested in listening to that. Kinda podcast Unfiltered of your friend Ryan (which is excellent). Thanks for your work you both.


Nachos are ASS. Congrats on the house Colin. I worked as an appliance seller during college part time and people were giddy buying new appliances

Jessica Gutiérrez

We know exactly who was outraged over the TLoU leaks, and in the same way people will pretend it was for the story details as many did with Star Wars, the reality will be the same. People did not like the interjection of religion, race, gender, and sexual orientation, and in the SAME exact way people assaulted Star Wars, they're weaponizing the user scores, dislike buttons, thumbs down, negative reviews, harassing Twitter. These are the assholes that follow complete and utter scumbags like Milo Yinnopoulos, insecure alt-right douchebags that think everyone else should be unhappy like them, that they aren't being given a chance, rather companies are going with someone who happens to be gay, so CLEARLY said company must have an agenda right? There was so many random buffoons that were in the spoiler thread calling shit SJW, so now when a game features a gay person they're "SJW" for being inclusive, I mean, considering games have been for the better part of 4 decades 99% straight white people, now when you try to include the other portion of your gaming audience you're "pandering". So yeah, we all know who criticized the game, it had very little to do with the Story spoilers, it was mostly the people that want to stick it to the 'woke' crowd, which apparently you're automatically woke for having 1 or 2 gay characters in your game, or a PoC.


I've concluded that Chris has a rotating diet of pizza, pasta, rice, and eggs. You're whole Japanese food claim does not correlate with your claim that you also hate seafood. I gtg

Jack Mason

The leaks were terrible just admit, don’t be a company slave and paint anyone who thinks the game is had as racist. The leaks were bad period. Quit making typical SJW excuses. Lots of people think TLOU2 story is fucking terrible....because it is. Doesn’t mean they are racist, sexist or whatever SJW insult you want to try and label them as.

Nathan Guergis

Maybe I’m just dumb, but I fired up RE4 on PS4 and couldn’t find an option to switch to “Resident Evil 5 controls” ... maybe it’s a scheme that isn’t labeled after the game and I’m just supposed to recognize it from its layout or something?


So looking forward to Ghost of Tsushima! It is a bit weird we haven't seen more of the game, but I feel like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order both had a similar dearth of info before launch and they were both surprisingly good (in different ways). I LOVE Infamous and I am dying to see if a non-supernatural Sucker Punch game is any fun. I HOPE we get at least one level/area that is some sort of dream or vision were some sort of supernatural elements can be introduced - maybe even Cole or Delsin in some fever dream of the future?!? :D

Aaron Treble

In 100 years some family is going to move into that house and the walls are going to whisper, "Greetings and Salutations" like the old Simpsons episode. Congrats on the new place, Colin!

Jeremy Miller

Hey Colin, do you have any plans to talk about Naughty Dogs (apparently illegal) Copyright striking of all videos that talk about people's opinions of the leaks (even if they don't show any footage). While I don't think it's right that the game was spoiled, people have a right to talk about it if they want to now that it's public info. If you don't want it spoiled then don't watch the video but if I want to hear someone's opinion on the leak I should be allowed to. I'd like to get Chris's take on it as well since he's been screwed over by unfair copyright strikes before. PS YongYea did a great video recapping it if you need information about it.

Aaron Treble

I hope the virus takes out everyone you love. This didn't ruin the game at all for me. I like a good story. May games continue to become more progressive and people like you continue to not be able to enjoy them, lol

Aaron Treble

I hope the virus takes out everyone you love. This didn't ruin the game at all for me. I like a good story. May games continue to become more progressive and people like you continue to not be able to enjoy them, lol

Aaron Treble

I hope the virus takes out everyone you love. This didn't ruin the game at all for me. I like a good story. May games continue to become more progressive and people like you continue to not be able to enjoy them, lol

Aaron Treble

I hope the virus takes out everyone you love. This didn't ruin the game at all for me. I like a good story. May games continue to become more progressive and people like you continue to not be able to enjoy them, lol

Aaron Treble

I hope the virus takes out everyone you love. This didn't ruin the game at all for me. I like a good story. May games continue to become more progressive and people like you continue to not be able to enjoy them, lol

Aaron Treble

**Yawwwwwwwwwn** LOL

Aaron Treble

Imagine being this triggered over a game you'd try to spoil it LOL

Aaron Treble

Add this to the growing collection of things you've failed at in life. You can't ruin this game. And this just shows how empty your life is to even attempt to spoil it for others. Boo-fucking-hoo LOL

Aaron Treble

CLS fans: 1) go to Patreon profile settings 2) turn off email notifications for comments not from Colin 3) don't read comment replies until TLOU 2 spoilers are gone (if you care about those spoilers) <3

Aaron Treble

I'm sorry for... .. The kids who picked on you in school .. Your parents who rejected you .. The friends you wished you could have had .. The dream you never achieved .. And the simple way your anger could be triggered over a story in a video game where two women kiss and a bloke dies. I hope these spoilers give you a fleeting moment of happiness in your emptiness, a sense of control over your lost life, and the feeling that your voice is finally being heard by someone else, hell, anyone else. It must be a truly painful existence. I hope you can turn this into something better someday.

Dee Han

Colin, you have said multiple times that Neil Druckmann is your friend. Would you say that your defense of Naughty Dog and their behaviour is due to that? Also, we’ve seen multiple times that when a product get such backlash that it underperforms (Star Wars, BFV) so I don’t think it’s a vocal minority. The likes to dislikes ratio show that.

DB Cooper

Right as I finish this episode, State of play for Ghost of Tsushima is announced for this week 😂🤦🏻‍♂️

Sam Dunham

RE: Hype/Marketing Perhaps it's because I'm older (50), perhaps it's because I have so much going on, or perhaps I'm just a more patient individual than most, but honestly, I don't understand when people get upset about long marketing tails or delays. What difference does it make if the final product is good? The only time I can think of when I get demonstrably disappointed is when something is cancelled. And not even every time. If a developer goes through the process to a point and decides that it's not working, it's better that they scrap things and start over or move on to something else. But on long marketing cycles, it doesn't affect me at all. You, as a consumer, control how hyped you get for something. If knowing about something "too early" causes you to lose interest, try not getting so hyped about that thing. Enjoy what you have and if something great comes along, relish in it.


Well I got a spec house and below asking, so... I'm okay buying a fridge, washer, and dryer. I'm especially stoked about getting a fancy fridge. Will probably shop around Memorial Day to get those deals.


Yeah, that game looks neat. We talk about each and every game in detail on this week's SS+.


I didn't say we never got gameplay, I said we never got meaningful gameplay. And we haven't! The good news is, they're doing a State of Play on the game soon.


I think with a low install base, you're going to have trouble courting games without spending money, and so they're gonna find themselves in a precarious catch-22. It's a bit frustrating that Vita sold about three times better than PSVR, but was thrown away by Sony because of low sales, and PSVR is still trucking along, even with quite a bit of second party money. I like both devices, but I don't know how they're going to justify this thing to devs apart from ports if they don't start pushing more units. And with PSVR2, they're gonna be starting from scratch. Not good.


Thank you for your kind words! Maybe I could do that one day on SS+, but... I kinda like what we've got going on as-is.


Well, RDR2 was by design, that's how Rockstar rolls. I think Fallen Order, while it sold well, was quite divisive, didn't run particularly well, and was kinda broken for a bit. So I think it's a bit of one, then the other.


I've only heard a little bit about it. I didn't have any plans to, no, but if someone wants to write in about it I'll certainly give it a look.


No, not particularly. We aren't like, tight. But I know him, and we are friends. We used to go out to eat in Santa Monica, etc. I'm defending the person I know, and the game we don't know. If and when the game is bad, you can count on me going after it. But I'm waiting to PLAY, ya dig.


The thing is, the whole anti-hype of delays could be mitigated if they simply didn't announce games so early. Fallout 4's arc was perfect (even though the game wasn't), and I don't understand what devs (or publishers) get out of announcing so early, delaying, and keeping the hype going through artificial twists and turns. That's kinda my issue.

Brian Lau

The State of Play is at 1pmPacific/4pm Eastern. Is there any way the cut off time for this week's thread be at 5pm Eastern?

Dee Han

Neil Druckmann seems like the type of person who would stop any contact with you after the “piece and quiet” twitter. But it’s good that you are friends - you can get an early copy for review.


The Last of Us 2 hate is a mix of many things. 1. Anti SJW seem to be the most apparent , with Ellie being gay and Abby being ripped (idk why they thought she was a tranny lmao). A lot of videos have focused on that, and I think is the vocal minority we’re seeing trying to ruin the game 2. People who simply don’t like the story direction. I understand these people as I was upset as well at first, but upon reflection, I dont know the context and a lot of leaks and outlines contradict themselves. 3. Fanboys from other consoles, like Xbox or Nintendo wanting to tear the game down. A combination of the three has lead to a massive backlash, but if I’m being 100% honest I think the anti woke crew are running behind most of the assholeness around. We’ll see when the game comes out how “woke” it actually is and how true the leaks were.

Jack Mason

Or maybe the leaks just sound bad. The story sounds like fan fiction made by someone who didn’t like the first one


Conan exiles has genital customization but it doesn’t work in USA, only Europe apparently. Cyberpunk will be censored in USA too.

Brett Carlson

Playstation once again showing why its first party is just a cut above the rest. That Stae of Play Ghosts showing was fucking phenomenal. This is Sucker Punches coming out party after all these years of being so talented. All the extra features. This is what people were expecting from Inside Xbox and this isn't even PS5. This illuminates Sonys messaging lately. Quiet on PS5 until these last 2 massive exclusives are in the wild. People are looking past these games because they want next gen news. I think Sucker Punch just made everyone a believer in this game. Dope.


I think we'll find out how big the backlash actually is when the reviews come out and the sales numbers are announced. I think it's magnified online, like everything else.


I totally disagree. I think the game looks great, but there was nothing mindblowing in that presentation, from my perspective. We go into our thoughts on tomorrow's show.

Dee Han

I don’t think anyone expected the PS4 to only sell 50M at the start of this gen. Anyone who follows console sales would have guessed 80M+.

Nate McKinney

"You can customize your genitals so I wont buy it." Soooo don't do it then??? Bad take is bad


I was at IGN at the time, talking to analysts, writing thinkpieces, etc. No one thought PS4 would sell this much, and 80 million is definitely not the number being thrown around at that time. It only became clear that conventional wisdom was wrong when PS4 launched.

Turd Ferguson

From Soft is already wholly owned by Kadokawa Corp. That acquisition occurred in 2014. So they're not for sale.


Of course they are! Rare was owned by Nintendo when they were purchased by Microsoft; having a parent company doesn't mean anything.

Turd Ferguson

But why don't people talk about other wholly owned devs as prospects of being acquired? I just feel like a lot of people who keep bringing up FromSoft thinks they're actually independent and not already owned by someone else. The context is usually Sony just go buy them, and not Kadokawa should sell FromSoft. Wouldn't Kadokawa have to want to sell From to begin with before any acquisition can even be discussed? No one ever brings up that point. It's like saying Sony should just go buy Atlus, even though Sega has never said they are interested in selling Atlus.

Turd Ferguson

In terms of a wholly owned internal studio being sold to another publisher? It happens very very seldom. Besides Nintendo selling Rare to Microsoft 18 years ago (2002), how many more examples can you think of since?