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Back in March, the eagerly-anticipated follow-up to Doom 2016 launched in the form of Doom Eternal. Chock-full of fluid combat and lovely graphics -- all buttressed by a buttery framerate and metal soundtrack -- Doom Eternal is a truly wonderful game. It's both fun and funny; indeed, it's an absolute pleasure to play. Today's Chris-solo episode of SS+ is dedicated to id's adventure, celebrating everything it does right, and noting a few things it does wrong, too. As always, we have to warn you: The name of the show is literal. Expect this thing to be heavily spoiled once all is said and done.




Great timing! I literally just finished Doom Eternal. I took my sweet ass time with it.


Thanks for this SS+


Just in time for my shift, Thanks for keeping the content coming!

Liam Mcnulty

Doomguy is my spirit animal.


Loved the game except for the Marauder enemy, so annoying to kill

Alan Ortega-Lopez

Great spoilercast! I was just about to submit a suggestion of having Chris do solo casts for games that you probably wont get to Colin. Example : Metro Exodus. Stay strong Colin ❤

Captain Canada

While playing this game, I couldn't help but constantly reflect on the joy it must be bringing Chris. Find yourself a gal/guy who loves you like Chris loves Doom and grappling hooks.

Big Swingin' Rick

Colin I hope you feel better soon brother, keep your chin up. Chris, I lost my shit with the wasp analogy. Funniest thing I've heard in a while


Great idea, and Good example. Colin play Metro:Exodus you coward!

Anthony J Sanchez

I agree with you Chris. The lore of DOOM Eternal was really interesting. While I was playing it I didn't pay to much attention, but afterwards I read more into it and am loving it! PS: Hang in there Colin

Jake H.

Damn, that sucks about Mick Gordon. They should have just let him mix his own compositions instead of going over his head. Losing him would be a huge blow — he clearly has a deep understanding of the metal and ‘djent’ scene and his soundtracks add a unique element of aggression to these games. I know that he even enlisted a bunch of metal vocalists for one of the tracks, including from indie bands that I’m a fan of, like ‘The Anchor.’


Doom Eternal is, essentially, the story of Heaven and Hell working together. Urdak is constantly referred to as heaven, and its god - the Khan Maykr - makes a pact with the dark lord. Their agreement? Feed humans, sentinels, and souls of other worlds into hell to create argent energy to fuel Urdak. I think that’s so cool! I’ve never seen a story framed this way in a video game. Other than the excellent gameplay loop, this is one of my favorite aspects of the game.

Mr. Joanna Dark

Hey Chris, great episode! Loved your spoiler cast. Looking forward to future ones, with u only.

Jessica Gutiérrez

I hope your roaches give you aids Chris, other than that, thanks for the review.

Drew Sleezer

I really think the marauder shouldn’t have been a demon. I would rather him be a betrayer Night Sentinel that serves as like your rival. You only fight him 1v1 and you don’t kill (or decisively defeat) him until your final meeting. That way his unique style wouldn’t muddy group fights and finally defeating him would be so gratifying.

Brett Carlson

The Icon of Sin is still the betrayers son Chris. Im surprised you didn't catch that it was pretty explicit. Also this game has a fantastic narrative.....the issue is its told completely through reading lore in the menu. Everybody in these comments if you did not read each lore entry in the menu I highly recommend you do. It gives the game about 7000% more context and completely and utterly fleshes put the entire history or Doom.


"spoilers" for doom yeah sure spoil the story it will totally ruin the game. Ruin gameplay with spoiler via voice? How?

Dan P

I've been playing the game on Nightmare for my first play through, I guess because I'm a masochist.. However this is not to brag but to say that the gun play is so fun and so satisfying, that it is a rare game where constant death does not frustrate me at all. I die often (sometimes up to 10 times) on big encounters. Every death is learning experience and with the lightning fast load times, I can't wait to just get back into it over and over. That being said, I'm not up to the Marauder yet, so I'll see how that goes. Also, the platforming in this game is FINE at worst and actually kind of fun. It's so forgiving the way you just suction onto walls that you barely have to think about precision. Idk why people are complaining.


I felt the game was repetitive, had too many "where the F do I go moments" and the difficulty was really varying. Really cool to see the Cyberdemon though.

Russell Garrett

I enjoyed the episode, Doom Eternal was awesome. But I’ve gotta say how impressed I was with Chris’s presentation and solo hosting here. Especially with the knowledge it wasn’t meant to be this way and he stepped up at the last minute to do it. SS has always been a pleasure to listen to, and a large part of that has been hearing Chris improve over time. This is the fruition of that I guess. Please share this with him. He deserves to know how good of a job he did.

Jake Z

This was really well done Chris! Bravo!

Your Boi Nicky V

That was great, Chris did well by himself, even the Patreon plugs haha.


Not sure why Colin isn’t on this episode given that he’s played the game


"The Hell Knight is akin to a rook" Was that self aware?

Max Davis

Loved Chris doing this solo (of course we missed Colin) but he got to talk a ton which was great! Usually he’s following Colin’s lead and sometimes feels like he’s not getting as much into the convo.


I try to include him as much as I can! It's up to him to run with it or not. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. =)

Max Davis

For sure! I love your solo shows as well. Thanks for everything Colin


Great solo spoilercast! Loved all your thoughts on the game