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Run, Chris, run!


Can Chris Ray Gun Survive in Resident Evil 3 Remake?

Run, Chris, run! Listen to Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast (available on podcast services and here on YouTube): http://bit.ly/SacredSymbolsPS Listen to the retro and nostalgia podcast KnockBack (available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC


Tony Rivera

Poor Puerto Rican bastard doesn’t stand a chance.. 🤣❤️


Damn was hoping it was chris and colin on the let's play. Still funny as always with chris but I like them both on let's plays.

Tony Rivera

Unfortunately since they’re not physically together anymore not sure if this is possible, but I will say a lightbulb just emerged from the dust which is my intelligence.. Colin, you could join a PS Party with Chris (or vice versa) and one of you could stream it on Twitch. I know you don’t want to stream games and I get that, but for Let’s Play sessions your audio could come through and you could enjoy the session together. Just an idea. You’ll have to tweak the Share Audio settings on the system. Could be fun!


I really loved the game. Can't wait to play through it again! Thanks for taking the time to do the Let's Play!

It’s only Eric

Chris points out that scene where the Green Goblin is pretending to be a lady...does anyone else remember Parasite Eve 2? That screaming the ‘lady’ does in the movie is the same as a part in that game and it always fucked with me. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jordan Cunningham

I love the Resident Evil games. I remember when i first tried playing the first Resident Evil and when i got to the part where the dog jumps thru the window freaked me out and i couldnt figure out how to use the gun and then it killed me. I kinda stayed away from Resident Evil till my friend got me to rent Resident Evil 4 on PS2. That first combat encounter i got overwhelmed and then killed by the chainsaw guy. I stuck with it and resident evil 4 is one of my favorite games of all time. I love Resident evil 2 and 3 remake.