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Few modern filmmakers are more popular, beloved, controversial, and even reviled than Quentin Tarantino. When he got his start in the early '90s with the cult classic Reservoir Dogs, no one could have predicted his meteoric rise in the American and global movie industries, but it's his 2009 flick Inglourious Basterds that's perhaps his most popular offering. Inglourious Basterds tells an alternate history tale in Nazi-occupied France during World War II, and it melds an intriguing story, wonderful acting, and Tarantino's trademark violence, humor, and clever writing into something truly memorable. We release a new episode of KnockBack week-in and week-out, but you know what, audience? This might just be our masterpiece.



Christopher Puckett

Hey guys, love all your episodes. I just figured I'd show up about 3 years late to make a point that the British officer in the basement does have a pretty good explanation as to why his accent sounds weird. He had a whole story cooked up about being from an obscure part of the German mountains somewhere that they filmed a movie and I really liked it because it seemed like it might be where he himself learn German from watching this movies, seeing as how he was a film critic. Anyway, love the episode as always, just had to get that out of my system lol.

Alex Bolton

Carve some Nazi symbols into our ears with this episode! I'm hype

Simon C

Watched this the other week for the first time, knowing this was coming up, thought it sucked!!!!Liked the cowboy 2nd world war combo, just went no where, 30 to 45 minute scenes could be cut with no lose to the film.Looking forward to see what the brothers though!!!


This movie is certainly not his most popular offering.


Honestly, I love that you guys aren’t shying away from longer episodes anymore. I eat this shit up.

Khyle Claeys

Hope you feel better soon Colin.


Hey guys just a little thought for you while I really appreciate dagen's questioning on the intro, I feel like the segment lasts longer than previous opening segments to the point where it's distracting from the main topic of the episode. maybe trim it down to two questions at most to keep things a little more streamlined since each question seems to elicit 5 to 10 minutes of discussion.

Marcus Brown

Damn, not gonna lie...I was pretty bummed that I didn't get my inquiry read. Mainly because I've been clamoring for a QT episode since the beginning and I was so excited to write in about any of them cause he's my favorite filmmaker. Yet I understand though and not surprised you guys really did this film well and loved every moment in one go. This was your guy's masterpiece. Hope y'all are well.


You know what’s so weird about QT films is I never enjoy them the first time aside from RD and Pulp Fiction. For some reason, his films always take a second viewing. When I first say this movie in college, I was so bored. Now it has turned into one of my favorite movies. Holy hell the details in his films.

Jake Watson

I'm the one who submitted this as a topic and you guys nailed it. Thanks for a great episode on one of my favourite films!



Matthew Cooper

Great Knockback, great film. Hans Landa is easily my favorite character in the film. He is such a purely self-interested pyschopath who is merely using the Nazi regime to fulfill his own desires, his sadism, his desire for glory. I think he lets Shosanna go because he has murdered her whole family and he wants her alive to know it, to suffer with that every day. Sort of how the Basterds let one Nazi live, but brand him with the swastika so he has to endure that forever.


I love the podcast but the intro is way too long. Maybe five questions would be faster. Love the longer episodes but when the intro is 40-60 minutes. It turns into a podcast on its own.


Yeah, I’m with you. I skip it so it doesn’t really bother. I figured if other people enjoy it, what’s the harm with just skipping to when they talk about the subject.

Ian (616Entertainment)

I disagree that it's too long, to me, the more the better. But I DO agree that it becomes its own podcast. I'd love for KnockBack to be nostalgia based and every once in a while we get a bonus episode of Colin and Dagan fucking around and talking about whatever they want with no agenda or guidelines.


Very entertaining take on a great film. But, be sure to at least mention the soundtrack when covering a Quenton film. It goes without saying throughout his filmography music plays a big part. Great work guys. I used to think toaster strudels were the best thing in the world until I had an actual French strudel. "wait for the creme"

Caleb Greer

WWII is so staying because it’s archetypal. It’s a story you almost can’t make up. The greatest battle of good vs evil with the world at stake, the greatest villain in Hitler (and the Nazi’s and the other Axis), the bad guys are winning until a surprise attack that was a mistake awakens “the hero” who was a sleeping giant, the tide turns at Midway in the Pacific, the greatest landing force in history assaults a fortress Europe. The most interesting part: the enemy is defeated, and the conflict ends with a sudden explosion and flash wherein humanity has harnessed the power of the sun. But what are the dire consequences and implications of that as the world rebuilds and a new enemy emerges? To be continued...

Zack E

Yeah, these intros are just making these Knockback episodes bloated. I just think Knockback is losing its focus. I know people enjoy hearing the two talk, and that’s perfectly fine. But there’s no reason this intro needed to be in this episode. Just make some supplemental Knockback “plus” episodes to include some of these misc. topics. Or make these into sort of “Appendix” episodes. Seriously, I really think Knockback is at its best when it’s more focused on the specific topic.


We're never going to get to every part of every movie, TV show, game, etc. We do the best we can!


You guys do and don't mistake I do nothing less but appreciate it. Be well. Stay safe.

kevin berger

Great episode. I for one love the long tooth nature of it. Especially on these uncertain times it’s nice to hear brothers being candid before the topic is even talked about. But! I’m wondering if this caught either you or Dagan’s focus. I do think Waltz character knew who shoshanna was because he ordered her a glass of milk. And secondly, it is eluded that someone else is in the tavern when they show the waitress bringing a boot full of beer on a tray. But when they show the German soldiers not one has a boot of beer. Not saying I knew it would be Hellstrom. But, it’s a nice little touch if you notice it.

Anthony Longo

Never thought I’d hear someone complaining about getting more of something they are paying money for. What a simple person you are.


Thank you! We toned down the prologue on the next episode a bit... but we still like to chat in the beginning. =) I suppose you're right! The glass of milk kind of does give away his intent...

Steven Clifford

I haven’t listened to this episode yet but personally i love the intro and outro, yes knockback is about reminiscing about beloved things from the past but also it’s about the connection that you and Dagen have as family and it truly comes through with everything that knockback offers. As always thanks for keeping me sane during these crazy times. Much love

Hugo Stiglitz

Best character in the movie here to say hello, and also to say that I approve of this episode 👍. Btw, dO i nOT LoOk cAlM To yOU?????


I watched the movie just to I could listen to this episode, you guys expose me to so much I wouldn't have experienced otherwise. I was expecting the cast to "lose" at the end, and it was interesting to see that they didn't, and I wasn't expecting the alternate history part. This was a great movie I would have never watched without the podcast, thank you.

Zack Fair

You should read the Tristan Betrayal Colin if you havent already, it's a great book by Grisham,set between Paris 1940 I believe and cold war Russia

Tyson Williams

Easily my favorite Tarantino movie, speaking of 80's cartoons, toys, and camp, where is my Inglorious Basterds cartoon and toy line, I want an Aldo Rain action figure