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Hey All,

I hope you're doing well!

It's been a busy time in Colin's Last Stand world the last couple of months, what with Sacred Symbols, Sacred Symbols+, and KnockBack cruising along, Twin Breaker launching on PS4 and Vita very soon, and me laying in bed all day like Grandpa Joe... but with a laptop and a DualShock 4 instead of a shitty TV and three other old people.

With all of the excitement and busyness, a couple of things have fallen through the cracks. One of those things are mailers for the high-end Patrons, which will be going out in the coming weeks (to catch up over the last two months), but the other thing that's fallen through the cracks is video. And when I say video, I of course mean Side Quest and Let's Plays.

In short: Both of those things are coming back.

Beginning today, a new video will be posted on the CLS: Side Quest YouTube channel. In fact, you can watch the first video in the new wave of offerings right here. The nature of the videos will change. Some weeks, we'll have Let's Plays; other weeks, we'll have an episode of Side Quest. Sometimes, we'll have something that kinda-sorta straddles the two, as we do this week. I've welcomed YouTuber and podcaster MrMattyPlays into the CLS family to start making some videos on my behalf, and his video all about PS Vita in 2020 is the first in this fresh salvo.

Otherwise, things will be pretty familiar for you. Sophia will continue writing scripts, Dustin will continue editing videos, and Chris and I will be throwing the odd Let's Play into the mix. While none of this is remotely central to the business of Colin's Last Stand (this is a podcast network first and foremost), I know that some of you really like this content, and we certainly want to have a presence on YouTube.

So, that's pretty much it. Just wanted to let you know what was happening. <3



Gotta say Colin... You rock. Your content rocks. Meeting you in Plano TX all those years ago is still the highlight of my gaming fandom. I just got into knockback and it's so great. Do you think you'll expand your podcast offerings or are you good with the 3?

Watch Ergo Proxy

What a fantastic team-up Colin, you always seem to collaborate with my favorite YouTubers


My favorite fallout youtuber is joining the fray! Hypeeee

Matthew Clem

I'm a big fan of Matty so it's really cool seeing him join the CLS family. Looking forward to all the new videos!

Nathan Favreau

Very interesting. I havn’t watched any of Mr.Mattyplays in quite some time. I followed the content when you were just wee fry producing pre Fallout 4 content. Unfortunately that ship set sail and what a surprise to see you join the forces. Welcome to CLS should be interesting.

DB Cooper

This is awesome (using it because of SS, lol). I got turned on to Matty because of the Fireside Chat with him; really cool to see him joining the family! Can't wait to watch this.

Marcus Brown

Wooo! Can't wait! Wooo!


Thx for the update Col! Tuesdays!


Coincidental timing on the Vita video. Just dug mine up yesterday and was messing around with it thinking “do I want to hang on to this thing?” Matt convinced me that yes, I should :)


Love MrMattyPlays on SideQuest! Great episode today

Dave Ramos

Once Side Quests and the like settles in, will we have a chance to vote on topics and games for Let's Plays?


Really enjoyed the Sidequest episode! I hope eventually we get more Let's Plays with you and Chris together if you ever fly him out to Richmond! The Dreans and Titanfall ones were great. Love what you're doing with CLS! Appriciate ya &lt;3

Kyle Goodrich

Sweet. Am a fan of Matty and his podcast with ACG, should be good!


Will Patreon producer names be returning to the Side Quest videos?

Tony Rivera

It’s been a ride, Colin- and so happy to see these coming back. Appreciate your hard work and the content of the team. Well worth the price of admission. Proud patron.

Chase Blauvelt

CLS is becoming an A-Team for gaming coverage with so much talent both in front of and behind the microphone.


Best news all day! I've missed the let's play content for so long. Now I can finally get to see Chris get Colin some more trophies because he can't get them himself XD.

Caleb Greer

He has a nice voice. Like, disturbingly tailored to this content.

Scott MacLure

Glad I have resubscribed now! Great time. I was out for a few months there (student life) but should be smarter with my money going forward. The youtube has real potential man but I know its a pain in the ass also.

Charlie Cate

Hell yeah! This all makes me very happy. The SS+ interview with Sophia, The Force Awakens deep dive with Dagan, and every Sacred Symbols with Chris were all bangers in February. I’ve also been laughing at the phrase “Look, fat....” all week. Thanks for getting me through the winter, CLS! You’re doing prettttty, pretty good.

sophia narwitz

Wait, Side Quest is coming back? Fuck, I better get to work!