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Back in 2007, Platinum Games was founded by some of (at the time) Capcom's heaviest hitters, including Shinji Mikami and Hideki Kamiya. Some 13 years later, the team is one of the most respected independent development studios in the world, and it's finally ready to shed its shackles from publishers like SEGA, Activision, and Nintendo, and strike out on its own. So let's chat about it! Plus: The creator of the famous Konami Code has passed away, GDC gets postponed in fear of the Coronavirus, Supermassive's Dark Pictures Anthology is on track to continue this summer, you'll be able to try Predator: Hunting Grounds for free very soon, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! Could there be an XFL video game? Is Xbox Series  X's "Smart Delivery" really that big of a deal? What's with WB Montreal's weird, drawn-out Batman teases? Is the Kool-Aid Man the jar or the liquid inside the jar?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:02:32 - Merch news and Sacred Symbols+ ramblings.
0:03:55 - Finally: Twin Breaker physical release pre-order info!
0:09:21 - PSA: The Final Fantasy VII Remake demo is on PSN.
0:11:33 - A kinda-sorta Nintendo-related correction.
0:13:19 - Is the Kool-Aid Man the jar or the liquid?
0:17:57 - The audience loves Chris.
0:18:34 - What have we been playing?
0:32:19 - Platinum Games has revealed self-published Project GG; opens new studio.
0:39:53 - Sony has revealed March 2020’s PlayStation Plus games.
0:43:33 - The Game Developers Conference has been postponed.
0:52:36 - Konami's Kazuhisa Hashimoto has passed away.
0:55:06 - DualShock 5 may charge wirelessly, says a new patent.
1:02:54 - Supermassive's Dark Pictures Anthology will continue this summer.
1:04:23 - Square Enix doesn't plan on going all-in on next-gen quite yet.
1:06:21 - PlayStation 4 is getting a new firmware update.
1:09:33 - Predator: Hunting Grounds is getting a free trial weekend.
1:10:52 - Antonio Banderas and others have joined the cast of the Uncharted movie.
1:13:36 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:17:12 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:22:00 - Can play testing both cripple and benefit working titles?
1:24:57 - What is going on with the new Batman game’s marketing?
1:26:14 - Will developers benefit from Xbox’s "Smart Delivery" feature?
1:32:40 - Could there be an XFL game?
1:33:52 - What is going on with Rockstar’s strange teases?
1:38:03 - Why replay old games instead of something from our backlog?




Should I have Chik Fil A or Five Guys for lunch?


You guys are great

Real Radec

I can't take this PS All Stars SLANDER! Don't be embarrassed Colin and don't let Chris' bad opinions influence you. PSAS deserves a spiritual successor. The idea that nintendo is the only one that has characters that can do a crossover game is a damn lie. You didn't overrate it Colin, there's no shame in thinking that Sony's cast of great characters (Ratchet, Drake, Aloy, Kratos etc.) would work really well together. Just give it to a proper established developer and not a rookie team this time. Also Sony did get its own characters. They don't Crash, Cloud etc. C'mon Colin rookie PS mistake. I'll let it go once that spiritual successor of PSAS come out on PS5 ;) Anyways keep up the great work you two.

Kyle Goodrich

Colin's pedantic nerd voice is perfect

Drew Sleezer

Colin is correct about playing FFVII before remake, and as a bonus, the Midgar section is only 4-6 hours long! Additionally, I think I would buy a $10-$15 version of Dreams that is just the games, but not the creator tools. I have no interest in making levels, but I am interested in the games that can come out of it.


Another great episode! When do we get to hear about those plans for Let's Plays?

Tyler Floyd

I do find it weird that they Kickstarted Wonderful 101, as they recently said it was only to see interest and they didn’t need the money. Feels odd as many would assume this is the only way to get it. I’m not a fan of using Kickstarter in such a way.

Forrest Hunter

Did I hear original RE2 Leon shout “hold it” when you were listing Kamiya’s games? I was startled while driving.

Timothy Bryant

Tuesday’s are great again and I fulfilled a civic duty by voting today on Super Tuesday so it’s a good day all around.

Kenneth Oms

Google just cancelled its big I/O conference in SF due to the virus. I had a few co-workers who were going to fly here to NYC from SF and they had to cancel their trips last minute. I’ve seen a few people wearing gas masks and shit in the subway but it’s NYC we have a lot of weirdos haha.


@Chris, RE: Headphone vs. TV Audio You can totally have the game audio come out of your TV while chat audio goes through your controller connected headset. Settings > Devices > Audio Devices > Output to Headphones. Also easily accessed by holding down the PS button on the controller, and navigating to Sound/Devices from the pop-up menu (if you have this setting added to your list from the customize option). It's really handy. Thanks for another great episode!


Joy Con is a portmanteau of joystick and controller....there you go. Enjoy that information. You deserve it.


Did you know Chris is the final boss in Lost Planet? Look it up. 😄

Josh Lucas

hahaha I love how that sonic cosplayers video keeps coming up. I mentioned some friends in a reply to that video and the girl who posted it ended up getting in a twitter fight with one of em. She was very defensive about that video, which makes it even worse/better.


Can we please get Chris to do a full cover of Escape from the City?

Josh Walker

Yo, when someone makes "The Puppeteer" in Dreams, let us know C&C!

Daniel Schiffer

Damn. Question missed. I thought it was a good one and Chris would have totally got the ref/meme. But understand the overwhelming influx. Great ep though.

David P

I feel like you guys were a bit lackadaisical about smart delivery. Surely you've seen CD prokect red announcing their commitment to it? It seems less like simple forwards compatibility and more like a situation where publishers cant just sell better remasters of games that were available a gen before, at least not without looking bad. Its particularly significant for cyberpunk 2077 as that game will be getting a markedly superior version on the next gen systems. Hopefully this encourages sony to do something similiar


I just have to weigh in on this Dreams game. I am where Colin stands on this because I too have no interest in playing 2 minute flash in the pan games with the same type style over and over again if it had been 2009 it would have been a little cooler because indie wasn't as huge as it is now. But now?? Originality is RARE in MULTI MILLION DOLLAR PROJECTS NOW IT'S HARD ENOUGH TO FIND ORIGINAL GAMES WHY THE HECK WOULD I PLAY THESE HOME MADE GAMES??

Shubham Goyal

Hey Colin and Chris. The reason the coronavirus is causing such a scare is not because of the death tolls, but because how widely and easily contagion the virus is. I'm in Singapore and we are past public panic phase of toilet paper buying and just yesterday 9 people were tested positive because they all had dinner together. Entire church congregations have becomes clusters for the virus spreading. All major concerts that were scheduled for the next few months have been cancelled/postponed. I think you should start a Colin-Chris-Corona-Cancellation segment. Each week should be a new item on the list

Shubham Goyal

A pretty useful dashboard to know how widespread covid is https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html?fbclid=IwAR2XErekmpenK0fe7VR1bHMPRLR2zBuBBlPGwBQgTpeXaqwsiGkdFg5QZsI#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6


Hey, do you guys want us to talk about new Now games? I wasn't planning on it...

