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No matter who you are (unless you were born on February 29th!), your birthday rolls around once a year, every year, without fail. That's how calendars work, after all. What you do with that most sacred of days is, of course, entirely up to you and yours, but in our younger years, birthdays tended to mean a whole lot. There were presents, cake, family, friends, and a ton of attention. (Possibly too much attention.) And so we thought we'd spend an entire episode of KnockBack reminiscing about all things birthday-related from the days of yore, from the parties, to the gifts, to the rituals, and of course the cursed Happy Birthday song, arguably the worst piece of music ever written. So put on your party hats, grab a fork or spoon (for your dessert, doofus!), and gather 'round so we can blow out these damn candles.



Tim J Weckwerth

My favorite time of the day on Thursdays!


sto lat, sto lat, niech żyje żyje nam? Greetings from Poland! :)


Hello Bro-chacho's, I actually get a birthday this year! I will be, officially, 8 years old. This has always been a humorous "extra day" (see what I did there?) to celebrate and go hard once every 4 years. Salud from Los Angeles, Miguel

Rob Aitken

D-DAY - Invasion of Normandy was June 6th, 1944, not December 7th 1941 - I'm only doing this because you said to correct people on podcast!! I kid, but I am prepared for your retort December 23rd myself - after my sixth birthday it just got rolled into Christmas, oah well. On the 9/11 side - i work downtown, go through WTC PATH everyday, on 9/11 they clear the station of all kiosks and its a quiet transit day, I often ponder how much longer this will last

Adam Barnes

Colin! Gamesmanship. How dare you go out on 12 I definitely didn’t google that either =)

Juan Paolini

Great episode, guys! Speaking of birthdays, mine is on March 23rd, one day before Twin Breaker releases. Thanks for the coincidentally timed present, Colin!

Ryan Harvey

Some parts of this really hit pretty hard. I had some really tough birthdays where no one showed up to my birthday. Having moved around a lot growing up I guess I got used to it. But even today trying to put together a birthday is always setting up for disappointment. :/

Brandon Soto

Every birthday / Christmas growing up, I always got a video game or a game console. Now being 27, I get nostalgic thinking how much has changed and how being an adult is tiresome. lol

Kyle Goodrich

Holy crap, the majority of words Dagan used in that intro game I thought of using as well.

Michael Thew

My birthday is November 1, so I would go out on that Saturday. I’d get an extra hour because of daylight savings. Even though I prolly wouldn’t need it

Kenneth Oms

Mark is the nicest dude man.

Brandon Soto

Birthday Sex by Jeremih should replace the Happy Birthday song.

Will Hahn

Love the thumbnail for this episode! Haha

Michal Dudic

Oh man I'm sorry but the word game is an awful listening experience


I can’t remember a birthday where everybody forgot, but one year my best friend forgot and it hurt. I regularly throw him surprise parties and make sure I’m the first to call him at midnight.

Chris B

Great episode. I would like to confirm the sixteen candles phenom does indeed happen. In my case, mine was forgotten because my uncles funeral was on my birthday. Not to stay down about it, he would have laughed about the situation.


I enjoyed the episode but have a question. Is it an American thing where you invite all your classmates to your birthdays as kids? I grew up in Canada (in the 80's) and this wasn't a thing for me. I also have no memories of going to birthdays of people I wasn't close with. The thought of inviting kids who weren't close friends seems asinine. Other Canadians have a similar experience? Or am I the outlier.


Canadian here. Same when I was growing up. (90's)

Anthony Longo

I fully agree with you guy’s troop building idea ! Me and my older brother used to collect foot soldiers ! It was so fun to beat them up all over the forts we built with our turtles. They were inexpensive as I remember , I think.

Riley Smith

I'm a D Day birthday kid!

Ben Fuhrmann

Funny that you guys mentioned D-Day birthdays. My grandmother's 16th birthday was on D-Day. She and her family lived in France, and when she heard the Americans were coming to liberate the country she sewed an American flag and paraded it down the streets of Paris. We still have that flag on the wall to this day. The stars are all upside down, but hey, can't beat liberation from the Nazis as a birthday present!

Will Fehr

Thanks for telling my story on the podcast and major props for saying my last name correctly. At least 70% of people pronounce it wrong (the say fur or fear).