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Persona 5 Royal comes to western PS4s soon, but an interesting controversy has overtaken the hype. Buried within the massive JRPG's original release are a couple of scenes that a small group of players found homophobic, and in response, Atlus is making some key edits to lessen the blow. The question is, should the publisher be making these changes? Are the scenes even offensive at all? Let's chat about it, and see how we feel. Then, more news! Sony, Kojima Productions, and others are bailing out of upcoming trade shows in fear of Coronavirus, EA cancels yet another Star Wars game, Call of Duty's upcoming battle royale mode may just surprise you, THQ Nordic just can't stop buying companies, and more! Following that: Listener inquiries! Would we play a game with the American military as the antagonists? How important of a factor should inflation be in the cost of gaming hardware? What happened to Ubisoft's Skull and Bones? Is Chris a communist? Let's go!


0:00:17 - Intro
0:04:13 - Twin Breaker talk and Merch Madness.
0:14:23 - Why do we read corrections on the show?
0:16:54 - Could Ubisoft's Skull & Bones be coming out this year?
0:19:30 - A note on Need For Speed's lack of recent critical success.
0:22:23 - Cheese Talk.
0:25:52 - What’s the deal with tipping in the US?
0:30:37 - When did Colin realize Castlevania's Sypha was a girl?
0:31:47 - What have we been playing?
0:45:24 - Sony and others back out of PAX East and GDC due to Coronavirus.
0:55:20 - EA cancels a third Star Wars game.
1:05:40 - Call of Duty is apparently getting a standalone, free battle royale game.
1:11:23 - Persona 5 Royal is getting censored for its western release.
1:21:05 - Gothic is being remade for PlayStation 5.
1:23:43 - Saber Interactive has been acquired by THQ Nordic.
1:31:27 - Sony files two new hardware patents.
1:33:46 - Little Town Hero is coming to PS4 in June.
1:35:39 - The Uncharted movie is really happening (and Borderlands' movie, too).
1:46:16 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:48:12 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:59:50 - Is it worth waiting to play games like Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 5?
2:03:40 - We pay a ton for smart phones. Why not consoles?
2:07:11 - If you think you won't enjoy a game, what's the maximum price you should pay for it?
2:08:18 - Is Ninja right?
2:13:18 - Is it truly relevant to discuss inflation when it comes to hardware pricing?
2:15:08 - Would we play a game that portrayed the US military as the bad guys?



Captain Canada

I totally forgot about Ubisoft's Skull & Bones until reading these show notes just now, jesus christ lol


Best part of the week, next to SS+ of course!


No talk about Xbox’s features and how Sony can react??

Martha Silla

The Joker thumbnail is scratching me right where I itch 😁👌


No, the show was full enough as it is. We'll cover it on SS+ in the next couple of weeks, I assume.


Guys I know you all want those physical copies, I’ll take one for the team cause I don’t own any physical PS4 discs. No reason to start now. If it ever gets ported to Switch, well then best believe I’ll go to war for a physical copy ⚔️⚔️


Did anyone else think that Chris said the “Atari collection” at first. I was so confused.


Colin my friend just sent me a pic of PS5 specs https://imgur.com/a/uy2EUPW

Anthony J Sanchez

Hopefully my Coronavirus nightmares stop!

Travis Johnson

Tiny, insignificant correction on that PUBG cross play story, caught my ear because I've been playing on PS4 for a while and was pretty sure it'd already gotten cross play. What they're adding is the ability to form squads with players on different platforms, which up to now had been impossible. Cross play itself, but purely on a server-population basis, has been a thing since October.


Five Guys does mushrooms under the patty. I hated it, had to eat the burger upside down

Jason Pettet

Thanks for making Tuesday!


Next far cry game. Primal 2 baby!


If Chris ends up coming to Richmond then please record more Let's Plays. The Titanfall and Dreams videos gave me great joy.


Thank you Colin and Chris. I love this podcast.

Timothy Bryant

I love the podcasts Colin and the fact that each episode has been at least 2 hours lately. Which in my belief is the perfect length.


Hey Colin, In regards to merchandise, I recently ordered a Sacred symbols mug. I never received it so I emailed them and they said they would send it again. I still didn't get it, emailed them a second time and they said they would have management "look into it." Not really sure what that means or what's going on. I know this isn't your fault and you probably can't really do anything but I am a little frustrated. If you can help, that would be great. Thanks for the podcast today 👍


Little bit of info regarding yours and Chris’ chat about Saber Interactive. You spoke of how it’s a studio primed for ports and support, but it’s important to keep in mind that Tim Willits (one of the heads of id) joined the team in the last 12 months. Purely speculative but it makes me think that with someone like Tim coming over that they would be looking to do more than simply focus on engineering

Jordan Avery

Congratulations on the Dragon Quest 11 platinum! Enjoy the calm before FF8

Joey Rawlings

I wonder is Atlus would be able to split the difference of this P5R censorship issue if they offered a ‘censorship switch’ of sorts so that purists could play the game as released and the minority could play it as they feel.

Joey Rawlings

It’s nice to see that Sony is looking to possibly upgrade their decade old controllers for a second crack at VR.

Forrest Hunter

“I’ve got such a huge, ridiculous back log.” - Chris talking about his giant poop.


Ah yes, I can't wait to hear the two experts on Persona 5 weigh in on this 🤣


Battlefield V had a story vignette that came out after launch in which you played as part of a Tiger tank crew during the fall of Berlin. You fought against Allied tanks and soldiers. It felt a little weird, but the tone was philosophically focused on the doomed Germans more than, “Yay, we are killing Americans.” Pretty cool sequence.


I'm also excited about those new G.I. Joe figures because I'm a giant fucking nerd! #MakeCobraGreatAgain


Burger dressing is an established art that you cant just go all willy nilly and change the rules on. The cheese goes on top of the burger to melt into the burger meat. Any good burgermaker knows you spread butter or mayo on the bottom bun. Using a fatty oily spread protects the bun from the burger drippings. If you have ever had a burger where the bottom bun is soggy and destroyed it's because someone doesnt understand the order of operations when it comes to the art of the Burg'.

Michael Limauro

Solid write-up, looking forward to listening this week


You could make the argument that the Division series you are technically fighting Americans. True Sons are ex military and some factions are ex cops and firefighters. Hunters in the game are ex Division agents, etc. So maybe you could include the division in the fighting Americans discussion.

Jeff Pollard

Chris: "I don't like his hair." I have no idea why that made me laugh so hard, but it was just what I needed. I love this podcast! Thanks guys!!

Kenneth Oms

I wonder how much of it is EA and how much of it is Lucasfilm when it comes to Star Wars. When visceral closed a few of the devs talked about how much of a pain in the ass lucasfilm is where they have to send what they are doing to someone over at lucas and they have to approve it and make sure it’s consistent to the Star Wars canon. And we saw how the new trilogy was handled, imagine a game.


Colin, you made it sound like Naughty Dog made a new demo to show off at PAX. Did they confirm that or was that your insider knowledge?

Barry M. Johnson

Jinfer, you are putting scalpers and anyone who is not a CLS patron in the same bucket. What of the many vita gamers who like to collect physical vita games, or people interested in the game who arent S.S. fans yet? Or even fans of CLS/S.S. who might not visit the patreon page? The physical pre orders will be announced in advance of their going on sale so that everyone knows when to be ready and everyone gets a fair shot. It sucks that some people will miss out, but that is always the nature of limited releases. If the game sells out super fast, hopefully with future games our number available can be increased. Hope you can understand not all of these decissons are up to us, but we are thrilled to have physical release at all, especially on Vita. Personally I prefer to keep it open to everone, though I do feel that with all the demand we are seeing it would make sense to increase the number being made above 1,000 each. -Barry


Just wanted to say thank you for talking about the bizarre casting choices for the Uncharted movie. I've been screaming these exact things for as long as it's been talked about.

Jack Sibert

Just wanted to drop in and say I love this show. Both of you- keep up the great work. Best $5/month I've spent.

Jack Sibert

I agree with the notion that Tom Holland is just a weird casting choice for Drake. But I actually can see Wahlberg being a decent Sully. If he just lets his hair grey out a little bit, and grow a moustache- he would make for a pretty believable Sully.

Real Radec

Is this official Ape Escape x Siren t shirt the most horrifying thjng youve seen today? https://gear.playstation.com/Product/1515904-Ape_Escape_X_SIREN_Next_Level_T-Shirt?cat=CATEGORIES#frm%3DCATEGORIES%26p%3D27

Simon Payne

So Ive beaten Persona 5. Some points that you guys didn't bring up is that in that scene the characters are two minors in the "red light" district being hit on by two adults. Gay or not pretty creepy, and from that perspective idk why its offensive. I'm also not gay, but maybe they are changing the scenes to not be so predatory in nature. I wonder if that means they are completely taking it out? Either way i don't really care tbh.


I'm sure dealing with Lucas is horrifying, but that's not their problem. Don't get into bed with Disney if you can't do the work.


I highly recommend you guys play the new modern warfare campaign. The United States aren't necessarily villains in the game however certain parts of the game have you operating in a morally grey area to complete your mission.


I've really fallen behind on CoD. I'd like to spend some time cruising through all of the campaigns I've missed in recent years!


In regards to Battle royale Don’t feel bad for PUBG. They refused to listen to their player base about any of their issues, and as a result deserves what they get. Even though they still have some of the best gun play to date. Cod won’t just get people to buy modern warfare they will inevitably sell skins and such as well so making it free to play is a slam dunk. Blops battle royale will probably die now


I mean, I don't know that I feel LITERALLY bad for them, as much as I just feel for them coming up with a concept like that and squandering it.

Cole Minder

Tales from the Borderlands is a good Borderlands movie.

Craig Mcguire

Great episode guys. Gotta say these Xbox specs are really getting me excited for next gen and inevitible PS5 reveal. These are going to be so much more capable machines even if one has the slight edge in power, in comparison to what we got this generation, where they were pretty underpowered out of the gate. The prospect of a God of War 2 4k 60 with all the bells, Halo Infinite at launch. Man honestly I think we could be hitting a point in gaming where every company is bringing their A game. Exciting times.


Sounds like Colin hit the ‘sunk cost fallacy’ - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunk_cost - guess he’s human after all?!


One of the four campaigns in Battlefield 5 has you defending an unnamed German city as a Tiger tank commander in 1945 against hordes of American GIs. You play the grizzled veteran officer commanding a crew comprised of a teenage radio man who has never fought, a fanatical nazi gunner who lives outside reality, and a driver who is exhausted by war and accepts the reality that they are fighting a losing conflict. The banter of all the characters as you drive around the town and hop in and out of the tank is really good. Solid story, only takes 1-2 hours to complete. Definitely interesting seeing a different perspective, and in my opinion, despite all the hate, Battlefield 5 is by far the best FPS out this generation!

Brian Lau

I'm here to confirm that there is no conspiracy for Sony to not attend GDC or PAX East. My work has offices in China and HR sent an email to all of us that they suspended all travel to China due to the coronavirus outbreak. The countries in Asia takes this outbreak very seriously (even though the common flu still kills more people than COVID-19). Employers also do not have their employees get stuck in the airport or be trapped in a poorly circulated convention hall for all the reasons Colin mentioned.


It’s funny, I watched the original Mummy movie from 1999, and I know Indiana Jones is the inspiration, but it felt very Uncharted to me

Kaz Redclaw

I think they've found that countries with more tipping have more corruption in all parts of life and government, so it would be something that could be useful to eliminate. Restaurants have tried though, and most of them consider it a failure. There was an interesting episode of Freakanomics about it. I'm not so worried about the Persona 5 one, those were kind of lame anyway. The people who get upset about Sylvando in Dragon Quest 11 are the ones that baffle me. People like that do exist, and overall he's a very good person, so even if he might be a stereotype, he's one of the greatest characters in the game. I blink at those prices for phones. I paid $200 for my Xperia 10 and it'll probably last me 2-3 years. A game where you play as the US military, and against the US military, and they're the antagonists. Haze. It wasn't very good. Technically, it was a US corporation's military instead of the whole countries military though, IIRC. Playing WW1/WW2 as germany or japan: Red Baron, Aces over Europe, Aces of the Pacific. All aircraft sims, but still pretty fun games.


I did not know about the history of tipping, but Time apparently did an article on it...who knew? I also tip 20% more often than not, however, my wife does not tip at all! https://time.com/5404475/history-tipping-american-restaurants-civil-war/

Your Boi Nicky V

Surprised you still regard Game Freak as a good dev, Colin. They've been rehashing the same formula for years and any innovations that they do make, such as giant Pokemon, are usually dumb.


Oh, interesting. Well, we'll get into all of that on Sacred Symbols+ XXXI.


I'm not sure I'm making a value judgment on quality as much as I'm making a value judgment on their name and gravitas.

Kaz Redclaw

Unfortunately. I kind of wander around with friends in all of the different circles, and in some (the same ones that get on my case for liking your content) there's some people who call him a negative stereotype. Even in that space it's not universal though.

Context Should Matter

1:17:00 If you are a straight man and have ever gone to a gay club you know Ryuji's experience well. I have personally been assaulted but don't take it out on all gay people. My wife has also been assaulted on the female side. Pretending like it doesn't happen is a little strange to me.

Context Should Matter

2:07:40 I like the coffee analogy but I personally use cheese burgers. Whenever I want to buy a game or anything else for that matter I ask myself, "How many cheese burgers would this cost me?" A really good cheese burger with fries on the side is usually around $8-$10. A $20 game on steam is going to cost me 2 cheese burgers. I think I can afford to lose out on 2 days of no cheese burgers. *Bought*


https://twitter.com/gaytrannyslut/status/1260208936449441792?s=19 Patreon raided a tranny killed joel