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Last week's episode of + was all about confronting Sacred Symbols' cohosts on our opinions and tastes as a collective unit, but this week's focuses all on Colin (that's me!). Sacred Symbols' listeners challenge Colin (me) on all sorts of things: The politics of the industry, the greatness (or lack thereof) of games like The Last of Us and Gone Home, the best Resistance title, hating Sonic the Hedgehog, not caring about technology, a lack of PC gaming knowledge, and much, much more. This was your chance, audience. Take your best shot. Just remember: If you come at the king, you best not miss.




Hey Colin, be my valentine?

David D

Sonic > Mario World for me any time, any place. I didn’t play World until much later which might factor in - but I just love the energy of Sonic compared to the lethargic pace of Mario. To each their own I suppose


Sonic 3 > Mario 3

Saulius Vekteris

<3 Good episode. Lets hope we can have these more in the future in this light theme Challenging Colin and Chris :)

Matthew Clem

Glad to hear someone asked about Sonic. I didn't put in a question, but after last week's I had wished I did. I get Sonic has some bad games, but there's a lot of good ones as well. I won't say they're better than Mario, but they're good and fun in their own right.

Jonah Gespacho

Colin. Have you been spending most your life living in a gangsta’s paradise?


Speed is only achievable in Sonic games when you know level layouts and practice. Bad Sonic games are the ones that play themselves like you mention. Go watch a youtube video on Sonic Mania to see the peak of the series. The kicker there is that Sonic Team didn't make that one, fans did.


I gotta be honest uncharted 4 is immaculate in my opinion but I understand your criticisms. Never thought you hated it either because that’s impossible unless you have 1.3 brain cells.

Brandon Soto

Damn, more responders? Must be those goddamn O’driscolls

Juan Paolini

Glad to have been wrong about Colin’s opinion on Lords of Shadow! Thanks for including my question on this episode. I really miss Castlevania and Konami doesn’t seem to be planning to do anything worthwhile with it in the foreseeable future. Hope to be wrong about that, too. Have a nice Valentine’s day burger, Colonel Colin!

Forrest Hunter

I really appreciate you, Colin.


Oh man colin I would challenge you 100% on your kratos take. I really hate the kratos was shallow before 2018 narrative cause it really isn’t true. However we have different views on that however that’s defiantly more of a media take then fan take.

Anthony J Sanchez

Thank you for your thoughts about Journey! Yes, you are correct. I'm the outlier in this situation. Everyone should give it a chance.

Kenneth thomas

Hey Colin, I just wanted to pipe in about your comments on Monster Hunter World. I think it's WAY better suited for solo play than any of those other shared world games. That's honestly probably why it's my favorite among them. It's difficulty scaling works great, and if you hit a wall you can fire a flare for other players to jump in and help you kill something at any time, without having to talk to anyone or anything. And the progression of collecting monster parts and the million armor sets and builds and weapons to choose from is killer. Highly recommend it coming from a guy who prefers solo play.


This is actually a really common mistake with me, which is frustrating just because I was actually one of the game's vocal advocates when it came out. People have conflated me and Daemon, which isn't your fault, because even Konami did that.


I mean, I played the God of War games and I think it IS true! But again, we can have different opinions HENCE this episode.


But I don't want to have to fire a flare for help. I wanna know that I can get through it alone, or not at all. This is why I love The Division 1/2.


Just finished the podcast and had to mention how great it is to have someone explain their thoughts and the things they say reasonably and eloquently. This is why I love listening to Colin.

Kendrick Luckenbach

I fucking love the Beyond throwback pic! Ya boy Colin M is not one to be trifled with!

Marcus Brown

Well fought Col, here you are still intact and we should all bend the knee.

Matt tamer

Confirming my belief that people love being aggrieved

Jake Z

Colin, my point about calling it self-important to tell people they should listen to or read you on what you think of a game is that giving a score mitigates that self-importance. A score is an extended hand, saying hey, this is how hot I am on this game, and if you want more, here's a review. Not giving a score is standoffish to me. But your relationship to your audience is different. We listen to you for more than just game reviews, so there's a different dynamic. Although, I would be interested in you giving scores along with your opinions. I think it's fun.

Zack E

What I’ve learned with these past two SS+ episodes? That there are some listeners who are just on a completely different wavelength than I am on. I mean, I don’t agree with Colin on plenty of things, but some of these specific gripes are kind of nuts lol


Colin, play The Lost Legacy. It has that special something you mentioned that you’re looking for.

Daniel Schiffer

These episode topics are fantastiche! Hoping they become a recurring ep


Bought all the Lords Of Shadow games recently on PSN sale for basically nothing. My opinion is that the game from 2010 has not aged well. I will add that I played LOS2 before that one and I loved LOS2 it's really underrated. The vita 3ds one mirrors fate it's ok i guess i haven't played much of it yet but this far it's meh


Just making comments as I go when listening to the podcast... On the topic of Uncharted 4 I have to agree completely. Uncharted 4 may very well be the single most boring game i've ever played. That comes from someone that regards tlou as one of the greatest. Now I'll admit i'm not the biggest uncharted fan but at least the previous game "have something there" and golden abyss is flat out awesome. I guess it's much because of the expectations that the game becomes even more boring than it would have been if it was a "oh what's this game" game


The only good Sonic game i've played is sonic and team racing transformed that game is legit fun

Matthew Cooper

I feel like I understand where people are coming from sometimes when they say games should stay away from politics, though I disagree. Life is Strange 2 had such a blunt, overwhelming political message that it ruined it for me. But that's just me, if that's what you're looking for, enjoy... But Bioshock is the perfect example of games tackling politics wonderfully. It is such a well thought out, nuanced criticism of Objectivism. It's not saying capitalism is evil or shoving socialism down your throat. It's showing the dangers of extremeism, arguing that people need to be flexible in their thinking, and not abandon common sense.

Jack Sibert

You make a good point about Politics- and everything having a place in gaming. I think people are most opposed to the growing trend of forcingly inserting social justice ideology into games that otherwise have no business making statements about such things. For example if Sega out of the blue created a bisexual transgender colonialism-victim Hippopotamus to be the featured new character in their new Sonic game. Such a thing would be praised by the games media but most gamers would be left scratching their heads.

Alvin Banaag

Love the thumbnail 😂


While Mario is hands down better than Sonic in almost every way, there is one arena in which Sonic may actually outshine Mario in the 16-bit era: Music. Sonic 1 and 2 approach Mega Man levels in the music department, for real.

Captain Canada

Hi Colin, Sorry for my question having been a novel, but I wanted to properly flesh out my argument. I understand your perspective, and I appreciate you taking the time to give a comprehensive response! I'll have to agree to disagree. For the record, I've been speaking with my wallet for many years, and do not purchase any games which include what I view to be predatory monetization. Thanks again for your time, cheers.

Captain Canada

I think my main frustration lies in the fact that, while many people are vocal about disliking this additional monetization, few actually speak with their wallets and boycott them.


That's true, but the market will speak! Games that handle their politics expertly typically do far better than those that don't.

Matthew Cooper

I really dislike microtransactions in games, very big turnoff for me. I will not buy the latest Mortal Kombat game because of its use of them. I wouldn't agree to a boycott because I think people are free to make up their own minds; and a game having some microtransactions won't necessarily stop me from purchasing, but I always consider it.

Domenico Smarto

I actually think the combat in The Last of Us is underrated. I enjoyed playing it as much as I enjoyed the story.

Ed White

It carried over into the multiplayer as well which was great

Devon McCarty

Whoever the fuck wrote in and complained about the microtransactions in Shadow of War is an idiot. There are zero reasons to spend any additional money on that game what so ever. Just play the story and move on with your life. I got the Plat for the game. At no point did I need to buy anything.


This is why i love this podcast, world class input and responses well done.


I really take issue to the "stealth or combat" jab at Last of Us and I didn't hear Colin tackle that point, so I'm gonna say it. LoU has the best balance of stealth and combat I've ever seen. I'm awful at stealth games, so I hate forced stealth sections in action games (like Spiderman). But LoU made me feel like a ninja badass when I could stealth through a section and didn't punish me for messing up (looking at you, Uncharted 3).


I just played TLoU again all the way through in the spring or summer or whenever, and its gameplay hasn't aged amazingly, but it's still great.


"If you come at the king, you best not miss." Hehe, cheeky bastard, keep it up man👍

Your Boi Nicky V

Uncharted 4 is the most deliberately boring game I've ever played. The combat and set pieces are toned down and most of the game is basic platforming, walking and puzzle solving. Spending most of the game with Sam instead of established characters was also an odd choice. Lost Legacy is great though.


Nothing to say except Colin, play The Lost Legacy already.


Damnit, wish I hadn’t missed the write in post. My only complaint is Colin’s take on Arkane Studios. They are criminally underrated, and some of the best game designers in the biz. The Clockwork Mansion level alone is evidence of that. https://youtu.be/js52TY0d6HM I dare anyone to watch even half this video and not be floored by how the systems work together and how incredible the gameplay is!


You can tell it's a stitched-together game that used the worlds and assets that were build while Hennig was there, but that everything was reworked when she left.

Ed White

You can find something annoying but not so annoying that you refuse to buy the product outright. If everyone feels the same way, then there will be no voting with wallets. The free market proves time and time again that minor problems or minor anti-consumer practices will not be boycotted if the underlying product is still better (or at least not worse) than its competitors.

Ed White

Uncharted 4 is better the second time through. There is something really satisfying about the slower, story driven buildup knowing that the payoff of the big set pieces are coming in game's later acts.

Captain Canada

That's fine, people have every right to still buy it. I'm just saying that, personally, I have no interest in buying games with frustrating, deliberately grindy progression systems built around pushing people to purchase shortcut microtransactions. I wish more people felt as strongly, because in my opinion, it's hurting the industry as a whole through lazy, anti-consumer game design trends.

Ed White

I agree with you man and happy you are more principled than the rest of us. My comment was kinda aimed at Colin instead - the "vote with your wallet" thing only works for major dealbreakers and not minor annoyances. The best way to deal with the minor stuff is to make a public stink about it instead and create an environment where a company can achieve a PR coup by not doing it (like CDPR).

Mihnea-Petru Rafailescu (RaphaelMichael)

Kratos killed his family unknowingly while raiding a village. He didn't know his wife and daughter were there visiting an oracle. I'm pointing this out, because it gives even more nuance to the character. Throughout all games Kratos whores himself to the gods for the promise they would erase these memories. But they never do and just use him instead. He's a tormented and deceived character who in GoWIII had just had enough. Knowing all these things makes GoW (2018) tenfolds better. I wept several times throughout the game.


Yes, but the story never really mattered and the character never had any resonance. Common complaint!


To say you’re not a true fan of Bioshock because you don’t talk about Systemshock is the dumbest comment I have ever heard. I have never played SS and will never play the original, but I’ve played Bioshock many times and consider it a top 5 favorite game of all time. I don’t need to play a game to enjoy a different game.

Mihnea-Petru Rafailescu (RaphaelMichael)

Agreed. Bet if I went back now it'd stick out as a sore thumb. I played the entire saga some good years ago including Ascension. I only remember what I liked, which is why I don't want to touch them again, haha.