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Last generation, we were seemingly flooded with timely sequels to great games, sequels that may have only taken two or three years to develop. Infamous, Uncharted, Resistance, and other PlayStation-exclusive franchises benefited greatly from these quick turnarounds, but now that we're on the precipice of next-gen, those days seem further away than ever. On this week's mailbag-centric episode of Plus, we focus on the question of industry sequels and franchising, and just what's taking so long for new games to come out, especially those from established IP. We also delve into PS5's possible launch titles, Sony's lack of first party genre diversity, the future of Remote Play, the death of cheat codes, and much more. Please enjoy. We insist!



Remington James

Enjoy the hell out of these shows fellas! Keep making the boring parts of my days much more enjoyable 👌


I miss Cheat CC. My mom would get mad at me because I would "waste ink" on printing cheating codes out constantly. Miss those days.

Brett Carlson

Playstation has realized its identity. They learned from past mistakes that having too many feet in the fire spreads you too thin especially if you arent well versed in that market. They have simply decided that they are on the cutting edge of software. The forefront of games as an art for. Their first party studios make premium, compelling products. That's who they are. They have so many publishing deals with third parties that they dont need to do what they arent great at. Call of Duty makes them plenty of money every year. So they dont need to worry too much about releasing their own FPS. I dont see the issue with making third person perspective games. Its not like they are all in the same genre. They make linear games, open world games, sandbox games. If you tallied up the entire industry most games take place from a third person view point. I just think the market speaks and they are deciding to listen. All their first party games sell huge. Imagine if Last of Us was on every console. It would have sold 40 million. I just want Playstation to recognize its identity and why they have a fanbase. We didnt respong well when they release M.A.G, but we love Uncharted. This is why people come to play on Playstation. Let 2nd and 3rd parties worry about making other type games.

Drew Sleezer

Regarding the new Pokemon game, I just couldn't spend $60 on that. It is (from what I understand) roughly the same length/size as past games, that were historically $40 new. I decided to vote with my wallet, and I guess that didn't matter at all.

Craig Carter

Do you suspect the next Ratchet games will also be remakes or new games? After how good the remake of the originals was I hope they can give Up Your Arsenal and Going Commando some love


Hey colin I wanted to add a point about the Pokémon games. I had this conversation with my buddy and this is the conclusion I reached. Pokemon is litterally bigger then the video game. Toys, manga, anime, and trading cards. Pokémon is even in the Macy’s parade and a mascot of Japan it’s a cultural icon now. The target audience is litterally everyone kids and adults. They also have a very robust esports presents hosting giant tournaments with thousands of dollars of prizing for tcg and vgc. I know people like to point to the video games and say well their not that amazing the truth is they don’t need to be. If I recall they are in the top 5 of most profitable franchise. It seems nothing will happen when you are running a multibillion dollar ship much like call of duty.


What's so funny about the Pokemon numbers too is that it's another case of video game fans not putting their money where their mouth is. The Pokemon community brought up all those issues that Chris brought up and were harassing people and sending death threats, and starting hashtags and they STILL bough it.

Timothy Bryant

Always impressed when Colin can list all the studios by territory off the top of his head


Bats!!!????? I think you mean chicken of the cave!


You pronounced my name perfectly, don't worry lol. Re Pokemon, I am one of those stupid adults that bought it. I was in the exact same boat as you Colin, the last one I bought was Pearl - I rage quit for the exact same reason. Stupidly, I thought on the Switch they'd be more ambitious and give us a whole new experience, but nope. It was horrifically average and super frustrating at times. My fault for buying. I wasn't going to, but my friend convinced me. I almost threw my Switch out the window when I found out I'd have to pay just to trade Pokemon with him. I don't understand Nintendo, or how insanely their games sell... I imagine the Sony higher ups might wonder the same... I guess when you make the same game for twenty years, a dozen or so times, momentum will just bring you up to tens of millions of copies sold.

Drew Agnew

I still love Pokémon. While there are some rough edges the new games on Switch are a lot of fun. The battle system has a lot of depth and I’m enjoying the competitive scene.


I think you can have all of those things and do, say, a true RPG (whether J or W) or an FPS. There's no doubt they make amazing third-person action-adventure games and open world games. The question is if there's a tipping point. Days Gone's sales -- which were far in excess of expectations -- suggests not.


Were new Pokémon games $40? I suppose you're right. I honestly haven't bought one since... Ruby, maybe? I got them for free from IGN. But they were handheld games, so that makes sense.


I actually don't know if the next Ratchet is a remake of R&C2 or not. All I know is that there's a new Ratchet game in development, and it's been for a while. Wouldn't be surprised if it were a launch game.


I bought played and enjoyed Pokémon sword and shield. I haven’t been a huge fan of recent Pokémon games (gens 5-7) but this one was pretty good. It’s comfort food, not a gourmet dish though. Kudos to nintendo and the Pokémon company regardless.


Sony could never release a game over and over again like that and get away with it. That said, some may argue that they don't have anything as good as Pokémon that can be replicated... though I'd disagree.


Hey Colin (sorry for the long post) I am also one of those adults that bought the latest Pokémon game. Pokémon Red/Blue was release when I was 10 and I have bought one game of each generation and remake since then. I still love the game and honestly the thing that keeps me coming back to it is the fact that it hasn't changed it's formula in all that time. It's gained a few good mechanics (Double battles, IV Rating, etc) and some really dumb ones (Mega Evolution, Dynamaxing, Z-Moves) but at it's core, it is the same game. I've fallen off a couple of game series because they've changed too much (Final Fantasy is the main one, I wish it was still turn-based battles) and Pokémon is a nice constant. Yes I would like it to not be so piss easy, but until Game Freak give in to the fact that it's mostly nostalgic adults that play (and that kids aren't as stupid as they thing. We managed Red at 10 with a barely functioning internet!) it's not going to be the awesome game that it could be; but I'm still happy with it. On the point of "Pokémon never changes", is this not the same case with a fighting series like Tekken or Street Fighter? They are exactly the same game with improved visuals, tighter controls, and new characters... You know I'm right. Honestly, I wish more games didn't feel the need to change for the sake of change, Fallout 3 was awesome, Fallout New Vegas was basically the same game in a different setting with a couple of different mechanics; and poople loved it. Fallout 4 is the same game in a different setting with a couple of different mechanics; some of the mechanics were loved (improved shooting) and some where not loved (Simplified speech option/RPG elements) but the core of the game was still awesome. It's okay if you are tired of a games franchies' formula but that isn't the games' fault.


The way Sony treated Concrete Genie is terrible. Such a great game.


Maybe it's the games I play, but I use the share button constantly. I get so annoyed that Xbox doesn't have one.


I suppose the fighting game analogy works, but something seems off about it to me. But I'm frankly too tired to think straight right now.

David Y

Perhaps the sequel to A Plague Tale: Innocence will focus on bats this time....

Matthew von Hassel

Very impressed with how much you respond to people's comments.


I think Horizon 2 could legit be a launch game for PS5, but who knows? I'm also convinced they're reviving SOCOM.


Pokémon may not seem deep on the Surface, but if you dig deep not only is there so much lore but the game play at a Competitive level is so much fun and there is so much that goes into team Building and planing around the Meta game it’s Awesome. And in the Respect it’s so much deeper then a lot of other RPGs, but yeah you have to be into Competitive high-level play


Also the fact that there are 1000 Characters to Choose from is pretty cool


I know there's a competitive scene and some lore, but I can say with the experience of having played like eight of them and written a bunch of strategy guides that it's really not that deep.

The Rose Experience

Just dropped in to say I despise Pokemon, that's it, that's the message.


NFL 2K5 is still the best football game I’ve ever played. ❤️ At my store, I sell Nesquiks daily. Doesn’t move as much as say Arizona canned teas or Gatorade, but they sell. The chocolate powder by itself sells a little too. Pokémon is just a classic. It’s almost like tradition at this point. Sword/Shield wasn’t what I wanted it to be but it was the most streamlined game and I enjoyed it. Looking forward to the DLC. Red Dead Redemption 2 is the last game I can remember seeing cheat codes for.

Griffin Karr

Did they miss a week?

Kevin Cooper

I actually use the Share button in a rather unorthodox way... I don't use it to share content, I use it to capture the progress & story beats in my games. So if a sequel to a particular game comes out, I can review this quick slideshow of photos/videos to refresh my memory on the plot before the new game releases. It's also helpful if I've lapsed on a game for a long time in that I can quickly recount the last thing I completed. Sure, I could just YouTube this recap, but I would rather remember the events how I experienced them first-hand.


NFL 2K5 was the best! 2K did football better than Madden ever since the first game on Dreamcast.