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When it comes to Video Game Bonanzas, 2020 might be unbeatable. Not only do we have an amazing slate of first, second, and third party games to look forward to on PlayStation 4, but we also have PlayStation 5 waiting for us in Q4, a sort of cherry atop the nerdy-ass cake. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves on the hardware front. Instead, let's dwell with the present console for a while, because PS4 is primed to go out with a bang. Today's episode of + is focused on the games we're most excited about for the rest of the calendar year, with 10 selections that we suspect will make your knees weak. Then, we round things out with a ton of your own choices, to cover some of our blind spots and make us less susceptible to your relentless criticisms. Only kidding: We just like hearing from you. Enjoy!



Liam Fagan

45 seconds late again. What is this Haha

James Galos

Pretty excited about a little game called Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure. I play my Vita nightly and have run out of pretty much anything decent to play. Habroxia is a great game even if it is a little short with an easy platinum. Hoping that you guys build on the fun gameplay and give me a leaderboard to chase a high score.

Max Stahl

That's cool and all, but when is your rated AO game going to come out?

Ryan Harvey

I think that I am waiting until ps5 for Cyberpunk now definitely, I think that would be the best way to play it in the ecosystems I exist in. I really want the most dense crowd systems and fastest load times. Super excited!

Watch Ergo Proxy

"My threshold for anime is very low" in that case you should watch Ergo Proxy


Oh Colin, I'm so happy you included Tales of Arise. Can't. Bloody. Wait.


I forgot to write in but my most anticipated game is “Empire of Sin” set for spring 2020 release. I love a good twin stick shooter and I feel like we haven’t gotten a good one in a long time. Not to mention, who doesn’t love a 1920’s mob/criminal empire setting.


Wait, that's a twin stick? I thought it was an RPG. I am disappoint

Michal Dudic

It's very much appreciated that you pronounced my name correctly, dog bless

Drew Sleezer

Based on what Capcom has been able to do with the quick turnaround between RE2 and RE3, I am hoping that maybe Squenix can match or get close with a 18-month time between FFVII games.

Big Swingin' Rick

Great show boys, news dropped after the tread that housemarque are getting ready to unveil their biggest game to date after putting their battle royal on indefinite hiatus, shouted out thier publisher. Assuming the publisher is Sony this would 100% jump to the top of the list of games I'm most excited about this year. Housemarque fucking rule.


Huh, kinda curious why my selection of Watchdogs: Legion didn't make the list. 2020 game, coming to ps4....*shrug*

Marcus Brown

Thank you for reading my inquiry Col.

Anthony Longo

Elden Ring. That’s all I want and would pick if I had just one of 2020 to play. George RR Martin and Miyazaki is all you need to know. Norse Souls.

Jordan Knepp

aw man, you missed my wasteland 3 :( ah, well, great epi friends

Sean Mason

Hey C and C With the widespread rumor that the PS5 will be backward compatible with PS4, how long do you think Sony will support the development of PS4 games/hardware? How likely is it that the PS4 is supported for years to come, similar to how the PS2 was supported post PS3?


I set it to publish at a certain time. Whether Patreon cooperates is, of course, another issue entirely.


It would be nice to see their game as a PS5 exclusive. Also, I was totally right about their battle royale game. They made the right choice.


It's not a 2020 game. I actually looked it up when I saw your entry. It's supposed to come out by the end of Ubisoft's fiscal year. That means it can come out in Q1 2021.


Elden Ring isn't a 2020 game, as far as I can tell! It may turn into one, but it's not announced as one...

Barrett Boswell

Definitely thought about how RE3 multiplayer could have trophies after I posted my question. If it does, they need to follow Titanfall 2's example and NOT The Last of Us. Still working on that game to get my plat.

Matthew Cooper

There really are a ton of promising games coming in 2020. But TLoU 2 is the one I'm looking forward to the most. I only first played the original like 2 or 3 months ago, it was after watching the trailer for Part 2 and seeing how amazing that looked. I always put off playing Part 1 because I don't typically like zombie stuff. But now I feel dumb, because Last of Us is in my all time top 5 and beating it on grounded was very rewarding. I would like to see improved AI, particularly companions; Bill and Henry are comically useless.


1:19:34 https://youtu.be/jgiVXFVhGo0?t=40


I am so amped up for TLoU2. Usually I keep my hype totally in check, but this one is an exception...

Matthew Cooper

Me too... I haven't bought a game on launch day, or even paid the full $60 for a game in a while, but TLoU 2 is a day one buy for me, for sure.

Anthony Longo

It’s a June 30th 2020 release. Tentatively. Target has a placeholder for it. And it’s a Tuesday so it’s likely. Also it’s a ps4 game so it has to come out this year. And it fits into the FromSoftware timeline of production/release window that they follow. But no you’re right it’s not formally announced...yet. Yet safe to say it’s right around the corner.


Got pushed all the way into next year? That's a Hell of a delay.


Don't know if this is the right place, but i'm not receiving the emails when a new Sacred Symbols+ is out


Tales of Arise is a good one. I actually forgot about that. Other stuff I’m looking forward to is Mega Man ZX collection, FF7, RE3, Last of Us 2, Ghost of Sushi and Cyberpunk. Hoping the latter 3 get PS5 60fps versions, I'd preferably wait for those.


Unfortunately, this isn't anything I can help you with, as it could be a technical issue. If you have your settings set so that you should be receiving these e-mails, but aren't, then you may want to reach out to Patreon Support, who can be of more assistance. I'm sorry I can't be of further help. =\


If you have any questions about near on psvita colin can help you.


I think people are sleeping on Ghosts of Tsushima. This, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and Doom Eternal are probably the three that I am looking most-forward to—

Kevin Cooper

When Colin mentioned the possibility of Ellie dying in TLOU2... it hit me. How unbelievably harrowing would it be if the events play out for Joel by losing his surrogate daughter in a similar fashion? Holy shit that would be depressing, but it would make for some great storytelling. We don't always need a happy ending.

Johnny Shoulder

Sorry for the late reply, but it is not a rumour, Sony confirmed the ps5 will be backwards compatible with PS4 games when they announced it last year