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The year started out quietly enough... that is until all of the delays began and started ruining our lives. Final Fantasy VII Remake. Cyberpunk 2077. Dying Light 2. The Avengers. Even that completely random Iron Man VR game wasn't immune! But should we be concerned about the reworked schedule? Or has the shifting calendar serendipitously bought us precious time to catch up on our backlogs? We discuss. Plus: It looks like Horizon is coming to PC, Call of Duty absolutely dominated last decade's sales charts, Monster Hunter: World continues to crush it for Capcom, and much more. Then, listener questions! Does E3's decline signal the end of The ESA? What's with all of the tiny text in games? Could DualShock 5 have a small screen on it? Was Chris riding a bicycle through the streets of London last week? All of that (and much more) right after you press the play button.


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:04:58 - Sacred Symbols+ talk.
0:05:31 - Colin betrays Hellmann's.
0:08:01 - A Chris doppelganger was spotted in England.
0:11:15 - Is Wawa dominant?
0:13:00 - It turns out at least one listener listens to the show over and over again.
0:13:55 - What is a "fuckboi"?
0:15:34 - Seinfeld vs. Friends: An update.
0:17:23 - Sony won't be at E3. What's Chris think?
0:27:33 - Could The ESA go away?
0:29:32 - A (maybe?) credible rumor says The Order: 1886 is getting a multi-plat sequel.
0:31:57 - MLB: The Show 20 is officially the best selling baseball game ever made.
0:32:47 - What have we been playing?
0:35:29 - It looks like Horizon: Zero Dawn is PC-bound.
0:56:14 - Final Fantasy VII Remake has been delayed.
0:59:14 - Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed.
1:10:15 - The Avengers has been delayed.
1:15:16 - Dying Light 2 has been delayed.
1:17:35 - Iron Man VR has been delayed.
1:18:15 - The NPD group has revealed new stats for December 2019 (and the decade).
1:21:44 - New updates are coming to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.
1:23:52 - A new expansion is headed to The Elder Scrolls Online.
1:26:02 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:27:19 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:32:29 - A new way to use PS4's accessibility features.
1:35:49 - Why doesn’t Sony make The Last of Us: Part II a PS5 exclusive?
1:37:22 - How much is too much for PlayStation 5?
1:42:48 - What is it like to write a strategy guide?
1:52:06 - What great games are hopelessly trapped on PSP?




Hello there.


How u doin

Red Head Redemption

Oof, CLS is pretty much syndicated in my house too :|

Craig Carter

These delays are ruining our lives thank you for recognizing that


A couple weeks back, you responded to a question about the review process in games and how its near impossible to nail down. Reviews matter very little to me but at the same time I thought of an idea for you guys to review games in a more fun, PlayStation centric way. When you do spoiler casts, you guys should just give a trophy score. Bronze, silver, gold or platinum. That way it's not overly serious and it stays on brand with the podcast. Just a free idea, I won't be offended if you think it stinks haha.


Hello commander Colin and conquer Chris. As I write this I am in the delivery room awaiting the birth of my second child. With the significant delay of cyberpunk I cant help being bummed out. How can I go on in life with cyberpunk being away from me for another 5 months. This is sent as a joke but please go to town on the sarcasm Chris and Colin. Dont know if you got this post into sacred symbols as I posted late.


Happy tuesday! Sending big kisses from Detroit to my favorite boys.


Wish your wife and kid a healthy delivery!

Kenneth Oms

I started following quite a bit of CD Project Reds QA team and employees because after the announcement a bunch of them started tweeting how necessary this delay is and how they’re excited to make it epic.

Watch Ergo Proxy

I'll never understand the territorial fanboyism about exclusives. Sure, exclusives help console sales, I've got nothing against exclusives, but when they make the decision to make an amazing game more accessible it should be celebrated. PS4 fanboys should WANT more people to play their beloved games. I want more people to play HZD, it's a fantastic game.


Hey let’s make the 10 dollar tier the most popular tier!


Hey C-Men (it's the best one, just accept it). I am also coincidently playing the Witcher 3 for the first time. I had bought it on 3 different systems at this point but, I guess Switch was the ticket since I could actually dedicate some time on my commutes. I usually dislike open world games because they generally bore me after a few hours because of the lazily thought out and boring side quests. I agree with Chris's assessment that the Witcher 3 has great ones that have held my interest and that I actually want to seek out and play. Which brings me to my question, which games would you both say have the laziest side quests? And, on a similar note, do you think it is purely laziness and developers attempting to pad their game? Or, do you think it has to do more with how well the actual lore and world is fleshed out, which would naturally make the side missions more interesting and engaging? For me, one of the worst was BOTW. May be history's most overrated game, imo. It isn't a bad game and I still put over 60 hours into it but, it is in no way the open world panacea people have made it out to be. Most of my time spent in the game was just short bursts of getting high and wandering around in the world. Almost all side missions and the story bored the piss out of me.

Max Stahl

Sony once PS5 comes out: "Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to."

Jason Pettet

When I first read Colin’s betrays Hellmann’s I was hoping you would bring up the ACTUAL best mayonnaise in mayo culture, Blue Plate not this Dukes nonsense.

Jake Z

I'm as annoyed as you guys at the constant crunch beat, but it has really flustered you guys if you think Sofia's argument is a perfect gotcha. They could just say, "Well that dev could delay the game, and with good management, add women without any crunch." Don't let your rage blind you.


Not a bad idea, but I'm not sure if it flies in the face of our no-score initiative. Lemme ponder.


Yo Colin. I've never had a smartphone, still have a 3G flip. When snowboarding/skateboarding, I use my Wife's ipod classic as the battery died in mine. You said in the podcast you don't want to touch your ipod anymore as your telephone has replaced it. If you want to hook a Patron up, I would use your old ipod regularly. I'd be stoked if you consider it. :)


I actually thought the Order 1886 was the perfect game to get a sequel in the vein of assassins creed 2. It got a lot right in regards to story, world building, and presentations. I had high hopes that they would build off of that in a sequel, keeping those positives intact, but give the gameplay actual depth and make it fun etc. Low key hoping the rumors are true and that they will do just that😎

Barrett Boswell

Was quite happy Cyberpunk got delayed. I want plenty of time to put into RE3 and FFVII. Want those delicious platinums for both.


I'm sure they are. Only journalists with axes to grind have an issue, and -- as we pointed out on the show -- their issues seem to be strangely selective.


The argument goes further: Even if you're a Sony fanboy, you should want them to maximize their profits and continue to make many games into the future. There's no more blood in the Horizon stone on PS4, where you can have the game for no more than $10.

Watch Ergo Proxy

I'm high key hoping it gets a sequel. They did a lot of goofy shit like the "cinematic" black bars, but they built a fascinating world and I hope we get to see more of it someday.


This seems more like a question for the next episode (should you want to submit it on the thread on Friday), but I do agree with Chris' assessment, too. Everything in The Witcher 3 seems really deliberate and thought-out. It's great.

Lucas Gremista

This is not from Urban Dictionary, just my theory: a slut cannot be the same as a fuckboy because a fuckboy is dumb by default, while most sluts are smart.


Hey Colin, With the stuff you sadi about there not going to be a PS6 is shit that was said when the PS4 was coming out. I also remember on Podcast beyond back in 2013 you saying that PS4 will be the last Playstation console to play disks and that ain't happening. The problem with comparing things like movies and music is price. $60 is still a lot money and its something that some people might want to own in their hands


There will be a PS6 guaranteed.

Travis Johnson

Definitely reeling in anticipation of how much the PS5 is going to end up costing here in Canada. Sure the price will probably exchange to about the same in the US, but boy that's going to be a big number coming out of my bank account. Although I guess that goes with everything. Dammit why did i move here...


I like exclusive games but at the same time I don’t think it matters when it comes to the console itself in terms of making the console better as a console performance. Look at how many games are on both systems not owned by either studio. We have plenty of high quality game but capcom is still competing against god of war and halo with resident evil and other ip. Even though they aren’t releasing the games they still want their game to get better. The industry is so incestal already that consoles are basically going to become cheaper easier to use pc.

Jordan Knepp

hey chef here, I just want to say about the whole aioli thing: Aioli is a garlic infused mayo. I hate when restaurants call it "garlic aioli" as they are basically saying "garlic garlic mayo". So yeah, aioli is garlic (more often than not, roasted) infused mayo!


Would absolutely do a meet and greet thing Richmond Colin!

Nate McKinney

Please please please, don't let RE3 get delayed. It might actually kill me. (Also quick correction, in the best selling of the decade story, you said Mortal Kombat 8, but the list says Mario Kart 8. Mortal Kombat 8 would be the MK vs DC game from back in 2008.) Love you guys

Brandon Hardman

I started to criticize your choice in mayonnaise, but then realized I had just listened to last weeks podcast and it wouldn’t make sense here... Miracle Whip gang represent anyway...

Nate McKinney

Oh and we will NEVER give up on Legend of Dragoon!!


Same bud :( I'm bracing for ~$600 CAD and it's gonna be rough I'm sure


I kept hearing 1886 as 66 and thought they were talking about order 66...but sadly not. 😅

Jeremy Miller

My only issue with the Escape from Tarcov issue (and I could be 100% wrong) is the reasoning. You're seriously telling me these guys who have probabaly made millions of dollars can't afford to hire a couple of freelance 3d modelers, riggers, and texturers to come in and whip up a few female characters? Don't think so. I think it's just because they don't want to put female characters on their game, AND THAT'S FINE! it's their game they can do what they want. But at least be honest about it, then Kotaku wouldn't be spouting all this crunch nonsense. Again I could be 100% wrong about this but their statement doesn't really ad up to me.

Michal Dudic

it's a game about guns for gun nerds. a lot of features that are considered standard in most current games wouldn't make sense in it and female characters is just one of them. they don't want to spend resources on it because it wouldn't improve the game, nor would it bring in more players.

Michal Dudic

the only surprising thing about first party Playstation games coming to PC is that it took so long. it's been clear as day since PS3 that once sales have maxed out on one platform, putting it on another one (that is not a direct competitor) can only help. I like to think that TotalBiscuit is smiling up there, seeing this platform-agnostic future slowly taking shape.

Tony Rivera

Like the thumbnail guys!


The thing that I find with dedicated devices VS All-in-one devices is that dedicated devices do one thing and do it really well where as all-in-one devices do 'everything' to a 'good enough' standard, I can use the all-in-one for everyday things, but if I want something to be near perfect I'll use a dedicated. That's why you never (and should never) see a hired wedding photographer using anything other than a DSLR camera. The iPod only played music (and later videos) and it did it so well, no other MP3 player could touch it (besides no other MP3 player had enough storage!). While your phone has an app to play music, it's not going to be as good of an experience using it for music as a dedicated iPod (I know, I use my old iPhone 5c for podcasts and music, and it pisses me the hell off way too often), but it will be at an okay level of competence for every day use that most people will accept it to reduce how much they are carring. On a similar note, Why do people keep on compairing The Elder Scrolls to The Witcher? They may be in the same genre, but they are totally difference games in that genre. You wouldn't compare Crash Team Racing to Grand Turismo just because they are both racing games? Yes, I'd love the next TES to be a more polished game, but I don't want it to be The Witcher.


Living in NJ you had me at the time stamp “is wawa dominant”


Loved the journalist hipocrisy question. Great question. I would love to see developers double down on the message. "we need to delay and we are going to crunch to make sure the female character models and animations are polished. " Then watch journos blue screen.

Brett Carlson

Sony bringing Horizon to PC is by far one of the best moves they ever made. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either mentally incapacitated or blinded by some form of brand loyalty that makes little to no logical sense in our plain of reality. The more eyeballs on PS4 exclusives means the more prospective purchases of PS5 knowing these games are going to have sequels. I will bet a hefty chunk of change that God of War follows suit and comes to PC natively by the end of 2020. Here is the hilarious part Colin. If you are blinded by this brand loyalty bullshit then you should know that PC is not even an inherent competitor to home consoles. They never have been. It's not like Horizon is going to Xbox or Nintendo. It's going to a non competitor platform FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF DRIVING SALES OR PLAYSTATION! Come on people. This is simple math. Any way you slice this it is Pro-Consumer and Pro-Playstation. Win-win.


Hey C-Men, Of all the great games in 2020, The Last of Us Part 2 has to be it for me. The emotional investment I felt for the relationship between Joel and Ellie is the deepest I've experienced with a game. Due to that connection, combined with my absolute trust in Naughty Dog, I cannot wait for the journey that awaits with TLoU2. Clark

Kevin Sullivan

Leaked video of Bobby Kotick walking into the office the morning after the reveal of the top 20 selling games of the decade. https://images.app.goo.gl/TfMJRFyHUod98mf38

Luke Bernhard

Mayonnaise culture has to be the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. It's probably a very specific sex community like furries. And now it scares the shit out of me.

Oliver Johnson

If Henry Ford asked the people what they wanted, they would’ve said “faster horses”. That quote still perfectly encapsulates consumerism.


Hey Colin, Just wanted to say thanks for pronouncing my name right! Not everyone does.


I loved their relationship and story. Hopefully it doesn't take a back burner to Ellie's girlfriend or whatever.


I was listening today and was thinking that Colin as a host has gotten so solid (not an amazing revelation but one that hit me after listening to many different gaming podcasts). When the "professional" comment was mentioned, I immediately agreed. You can be funny and quippy while maintaining structure and momentum on a podcast. Great work, C & C!


I hope PlayStation come out and be honest about the future of their games. Are they going to start releasing them day 1 with pc? or is PlayStation getting a 1 year exclusive from now on? No way I sink 700-880 dollars (were I live based off 499 US Dollar price) on a ps5 when I can now play all games xbox and ps games on a pc. This is a weird move by Sony. MS needed to make the move as no one bought the console so needed to sell software. People who think pc gamers will buy a ps5 to play sequel of Horizon after playing Horizon on pc don't know pc gamers. They will wait hell they won't even use epic store they wait for steam. Bad move sony you may get a few extra dollars but you have weekend your platform.

Kaz Redclaw

I think that Insomniac, at the very least, could make PS5 games that couldn't run on PS4 unless they were drastically cut down. If you watch the technical talks on the PS4 Spiderman games and just how much they had to tune every last element to make every amount of data that it needed to load if you suddenly swung your view to the left in the amount of time it would take you to spin around 90 degrees to the side. If they suddenly can load 50x as much data in the same amount of time, that might make it just a bit too hard for them to squeeze their next gamet back in the limited speed of the PS4. I agree with taking these non-exclusive as long as you have a very solid timed exclusive period, and you do it partially when there's a sequel coming out exclusively for awhile. That should allow them to advance the agenda much better than keeping them purely exclusive. I think Sony even has the Phyre engine, that supports PC, and many third party developers have released games with Phyre that have been on PC and Sony platforms. I'm concerned about Sony becoming just a publishing imprint. There's been a few examples of former competitors in the console space becoming just publishers. Atari, which basically got run into the ground and is barely in existence now, mostly being Atari in name only. Sega, which is hanging on still, but their internal studios are significantly diminished from their time as a console developer, but is probably the best example of a successful ex-console creator. SNK, which still publishes things, but not to the same extent. Almost every other company I can think of that used to make consoles is kind of out of the industry now.

Kaz Redclaw

In addition to Bluray, they were involved in the CD format as well. It was a Phillips-Sony collaboration. There's other ones that they made that failed though that are lesser known, like the SuperAudio CD. Crisis Core doesn't necessarily need a remake, but I'd like to see them release it digitally.


Thank you for making me aware that ps now is on PC! Used a 7 day free trial to play Horizon Zero Dawn, hate the game but nonetheless!


Exclusives are technical showcases and usually push the hardware further than third party games. There's no doubt about that. The question is, for how long does that matter, and does that make any and all exclusive games sacred on the platform? I really do think Horizon going to PC is a wily move.


I'm not sure I agree with you. All-in-one devices, if executed properly, are great. Look at the iPhone. Look at the PS4!!!


This wouldn't be a problem if journalists even attempted to appear unbiased and consistent.


It's all upside, I agree. It'll have been 3+ years by the time it comes to PC, they can't charge much for it on PS4 (or PS5) anymore, and the sequel will inevitably be locked to PS5 for at least a few years. Some people are way too emotional about video game companies.


I don't think they'll have a one-size-fits-all approach, and there's nothing to indicate that they're going to do quick or immediate turnarounds with other games. I'd start to wonder if they said "Horizon 2 is gonna come to PS5 and PC on the same date," but you and I both know they're not gonna do that.


I think Sony needs to move into the phase of managing its portfolio, and so bringing its exclusives elsewhere after they've run their course is wise. I don't know why people care so deeply about this.


Personally I think consoles are here to stay. There will always be consoles. Sony makes way too much money on 3rd party royalties and PS+ subscriptions for them to give up their hardware, not to mention the money they make on their own game sales. So yeah, bring on PS9, and also bring on PS5 Pro

Joseph Losinno

Crunch is inevitable. These journalists have no idea. I work in public accounting and there is pain there haha


I can not stand "follow this person around for the first X amount of time at the start of a game"

Kaz Redclaw

Well managed, I don't think it will be a problem. If they start running them for 1 year exclusive, then it might tank their console sales. 3-4 years exclusive might be enough to keep people buying their systems.


I just can't assume it's conventional knowledge anymore. I would love for you to be right! We're years away from knowing.

Joey Rawlings

"Touchpad as a screen" comment - it's an older reference, but those that had a Sega Dreamcast remember that the VMU offered additional information while playing a game on the screen.

Joey Rawlings

I think that's the 'time to fire' problem that Colin had said when Chris had discussed his avoidance of Monster Hunter World. HZD is widely considered a great game - I'd keep playing it to get past that.


Hi Col, I can't access the SS+ episode yet. I'm not a freeloader! Want to stop thinking about Kobe Bryant and his family 💔

Pete (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 06:23:32 Hey C&C, On the ep Chris mentioned that he believes that the next generation is more of an evolution and that there shouldn’t be a reason why games developed for the next gen shouldn’t work on the current gen. I would just like to state that I respectfully disagree. Sure the faster CPU and fatter GPU will be used to run the games on a higher resolution and faster frame rates. However the solid state storage is the real game changer. People might naively think that the speed of the storage drive will only decrease your loading times, but the storage drive has actually become integral in the game engine. Streaming in assets that are too big to keep in system memory. I don’t want to get too technical, but suffice to say that the scope and detail of the world in our current gen games are very much bottlenecked by the incredibly slow IO speed to the hard drive disks in current gen consoles. This is a long winded way of saying that if a game dev were to make a PS5 exclusive making full use of the hardware, it just won’t be able to run on PS4 (even Pro), no matter how much you downgrade the graphics. Cheers, Pete PS. Have a look at some Digital Foundry videos where they also go into detail about this.
2020-01-30 14:13:43 Hey C&C, On the ep Chris mentioned that he believes that the next generation is more of an evolution and that there shouldn’t be a reason why games developed for the next gen shouldn’t work on the current gen. I would just like to state that I respectfully disagree. Sure the faster CPU and fatter GPU will be used to run the games on a higher resolution and faster frame rates. However the solid state storage is the real game changer. People might naively think that the speed of the storage drive will only decrease your loading times, but the storage drive has actually become integral in the game engine. Streaming in assets that are too big to keep in system memory. I don’t want to get too technical, but suffice to say that the scope and detail of the world in our current gen games are very much bottlenecked by the incredibly slow IO speed to the hard drive disks in current gen consoles. This is a long winded way of saying that if a game dev were to make a PS5 exclusive making full use of the hardware, it just won’t be able to run on PS4 (even Pro), no matter how much you downgrade the graphics. Cheers, Pete PS. Have a look at some Digital Foundry videos where they also go into detail about this.

Hey C&C, On the ep Chris mentioned that he believes that the next generation is more of an evolution and that there shouldn’t be a reason why games developed for the next gen shouldn’t work on the current gen. I would just like to state that I respectfully disagree. Sure the faster CPU and fatter GPU will be used to run the games on a higher resolution and faster frame rates. However the solid state storage is the real game changer. People might naively think that the speed of the storage drive will only decrease your loading times, but the storage drive has actually become integral in the game engine. Streaming in assets that are too big to keep in system memory. I don’t want to get too technical, but suffice to say that the scope and detail of the world in our current gen games are very much bottlenecked by the incredibly slow IO speed to the hard drive disks in current gen consoles. This is a long winded way of saying that if a game dev were to make a PS5 exclusive making full use of the hardware, it just won’t be able to run on PS4 (even Pro), no matter how much you downgrade the graphics. Cheers, Pete PS. Have a look at some Digital Foundry videos where they also go into detail about this.


A scooter is definitely more work than a bike 😄 I don’t listen to podcasts over and over but I do go through old podcasts I’ve never listened to (like early GOG) when I run out of current podcast eps. I think what surprises me most about the NPDs is that GTA V still sells, even making more money than Red Dead 2. Makes me wonder when Rockstar will pull the trigger on GTA 6. Need to will that The Legend of Dragoon remake into existence 👏🏼