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For the second year in a row (and for only the second year since the trade show-turned-whatever it now is began in 1995), Sony isn't attending E3, the world-famous gaming super-con held each June in Los Angeles. This came as a shock to some, but to others, it's all but expected. With PlayStation 4's meteoric success -- and with PlayStation 5 now on the horizon -- the Japanese megacorp seems perfectly content to do its own thing, on its own schedule, with its own goals in mind. But is it smart to flee E3 with so much riding on PS5, and with its two staunchest competitors ready to show up and show off in their stead? Are we about to see the return of the dreaded Arrogant Sony? Does the PlayStation brand risk giving up its lead by going against the tide? It remains to be seen. But that won't stop us from talking endlessly about it, nonetheless.



Domenico Smarto

Hey Colin, I’m really curious to get ur thoughts on Xbox’s plan ironically. I have a base PS4 and a Xbox one X and I don’t really see the need to upgrade to a series X anytime soon. I’ve just been wondering how much Microsoft really cares about Xbox. I say this because back in June Microsoft crossed the trillion dollar threshold in net worth. So Xbox seems like such a small part of the pie at Microsoft. Do you think this is the reason they won’t have any exclusives for 18 months? Is this the reason for the more consumer friendly direction? Or am I way off on this? Thanks and keep up the great content.


It's been a real bad day but thanks for making it a little bit better, Colin <3

Richard Duflo

I’m just not worried about Sony/Playstation. Every console sells great. Even when Sony was at its absolute worst with the PS3 including the first few years of it, they were still able to rebound and have success. Not only did they rebound with PS3, but they carried that all the way through to the next gen. I feel like the success of the first party games on PS4 will hook a big number to stick with PS5. I know Microsoft is doing some cool and new things with their services, but I just don’t think it’s enough to knock Sony out. Just following history here, idk maybe I’m wrong. Great episode and insight always <3

Caleb Greer

Great episode. Very informative-heavy, which is cool. I’ma give everyone the spoilers for what’s gonna happen real quick, and I’m an Xbox gamer. PS5 will be great, definitive improvement from PS4 (cause they’ve intentionally held back features), the best exclusives, and there’s no way in hell Xbox will outsell it. PS is too prolific, has a huge install base, and has outsold its competitor every gen. Existing users (not kids) will follow their digital profiles and games library, mostly. Xbox will continue it’s upward trend since Don Mattrick fucked it up. Xbox exclusives will improve, and the general system ecosystem will likely continue to have a slight edge over PS. That said, Xbox may sell less than even this gen to trade off for more software sales, subscription services, etc. on PC and elsewhere, and they don’t care because it helps Windows and Office ecosystems. Gamers on both PS and Xbox will have a great time. No one cares about Nintendo. Thanks for attending my TEDtalk, saved you all some speculation.

Daniel Boyer

Fantastic podcast. Loved the playstation e3 history and the Richard Marx reference.


Great ep Colin I swear I can hear you getting more excited the more we talk about next gen!

Kevin Sullivan

Man you are so right about the hype reaction thumbnails featuring people with their jaws open and hands on head. We all get excited about certain games, but these are way too much of an act for the camera. Cringy shit really.

Alan Ortega-Lopez

Oh I remember watching Pirates of the Caribbean on my psp, and also having my parents watch it in bed.(I also watched rugrats on my gameboy advance)

Marcus Brown

Great episode as always, and thank you for reading my inquiry.

Hose A Contra Razz

Wow, Dr Pimple popper is a real show, I though you were joking


Well, I guess you made the disconnect between your opinion and those of us who hate this move clear. The hype. I love the hype, I feed off it. The speculation, the leaks, the reveals... even the disappointment. I love the reactions, the discussions the memes, the debates over the minutiae. I love the laughter over the failures and bombs and the Keanu type moments that make people's jaw drop. The thought of it going away is severely depressing.


I'm not Colin, obviously, but it's clear Xbox doesn't care about the "console war". They care about the ecosystem, subscribers and services.


I'm biast because I've been a Colin fan for a decade....and to be clear, I LOVE Chris on the show. But holy cow...this Colin Only episode was frigging fantastic. I'd love a Colin Only episode every once in a while.


A Top 10 Games of the Decade Sacred Symbols+ would be awesome. Assembling that list would be wild.


Great to know there are fellow puerto rican’s that listen to Sacred Symbols 🇵🇷 saludos!

Zack E

People who say E3 is the “Super Bowl” don’t know what they are talking about, frankly. Like you’ve said the most exciting day for football are the conference championships. But E3 isn’t even equivalent to that. E3 is like the Draft. Oh cool our team drafted this great player. We have lots of POTENTIAL with him, yay! But who cares, because there is a chance that player never pans out. Now the Draft is exciting in a way, but it’s only exciting because of the potential that is associated with it. That’s what E3 is. It’s fun to see game announcements, but why care about how these companies do it, why care how good of a trailer it is, why care about any of this “hype”. Hype is just that, hype. The video game equivalent of the Super Bowl is I suppose just when all games of that year have been released and we can see how they are perform. Or just stop comparing things to one of the most significant annual days in world history. I just don’t get those who live and die by the hype cycle. That’s fine, but I don’t know I’m way more into the actual games and how good they are when the are officially released than how cool of a trailer they had or how it was kept secret in this way or another or whatever.

kevin berger

After listening to this episode, I feel like Sony needs to hire Colin as a PR person for PlayStation. His plan on how to roll out announcements for the PS5 is Soooooo good!

kevin berger

People care about Nintendo. Switch has been the top selling console for a few months now. Yes it is it’s own breed and doesn’t compete with Sony or Microsoft power wise. But Nintendo has its place in the gaming ecosystem.

Jessica Gutiérrez

It is very much like the Super Bowl. The reason people say this just like the "Super Bowl" is because there's not a single other time on the planet, not Comic Con, not Twitch Con, not Gamescom, not TGS, not PAX where there are more eyes on the product. The Super Bowl may not be as exciting for some people versus the "playoffs", but the fact is, it ends up having 50 million humans tune in just to watch one American football game, and the same with E3, there's millions upon millions that tune in on their consoles, on their TV's, through network television, Twitch streams, live streams on Youtube, etc, etc, etc. There's literally no other trade show period that draws as much attention to video games world wide as E3, not one, and there's not even a close second. This is why people call it the "Super Bowl" of gaming shows, though you may not care much about it, or Colin, or all of his supporters, the reality is, there's WAY more people that tune into E3 even after everything has been spoiled than anywhere or anything else thus solidifying that comparison.


Great episode! I am really excited to learn who Sony buys to join the first party still. Would Camouflaj be possible? With them working on Marvel's Iron Man VR for PSVR? Smaller studio but might be nice for PSVR games, etc.


I don't know, I hear what you're saying about how you think Sony recognizes that they don't need E3 or IGN etc to reach us, but...I think it's more like they're just...on their proverbial "high horse" as it were. I really think they're just sitting pretty up there being full of themselves a bit like they were going into PS3. Does that make sense? They seem too comfortable and full of themselves. Edit: I posted this as I was listening around the 25-minute mark and you go and address the seeming arrogance Sony has etc.


Hey boys, just wanted to mention that an Assassin's Creed game set in 1800s Australia around gold rush and bushranger times would be amazing. We don't get nearly enough titles set in this part of the world. Love the show, keep rooting that chook!

Steve Gray

Good luck to any English as second language listeners out there, I swear you could feel the g-force coming through Colin on this one, had to check my phone thinking I had knocked it into 2x mode. Ghina!


Brilliant explanation. Couldn't agree more Colin. Loved the chess analogy to what is going on between both competitors right now. An SS+ worth every penny 👍

Your Boi Nicky V

Still worried about the blood in your poop Colin. Those five guys you keep having must be tearing up your insides.


Sony is smart to skip E3. The times have changed. They can broadcast their message any way they want and they’ll get millions of views. They can control their message now, don’t have to worry about things going wrong or countering Microsoft right away. Bring on the PS5 reveal!

Chase Blauvelt

I'm genuinely curious how much it would take to get you to work with Sony instead of CLS.


Any one else not get notifications for the SS+ episodes?


Is anyone else having problems downloading this episode? It keeps failing for me. All the other ones are downloading fine.


This is the first I'm hearing of this. Have you reached out to Patreon Support? I hate that that's the solution, but unfortunately I really have very little (actually, no) power over technical shit.


It's all good now, guess it was some temporary glitch. Thanks for the reply, Col.


At 58:59ish thank you