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The PlayStation 5 generation will be the first of its kind: An era of console where we'll (presumably) have an entire back catalog of retail and digital titles from the previous gen at our immediate disposal. This, of course, raises an interesting question all about what the hardware's native launch lineup will be, and how Sony plans on playing its hand. On today's mailbag-centric episode of Plus, let's delve into what we might see come October or November, and how Worldwide Studios should tackle this very new (and frankly very good) problem. Plus: Are retro games aging poorly? Was The Wizard of Oz the archetype for the JRPG? Where's the mascot platformer renaissance we were promised? Is the industry rooting for Stadia to fail? How much gaming is too much gaming? All of that -- and more! -- on the other side of the play button.




Thanks for making Fridays great!


The notification for this shocked me out of my nap. Thanks for keeping me from getting fired.

Hose A Contra Razz

Ya I want expecting this now I have plenty for my 8 hour road trip

Marco Maluf

Wow, so much to listen now, starting the weekend very very happy. Tnks Colin.


Jealous of all the folks who have the time to care about backward compatibility.. I have to be very selective with current games because I just don't have the time.

Jake Z

Digital Foundry has done videos on the latency issue with Stadia. It's really not much more latent than a Bluetooth controller. And online competitive games already depend on internet speed. If my ping is bad in Rocket League, I'm probably going to lose. I think the biggest hurdle for Stadia is streaming compression artifacts like macroblocking that's all over YouTube.

Zack Forney

Really excited to hear your thoughts on Dragon Quest XI if you get back to it. I bought it on a whim at the beginning of the year because I never played any of the games in the DQ series before, and I ended up bailing after 20 hours because it wasn't really doing it for me and I got side-tracked with college. I had an itch to go back to it over the summer though, restarted, and ended up dropping 60 new hours on the game (45ish I think to beat the game and dabbling in some of the end game content) and I must say I was really smitten with the game. Thought it was a great entry point for the series and it made me excited to go back and try to play some of the best of the series as well as look forward to the possible DQXII. I hope you feel just as elated if you go back

Brent Lindquist

Star Fox SNES holds up better than Star Fox 64? Girl you crazy.

Alvin Banaag

Bought Hitman 2 Gold Edition and Control Deluxe Edition during the holidays. I wanted to hold back, but couldn’t.

Craig Mcguire

Not sure I quite agree that movies books and film should be separated. Some of the greatest films of all time were adaptations of books. I think the problem was that filmmakers in the past didn't treat the source material (video games) seriously and also I don't think film is the best way to adapt games. TV feels far more fitting and as The Witchers success on Netflix has shown, a well received show can impact the game in a very meaningful way and likewise who would even know about the books if not for the games ? Witcher 3 concurrent players boomed on Steam after the show launched. Now maybe it's just a timing thing, the stars aligned etc but I'm fine with them trying again with other properties. I love TV and film equally to games, they just have to do it right and obviously not everything can or should be adapted.

Ryan Harvey

My favorite part of the Playstation Classic which I was able to pick up for 20 dollars. Was that I was able to buy a japanese copy of Legend of Dragoon and get it running on my classic with some tinkering. So fun because it has a harder difficulty and is a good test for my japanese study. But these classics are niche, I share your wonder if Sony will try again. But perhaps ps5 will eliminate the need with full back compat.

Joey Rawlings

Re: Games that made me consider the consequences of their actions - that question hit me like a ton of bricks considering I just finished "Heavy Rain" for the first time. As a dad of a 2 and 5-year-old, I got the worst ending and was completely and utterly devastated.

Ed White

The reason Fallout 3 and Fallout NV haven't been re-released is that they look like garbage. Though great games, they were visually pretty rough in 2008/2010 and are basically unacceptable now. Skyrim just doesn't have the same problem.


To be fair, I could easily go an entire generation without playing new games and still have plenty to play... and I do this for a living!


But if a game is running natively and playing online, isn't that like... less that needs to go into a cohesive experience? I think latency is a big problem for a lot of people with streaming. Ask Chris!

Hose A Contra Razz

I saved last two weeks worth of CLS podcast content, just got home 10 minutes to spare after the last podcast


I think all work best on their own. I love some movies that were once books (like Rosemary's Baby, or The Road, or my favorite horror movie ever, Children of the Corn [which was a short story, but still]... I think I'd like new things from the people who can best create them out of whole cloth.


I do remember playing Skyrim for the first time on PS3 (in the half an hour it worked properly) and marveling at the night sky. Was pretty, no doubt. Still, Bethesda could farm those bad boys out and do all sorts of things to them. I really do think they avoid releasing those games because they expose the newer stuff.

Jake Z

I thought so. I'm sure it all depends on speed and strength of your internet connection. If your internet is bad, and you're playing a normally offline game on Stadia, the latency difference is probably large. If it's normally online, it's probably not much of a difference because you're already getting considerable latency with bad internet on a console. I'd assume having to stream the game world along with the other online players in a multiplayer game would require significantly more bandwidth, but Digital Foundry has shown that with a pretty good internet connection it's not much of an issue. I'd recommend watching their videos on it.