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Did you know that -- in the United States -- Anthem is the eighth best-selling game of the year? This little factoid tells us a whole lot. It indicates that our instincts as enthusiasts don't always speak for the wider market. It suggests a void in our understanding of meaningful metrics in the world of games-as-a-service. And it confirms perhaps the most unfortunate fact of all, at least for EA and BioWare: Lots of people paid good money to play their game, and few people cared to stick around. Yet, in a bold move, the publisher-developer combo are secretly planning to revive their beleaguered shooter with a slate of reported updates, tweaks, and overhauls, begging the question: Is such a move wise? We discuss. Then: DualShock 5's patents suddenly appear from out of Japan, it looks like Dreams may be hitting retail sooner than we thought possible, Microsoft's X019 event serendipitously reveals new PS4 games, and Deep Silver reaches out to the hardcore. Plus: Listener questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas! Could Sony engineer a PS4 buyback program to help sell PS5? Is Remedy running damage control over Control's sluggish sales? Does Shenmue III stand a chance? If vegans hate meat so much, how come they're so eager for food that tastes like meat?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:01:55 - Corrections.
0:03:01 - Sony reveals some pretty great Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals.
0:08:29 - Even more corrections.
0:11:48 - Vegan Talk.
0:15:58 - Listener Who Shit His Pants on a Date, Part III.
0:19:26 - A largely forgotten about piece of PS4 launch era lore.
0:21:30 - What have we been playing?
0:39:57 - A new patent appears to show DualShock 5.
0:47:13 - Bioware is planning to comprehensively fix Anthem.
0:53:57 - Dreams' retail release date may have just leaked.
0:57:53 - Naughty Dog is hiring for a multiplayer project.
1:01:00 - These were October's best-selling games in the US.
1:02:38 - A recent interview revealed new insight into Deep Silver.
1:06:20 - Minecraft Dungeons is coming to PS4.
1:09:45 - A release date for Wasteland 3 has been announced.
1:10:45 - Rust is coming to PS4.
1:11:31 - Path of Exile is getting a sequel.
1:12:39 - A new Street Fighter V iteration is coming.
1:13:29 - Two new Pearl Abyss MMOs coming to PS4.
1:14:25 - The Mega Man Zero/ZX collection has been delayed.
1:15:25 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:16:20 - Why is indie game cover art so bad
1:18:21 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR
1:30:10 - What’s up with that weird press release about Control’s sales?
1:34:16 - Could Sony engineer a PS4 buyback program?
1:36:07 - How long will we have access to the PS3 and Vita storefronts?
1:40:32 - What are our opinions on PC gaming?
1:43:48 - What does A, AA, and AAA mean?



Real Radec

"Canadian money isn't worth anything" almost made me punch the air but then I realized its just straight up true

Hugo's Desk

Hi Colin, as a Vegetarian I would say I don’t eat meat because of the treatment of animals on slaughterhouses. So, for me, eating vegan food is a personal choice because of my convictions. The fact that some vegan food looks and feel like meat is great. It makes me happy to have the best of both worlds. But I don’t judge anyone, everyone can eat whatever they want. Anyway, thanks for all the amazing podcasts.


Colin regards to the small text it might be time to visit the eye doctor!

Brandon Soto

We NEED an Elite style DualShock 5 controller. Or where we can design/customize our own controllers like Xbox Design Lab.

Kenneth Oms

Colin I’m in the same boat. I have death stranding, outer worlds, atelier Ryza, and the .Hack games on PS4. Right now I’m trying to finish stranding then go back to the outer worlds and the others. I’m trying my hardest to be disciplined and finish one before playing the others

Travis Johnson

Your track record for uncanny premonitions continue, literally today The Outer Worlds got an update that allows you to boost text size.


For the small text in Outer Worlds, I used the PS4 zoom feature. You can enable it on the XMB under settings/accessibility. Then you press PS button + square to zoom in, circle to back out. It's not perfect, but it helps.

Big Swingin' Rick

Morning lads, nailed it re the vege burger. I went vegetarian for cruelty and environmental purposes, but will never argue that meat isn't delicious. The impossible burger is great because it gives me an option for a burger that isn't just a bullshit giant mushroom between two buns. Great pod as always boys


Colin I know you only pay attention to Xbox rarely but remedy was confirmed 100% during e3 that they where making the single player for cross fire. Which is ironic cause you also reported on that at e3 did you just forget cause it was well know for months


Plenty of games use the touchpad as two buttons (Press left side/press right side) - see: Bloodborne.

Forrest Hunter

I feel your pain with the giant Crystal Geyser bottles. I’d drink from them when I was a floor nurse working at a nursing home that was kept at 82 degrees MINIMUM for the ancient patients.

Daniel Schiffer

Epic stuff! The Shit my pants Saga is hilarious. Is it redundant to say it's a great episode if every episode is consistently great? Great episode guys!

Philip Andersen

Yes, so I can get my proper OG Domed thumb sticks back on it.... right now I buy third party that I replace as the sticks on PS4 hurts my thumbs after a hour.


The PS3 to PS4 upgrade thing also worked with discs, it wasn't only digital games. The PS3 disc acted as an activation key and needed to be put into the PS4


also there's no real reason why Sony can't turn off the light bar on the Dualshock 4, if you plug it into a PC and use a certain app you can not only turn the light off and still use the control, but you can also change the color of the light into whatever you want which is something that you totally should have been able to do on the PS4.


Killzone uses the touchpad for 4 different buttons via swiping.


Sony is straight up incompetent with the dualshock 4 light bar. On pc you can play with it turned off and also change it to any color using RGB sliders.


Correction: last of us, god of war, and horizon are all PlayStation greatest hits so they sell for 19.99 a piece. Still means that you’re getting a ps4 for 140 bucks which is solid. How do you guys sound so good when you’re not in the same room? I do a podcast with a buddy through Skype and one of us always sounds meh.

Jose Horrach

I'm so glad that there was an end to the poop pants Anime arc. Nothing is worse than a show that was canceled before the story is wrapped up.

Caleb Peacock

Munchkin is actually a really tight card game that I think both of you would love. Not that you’re going to play it, but seriously someone buy that

Mark Zebro, Jr.

I’ve had to unfollow some people on twitter just because of how pro vegan they were and they’d upload a lot of brutal animal videos. I’m not blind to what’s happening, it’s just so hard to look at.

Petre Cismigiu

I'm betting my left nut that Concrete Genie sells more copies than Dreams


As someone who wears glasses, nah the text is too damn small at times. There’s a reason it’s in the first patch for The Outer Worlds.


Colin, I think you’d enjoy the Night School games. They’re both super short. Oxenfree is better than Afterparty but both have stellar writing and performances. I don’t think I’ve ever hit the share button by accident, and I do think the touch pad was underutilized. The last interesting way I remember it being used was in Days Gone for the shortcuts or whenever I’d play 2K to run plays.

Josh Walker

I remember reading about Ninja Theroy's Hellblade in GameInformer and they called that game "indie."


Keep giving us updates on poop guy


“(Pregnant pause) Are you alive?” Actually killed me


Why the fuck does Garfield not have a platinum?

Context Should Matter

I have eaten veal before. It's indisputable how cruel veal is prepared, but there is something delicious in the cruelty of it. I mean you could almost taste the lack of hope.


So I listen to the podcast at work and when Colin read my correction and then proceeded to tell me "fuck you" I did that like snort laughing sound really fucking loud as I was passing my co worker and scared the shit out of her and she looked at me all weird. So I guess that's what I get for correcting Colin huh?

Context Should Matter

Dude, this was one of the funniest moments in scared symbols history. My wife and I laughed while listening. I see this like a friend telling another friend to fuck himself. You definitely should feel honored.

Tony Rivera

Hey guys- hate to keep chiming in on the same topics.. but they didn’t figure out backwards compatibility from PS3 to PS4 but rather built games at the launch window for two separate systems. I remember deciding if I wanted to buy Black Flag on PS3 or wait for PS4. I waited for PS4 but I bought the disc version. Since they developed both versions on disc and digital, they offered the upgrade option to bank a little more dollar for the next-gen version. Cheers!


Chris, just curious, what's your beef with Metal Gear Solid 4? I haven't played it in a while, but I remember loving it. I played through it a bunch of times and even got the Big Boss rank (10 years ago, or so). I tried to play it semi-recently but the framerate is really bad, not really sure how I was able to put up with it for so many playthroughs.

Robby Deadman

That explains why I couldn't find it on Steam. But then again, I had originally thought that it was a PS exclusive.

Robby Deadman

So today, I listened to two dudes talking about a literal shit story that had a happy ending. I think they also mentioned something about video games.


To each his own! Though I wonder why you wouldn't eat sustainably-raised and humanely-treated animals!


Unfortunately, this young man's story ends here. For now.


I listened to what I said, and I see your confusion, but what I meant was: If you bought them new. As in, when they came out.


Nothing like a little poop with your oatmeal, am I right?


I actually think I bought Oxenfree. I'll grab Afterparty at some point, but there's too much else to play right now in the AAA space.

Simon Payne

I love munchkins, how dare you jest about such a national treasure.


Sony removing the light bar from the DS5 may not be an issue for PS4/PSVR games. Based on the location of the USB C port, I can see Sony offer a dongle with the light bar to plug on the back of the DS5. Plug it in when playing PS4/PSVR games, unplug it when you're not.


Colin congrats on becoming a fellow VA resident and welcome back ( as you would put it "Real America"). ( Which it is )