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The original PlayStation completely dominated its generation. So did PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 4. PlayStation 3, on the other hand, fought tooth-and-nail for every single unit its pushed, and its particular battle -- waged against Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii -- ended up being Sony's most perilous corporate period in decades. In fact, PlayStation 3 ended up costing Sony nearly $2 billion in its first year on the market alone. Yet, through its horrendous start, bad PR, and staunch competition, PS3 ended up becoming the fifth best-selling home video game console of all-time, and at nearly 90 million sold, it ultimately ended up surpassing its arch-nemesis Xbox 360 in total sales. So let's take some time to celebrate Sony's little engine-that-could, from an era that could have easily spelled doom for the PlayStation brand completely, yet didn't.



Raymond keys

Man can’t wait to listen!

Brandon Soto

At long last, my topic is finally here!

James Galos

I spent more hours playing PS3 than studying in college haha. Don’t worry I still graduated and became a successful adult.

Erik Peterson

The AP quotes had me dying

Ryan Harvey

Looks at email notifications*...... Fuuuck yeahhh.



Cameron O'Neill

Long live the king that was PS3, still play mine weekly and it is my favorite system of all time. By far it has the best catalog of games ever.


the word "cosplayer" is what gave it away to me

Hose A Contra Razz

Ps3 is the best system sony has made, you take the DVD player away from the ps2 and you probably have a 50 million seller

Alex Lawrence

Ps3 was my 3rd(?) Console, between Wii and 360, I broke like 4 controllers playing MW3 with my friends, loved the controller but next to the 360 it was no contest

Michael Choueiri

After a really shitty day i needed this thank you. This is the best Patreon i ever supported

Toren R. (KESA)

So pumped for this! Also, Digital Foundry has a really cool Retro of the PS3 Reveal in 2005 and the 2006 E3 that I believe pairs nicely with this Ep of KnockBack! 2005 Reveal Retro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lcmNu7dkqY&t=101s 2006 E3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdZECRGDSH8&t=2s


Been eagerly awaiting this episode. The PS3 was my console of choice in my adolescence and I went with it over a 360 all because of an awesome trailer for Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. I remember getting the game and system for my 14th birthday and being absolutely blown away by the visuals. My love of PlayStation had me watching all the E3 shows, back when you could download the press event off of the PSN, and then got me into Beyond. Years later I’m still around and love everything PlayStation but PS3 is what really hooked me in. Jumping in to listen now!


Man I remember camping outside of my local k mart for ps3. Best Buy had people camping for days so I chose a not so popular location. They told me it was mandatory to buy a controller and a game with the system lol good times


One of the first Knockback episodes I've listened to and can confirm, the entire time, I wanted to call Dagan "Kermit Colin". I will say he isn't full Ray Ramano. He's Colin with a "Kermity" voice. Oh, and extremely excited for Dead Space!

David Graham

I love that by continually voting on these modern gaming topics, we're slowly converting Dagan to being a modern gamer.

Forrest Hunter

15 mins in and just getting to the topic. This is why I subscribe, gents! <3


I always love hearing Colin talk about trophies.

Alex Cabrera

Haze was developed by Free Radical, the same studio that did the timesplitters games on ps2. They were madeup of a lot of the people responsible for goldeneye and perfect dark at rare. I remember being so hype for haze, then I saw the reviews and my dreams were shattered

Matthew Cooper

Really liked this episode. PS3 and 360 were my prime gaming days, now I've grown up and don't have as much time. Was nice to be nostalgic for those times for awhile.

Kenneth Oms

I completely missed out on ps3 I went straight to Xbox 360. Had one of the originals that did not red ring of death on me. My best friend who was my neighbor got a ps3 late in the generation and I would go over to play it/borrow it to play yakuza! I didn’t get a PS4 till two years ago and man did I miss Sony. Happy to be back in the family

Craig Carter

You never fucked your PS3????!?!?!? What a fake gamer

D'Ante Almo

I remember getting my ps3. I pretty much grew up in PlayStation, but my friend at the time had a Xbox 360 with gta IV. While In high school in 2007 that’s what I asked for when my birthday came around. I had no idea about the ps3, until I got to college in 2010 and WOW. I started by watching a YouTuber by the name of Vash12349. He was playing uncharted, infamous, and metal gear solid 4. My grandfather got me a Ps3 with metal gear solid 4 and I didn’t look back. I started playing every big Sony exclusive I could get my hands on. Ps3 is the reason I’m a hardcore gamer now. And why I collect PlayStation hardware and games.

Adam Thiry

Love the vivi pic. Final fantasy 9 was my second fave of the series

Devon McCarty

I was stationed in Okinawa Japan when the 60GB backward compatible Fatty PS3 came out. Was the first console I ever bought with my own money. I loved and traveled with it for years until I got the YLOD in 2011. I tried the "Oven Trick" and got another few years out of it before it just became inoperable and I upgraded to the PS4.

Michael Cook

great episode! Loved Shatter - its on PS Now (in Europe at least) and always worth a go!


I remember watching Mark Ryan Sallee playing it at IGN in the fall of 2007, when he was writing the guide. Very memorable, seeing it for the first time.


It was so weird. I dunno why I remember people doing that, but I do.

Brandon Soto

Was a very alone generation for me, seeing most friends having 360 and all the PS1/2 users jump ship as well. Very happy Sony turned it around.

Daniel Boyer

Cheaters with Joey Greco! Fantastic reference.

Michael Miller

I got my PS3 when Metal Gear Solid 4 launched. That was a good day...

Samuel Mills

I wish I had of made this a comment before the show. I don't think it can be overstated how bad the Sixaxis controller was. Felt like a kids toy. Also, Sony's whole attitude during the PS3 generation was a huge turn off to me. Saying things like get a 2nd job to buy the console or that rumble isn't a part of the future for controllers. Despite their best efforts early on, they ended up outselling the 360. I had both systems but 360 was the better console imo.


PS3 will always be my most memorable console, I got it for Christmas in 07 and was my primary gaming machine from the third grade to the 9th grade

Petre Cismigiu

Loved the idea of the first segment. A suggestion for Dagan in order to avoid the problem of giving away the answers due to probability: if you want to have 10 "items" on the list, make 20 of them, half real and half fake, then randomly select 10 out of that batch. Then there's no way of knowing what comes next =D


Do you guys think you’ll ever do a retrospective on the films of Ron Clements and John Musker like you did the films of Don Bluth? Love the show!

Sam Dunham

The reason there's no PS3 backward compatibility is that the PS3's architecture was so alien compared to anything else. While the base CPU was the same as the 360's CPU, there was a LOT of different tech hanging off that CPU on the PS3, whereas the 360 had the CPU and a GPU. That's pretty much it. So getting a 360 emulator running on x86, while not entirely trivial, is significantly easier than getting a Cell emulator up and running on x86. In layman's terms, the 360 had a multi-core CPU, which is fundamentally how things are on x86. The PS3 had a multi-core CPU with a bunch of secondary CPUs connected to it. And therein lies the problem. Getting an x86 to accurately emulate both the PowerPC CPU and all of those little, specialized CPUs in any meaningful way requires a lot more computing power than what we have now. Quite possibly more than we'll have next gen. I wouldn't count on PS3 emulation in the PS5. It's possible, but I'm not expecting it.

Alexander Ivarson

This episode will be glorious 🤘🏽I have so many great memories on PS3..Modern Warfare 4. Playing Resident Evil 5 co-op over and over with my foster dad.


Possibly? Almost anything can happen on KnockBack. We have an infinite number of topics and hopefully many years to get to as much of it as we can!


I'll defer to you on the technical realities, but I still find it strange that they seem completely incapable of fixing the issue.

Arquimedes Quintero II

Hello guys. Another great episode with a gripping conversation. I just want to add some nuance to a couple of things said about the PS3. Colin mentioned Cerny's remarks about dev time being much longer than PS 1 and 2, because of the architecture of the console, but one must also take into account that it also has the transition from SD gaming to high definition. More recently Nintendo mentioned a similar issue in there WiiU jump. Another remark (and one Colin always mentions about the PS3) is that the PS3 sold more, with one year less in the market. That is a correct statement but I believe that it speaks volumes about the will of Sony as a company than the PS3 as a product, because the Xbox 360 was left moving with just market inertia for around two years (barely any first party AAA released), while PS3 saw some of its best first party games released. Ok, that's all. Just something to add context. Thanks for another great episode.


Still keep mine hooked up for an occasional NCAA Football 14 fix.


With all that's happening with NCAA right now, I suspect you'll get an NCAA Football 21 or 22. =)

Brett Carlson

Colin holy shit you hit the nail on the head with what makes trophies appealing. The fact that is mirrors an RPG and leveling up really lends to this sense of progression and accomplishment. It's like a badge of honor and it also ties into your correct assessment that Playstation brand has chosen the hardcore route. Trophies tie into that so heavily. And yes we know. They hold no meaning BLAH BLAH and it would be cool if they had any tangible use, but still. I'm a hardcore gamer and my closest friends are and it's nice to compare list with people and see the games they really enjoy. Because another feature of having trophies is that you can tell what type of gamer someone is by their trophy list. Great feature and I hope Sony has a great way to interface it more into PS5


Any memories of PlayStation Home? Surprised but also not surprised it didn't get a mention.