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Nary a decade ago, many an industry analyst wondered if console gaming was dying. Would mobile take over? Could Facebook become the new dominant platform? With PlayStation 4 now securely occupying the spot of second best-selling home console of all-time (behind PlayStation 2), questions like those sure do seem quaint, don't they? Let's discuss PS4's new sales figures, what they mean for the brand, and how great PlayStation 4 performance may just harm PS5. Plus: Blizzard announces two new eagerly-anticipated games, fresh PlayStation Plus games are coming to a PS4 Nioh you (sorry), Modern Warfare earns its keep for Activision, and Ubisoft takes aim squarely at next-gen. Also: How does Sony make money on PlayStation Now? Why are credits so friggin' long? Does anyone care about Shenmue III? If cereal is a soup, does that make oatmeal stew? We apologize for entertaining these hypotheticals, but we just can't help ourselves.


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:01:39 - Sacred Symbols' mystical powers grow!
0:03:10 - Goodbye and good luck to Gio!
0:04:04 - Is Sony being more selective about who they work with?
0:07:02 - A few quick corrections from last week.
0:09:15 - There’s a Sacred Symbols drinking game on Twitter. Don't play.
0:09:52 - Skin talk.
0:11:33 - Is oatmeal a stew (assuming cereal is a soup)?
0:13:52 - A listener shit his pants.
0:15:50 - Bluepoint teases everyone on Twitter.
0:18:35 - In Australia, you can get a full refund for Fallout 76.
0:19:01 - What have we been playing?
0:36:01 - Name one "Essential Game" for the second half of the year.
0:38:10 - PS4 reaches 102-plus million units sold.
0:44:12 - Blizzard announces two new AAA games.
0:51:59 - November’s PS+ games have been revealed.
0:55:14 - Modern Warfare is a commercial hit.
1:00:22 - Nioh 2 has a release date.
1:01:21 - Ubisoft goes cross-gen.
1:07:42 - NBA Live is taking another year off.
1:11:01 - A few interesting notes from the EA earnings call.
1:14:48 - Dragon Age IV won't come out until April 2022 at the earliest.
1:17:19 - EA wants to make an NCAA Football game again.
1:22:27 - Sony is shutting down SingStar’s servers.
1:24:43 - Sony is also shutting down PlayStation Vue.
1:27:39 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:27:57 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:39:33 - How does PlayStation Now make money?
1:42:39 - Will PlayStation 5 have a storage problem?
1:48:49 - Why can't we skip through game credits more easily?
1:51:54 - Remember Folding@Home?
1:53:59 - Has Sony distanced itself from Shenmue III?
2:00:57 - Could sales for Fire Emblem: Three Houses convince Square to revisit Final Fantasy Tactics?



There’s No I in LLC

Dude Dagan guest starring at the 57:00 minute mark was genius!!!


Pro Tip: If you're on the fence with Death Stranding, it will be available to rent at Redbox on launch day.

Lou & Rei Loper

Colin, I've been wondering since I have been a Patron since day one, BUT I listen to almost every episode of every show through Google Play whenever it comes out....does that look like I don't listen to ANY episodes (I may have done 4-6 through Patreon's app, ever). Just curious, I know analytics aren't perfect...

Erik Peterson

Oh folding at home. That seemed so futuristic at the time was also cool to read that stats on processes that your console had assisted in.

Jose Horrach

I say no skin off my ass.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2019/11/04/diablo-4s-release-date-the-director-says-its-not-even-coming-blizzard-soon/#5e069ae03ff7 Looks like Diablo 4 might be years away :/


EA is gonna do remasters? For the love of God, "Skate" trilogy please.

Richard Duflo

PlayStation Vue shutting down sucks. Vue was the best live streaming service out there imo. I know this wasn’t the only issue, but I really feel like they messed up by throwing the word “PlayStation” in the name. I always had to explain to people that a PS wasn’t needed and it wasn’t a gaming only thing.

Jake Z

Ooo! We got more new specious reasons for why Colin trophy hunts! It's for the devs and the people! Haha Colin, it's okay to admit that you're addicted to the trophy status system!

Kenneth Oms

I wish they would do KOTOR, but BioWare had no interest in it after they made the mmo. If you play Jedi Knight in the MMO that entire story line is what they had written for KOTOR 3.

Drew Sleezer

2 hours? Papa bless Tuesday has been saved.


I to prefer redeye flights, I like the dark plane. It’s generally quieter and more calm to me as well. Getting there with a whole day is nice.

Matt tamer

There are too many games. I don't care if you guys aren't able to play games ie. Death Stranding and talk about them, I wouldn't be playing it anyway.

Big Swingin' Rick

"I don't know why publishers don't support this podcast"... immediately followed by conversations about 2 girls 1 cup, wet dreams, shitting yourself and killing yourself. Don't ever change Colin


Platform-by-platform metrics are impossible to see in the Megaphone backend. Patreon's metrics are totally botched. No worries. =)


Alright, fellas. Here in the Maritimes of Canada we say "No skin off my ass" also, to talk about you Buffalo burgers.. they're good but as a hunter, deer and moose burgers are where it's at.


I think they were both ahead of the curve and behind it with Vue. Ahead in anticipating possible changes that could benefit the service; behind in assuming people care about network and cable TV in large quantities.

Ryan Harvey

Hey I heard this mentioned on a different show ab;out the Outer Worlds but apparently if you don't move any part of the controller during the VATS equivalent that time essentially doesn't pass. And that this hint was just said during a loading screen and that if they hadn't seen it they wouldn't have known.


This 2 hour length is something I can get used to.


I lost my mind when they talked about shitting their pants. I love this show. On another note, I have purchased Outer Worlds. I can't play it until tomorrow night because I have a lot of homework. I also began reading the Witcher Books so gaming has taken a short backseat.


It's good to take breaks from gaming, or at least take things slow. I've been in Super Gaming Mode the last two years, myself.


Correction re NCAA EA had the license for the school's stadiums fight songs etc..... until the end o'Bannon class action lawsuit.


According to IGN and other sites OVerwatch 2 is coming to current gen along with Swith https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ign.com/articles/2019/11/01/blizzard-announces-overwatch-2-at-blizzcon%3Famp%3D1

Maxx Lazos

Try savory oatmeal: Ground sausage, crack an egg, salt pepper garlic, shredded cheese. Oatmeal has a neutral flavor that just tastes like what it’s combined with

Maxx Lazos

Bluepoint did the MGS2 remaster as well

Forrest Hunter

“No skin off my penis.” - an uncircumcised man

The Chicken Chaser

Speaking as someone one year older than Chris, I too once could say that I don’t shit myself. However in the past year I’ve sharted twice, he’ll learn.


The difference between FFT and FE is pretty simple to me. It isn't that FE is that complex. It's a standard strategy rpg (they tried to increase the scope in 3H, but I felt it was half baked), but that's not all it is. It's also a visual novel. And it's also littered with primo waifus and husbandos (weeb translate: girls and guys you wanna hold hands with). Finally, it doesn't take IS 10 years to make a game. FFT has a story and characters, but the focus was always the gameplay imo. I liked it, but I'm not as in love with it as you are. It doesn't grab the degenerate weeb fans like FE does though. Shit, fans were arguing over which House/Waifu/Husbando was the best *before the game even came out*, which is just ridiculous (because it's obviously Black Eagles). If Square were to make a spiritual successor that is basically the exact same game, I'm genuinely not sure it does that well (by Square's standards). If they made a FFT that was basically Dangan Ronpa with stratRPG battles sprinkled in between, and ofc with waifus and husbandos out the ass, it'd probably do gangbusters (relatively, obv. Persona numbers). They're not gonna do that though. Maybe I'm completely off the mark, but i can't think of a stratRPG that didn't lean into the Weebs that has done well in recent memory. At last not Japanese ones.


Sledgehammer is no longer in charge of COD 2020. It was given to Treyarch.

Scott MacLure

Hey Colin just an idea to throw at you regarding getting some dialoge with sony. What about a petition from your patrons/listeners stating we want an answer to why this situation has occured and what if any steps they are willing to take to statify us the fans of your playstation focuses show. I dont get it after all the years you have followed playstion this is how they treat you? Its mind blowing, disrespectful and comes across as arrogance when dismissing your podcast.

Nate McKinney

In the Bluepoint tweet, Black Monsters is also a Legend of Dragoon reference. The Black Monster is a figure thats important to the plot. Having said that, don't you fucking tease me with Legend of Dragoon, Bluepoint. Don't you fucking do it. It's too near and dear to my heart. Don't give me hope.


Re Diablo 4; I followed Blizzcon and they were asked several times about a release date. The only thing they said concrete was, verbatim 'We're not coming out soon, not even Blizzard Soon.' That's a reference to their 'soon' usually ending up being a year or more away (it's a meme at this point). This confused everyone given their claim that it'll be coming to ps4/xb1. In this case I think you can take them literally. It'll be cross generational, but it likely won't come out until 2021 - they just didn't mention nextgen by name. Also, Overwatch 2 looked supremely half baked. More expansion than sequel. I don't think they're anywhere near ready.

Jorge Aponte

Hey Colin, In the podcast you said Sledgehammer is working on CoD 2020 but there has been a lot of rumors that Treyarch is taking over the development of Call of Duty 2020 and that it'll most likely be a Black Ops game with a campaign. Thanks guys.

Jason Bristol

We’re you guys thinking of Jumanji (1995) starring Robin Williams or Jumanji (2017) starring The Rock during the games out now read? Jumanji (2017) is actually a good movie.


Poop story: I was drunk at a hotel, banged a chick, she left, passed out...woke up naked in shit! I was "OOHH FUUCCK!" I took the covers off and tried to clean it in the shower lol no good!! I was like oohh man what do I do? Lucky I paid in cash so no real way of tracking me. I ran out the place that night and still feel bad for the staff person who had to walk into that DIARRHEA STORM

Hose A Contra Razz

When i deployed i took my gameboy and playstation. i also listened to podcast did you not take a switch. Its the ultimate deployment system even if you don't have time and working 12+ shifts, its great on the plane ride and waiting in lines


They should of called it Sony Vue.


Any of you think a publisher like EA would pay Sony a substantial sum to have them pre-install a game like Apex (for instance) on the PS5 console? Like, here is some popular free game ready to boot immediately!


Glad you enjoyed my question about Folding @ Home. Was stoked to hear it on the podcast. You're so right that with today's technology and leaps in cloud computing technology, there's so much good these consoles of ours could be assisting with.

Destynee Andrews

Another recommendation for the guy asking about games worth playing since the division 2. Give Control a shot. Really well made game that deserves better sales.

Adam Barnes

Perhaps you’re the guy they were talking about on the Hospitality and Hotel episode of Fireside chats lol

Context Should Matter

I had a dreamcast too. Dreamcast failed because of the lack of dvd drive. The games were great and that's why people remember it fondly. It was definitely a gamers system.


See, I dunno that I agree with you. Final Fantasy Tactics seemed rooted in some sort of reality, albeit an arcane one. It was super cool, and there's not much like it out there. I think a AAA Final Fantasy Tactics IV (if you count A and A2 as II and III) would sell millions, but who knows?


I think we gotta just let it go. If they wanna work with us, they can reach out. Our show isn't suffering due to their exclusion. It's their loss! But I appreciate the thought.


It's weird that they're basing it on what will be last-gen tech, then. Forward compatibility and all, though, yes...


I think we were thinking of the 1995 one, but I knew there was a more recent one. I never saw it.


There was that, but it was also a TAD early to do that affordably. Unlike Sony, SEGA couldn't subsidize its consoles.


Hey Colin, just for your information, in Bluepoint's tweet when they mention "black monsters" it is also a reference to Legend of Dragoon. The Black Monster and the mystery that surrounds it is sort of an antagonist that underlays the majority of the game. Thanks for all the great content.

Max Stahl

I'm pretty picky about what games I play, but I've purchased and downloaded the Outer Worlds after listening to you and Chris talk about it in such glowing terms. Keep up the good work.

Zibi Majewski

Hi, I'm new here. The episode as always was fantastic but my main problem lies with the Patreon app itself, for some reason the player never saves the time of played feature, which means I have to take mental note every time I pause it for more than 5 min because it'll reset back to zero. Beyond annoying. Any help?


The Patreon app is horrible. Use the RSS link! You should have received one when you sign up, but you can retrieve it by going to CLS' Patreon's front page on a browser and grabbing it from there. Just put it into the podcast app of your choice, and you won't even have to interface with the Patreon app if you don't want to. I hope that helps! DM me if you need more info or help.

Marc Cairney

Hey Colin, just re PlayStation Vue. Perhaps a contributing factor for not launching this globally and it's subsequent demise; there is a cinema chain in the UK named Vue cinemas. But overall, makes sense for them to step away from that. Also that section you guys discussed Vue seemed to loop twice on my app. Not sure if an app issue or if that was looped in the edit.


Possibly, but I think it was the logistics of running it through many countries' respective set of channels, regulations, etc. that was most prohibitive.